Although, I have experienced continuous growth, and now I have changed from the inside to the outside, but in front of my father, I will always be a little child. I am just like I have got the certificate. The most urgent thing is to report the good news to my father.

However, to my instant disappointment, my father's number even prompted to turn off, how to call all can not get through, my hot heart, immediately was poured with a basin of cold water, the excited mood suddenly extinguished.

However, I didn't lose heart because I knew my father. He was used to mystery. Especially now, facing the crisis of black Luocha, there are always many things to be busy and the shutdown is normal.

Therefore, I put my mind at ease and dialed Ziyi's mobile phone number.

Ziyi's phone is really always open for me, just toot, the mobile phone immediately connected, sent out purple some excited voice: "Hello, Suluo?"

Feel the urgency of Ziyi, my heart is not taste, feel too sorry for her, let her wait so hard, endless.

After a long delay, I said in a hoarse voice, "Hmmm!"

Later, Ziyi and I were two lovers separated from each other. Then thoroughly opened the talk box, telling the missing in the heart, as well as these months of their own experience.

I told Ziyi that I had been immersed in training every day for the past three months. Day after day, I lived the same life, feeling the same taste, the cross cycle of bitterness and tiredness. But after I was tired, I was relieved and happy, and the most satisfied sense of achievement.

And Ziyi, also told me about her situation, she said, now she has a good life. Life is easy, now when a teacher in school, is in the school we know each other in class, pass the time, return to calm her, at ease wait for me to return, Ziyi's life summed up, just two words, wait.

After chatting for more than an hour, I promised Ziyi that I would pick her up as soon as possible. Then we reluctantly hung up the phone.

After I hung up the phone and put away my mobile phone, I went to the bathroom to take a bath. The process of bathing is the process of releasing. Every time I take a bath, I feel the dirt and emotions go with the water. Therefore, after taking a bath, my body and mind are relaxed a lot, and then I put on a clean suit of clothes. After I finish dressing up, someone outside the room has already called me to say that dinner is ready OK, let me go to dinner.

I looked at the time and found that it was already six o'clock. I agreed, and then I went out of the bedroom and out of the conference hall.

After I came out, I was immediately shocked by the scene. There were countless tables in the huge Peng family manor, and each table was full of people. It was more grand and lively than the wedding feast.

As the leader of the war, I was directly led to the main table. There were some senior leaders of the war and several important figures of the Peng family. I sat down next to Peng Yi. Immediately, Peng Yi announced the dinner to everyone.

This announcement, to the brothers present, is the sound of nature bosom friend, they have nothing to do, immediately gobble up, enjoy eating and drinking, just like a hungry ghost reincarnation.

Indeed, in the three months in Mangshan, we have never had a chance to eat such a good hot food. For us, it was a feast of Manchu and Han, and all the brothers had a good time. Of course, we did not forget to talk and laugh during the eating process. The whole Pengjia Manor was filled with the smell of food and the sound of noise and joy.

But I did not blend into this joy, the food was tasteless, my heart has been pressing a matter, this matter is not resolved, I can not open my mind.

Finally, I couldn't help but open my mouth and asked Peng Yi beside me: "Uncle Peng, have you heard from my father during this period of time? I called him, but it turned off! "

Hearing this, the whole table can not help but stop talking and laughing, and turn to Peng Yi, looking forward to his answer.

Peng Yi, a moment ago, he was still smiling and entertained us to eat and drink. However, as soon as I had this problem, his smile froze on the spot.

Gradually, the joy on his face faded, and the cloud of sadness rose, and his eyes became gloomy.

The atmosphere of a table suddenly became dignified and incomparable, and all the people were straightening up. I was even more anxious. My back was cold and my nerves were tense.

Filled with uneasiness, I asked Peng Yi again, "what's the matter?"

When I asked and asked again, Peng Yi finally couldn't hold on. He sighed heavily. Then, he looked at me with guilt on his face and said in a stuffy voice, "ghost king, he left for Miao more than two months ago!"

Peng Yi's words, comparable to thunder, exploded in the Pengjia manor. Not to mention my table, even the people at the nearby table heard Peng Yi's words. They all stopped their hands and looked at us.

But sitting next to Peng Yi, I felt my heart burst, shock and fear, competing to attack. My passion dissipated, my head was buzzing and my eyes were dull.

Silence for a long time, I just look at Peng Yi, hoarse voice asked: "what do you say, say it again?"

On hearing the speech, Peng Yi sighed again. Then, he uttered a more dull voice: "the ghost king has already set out for Miao in a week after you enter the dark moon hall!"This time, Peng Yi's voice directly pierced through the chaos, clearly pierced into my ears, and severely stimulated my nerves. My eyes suddenly burst red, in an instant, my whole person was furious. After a bang, I suddenly got up and yelled at Peng Yi with red eyes: "why don't you tell me?"

At this time, I was no longer calm, no longer any bullshit calm, my anger was all sent out, I was very angry, very bent, very afraid, all kinds of emotions were tearing me crazy, let me out of pain.

I was cheated again. Like a fool, I suffered for three months, tired for three months, and struggled for three months, just to fight with my father and help him.

However, my father did not say a word, or even, he did not say a word, he left quietly. The result of my hard work was that I was in vain. All is in vain, my hard work accumulated the wall of merciless collapse, my faith is completely shattered, my anger is simply burning the whole day. My roar even more startled every brother of Peng family manor. All of them put down their chopsticks and looked at me.

Everyone knows that our training in dark moon hall is to improve ourselves and help my father deal with black Luocha. Now, we have grown up, and our strength has risen by leaps and bounds. Everything has developed as expected, but my father has left ahead of time. Who can accept this sudden change? At this moment, almost all the audience are stunned.

Peng Yi, seeing me like this, his eyebrows were all tightly wrinkled, and his look was full of guilt. He angrily stood up from his seat and said to me, "Suluo, sorry, I shouldn't hide you, but this is what the ghost King repeatedly told me. One week after you went to the dark moon hall, the ghost king came to me and said that he was going to Miao territory. He told me to keep this secret. Don't tell you, don't affect your training.

He also told me that he must help you well and not be ambivalent. Most of all, he wants me to persuade you not to be impulsive. Because, the affair of Hei Luosha is his private affair and also related to his old resentment. He wants to solve it by himself, and he doesn't want you to get involved in it. Finally, he told me to tell you that you have to take good care of yourself, how you want to develop, how to create a new world, but you can't go to him! "

Hearing Peng Yi's words, my anger in my heart was even stronger. The fierce flame was burning me wildly. My eyes were red and my heart was like a knife. My father really cheated me again. All this was his intention. He did it on purpose. He didn't plan to let me go to Miao.

He knew my temperament, knew that I would not change if I insisted on one thing. He could not persuade me, so he made a three-month agreement with me to let me go to the dark moon hall, so that he could leave quietly.

Suddenly, I thought of that day in the base camp of the flying car party. At first, my father was determined not to allow me, but because of Han Yimo's persuasion, he immediately agreed to me.

Now I think, Han Yimo's persuasion is meaningful. I remember, she said a meaningful nod with my father. At that time, I only thought that she indicated to my father that she could trust me and agree with me. However, she nodded her head to hint my father. She cheated me out of my trust and let me go to the dark moon hall without hesitation. Then they could leave quietly.

Yes, the last words my father said to me before I went to Mangshan Mountain were so profound that I felt like farewell. It turned out that he was really saying goodbye to me at that time. Everything was in his plan. I became a chess piece again, and I went into it according to the routine set by him.

For three months, I was deeply in the dark, I was angry and I felt bad. Although I know that my father is doing this for my good, I am still very angry. He once again uses my trust as a tool. He is too hateful. The more I think about my eyes, the more angry I get. My whole person is like a balloon that is about to burst.

Peng Yi obviously felt my anger. He stopped and couldn't help but comfort me and said, "Suluo, don't blame your father. It can be seen that he is too worried about your safety. He didn't want to implicate you, so he left without saying goodbye. You should be considerate of the ghost King's intention, not. "

I didn't wait for Peng Yi to finish speaking, but I raised my hand to interrupt him. Then I fell into deep meditation.

My anger in the slow vent, my reason gradually return, I know, this is not the time for me to play a temper, is not the time to investigate who is responsible.

Peng Yi is right. He is also right to hide from me for my good. Moreover, how dare he disobey my father's orders? He will let me persist in the dark moon hall for three months no matter what consideration. My father, he lied to me is wrong, but in any case, he is for my safety. How can I blame him blindly?

After a long time of relaxation, my mood was completely suppressed. Then, I solemnly asked Peng Yi, "Uncle Peng, do you know where the headquarters of bloody cherry blossom is?"

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