I turned too far, only to find that in sun Yihan's room, hung a picture of me, which is exactly what I look like now.

When I was puzzled, sun Yihan explained: "this is the picture my father gave me when he left. He said that this is the Jiangnan style now, that is, Suluo. My father also said that you used to live here. He told me to wait for you here. But I have been waiting for you for nearly three months. I am bored to death. Fortunately, you are here!"

After listening to sun Yihan, I immediately asked her, "Yihan, what else did your father say?"

Hearing this, sun Yihan shrunk his mouth and replied, "if you come, you will accompany me and take care of me. Maybe he will come back soon."

At the end of the day, sun Yihan's tone became very sad, and her eyes were full of loss. Obviously, she didn't want her father to leave, and she didn't want to wait endlessly for her father.

At the same time, I also understood that they had planned all this. My father had already discussed with sun Xiangru and Han Yimo that he would abandon his children and go to the Miao Autonomous Region to find bloody cherry blossoms. Sun Yihan and I were left behind children. They were really cruel to do so.

What's more, they left sun Yihan for me to take care of her with peace of mind. However, how can this be possible? I am a person with ideals and aspirations. My grand blueprint has just begun. How can I be bound by a little girl? I can't leave my dad alone.

Looking at Sun Yihan's innocent face, I couldn't help asking, "Yihan, do you know where your father went and what did you do?"

She shook her head and said melancholy, "I don't know. My father and aunt Han left together. My father just took me as a child and didn't tell me anything. But I know that he must be doing dangerous things. These days, my heart is very restless. I always feel that something happened to my father, and I'm worried about him!"

More said Sun Yihan's eyes more gloomy, gloomy still with a thick worry.

It seems that sun Yihan, like me, has been kept in the dark about everything. She is a simple and innocent little girl just like when she lived in a mountain village. However, sun Xiangru came out of the mountain for me. He must not leave sun Yihan alone in the village. He must bring him out.

The Jiangjia villa is Han Yimo's home. Although I don't know what the conflict between Han Yimo and sun Xiangru is, I can still be sure that sun Yihan should be their children. Therefore, it is not surprising that sun Yihan lives here.

However, from sun Yihan's words just now, she calls Han Yimo as her aunt. It can be seen that she does not even know her own life experience.

She is more pitiful than I am. At least I know my mother's name and appearance, but she even does not know her mother standing in front of her. In her concept, her mother is nihilistic and never exists. Moreover, if my father really has an accident, sun Xiangru and Han Yimo must be hard to escape. At that time, sun Yihan and I will be orphans in an instant.

Even though he tried his best to deceive his father, he was not afraid of his own safety, but he was not relieved.

However, as sun Yihan's only support, my big brother can't say any words of despondency. I can't let her fall into sadness. I can only tell a white lie and comfort him: "Yihan, don't worry. Your father is a very strong man, he will be OK!"

Sun Yihan listened to my words, the haze on her face immediately swept away. She looked at me seriously and said firmly: "well, I believe my father, he promised that he would come to pick me up!"

Seeing sun Yihan like this, my heart is more heavy, she has been looking forward to sun Xiangru to come back to pick her up, but if sun Xiangru really can come back, not early back? He is so fond of his daughter, who is willing to put her daughter on hold for such a long time. He trusted me and gave my daughter to me, or he deliberately bound me with sun Yihan, afraid that I would go to them impulsively.

It's just that I can't do it. I can't do it.

Just as I was thinking, sun Yihan's voice like a silver bell came again: "big brother, take me out to play, I've been here for so long, no one takes me out to play, I'm suffocating!"

Hearing sun Yihan's voice, I immediately broke free from the complicated thoughts. Then, I looked at her blankly and asked, "ah, now?"

Sun Yihan nodded: "yes, I want to go out and play. The city is so big, I think I have a lot of things to do. I just want to see the different side of the big city!"

As she said this, sun Yihan's eyes showed the color of infinite longing. She had already forgotten the sorrow just now, and there was only expectation and joy in her expression. Although sun Yihan has now lived in the city, she is still the same as before. She has never been anywhere. She is full of yearning for big cities and wants to play with everything.

To be honest, if I have time, I will take her to play and show her the world. But now, I have no time, no mood, no energy to play with her!

I can't wait to fly to my father's bloody Cherry Blossom headquarters immediately to help my father tide over the difficulties. Even if I can't fly there for a while, I have to find out his news as soon as possible and find out the location of the bloody Cherry Blossom headquarters.So, no matter whether sun Yihan is lost or not, I can only refuse her request. I look at her with guilt and say firmly: "I'm sorry, Yihan, now I can't play with you, I have urgent things to do!"

After listening to my words, sun Yihan's excitement was drowned in an instant. Her sadness suddenly overflowed. Her joy came and went quickly. Just in the blink of an eye, she shriveled up her mouth, a look to cry, she looked at me pitifully, sad way: "my father does not accompany me, left me alone, he said you will accompany me, now even you will abandon me?"

Her voice almost choked, her eyes became red, disappointment and sadness filled her heart. Seeing sun Yihan like this, I really couldn't bear it, not because she was so poor, but because I knew clearly that she was lonely because of me. Now her parents are risking their lives for my father's sake It's really cruel if I want to let go of it.

However, if I am willing to stay here and play with sun Yihan every day, I really can't do it, no matter what. At the beginning, for the ambition in my heart, in order to help my father deal with the bloody cherry blossom, I let Ziyi go back to my hometown. After three months of hard work in the dark moon hall, how can I return to the ordinary life again? Even if I die, I can't go back to the peaceful days. I must go forward.

However, just as I had just established this idea in my heart, all of a sudden, there was a loud noise outside the room. The sound was shocking. Especially in this quiet atmosphere, it seemed more and more abrupt, so that my heart shook violently, and sun Yihan screamed in horror.

I frowned, and then I got up and opened the door. Out of the room, came to the hall, I even saw a person lying in the middle of the hall, it is just for me to open the middle-aged woman.

This powerful woman in my opinion actually lay on the ground like this. Even her expression was stiff, her body was still, and she had no breath of life at all.

Right now. My heart is tight, nerves are tense up, eyebrows deep lock.

At this time, sun Yihan also quietly put out her small head from the room. When she saw the middle-aged woman lying on the ground, she immediately rushed to the front, squatted on the ground and held the middle-aged woman in her arms and cried: "aunt snake, aunt snake, what's wrong with you? Wake up quickly!"

Sun Yihan's voice is particularly sad, and her expression is even more painful. Obviously, she has already had feelings for this woman.

But I didn't have much time to sigh. I just went quietly to sun Yihan with vigilance and looked around, but I didn't see a figure. Finally, my eyes were directed at the door of the villa which was kicked open. I saw that two bodyguards of the villa were lying on the ground beside the gate. It was obvious that the two bodyguards died quietly, so, sneak attack You must be a master.

For a moment, my vigilance increased again. My heart beat faster and faster. My eyes were all over the place and I yelled: "who? Don't be sneaky, come out of here

When I said this, my voice was very loud, but my heart was beating drums. People in the dark are always the most terrible. I can feel a strong crisis, but I can't find the existence of the enemy. Therefore, my heart is very uneasy. What's more, I don't know who the enemy is attacking. Jiang's villa is attacked at night, sooner or later, just in me Time, are they aiming for me?

With the fall of my voice, outside the villa slowly into a few figures, they are a total of four people, are strange faces. But as soon as they appeared, my heart suddenly burst out, and my eyes could not help flashing a touch of surprise, because their clothes are very special, all of them are strange clothes. Obviously, this is the dress of ethnic minorities, and I have seen this dress up.

It was in Pengjia manor. When Wu Tianhao designed Peng Qing's mutiny, he brought with him men wearing this kind of clothes. At that time, Peng Yi found that one of them had a tattoo, which was a unique symbol of blood cherry blossom. Obviously, the man in front of him was also a person with blood cherry blossom.

Suddenly, my heart beat faster and even trembled. An invisible fear completely shrouded me. I had already made it clear that these people were coming to me

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