I really didn't expect that, just after I came out of the dark moon hall, the bloody Cherry Blossom people came to me. I didn't even know the location of their headquarters. They found me first. I went from the active side to the passive side and fell into the crisis.

However, no matter how big the crisis is, I can't panic. After three months of training in dark moon hall, my strength has already improved by leaps and bounds. I don't need to be afraid of them. Even if these four are masters of the masters, I can handle them.

I tried my best to suppress the inner emotions, gently pulled sun Yihan up and pulled her behind me. Then, I stared at the four men in strange clothes and asked in a cold voice, "what do you mean?"

As for my question, the four people did not understand. They did not respond at all. Their expressions were still cold, their lips were closed, and there was no tendency to open their mouths at all. They seemed to be incarnated as robots, blocking the door and motionless.

I couldn't figure out what they thought and was about to ask again. But just then, the jingling sound came from outside the villa, just like the crisp bell sound. In this special atmosphere, the sound seemed terrifying and treacherous.

And the four men in strange clothes at the door, when they heard the voice, moved. They left and right consciously and stood in two rows, just like welcoming guests.

After a while, a figure slowly emerged in my eyes. This person has a delicate and delicate appearance, just like a painting in the mountains. Her skin is white, her appearance is delicate, and she looks very young. However, through the crow's feet of her eyes and her eyes, I can feel that she is quite old.

The most special thing about her is not her appearance, but her dress. Her clothes are gorgeous and colorful. She has all kinds of accessories on her body. She also wears a special headdress on her head. The material of the headdress is a bit like platinum, the shape is like a washbasin, and the style is like peacock feathers. There are many small pendants on the edge. It should be these small pendants that made the jingling sound just now. Although I don't know much about the ethnic minorities, I am familiar with her dress. This is the dress of Miao nationality.

At the time of my inner shock, this man had already entered the villa. At the entrance of the hall, she stopped. Then, she slowly raised her eyes and looked at me with a very deep look. She made a very ethereal voice to me: "solo, please come with me!"

Her tone is modest on the surface, but in fact it has a strong sense of threat. Her voice is very, very ethereal.

Hearing this sound, I felt that I was bitten by termites, and I felt cold and creepy. Although she didn't exude her momentum, she looked as calm as ordinary people, but as soon as she spoke, I immediately felt that the woman who could make such an ethereal voice was extremely strong.

In my impression, the most powerful woman is Han Yimo. She is a heroine of the women. She is a real heroine. However, the woman who appears suddenly seems to be no worse than Han Yimo, and her terror is also unfathomable.

Almost can't help it, I blurted out to her: "are you black Luocha?"

At the moment of saying the name, my heart trembled again, and the feeling of horror was even worse.

Black Luocha, she is the eldest of the blood cherry blossom, also is the Miao women, is the strength against the sky terror. And the person in front of me seems to meet all the conditions, although I don't want to believe that black Luocha will appear. But when I saw her, I couldn't help but connect her with black Luocha.

However, my question made the serious looking woman laugh. The laughter was melodious, like the sound of the water in the stream, but it was heart-catching, soul grabbing and chilling.

After laughing, she said to me with disdain: "hum, ridiculous, Suluo, you look too high on yourself. Do you need the leader to come out in person to catch one? Stop talking nonsense and follow me

Her tone is full of disdain. She does not hide her contempt for me. It seems that she has lowered her status by catching her own, let alone her eldest brother, black Luocha. In other words, black Luocha is more mysterious and more powerful than this man.

Unconsciously, the horror of blood cherry blossoms was higher in my consciousness. Just this woman, I can't understand her, how abnormal is the strength of the black Luocha? I really can't imagine, the blood cherry blossom, it has completely exceeded my cognition. However, even if the bloody cherry blossom is more terrifying, even if the strength of the woman in front of me is too deep to be measured, even if I have no confidence to deal with her at all, I will not be arrested.

After a pause, I said to her in a deep voice, "where are you going?"

"I'll take you to your father," she said softly

Her tone was very secretive, and her expression was so profound that people could not understand what she thought. However, as soon as I heard this, my nerves suddenly became sensitive, and the whole person was furious. I could not help but roar at her and said, "where is my father?"

Seeing my reaction, she couldn't help but snort. She disdained to pull the corner of her mouth and said, "you just need to follow me, and then you can know!"

Her answer made me more uneasy. Although I couldn't guess the intention of the bloody cherry blossom and I didn't know what happened to my father, I clearly felt that these people had bad intentions. They came to arrest me, there must be a conspiracy. Of course, I would not be foolish enough to follow them.Then, I slowly showed my strong side and said impolitely to her, "what if I don't leave?"

Hearing what I said, her face suddenly changed, and a flash of edge flashed in her eyes.

Without mercy, she changed her attitude, and she said in a sharp voice, "that will offend me, go on!"

As soon as she gave the order, the men in strange clothes who guarded the door like a door god rushed to me like a strong wind. However, they did not all go out, only two came up. Maybe these people didn't pay attention to me at all. Therefore, they disdained all of them.

I didn't have time to think about it. I quickly pulled sun Yihan aside and quickly met the two men.

As soon as I handed them over, I felt that they were extraordinary. Their speed was super fast and their moves were extremely strange. They were like wandering souls. The strength of these people in strange clothes was really terrible. It can be said that before I went to the dark moon hall for training, it was hard to make an estimate, let alone to deal with them. In front of them, the power of these two people combined directly doubled, and those unique moves became more ghostly and very poisonous.

I can't understand the martial arts skills they use, and I can't find the rules of their moves. They are really strange people, and their moves are so insidious. All the moves are to take your vital part, just like a poisonous snake. If you are not careful, you will die.

In the past, I must have fallen down, but now, I am different. After three months of training in dark moon hall, I have learned all the abnormal unique skills and understood the essence of various martial arts.

I'm good at dealing with all kinds of attacks. At the same time, my mentality has also improved. When fighting, I can put my mind in a very stable state of mind. The internal and external changes make me look new. I have become a master of the younger generation.

So now. In the face of the joint attack of these two men, I can still cope with it. However, I have just come out of the mountain, and I haven't been proficient in the martial arts. Now, it's a little hard to deal with such a powerful master for the first time.

At the beginning, I was obviously a little powerless, almost unable to resist, but later, my mind stabilized, I gradually cope with it, vaguely took the upper hand.

But I am still in the defensive state, not out of the original position, because I know that I want to save not only my own life, but also sun Yihan's life. I can't leave her in front of the enemy and expose her to danger.

But these two people see for a long time can't take me, they are a little anxious, their speed is faster and faster, their moves are more and more fierce, of course, even if they are more fierce, this impatience, can not help but confuse the mind, the more anxious and unstable, the more flaws.

On the contrary, my state of mind is just like a straight line, always in a stable state, and my eyesight will be better. Even if the other party's moves are weird, I can timely crack them. After they are distracted, the more keen my eyes are, the more I find out their flaws and shoot one of them away.

My strength was extremely swift and violent. With one bullet leg, the man was repulsed. Seeing that the situation was not good, his partner knew that he could not defeat me. He gave me a slap and took advantage of the situation to retreat.

The calm woman, seeing that she couldn't take me down with both hands, could not help showing a look of surprise in her deep eyes. With an extremely complicated look, she looked me up and said to me, "sulo, I didn't expect you have some skills. No wonder you are rebellious!"

Her words seemed to praise me, but her tone was still full of contempt. Obviously, no matter how strong I was, I could not attract her attention. She's just so crazy. She's so arrogant.

After hearing what she said, I couldn't help shouting to her: "no matter who you are, I advise you not to mess around. H Province is my world, you can't do anything nonsense!"

At this moment, I also showed the corresponding momentum, but in fact, I was doing a meaningless struggle, and I said this just to scare her.

Because I know that I can't deal with the joint efforts of the mysterious woman and the four men in strange clothes. Besides, sun Yihan is still there. It's impossible for me to escape. I have no choice but to take out my power to suppress her.

However, this is no use for the mysterious woman. She is too lazy to pay attention to me any more. She directly orders: "let's go together!"

All of a sudden, the four men in strange clothes attacked me together with the wind and the clouds.

It's more than enough to deal with two of them, but I'm a little weak in the face of the joint attack of the four of them. No matter how stable my mentality is and whether I can see their moves clearly, I still have no three heads and six arms, so it is difficult to defeat four with one. The four of them are like a vine, tightly intertwined with each other, without showing gaps and flaws, which makes me unable to break through.

However, even if I was on the brink of extinction, I still maintained a stable mentality. Nothing can defeat me. Even if I die, I will die in the battle of scenery. I am not afraid of danger or anything. Therefore, the more I fight, the more boiling my blood is. I seem to be addicted to my own world and can't extricate myself. Everything outside seems to have nothing to do with me.These four masters are equivalent to my accompaniment. I fight with them constantly and keep circling. No matter how deep the whirlpool is, I can't submerge me. I'm in it and I'm comfortable.

The living room of the villa has become a mess because of our fighting. However, I can't take care of everything. I just immerse myself in the fight, and the more frustrated I am, the braver I am. I can't break through the combo of the four of them, and I'm even a little powerless.

Now, after a series of twists and turns, I am more and more skillful. I fully show my unique skills and use them very skillfully. Therefore, in the face of the four people's attack, I was in the downwind at the beginning, slowly to a draw, and finally, I was in the upper hand.

Just when I thought that I could break through the four masters, the voice of the mysterious woman suddenly pierced into my ear: "Suluo, stop it, hurry up, or I'll kill the girl!"

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