Just now, I heard Peng Yi say that my father started early. My first reaction was not anger, but shock and fear. This is the most primitive emotion from the bottom of my heart, because I was too worried about my father's safety. I was really afraid of his shortcomings.

If my dad left the world like this, I would not be happy even if I became a God. He is my only family member in the world and my spiritual support. I can't lose him, he can't. As long as there is still a chance, I will rush to help him. Therefore, the first thing I have to do is to find out the location of the headquarters of red cherry blossom.

But what made me even more disappointed was that Peng Yi didn't seem to know the location of the mysterious organization. After listening to me, he directly shook his head at me and said, "I don't know. The blood Cherry Blossom organization has always been mysterious and unpredictable. Many things are not disclosed to the public, let alone the location of its headquarters. I just heard that it seems to be in a village of the ethnic minorities on the border of Miao Autonomous Region. As for the specific location, I don't know! "

Hearing Peng Yi's words, my heart sank and I was more anxious. I couldn't wait. I asked Peng Yi, "do you have the latest news from my father?"

On hearing this, Peng Yi still shook his head and said, "I don't know. After the ghost King left H Province, there was no news at all!"

Peng Yi's words completely broke my heart. All my energy was drained, and the rest was exhausted and painful.

My brother is the same, the passion is all cooling down, the atmosphere is no longer lively, not high, but a strong sense of depression. No one to talk, no one to eat, all staring at me.

I don't want to affect everyone's mood because of my personal mood, so I said to Peng Yi in a deep voice: "well, you continue to eat, I am alone!"

Said, I directly left the seat, Shen Muchen and others immediately got up, want to follow me, I stopped: "do not follow me!"

Then, I quickened my pace, left the manor banquet site, came to an open flower bed.

It happened that a group of patrol officers passed by the flower bed. I came to one of the patrol guards and asked him, "is there any smoke?"

The patrol guard knew me. When he heard what I said, he immediately took out a cigarette and put it in my mouth and lit it for me.

I took a puff of smoke, then said a thank you, and went to one side, quietly smoking, thinking about things.

Now, I feel like a rubber ball that has been vented, and a sandbag that has been hit. I feel very depressed and bent. I feel very upset. There is no place to release my stuffy breath in my chest. How can I think that three months of training will usher in such a result. What's more, after three months of training, my father has no news at all It made me think something was wrong with him. Otherwise, for such a long time, with the strength of my father, I must have eliminated the blood Butterfly and returned smoothly.

However, he did not return triumphantly. He just evaporated from the earth without any news. This is really a terrible fact. I don't think I can do it without worrying about it. In addition, the bloody cherry blossom is too terrible. Although my father is a legend, his strength is still unable to compete with the bloody cherry blossom. So, how much possibility does he have to survive?

The more I think about it, the deeper my fear is. I'm really afraid that my father has something to do. What should I do if he dies? I want to be an orphan again. I don't want to. I can't bear the pain of losing my father, and I can't accept the possibility that he can't see his body. My heart is so painful. Suddenly, I lost the cigarette end in my hand, clenched my fist and roared up to the sky.

All my depression and pain, all of my bending and suffering, all into this roar, roar earth shaking, continuous.

After the roar, my whole person was more empty, almost tottering, at this time, Shen Muchen gently walked to my side, quietly persuasive way: "Arlo, don't be sad, uncle's strength is extraordinary, he will be OK!"

I'm afraid that Shen Muchen, my best brother, dares to approach my angry lion.

When I heard his voice, I came back from the state of losing my soul. I turned my tired eyes and looked at him dejectedly. I asked, "do you really think my father can handle the black Luocha?"

My words choked the beautiful man, so that he did not know how to answer me. Obviously, he also felt that my father was more or less unlucky this time. Otherwise, my father would not cheat me to go to the dark moon hall, and finally put me aside. He just did not have absolute confidence to do so, so that he would not let me commit a risk.

After a pause, I went on to say, "I'm going to the bloody Cherry Blossom headquarters in Miao Autonomous Prefecture. I'm going to find my father!"

Shen Muchen listened, his face changed heavy. He said to me seriously: "uncle, don't you want to go? What's more, if our uncle can't make things right, we'll kill ourselves if we go

I looked up at the next day and solemnly said, "do you think I may let my father care?"

This words again Shen Muchen to block no words, he thought about it, and then again said: "but you don't even know the location of the bloody Cherry Blossom headquarters, how do you find it?"

I said solemnly: "this I will try to find out, you go to treat the brothers well, don't worry about me, I'll go out for a while first!"The voice falls, I then calmly left.

Shen Muchen worried voice came: "where are you going?"

I forthright return a sentence: "inquire about the location of the blood cherry blossom, as well as my father's situation!"

At the same time, my steps did not stop. On the contrary, my speed also accelerated. Like a strong wind, my body blew to the iron gate of Pengjia manor. In the parking lot outside the manor, I got on a car and drove away directly.

No matter what, I'll try my best to find out the news of my father. If there is no news, I must find out the location of the headquarters of red cherry blossom.

I can't wait. I don't dare to delay for a moment. However, after driving out, I'm confused again. I don't know where to go. Even Peng Yi doesn't know the location of the bloody cherry blossom and my father's situation. Who else in this city can know? How can I ask?

After thinking about it for a long time, I thought of a man. He was grandfather Bai, an old man who knew everything. However, before I went to the dark moon hall, he left H Province and went back to take care of Bai Ling.

If I look for grandfather Bai now, I have to go to his hometown. In that case, I have to face Bai Ling and the children I haven't met for a long time. I really don't know how to face them. If I could be responsible for them, I would go without hesitation, but I can't, I can't give Bai Ling any commitment, nor can I have any disputes with her. All I can do is to stay away.

What's more, when grandfather Bai went back to his hometown, he should not have known the latest news from my father, and he told me all about the bloody cherry blossom. As for the specific location of the headquarters of blood cherry blossom, the old man who has lived in seclusion for 30 years in the mountain village should not be clear. Even if there is such a possibility, grandfather Bai knows that with his temperament, he should not tell me that he and my father are in the same boat. My father doesn't want me to go to him, so grandfather Bai must be the same. Therefore, looking for him is just like looking for him in vain.

But if I don't look for grandfather Bai, who can I look for? Who else is likely to know this?

Unconsciously, my car speeds up against the wind. It seems that the faster the speed is, the faster the confusion in my mind can disperse and I can wake up. When the car drove to the gate of the University of H Province, I woke up a little bit and suddenly floated out the sound that I was the wind from the south of the Yangtze River.

Immediately, I thought of Jiangjia villa, which I lived in for a long time. Yes, there it is, though Han Yimo! I must have gone with my dad, but maybe there are other people in Jiangjia villa. I can contact Han Yimo. No matter how bad it is, we can know something about it.

After thinking about it, I stepped on the gas pedal and almost rushed to the Jiangjia villa. At 8:00 p.m., I arrived outside the Jiangjia villa. What makes me happy is that at the moment, there are bright lights in Jiangjia villa. In other words, there are still people living in Jiangjia villa, which shows that I have hope.

Outside the door of the villa, I was very excited, and then I walked out of the house quickly.

After waiting for a moment, the door opened, and a middle-aged woman came out. She looked at me calmly and asked, "who are you looking for?"

I looked at the woman carefully and found that it was a completely strange face. It looked like a housekeeper. However, I could perceive that she had martial arts foundation. Obviously, this person who looked like a nanny was not an ordinary person.

Without much hesitation, I would like to speak and explain my identity to her. But the words did not speak, suddenly, a 14-5-year-old girl from the villa courtyard rushed out.

As soon as she came out, a familiar breath immediately came to my face. When I saw her face, I immediately thought of this girl. She was a simple girl full of curiosity about the outside world in the countryside, sun Xiangru's daughter, sun Yihan.

As soon as she arrived at me, she said to me excitedly: "big brother, you are here at last!"

Sun Yihan's appearance, let me suddenly stunned, her words is to let me cold not Ding of startled. Why does she look familiar to me?

If I am still the appearance and identity of Jiangnan style, it's nothing to recognize me at a glance, or even show that I am very close to me.

After all, she saved me at the beginning. Although we had only been together for a few days, the little girl was warm by nature and got along well with me and Peng Xuefei.

Most of all, she was too curious about the outside world at that time, and she always pestered me to ask about the outside world. When she saw us off, she insisted on going out of the mountain village with us to have a look at the outside world. Therefore, it is normal for her to be deeply impressed by the Jiangnan style.

But now that I have changed my identity and face, how can she recognize me? And a little doubt without, seems to confirm who I am.

Can't help it, I looked at Sun Yihan in amazement, wondering: "do you know who I am?"

Sun Yihan blinked at me and said, "of course, brother Jiangnan wind!"

With that, Xiao Fang seemed to realize something and suddenly added: "no, it's brother Suluo!"I didn't expect that this simple little girl could understand me so clearly. However, before I could untie my doubts, sun Yihan couldn't wait to take my hand and said excitedly, "don't ask, let's go in and talk about it!"

In this way, I was pulled into the interior of the villa and into her room in a kind of chaotic state.

After sitting down, I immediately asked the doubts in my heart: "Yihan, how do you recognize me?"

Sun Yihan pointed to the wall with his mouth toot and said easily, "here, look!"

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