Today's grandfather Bai is different from the past. In the past, he always kept a low profile. Even if his medical skills were extraordinary, he was not frivolous. In terms of martial arts, he is more low-key, can not be low-key, almost did not expose his own strength.

Today, the white grandfather not only showed his strength against the sky, but also export into crazy, overbearing, his words are equivalent to once again fan the mysterious woman, for is blood rose slapped, red fruit hit her face.

However, this time, the arrogant and boundless blood rose didn't get angry. She just stared at the white grandfather in disbelief, and said to you: "I really didn't expect that there are still such masters like you around Suluo. Who are you in the end?"

White grandfather smell speech, eyes can not help but change deep, and extremely sharp, he tightly staring at blood rose, issued a cold and severe voice: "you don't need to know this, you just need to know, you are not qualified to take Suluo to leave, I advise you to know, quickly leave, don't force me to kill!"

When he said this, white grandfather, a thin and weak tiger, also showed his violent spirit, and his breath was full of people.

Blood rose is still a little self-conscious, she did not continue to pester with the white grandfather, just angrily swept me. The eyes were still sinister. Then, with a wave of her hand, she walked out of the courtyard of the villa and disappeared in the night.

But although the blood rose's body disappeared in our sight, her arrogant voice resounded through the night sky: "no matter who you are, I will tell you that anyone who opposes the blood cherry blossom will not have a good end!"

Her voice was still so frivolous that the night sky seemed to be blasted by her ethereal voice. My heart also suddenly shocked. Even if she had left, I was still a little shaken. I felt her ghostly voice around my ears.

In my trance, white grandfather came to my side, whispered: "it's OK, she's gone, don't worry!"

When I heard the voice of grandfather Bai, I suddenly came back to my mind. Originally, I was really scared. However, the strength of grandfather Bai suppressed the fear in my heart. With him around, I always felt a strong sense of security.

But, white grandfather, this is only to solve the urgent need, although the blood rose at the moment, but blood cherry blossom, black Luocha?

The blood cherry blossom's powerful, simply can't detect, can't imagine, such a Dharma king, can be so extraordinary, its overall strength, how abnormal?

What can I fight with such a terrorist organization? How can I save my father.

With a confused heart, I look at the empty door, can not help but say: "white grandfather, this blood rose in your mouth, how so arrogant?"

White grandfather listened to my words, immediately explained: "because she has crazy capital, this woman, like a mosquito, her most powerful weapon is her needle, the needle edge is terrible, you do not think that it is a simple embroidery needle, in fact, her needle is full of poison, as long as the needle pierces the skin, you will soon lose the fighting power, let her kill.

In addition, blood rose has a twin sister, also known as poison rose. They are the two Dharma protectors of Hei Luosha. They are from the same village as Hei Luocha. Although Hei Luocha is the eldest, she will not go out in person no matter what. Many things are left to the two Dharma kings. The two of them are the right and left arm of black Luosha.

This time, the blood rose is alone, if the poison rose together, they will join hands. I'm not sure that I can fight against it, because their combination power is too powerful to destroy everything. Blood rose and poison rose are the same mother, they have natural telepathy, so no one can match them. They are like one. If I hadn't seen blood rose using poison needle, I couldn't tell which one she was! "

After listening to white grandfather's words, I was directly in a daze, my body was stiff, but my heart seemed to have thousands of emotions in the Pentium.

Originally, the strength of this blood rose has exceeded my imagination, and her strength has reached the degree of metamorphosis. But it turned out that she had a twin sister, which required the combination of their two swords. Who can resist it? Grandfather Bai said he didn't have confidence.

In my impression, the combination of Han Yimo and sun Xiangru is unparalleled in the world. What's more, compared with sun Xiangru and Han Yimo, the two sisters obviously have their own advantages. They are twins, born together and grow up together. However, Han Yimo and sun Xiangru are combined the day after tomorrow, even if they cooperate There are no more perfect twins.

Bloody cherry blossom, there are such horrible twin sisters. How many abnormal experts are hidden in it? I really can't imagine.

Just when I was shocked, sun Yihan ran out from behind me. She took my hand and said in a trance: "big brother, aunt snake, she's dead!"

Sun Yihan's words immediately awakened me. I turned my head and looked at her.

Fortunately, the little girl is still quite strong. She has not been frightened by such shocking things tonight. She can still stand perfectly, which is very brave.

However, after all, is it a dead person or a close friend of sun Yihan? This may have a great impact on Sun Yihan. I couldn't help but glance at the corpse on the ground, then looked back at Sun Yihan and asked, "who is she?"Sun Yihan shook his head bewildered and said, "I don't know. I only know that she is uncle snake's wife. She has always asked me to call her aunt snake. After my father left, she has been taking care of me. During this time, she has been very kind to me, but how could she die?"

Speaking of this, sun Yihan's tears, finally fell down.

And I, hear sun Yihan's words, the heart also faintly stabbed, I didn't expect, this middle-aged woman is snake uncle's wife.

At that time, my wife didn't do his best to take care of me in the villa, but he didn't do his duty for me.

Later, I knew that uncle snake was my father's man. Then, he must have gone to Miao with my father. Therefore, he left his wife in Jiangjia villa. But aunt snake died like this. It's really cruel.

My eyes, from again to the lying on the ground of aunt snake, and white grandfather may have just heard sun Yihan's words, he has come to the snake aunt, is bending down to see Aunt snake's situation, then, he slowly rose, facing me, said in a deep voice: "no help!"

Uncle Bai's words completely cut off my hope. Even he said that he couldn't save her. Aunt snake was really dead and had no way to return to heaven.

I couldn't help it. I asked sun Yihan to bury her head in my chest and not let her see the tragic picture. My heart was also cold. Although I had no feelings for Aunt snake, I had feelings for uncle snake. He was unknown now and his wife died because of me. How can I be worthy of him. When I think of Uncle snake, I can't help thinking of my father.

Efforts to suppress the sadness, I will look at the white grandfather, a heavy tone said: "grandfather, just heard the blood rose said, my father, he can't protect himself, do you know my father's present situation?"

Hearing the speech, the white grandfather's face also can't help but sink down. He nodded his head dejectedly and said in a deep voice: "your father did have an accident. He fell into the trap carefully arranged by black Luocha and Yang Tieqing, and suffered heavy losses. He gathered more than 200 old troops this time, and now only 10 people are left!"

As soon as I heard this, my brain exploded, and my heart was like being shot through by ten thousand arrows. It hurt to drip blood.

It's really a big event. The powerful men and horses of the ghost king are invincible, especially sun Xiangru, Han Yimo and other generals. My father's leading ability is beyond doubt. How could his team lose so miserably? How could it be possible?

I don't believe it. I always shake my head and say in pain, "no, I don't believe it. How could it be like this? It can't be like this. Where did you hear the grapevine?"

The heart is too painful, the fact is too hard to believe, I can only deceive myself to refute, I have the right to be white grandfather cheat me.

However, the white grandfather listened to my words, slowly came to my side, sighed, and bitterly said: "it's true, child, how can I cheat you about this kind of thing. Some time ago, your father sent me a secret letter saying that he was trapped and was fighting against the bloody cherry blossom.

However, he didn't contact me for his own safety. He just couldn't rest assured of you. He told me that the black Luocha was not the black one before. She lost her nature completely and was blinded by hatred. It's so dehumanizing. Your father is afraid that black Luosha will cut you and torture him with you. Therefore, he sent me a secret message to ask me to take you away from here after you come out of the dark moon hall to protect your safety. At the beginning, I didn't believe that the black Luocha would become so vicious. However, today I saw the blood rose come out to catch you personally. I believe it! "

I can't believe what my grandfather said. How can I not know that grandfather Bai can't cheat me with this kind of thing. I just don't want to accept this fact. How can I be willing to believe that my father's army will be destroyed? At the end of the crossbow, he can't even go down.

But he has become like this, but still want me to hide, he does not understand me? He should know that my character is stubborn. How can I let him go and live on my own? Even if the blood cherry blossom is strong again, I can't be a shrinking head turtle. In any case, I have to fight.

With the determination to die, I looked at the white grandfather and said, "grandfather white, thank you for helping me. I know my strength is insignificant, but I still want to say, I can't hide, never can!"

Hearing this, the white grandfather can't help a Leng, puzzled way: "I didn't say to you to hide?"

What do you mean by grandfather Bai? Didn't my dad tell him to take me out of H Province? As soon as I came out of the dark moon hall, he came. He didn't want to hide me. What else could it be?

I looked at Han's grandfather with doubts and asked inexplicably, "what are you doing here?"

On hearing this, grandfather Bai's eyes suddenly became awe inspiring. Then, his eyes showed a firmness that had never been seen before, and his expression became extremely solemn. Even his rickety body could not help straightening up, and his whole body exuded a bleeding breath, which was a real breath of talent in the lake.After a long time, the white grandfather suddenly made a voice and said, "take you to save your father!"

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