Dad suddenly said a word, it seemed that I was not prepared to speak, so I was shocked.

Can't help it, I asked: "so fast?"

Hearing the speech, my father could not help nodding his head, and then said earnestly: "well, I have almost dealt with the matter at hand, there is no need to continue to stay. In addition, I also know that you saved Miss Xia's family. Now the Xia family are very grateful to you. They helped me deal with the affairs of Xiasheng family and will ensure your safety here. Therefore, I can leave with confidence! "

Unexpectedly, saving Qiqi became the catalyst for my father to leave. As soon as the Xia family turned to my father's side, the matter would be solved much faster. Most importantly, my father created a good environment for me and fully guaranteed my peace. He had no worries about his future, so he was more anxious to leave.

Although, I knew my father was anxious to go to the Miao Autonomous Region, but suddenly heard that he was going to leave, I really didn't feel very good. Moreover, it seems that my father is absolutely ready to leave. In this case, I want to persuade him to delay for two months, which is even more difficult.

However, no matter how difficult it is, I will try. Without delay, I immediately solemnly said to my father, "Dad, there is something I want to discuss with you."

My voice, meticulous and serious. My father looked at me like this, can't help but be stunned, doubt way: "what matter?"

Instead of explaining the incident immediately, I said to my dad, "let's sit down and talk."

After that, my father Han Yimo Shen Muchen and I sat down. When everyone was seated, I immediately said to my father in a very formal manner: "Dad, I want to go to Miao with you. I wish you a hand!"

Hearing this, my father almost half a second did not consider, directly snapped: "no, you go too dangerous, you just have to stay here, to ensure your own safety. You don't have to worry about me, I'll be fine! "

It seems that every time my father is in front of me, he has absolute confidence and confidence. No matter what mountain or sea of fire he is going to, he is not afraid at all, and naturally shows a sense of self-confidence. Although he is not heaven, his temperament is totally superior to heaven. No matter how powerful the black Rocha is, it can't make my father afraid, let alone weaken my father's confidence, nor shake his determination.

But for me to help this matter, in my father here is almost no discussion, he won't agree with me, and even Han Yimo can't help but persuade me: "Arlo, your father is most worried about your safety, you don't let him worry, you just take care of yourself, is the best!"

Han Yimo's words made my heart even tighter. I know that in their eyes, I am a child, a child who has not grown up. Even if I am the leader of a group, I am still a child. Their stubborn ideas will obviously increase the difficulty of my persuasion. However, I just want to let them know that I am not what I used to be. I have my thoughts and my determination.

After thinking about it, I couldn't help but become more resolute. I looked at my father and Han Yimo deeply and told my inner thoughts in a righteous and solemn manner. After listening to my words, my father's look changed. This time, he didn't oppose me decisively, but showed a trace of curiosity. He looked at me with an elusive look and thought: "Peng Will you yield to him? "

Obviously, this is unbelievable to my father, or he knows what Peng Yi is like. It's hard to believe that such an ambitious hero would be willing to submit to me. Moreover, I am still an immature child in my father's eyes.

I knew my father would have this reaction, so I replied more seriously: "yes, he is willing to submit to me, no two heart!"

After hearing this, my father pondered for a moment. Then, he looked at me carefully again. Finally, he said in a proper way: "well, I don't doubt his mind. He is like a wild horse. He is unruly, but as long as he is tamed, he will be invincible. Second, last time you asked me to let Peng Yi go, I was worried about letting the tiger return to the mountain He is submissive. It seems that I despise you too much! "

In a word, my father said it was very strict. He looked at me with an incredible look in his eyes. He felt like he was in the new world. My dad finally saw a special bright color from me. He seemed to have a different view on my indecision.

Seeing my father staring at me with that kind of light in his eyes, I was immediately gratified. At least, I made my father pay more attention to me and let him know that I was not blindly impulsive, but had certain courage and courage, and also had his own plans.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, I spoke again and said to my father very sincerely: "in this case, Dad, can you wait for me for two months? I believe that as long as you give me two months, I will certainly be able to build a strong team. Then, I will definitely be able to help you!"

I thought that my father would consider my opinion and at least hesitated for a moment, but unexpectedly, my father was still firm in his idea and directly refused: "no, I don't want to wait, and I don't want you to take risks. Just stay at ease. As for the trip to Miao Jiang, you don't have to worry, I have a way to deal with it!"When I said this, my father's body can not help but spread the light of self-confidence, his whole person is like a mountain, very towering, as if he can never beat down.

However, I am not in the mood to see his momentum. I am worried because of his resolute opposition. I suddenly stood up and faced my father, and said forcefully: "no, I will go. You said that there will be risks in mixing. You have taught me to be brave and fight hard. Now that I am growing up, why do you want to restrain me, Do you want me to stay in your protective circle all my life? What's the use of mixing? What's the difference between me and taking advantage of it?

Also, you are my father, is my only relative, you want to have a long time, how can I be at ease? No matter what the difficulties and obstacles are, I want to fight with you, shoulder to shoulder. As a son, I want to do something for you. Is there any mistake? "

This speech, impassioned and full of courage, expressed my most ardent heart.

After listening to this, my father immediately fell into meditation. He looked at me in amazement. There was no speech. The whole conference hall became silent at this moment. The atmosphere in the hall was a little awkward and heavy.

In fact, I understand that my father has always opposed me to go. He is really considering my safety. Although he once said to me that as long as he is a fool, there is a possibility of death at any time. He basically keeps me free and allows me to fly.

However, in the matter of going to Miao, he was so resolute. It can be seen that the bloody cherry blossom is really terrible. If I go there, it must be very dangerous. Even he can't keep me.

My father should know the power of the red cherry blossom better than anyone else, so he will stick to his idea. If he is too resolute, I will be more tough and express my determination.

After a long silence, Han Yimo finally broke the silence. She persuaded my father to say, "ghost king, I think Arlo's proposal is good. Let him have a try. It's a bit risky for us to go like this. Anyway, it's not in a hurry. It's better to wait for another two months. At that time, we can have time to reorganize the old army, and Arlo's war can become stronger, so that we have a better chance of winning. "

Finish saying words, Han Yi Mo also to my father to hide not to be like deep nodded.

Looking at Han Yimo, my nervous tension can not help but relax a lot, she actually spoke for me, I believe her words should have weight.

Sure enough, after listening to Han Yimo's opinion, my father finally recovered from his meditation. Then, he also stood up and said to me, "OK, I'll wait for you."

A few simple words completely showed my father's decision. Then, he added to me: "I stayed in the dark moon hall for several months. I know that place better than you. It is a holy land for martial arts training, but it also has to bear the pain that ordinary people can't bear. Do you think your brothers can withstand it?"

I firmly said: "absolutely no problem!"

My father nodded with satisfaction, and then said, "well, since we want to train, we need to grow up thoroughly. Two months is too short. If you want to train for three months, I have a three-month training program, which can definitely change your quality. However, I don't have time to train you, but I will appoint some of my old friends to tell them my method and let them train you! "

After listening to my father's words, I was excited and my eyes were brilliant.

Unexpectedly, my father is not only willing to wait for me, but also willing to help train my brother. You know, the greatest glory of my father is not only his strength, but also his way of leading the army. He is an ace instructor in the army, and the trainers are very good. At the beginning, his army was trained by him. In the battle of Mangshan, I saw the team ability with my own eyes That's extraordinary.

If I can get my father's mantle, my brother will surely be able to leap. This is really a great good thing for me. I was so excited that I couldn't wait to say to my father, "well, I won't let you down!"

My tone, sonorous and powerful, my spirit, extremely high.

My dad nodded his head, and then he gave me a contact number to get in touch with him. He said that he would let the instructor come to me in two days. After that, he left here with Han Yimo.

After they left, I didn't stop for half a minute. I immediately entered the preparatory stage. For the next two days, I was preparing for the dark moon hall special training.

In terms of selecting elites, I have done the most rigorous audit. However, we are not as efficient as we are. In two days, I have selected 200 elites from many members of the war. In addition to the 300 elites selected before, that is to say, my 500 elites have been sorted out.

Although this team is not powerful, it is like a sapling with potential. As long as it is well cultivated, it will grow into a towering tree.

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