Hearing this, I feel like seeing the sun come out in the West. It's unbelievable. He never wanted to take part in the affairs of the river and lake before. Now that he is very old, is he planning to return to the world? Otherwise, how could he suddenly say such a thing to me? He didn't want me to hide, he said he would take me to save my dad. It's really strange.

For a time, I could not slow down God, I looked at the white grandfather, wooden way: "grandfather, you won't cheat me!"

Hearing this, grandfather Bai's face became more and more solemn. He looked at me seriously and said, "it's true. Now the bloody cherry blossoms are becoming more and more rampant. If even your father is killed in their hands, I think the world will be in chaos in the future. Also, if the bloody Cherry Blossom really wants to kill you, you can't be safe even if you hide in the ends of the world. It's better to fight with them than to live in fear of hiding! "

When grandfather Bai said this, he was full of fighting spirit, sonorous and powerful. He really looked like a changed person. He seemed to be really going to fight hard again.

Seeing grandfather white like this, my heart couldn't help but get excited. Although I don't know why he suddenly became so energetic, it has always been my expectation to deal with the bloody cherry blossom to help my father, and I would have to fight with him.

However, today's appearance of blood rose made me more deeply aware of the gap between myself and the blood cherry blossom. I seemed to hit the south wall, and my confidence collapsed, and I had no confidence to win it.

After a little calming down, I asked my grandfather Bai, "however, the bloody cherry blossom is not so powerful. My father almost lost all his troops against them, and my father himself was trapped. Even they could not defeat the bloody cherry blossom. How could I possibly compete with it with my present strength?"

I don't mean to be disheartened, but I have self-knowledge. At first, I planned to help my father deal with the bloody cherry blossoms. That is to say, I want to be my father's deputy. I wish them a hand.

As a result, my father's main team has fallen. Now, just relying on me and my war, how can we do with the powerful bloody cherry blossom? Didn't you end up dying like my dad and them?

However, grandfather Bai was not as depressed as I was. His face was still firm, and his eyes seemed to have some affirmation and confidence in me. He looked at me deeply and said solemnly: "the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead. Don't underestimate yourself and don't look too high at the bloody cherry blossom. The reason why your father failed miserably is not that his strength is not strong enough, but that he didn't expect that black Luocha had completely changed his sex. Your father fell into the pit.

Black Luocha and Yang Tieqing can be regarded as the two people who know your father best. Both of them know your father's character and his method of leading soldiers. They're going to set a trap for your dad. It's not hard. Your father will eventually fall into their trap and lose so miserably.

But you are different. You are a new star, and the fire of war is also a new force. You have been trained to be a model tiger when you come back from the dark hall this time. You are an awakened tiger. Black Luocha doesn't know you well enough. Therefore, it is not without hope that we want to surpass the bloody cherry blossom! "

White grandfather's words are methodical and reasonable, which makes my confidence rise. A glimmer of hope shoots into my body and makes my blood boil.

Indeed, what grandfather Bai said is very reasonable. My father's defeat was not due to his strength, but to his plan. The enemy, one is his old lover, the other is his old brother. They all know my father too well. In addition, after so many years, black Luocha and Yang Shuli should cooperate with each other. They sing the double reed and invite my father into the urn step by step. They have a lot of time to carefully set traps, especially the black Luocha. She may have created bloody cherry blossom to deal with my father for so many years Just wait for my dad to jump into her trap. Now, my dad jumps and loses.

However, black Luocha did not understand me, and even, in her eyes, I was not as good as a mole ant. She must think it's easier to deal with me than to crush an ant. And the more the enemy despises me, the more likely I will be able to surprise her and surprise her.

Thinking of this, I quickly asked: "do you know the location of the headquarters of red cherry blossom?"

White grandfather shook his head and replied: "the specific location is not clear, but I know the approximate location, we can find it!"

Hearing this, I feel more and more bright. Today, I came out in a hurry to inquire about my father's news and the location of the blood Cherry Blossom headquarters. Now, with the news from my father, the position of the bloody cherry blossom is almost finished. What's more, with the help of grandfather Bai, I'm totally reaping a lot.

Although, my father's news is bad news, and the terror of bloody cherry blossom has exceeded my expectation. Today, the villager is also implicated. But in the end, I have completed the task of today, and I still have to deal with bloody cherry blossom. Although this move is very dangerous, I should give myself a little confidence with my grandfather Bai, who is an old general The fire of war is the tiger that wakes up. No matter how strong the black Luosha is, we newborn calves may have made a hole in it.

In this way, I did not grind Ji, directly agreed to the white grandfather.

Then, we began to clean up the scene. The death of aunt snake and two bodyguards was always related to me. I felt guilty. But it was impossible to call the police. Otherwise, it would be more troublesome. Moreover, the bloody cherry blossoms were so powerful that the police could not help them. So, after consulting with grandfather Bai, we buried them properly. I dug three pits for them directly in the back garden and buried them with my own hands.After the burial, I was here for two minutes of silence for them. Then, I silently promised to the buried snake aunt: "Auntie, I will avenge you!"

Although the heart has guilt, but I will not be immersed in sadness, I took this road, is destined to face a lot of life and death, to this day, I have seen too much death, my heart has become a little hard, so, silent prayer, my heart will restore calm.

But Sun Yihan, a little girl who has just stepped into a big city, can't be relieved in a short time. She may have experienced this kind of separation for the first time. Therefore, even if aunt snake is not her close relative, she is very sad. Fortunately, sun Yihan inherited the blood of her parents and had a little bit of her mother's strength. Although she was sad, she didn't collapse too much. She was always strong.

When the scene was cleaned up, the white grandfather looked at Sun Yihan and asked, "is this sun Xiangru's daughter?"

I nodded and said, "Well!"

Bai took a breath and asked, "how are you going to settle her?"

This is indeed a problem. Sun Xiangru asked sun Yihan to wait for me here. In fact, she wanted to entrust her daughter to me. Now, all the people in the villa have died because of me, and the villa has become a dangerous place. I can't leave her here alone. However, I decided to go to the Miao Autonomous Region. It was impossible for me to take sun Yihan with me. I had no time to play with her. How could I take care of her?

When I was struggling, sun Yihan suddenly took my hand and said pitifully, "big brother!"

Hearing her pitiful voice, my tangled heart instantly softened, and my eyes could not help looking at her. At the moment, sun Yihan, with a desolate face and sad eyes, seemed to be an orphan abandoned by the whole world. It was so heartbreaking.

Even if I was cruel, I couldn't abandon her. Unconsciously, I reached out and touched her head, and then solemnly said to grandfather Bai, "take her to my war headquarters first."

Next, we didn't stay in this dangerous place any more and left the villa directly.

I drove to Peng's manor with my grandfather Bai and sun Yihan.

Now my grandfather Bai has made up his mind to help me and save my father with me. Therefore, from this moment on, he intends to follow me all the time, which is equivalent to protecting my safety. After all, it is really dangerous for me to meet a master like blood rose.

To tell you the truth, with my grandfather Bai around, my heart is much more stable, especially if he wants to help me attack the bloody cherry blossom, I have strengthened my confidence, and the whole person has a little more energy. Suddenly, no matter how difficult it is, it is not a matter.

However, at this age, grandfather Bai lived a peaceful life and had to take care of Bai Ling at home. However, in order to help me, he was willing to take risks. I was always a little impatient.

After a pause, I raised my head slightly, looked at the back row of white grandfather through the interior rearview mirror, and asked in a low voice: "grandfather, you're here. What should Bai Ling do? Aren't you going to take care of her?"

Grandfather Bai was closing his eyes slightly. After listening to my words, he immediately opened his eyes, and then said to me seriously: "the child has been born, and linger's month has been finished. She has recovered very well. Nothing is wrong. I'll let her mother take care of her."

After listening to grandfather Bai's words, my heart is not taste, I not only did not take up the responsibility of a man, did not do the father's responsibility, even took away the white grandfather. I owe Bai Ling too much, and I'm sorry for my children.

Thinking of the child, I can't help but ask the white grandfather: "grandfather, is Bai Ling born a boy or a girl?"

Hearing this, the white grandfather suddenly straightened up, a positive looking at me, the tone deep said: "boy, like you!"

I don't know why, at this moment, my nose is sour and astringent, my inner emotions stir, five flavors are mixed.

Suddenly, there are so many pictures in my mind. The more I think about it, the more painful my heart is, the more blurred my eyes are.

After a long silence, I said to my grandfather Bai, "grandfather, I promise you that as long as I can come back from Miao, I will go back to visit Bai Ling immediately."

Smell speech, white grandfather if thoughtful nodded, no more words.

I didn't talk much nonsense either. I drove the car in the dark and the car was silent. In the middle of the morning, three of us arrived at Pengjia manor

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