Hearing this, my calm heart seemed to be stabbed in an instant and hurt severely. My brain was in a mess. For a while, I couldn't react. Why would Peng Xuefei run away from home? How could she run away from home at such a time?

With full of doubts, I asked Peng Yi, "what's going on?"

Hearing the speech, Peng Yi sighed heavily, showing an unprecedented state of exhaustion. The gloom in his eyes became deeper and deeper. After a while, he said slowly, "to be honest, it was Feifei who proposed that I should move yesterday. She didn't want to stay in this city. I respected her opinion and considered my own situation. Finally, I agreed to leave this land of right and wrong.

However, because of your arrival, let me change the idea of relocation, but Feifei is more eager to leave because of your arrival.

And I, determined to stay, Feifei couldn't change my mind. As a result, she left quietly, leaving only a note saying that she wanted to go out for a walk and let us not go to find her.

However, Feifei, the child, has been constrained since birth. She has never left my side. I'm really worried about her leaving, and her mother is even more tearful. I sent someone to inquire about her whereabouts, and there was no news of her! "

With that, Peng Yi shook his head, showing his helplessness and bitterness in his heart. After listening, his head suddenly recovered, but his heart was more painful.

Peng Xuefei's running away from home is really related to me. Her heart is really painful.

Yesterday, also in this place, I was very pleased to see Peng Xuefei and Ziyi talking and laughing, like sisters and brothers. But later, I saw a trace of gloom from Peng Xuefei's eyes, and I knew that she was forced to smile in front of me. She forgives me, but it doesn't mean she can completely let me go.

Ask, which woman will willingly give up their love, Peng Xuefei do not fight, pretend to be strong, free and easy performance.

But in fact, how miserable she would be. That once let her think, can wait for her life, love her all her life, suddenly completely changed a person, left her, into another woman's arms, such a cruel reality, how can not let her sad.

She really needs to go out to relax, otherwise, in this city, she will only be affected by the scene, the depression in her heart is getting deeper and deeper. Only when she goes out and looks at the world and broadens her vision, her heart may become clearer.

Just like Peng Yi, I am also more worried about Peng Xuefei's safety. After all, she is a girl, wandering outside, which is always worrying. In particular, she left home for the first time, lacking the ability of independence and security awareness. I don't know if there's anything wrong with her.

Just when I was worried, Peng Yi's voice of sighing came again: "Feifei wrote on the note that he would not let you know, but I don't think it can be concealed, so I'll tell you!"

I didn't listen to Peng Yi's words very much. I just stood there in a daze.

After a long silence, I finally have a trace of relief, I figured out that Peng Xuefei is like a bird in a cage. She needs to soar in the sky and walk out of this haze to see the beauty.

Even if I worry about her safety, I can't help it. I can't go to her. Even if I find her, I can't promise her. I can only let her fly. I hope she can get rid of this feeling for me and face a new life.

Thinking of this, I didn't feel silly any more. I directly asked Peng Yi, "I know, uncle Peng, don't worry. Feifei is such a big man. He should take good care of himself. Let's go."

Having said that, I took the lead and walked outside the manor. My expression was calm, my eyes were firm and my pace was steady. But my heart can not be as calm as I appear. Peng Xuefei, the girl, is a knot in my heart, which can not be really untied.

When Peng Yi heard what I said, he didn't say anything. He just followed me and strode to the door.

When I arrived at the gate of the manor, I said goodbye to Peng Yi. Then, I got into my car and set foot on the way back.

The second step I have to do is, of course, to quickly rectify the war.

Without hesitation, I drove directly to the base camp of the flying car party, where the war was temporarily settled.

The car roared past, galloping on the road, my mood also galloped along. As for Peng Xuefei's affairs, I will suppress them in any case. There are too many things waiting for me to do at present. I am also determined to devote myself to struggle and struggle, so that I should not have too many childish feelings, and should not remember this one and hang that one.

Unconsciously, the speed of the car speed up, my worries also fly away, my eyes become firm and resolute.

Soon, I arrived at the base camp of the party.

Maybe it's because I told Shen Muchen some things on the phone before. Now the war is busy. Shen Muchen has to strictly select people according to my requirements. But now there are so many people in the war, it is really difficult to do a good job in screening.

As soon as I arrived, I went to Shen Muchen first and put forward several points for attention. In particular, regarding the requirements of receiving people, I and Shen Muchen explained my views in detail, because, for me, the most important thing is to rectify the order of the war. If you want to keep away from the outside world, you must settle down inside. This is the foundation of running a country, and of course, of managing an organization.After discussing the internal affairs of the war, I immediately summoned the important officers of the war and held an emergency meeting. The first point of the meeting was to tell my brothers that the Haibang had been officially incorporated into the war and became a part of the war.

Hearing the news, many high-level people were extremely excited, shocked and elated. After all, everyone knows what kind of Gang the sea Gang is. The former leader is not only defeated by us, but even willing to join us. This is a turning point of God. With the participation of the Hai Gang, the overall power of the war has increased significantly. This is a happy event of course.

The second point of the meeting was related to dealing with the black Luocha.

For this matter, all the people present have given their support. The brothers in the war are all hot-blooded square steel. Most importantly, the current war is unprecedented and powerful. Especially with my father's reputation, they are not afraid of anything.

Of course, they didn't worry, because they trusted my father too much and didn't know enough about the black Luocha. However, I knew clearly how terrible the black Luocha was. Therefore, the theme of this meeting was to make it clear to everyone that it was powerful. To deal with such a strong organization, we have to be strong, too.

Therefore, in the meeting, I mainly mentioned to you about the training in the dark moon hall.

Although Peng Yi didn't give me an answer for the time being, my heart has already determined that the dark moon hall can be used as our training base, and my brothers and I can go there to shape it. However, the space of dark moon hall is limited and it is not suitable to go to too many people. What's more, if there are too many people, there will be confusion.

After discussion, I finally decided to choose 500 elite to train in dark moon hall. This training is of great importance. I am bound to create an invincible ace team.

In the last war, we went to 700 elites, and only 200 survived. These 200 soldiers were soldiers washed with blood, and they could be selected directly. In addition, the flame Gang also participated in the war last time. They still have dozens of war generals, which can be regarded as powerful bandits and can be selected.

There are three hundred people here, and another two hundred will be carefully selected from the vast number of members in the war. This is a major task. Now the war is at its zenith, and there are a lot of people, but many of them are useless. What I need is not only the guarantee of character, but also his potential. After all, what I intend to shape is one A trump team, ordinary people are definitely not eligible to be selected.

Therefore, the task of this selection is arduous. I will let the senior leaders of the war to select carefully one by one, and finally I will personally supervise the final selection.

My brothers are still in favor of these decisions, no one is against it.

In fact, after the last war, although the enthusiasm and passion of the brothers have not been reduced, their confidence must have been affected, because everyone must have realized their own shortcomings and realized that their strength is a little vulnerable. Therefore, strengthening ourselves is not only what I want to do most urgently, but also what each brother wants to do, but also those slight shortcomings What the brother of faith wants to do. Therefore, the special training aroused the most intense interest of the brothers, and made everyone's blood boil.

The meeting ended in a fierce atmosphere. Next, I didn't delay any more. I directly asked my brothers to do their own things, and took the time to select the elites. This was the end of the matter, but I still didn't have time to stop. I finished here. Then I had to make sure of one person, my father.

I need to find my father immediately and persuade him to wait for me for two months, and then we will go to Miao in two months. However, this seemingly simple thing is the most difficult. It takes a lot of effort to persuade my father. Now, it is difficult for me to find him.

My father is the dragon can not see the end of the person, in the past, I still have his mobile phone number, but this time he came out from the dark moon hall, I did not even have his contact method, for a time, I really did not know where to find him.

After Shen Muchen and others had retreated, I sat alone in the conference hall, thinking about how to find my father. However, I didn't think of a clue here. Shen Muchen suddenly went back and said to me, "Arlo, uncle Su is here!"

Hear this, I immediately stupefied for a moment, then, my heart suddenly suddenly suddenly up, I can't believe it, my father this is with my heart have a good match? I was worried about how to find him, but he found him. It was a big surprise.

Without hesitation, I immediately got up from my seat and said excitedly, "take me to see him."

After that, I stepped forward and quickly walked towards Shen Muchen. However, I had just taken a few steps when two figures flashed out of the door.

Walking in front of this of course is my father, and followed by my father is graceful, valiant Han Yimo.

At the sight of them, my heart beat suddenly, and my steps quickened.

Three step at a time, I quickly came to my father and their body, said to them: "Dad, aunt Han, you are here!"

Han Yimo gave me a smile and didn't speak. My father looked at me carefully, and then he nodded his head happily. He said boldly: "it's good. It's good. Only a few days later, you'll cheer up, and your fighting fire has also developed into a model. It's very good!"My father's tone is obviously excited, because my son is not decadent, he is really happy for me, but I listened to his praise, but I was embarrassed. After all, at the beginning of my own decadence, it was really too childish, I didn't even want to think about it. However, to say, without the heart of retiring, I would not have the courage and ambition I have now.

I couldn't help but smile awkwardly. Then, I brewed my emotions and was about to tell my father my plan. But suddenly, my father turned to be excited and said to me in a very heavy tone, "Arlo, I'm here to say goodbye to you. I'm going to leave!"

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