Three months passed by in a flash. The devil training in dark moon hall made every one of us 600 soldiers a qualitative leap. Everyone felt as if they had experienced a thorough and thorough transformation.

Whether it is internal or external, we have completely changed. We have formed a very strong iron and blood army. In terms of personal combat effectiveness, we are outstanding, and in terms of team combat ability, we stand out from the crowd. Our team will be invincible.

Three months later, time, has quietly arrived in October, summer has passed, the early autumn, this day, cloudless, our team officially rushed out of the cage.

I, standing on the Mangshan Mountain, my 600 brothers, all stand at my feet, towering, morale soaring, the picture seems to be static, I stand tall, only my eyes are wandering, my deep eyes, all are my iron warriors.

Looking at this magnificent brigade, my heart can not help feeling thousands of. Time can really change everything. The dark moon hall is indeed the holy land for martial arts practice. My brothers really grew up as quickly as I expected.

Some of the Peng family headed by Peng Qing, needless to say, are themselves practicing Pengjia Kung Fu. Now they are learning kung fu in the dark moon hall. They can get twice the result with half the effort. In a short time, their strength has reached the peak.

In addition, Du Haisheng, Mu Nan, wasabi and other veteran generals, they have a deep foundation of martial arts, coupled with their hard work and talent, eventually, they become very extraordinary and become real masters.

In fact, wasabi's original strength was not top-notch. When I was a bodyguard, he was only powerful in that small city, but he was not outstanding in such a big city. However, after the last time of Uncle Yang's devil training, wasabi also made progress accordingly. This time's trip to the dark moon hall made wasabi's potential burst out, showing his real ability, which was incomparable. Now he is the best among the masters.

Of course, whether it is mu Nan or Du Haisheng, or wasabi, they stand out in my expectation. What really surprised me was Shen Muchen, Bai Qiuyan and crab. They were the real talents.

Before entering the dark moon hall training, their strength is also very general existence. Even after passing Yang? Uncle professional devil training, at most, is body shaping and team fighting ability, but their personal combat effectiveness is not very high.

But this time, they really made great progress and grew up. She has become a well deserved master. However, among all the people, the most touching thing for me is Huang cancan. This former gangster girl is really a woman who is not inferior to a man. A girl even follows the steps of these men and even ranks among the best. She does not disappoint me. She is worthy of her identity as the master of the hall.

In addition to these people, there are many rookies to stand out. Even if Chen Xiao is a child, his combat effectiveness is almost zero, but he has also grown up in this experience.

My brothers are really good. Looking at these resolute faces, I feel their momentum. My heart is rolling and my blood is surging fiercely.

Can't help it, I opened my voice, shouting: "brothers, hard work!"

A shout, through the clouds and rocks, concussion in the whole mountain, ring to suppress the clouds.

As soon as the brothers heard this, they were excited and said in the same voice: "boss, it's hard!"

With such a roar, all the momentum soared again, and the sky above the mountain seemed to change color. My heart suddenly trembled for a moment, and an extremely frightful momentum rose to the sky. This is really a terrible team. I believe that it will be invincible and invincible in the future.

An iron and blood Corps has been built. My pride wrapped me up, and my passion burned me. With endless momentum, I raised my arms to the sky and announced: "I declare that the training is officially over, and I am going home!"

An order aroused the most ardent desire of the brothers. All the people cheered and jumped up recklessly. The orderly team was immediately in chaos. Some screamed, some cried, some hugged and some cried excitedly. The scene was out of control in an instant.

This group of brothers who have been closed for three months, just like suffering from the disaster of prison, are too eager to be free. What's more, they work hard and hope to be able to show their strength and feet when they go out. At this moment, we have passed through the sufferings and finally can fly. If we want to return to our hometown, who can not be happy.

Of course, after the cheering, the hearts of the brothers were filled with the feeling of not giving up. Although this place is a magic cave, we stayed here for three months. In this rapid growth, no matter what, for the place where we are trained, we will have feelings.

I feel like a special home. I can't bear to leave home. Of course, I am the same. I not only have feelings for this place, but also have feelings for the people in the dark moon hall. They are all my masters. They get along with me day and night and treat me favorably. I have learned unique knowledge from them and feel special friendship.

However, that group of old monsters seems to have no feelings for us. They are eager for us to leave early, so as not to disturb their peace and quiet. Even when they leave, they do not come out to see us off.In fact, I understand that these senior people do not want to experience such a scene of life and death, and they will not show any kind of affectionate attitude, they will not show their feelings. I understand them, and I don't have too much of a correction. I just take my team and bow deeply to the entrance inside, and then we embark on the way back.

We gathered together the top experts in H Province, hidden for three months, but now we are out again, but not too public, even let people pick up, just quietly toward the city.

Because Pengyi was told at that time, he was acting as the boss, and the war camp was also set up in Pengjia manor. Therefore, we did not go to the headquarters of the flying party this time, but went straight to Pengjia manor.

After all, I was worried about the chaos in H Province after leaving for such a long time. Now, it seems that the development here is very good, and there is no accident. My original decision is indeed right. Pengyi, he will not take what I hope.

Galloping all the way, our big army has been on the door of Pengjia manor after more than an hour. Because of our large number and long fleet, it is objectively waving. It is not possible to attract attention. Peng Yi Tieding will hear the wind early. At this time, he has come to the door in person to welcome our return.

To be honest, I still appreciate Pengyi. In these three months, he really helped me to manage the war fire with his heart. The order of the whole province of H is in order. And the Pengjia manor in front of us. As I wish, it has become the headquarters of war and fire, and the development is more prosperous. Let alone the guard outside the iron gate, even the dedicated path of Pengjia has set up many sentry pavilions. The people who stand on duty are very formal, and they are the same as those in the army, while the guards outside the gate have steel like discipline and wait for a while.

The whole Pengjia manor has been fixed by Pengyi. Flies can not fly in. This scene is very comforting to me. I can't help but enjoy it. Once I come to the gate and meet Pengyi, I take his hand solemnly and sincerely say hello: "Uncle Peng, you have been hard at this time!"

Pengyi smiled and said excitedly, "where do you say I am, this is what I should do, you are hard!"

After shaking hands with me, Pengyi immediately looked at my iron blood team, and looked at it, and the light in his eyes lit up and became more and more prosperous. Especially when he saw his Peng family have changed, he is more excited and can't help it. He said: "it's amazing!"

From the momentum alone, Pengyi has obviously felt the leap of the quality of the group. His expression has told us that he is very surprised by the rapid progress of our team. He can not find words to describe our rapid growth, but can only be described by magic.

With a full of excitement, he could not help but run to his son, and asked seriously, "boy, you are not lazy!"

It sounds like Pengyi is blaming Pengyu. In fact, he is full of care. He has also been in dark moon hall. Therefore, he should know how much pain and tired his son has suffered in these three months.

But when Peng Yu saw his father say him in public, he was a little displeased. He raised his chest and said to Pengyi unhappily: "father, don't treat me as a child any more. You don't have to beat me now!"

Pengyi's words made the whole audience laugh. The atmosphere was relieved just now. Everyone was immersed in the joy of return and the expectation of the future.

When the people were in high spirits, Pengyi led us into the manor. While he ordered people to arrange our residence, he asked the servants to prepare dinner. He would like to give a big feast to welcome our return.

However, for our group, the most urgent thing is not a feast, but a bath. In the months of Mangshan, we can't take a hot bath, or even have no time to bathe in the river. Every minute and every second there is almost in training. Even the time for eating and sleeping has been saved to the minimum, let alone take care of ourselves.

Three months later, we were like rolling in hell, full of blood, so after the brothers had divided the room, the first thing to do was to take a bath and change clothes.

My room was arranged by Peng Yi by the meeting hall. I settled down. I didn't rush to take a bath or anything, but took out my phone which had no electricity, and then turned on the machine after charging it.

So long did not start, today open a look, but no one contact me, indeed, Ziyi did what she said, do not actively look for me, only wait for me to contact her, she has been quietly waiting for me.

I think of her, the heart will be hidden pain, this is missing pain, too long no contact, really miss her very deep, but I start, the first contact is not Ziyi, but my dad, this is my father promised to stay here to wait for me, specially give me the number, convenient contact.

I contacted my dad so urgently, just to tell him that I came out, my brother and I grew up. We all met his requirements. I promised him that I had finished it completely.

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