As the night went on, Peng's garden had returned to its tranquility. The dinner was over long ago. All the brothers went back to their arranged houses to rest. There were only patrolling guards and street lights as bright as the daytime.

With my grandfather Bai and sun Yihan, I shuttled through the huge manor. The patrol guards would nod at me when they saw me.

Grandfather Bai is an old man in the world. He is not surprised at such a scene. He just walks around like he comes to his own home.

Sun Yihan was different. As soon as she entered the manor, the whole person was shocked. Of course, she was not surprised by my identity. She should have had a general understanding of what I do. She's not stupid. On the contrary, she's smart. She knows what to ask and what not to ask.

After coming out of the villa, she has been obediently following me, not as noisy as usual, not asking about the East and West, just stay quiet, like a good girl.

However, when she came to Peng's manor and saw the magnificent and unique scenery like the Imperial Palace, she was still stunned. From time to time, she opened her mouth to show her surprise. Her eyes have been scanning the plants and trees of the manor.

The beauty of the manor made her forget all the sad things happened in the villa. Her eyes were full of novelty, as if to swallow the manor.

Just as we got to the center of the manor, Peng Yi and Shen Muchen were in a hurry.

Peng Yi walked the fastest. As soon as he came near me, he said to me eagerly: "Arlo, you can come back. Your mobile phone is not with us. We can't contact you. We are worried. We just discussed whether to go out to look for you. You are OK."

Speaking of this, Peng Yi's words suddenly stopped, because when he was talking, he suddenly noticed that the people behind me might not know sun Yihan, but he could not have known grandfather Bai. At the beginning, my father came down safely from the dark moon hall, with his grandfather white. Therefore, Peng Yi must have been deeply impressed by grandfather Bai. When he saw him, he was a bit surprised.

I didn't delay. At the moment when Peng Yi was stunned, I suddenly opened my mouth and said to Peng Yi in a sharp voice: "call for a meeting of all the high-level officers of the war and the former high-level Haibang!"

After hearing what I said, Peng Yi immediately recovered. He realized the seriousness of the matter, so he directly nodded his head and quickly went to handle it.

As soon as Peng Yi left, I looked at grandfather Bai and sun Yihan and said to them, "Grandpa Bai, Yihan, you are tired. I'll arrange a place for you. You can have a rest first."

My words just finished, sun Yihan's clear voice suddenly rang out: "I'm not sleepy, I don't want to sleep, I want to walk here!"

Sure enough, this curiosity treasure sees the novel thing, thoroughly has the vigor, wants to appreciate the scenery in the middle of the night. In fact, I also know that she must have a shadow in her heart when such a big event happened just now in the villa. If she is taken to a strange place now, she can't sleep even if she goes to sleep. Finally, she was attracted by the scenery at the moment, and then temporarily put down those sad things.

However, I had no spare time to accompany her. Fortunately, grandfather Bai seemed to see my mind and took the initiative to say to me: "I'll walk with her, you go to the meeting!"

I stared at Sun Yihan and asked in a soft voice, "is that ok? Let grandfather accompany you

Sun Yihan turned her head and looked at grandfather Bai. Maybe she felt his kindness or she knew that he was trustworthy. In short, she did not refuse and nodded to me and said, "Well!"

See her so obedient, white grandfather accompanied her side, I also feel relieved.

Then, I went to the conference hall with Peng Yi and others.

Ten minutes later, the meeting hall had gathered the fire and all the high-level members of the Haibang.

As I was the highest position and the most powerful one in the war, Peng Yi insisted that I should sit on the throne that he used to use.

I'm not polite. I just sit on it. Peng Yi and Shen Muchen sat next to me, while the others sat separately on both sides of the hall.

This conference can be regarded as the largest and most solemn meeting in the history of the war. Even though I have not opened my mouth, my expression has already shown that this meeting is of great importance. Therefore, everyone in the field is sitting in a serious position and full of solemnity.

The atmosphere of the scene became dignified. In the silence, I suddenly opened my mouth and uttered a very serious voice: "I want to tell you the bad news. My father, the king of ghosts, has suffered a great failure in his journey to the Miao area, and his life is in danger!"

In a word, it's like an atomic bomb. The hall is in chaos. The atmosphere of silence is suddenly broken, and everyone's expression changes in an instant, becoming extremely shocked.

My father went deep into the Miao Autonomous Region, and there was no news for more than two months. Therefore, everyone may have guessed that my father is in danger. But that's just a guess. There must be hope in everyone's heart.

However, at this moment, I broke their expectations and made it clear that such a result was too burning for them to be shocked. They really can't believe that the king of ghosts will fail, or fail miserably. It's just subverting their world view.It is important to know that the ghost king is invincible. He has the myth of invincibility. He has been praised for his legendary stories even if he has been in the Jianghu for more than 20 years.

Now, he reappeared the Jianghu, and caused a great sensation in the underground world, which made many people in the Jianghu concentrate on the war fire. However, the myth of ghost king was not only broken at this moment, but also beaten so thoroughly, which made brothers believe it. The rustling of the talk was full of the hall, almost all the people, are so unbelievable.

As my brothers talked about it, I sat straight, and I looked at the whole scene with a sharp light. My body was full of air, and the fine light in my eyes was more and more frightening.

With infinite momentum, I said to my brothers again: "I have decided to go to Miao and rescue my dad, but I need help from you. I wonder if my brothers would like to wish me a hand!"

My voice just fell, and a loud cry from my brothers in the hall was immediately burst out: "yes!"

Roar, deafening, breathtaking. At the critical moment, the attitude that the group shows is always so generous. No matter how powerful the enemy is, brothers seem to be afraid. I said they would go to Miao, and they roared and shared common hatred. Blood cherry blossom is no longer terrible, and can not suppress the blood of brothers. After all, we went to dark moon hall to train, in order to fight against blood cherry blossom. We have no other fighting fire, but there are many soldiers who are not afraid of death. Therefore, I was not surprised to see the brothers so united, but only to be relieved.

Next, all I have to do is strategic deployment. This is very important. We must plan it in detail, because blood cherry blossom is the devil who eats people and doesn't spit bones. It is also the first group in the world. If we rush blindly, we will only die in the next game. So the theme of this conference is to discuss how to fight the blood cherry blossom.

Before we can further develop this theme, we must first rectify the order inside the fire. Now the fire is a powerful one in the air. Besides the 600 iron soldiers in the dark moon hall, we have countless members.

Moreover, although we have merged with the Haigang, the personnel are still not integrated. So, in this meeting, all these trivialities will be solved.

First of all, I relocated the position arrangement of the war.

Shen Muchen, his position has not changed, and he is still the vice president of the war fire, and the most powerful person except me.

Crab, he is very fierce and fierce in fighting. He has made rapid progress in training in dark moon hall and has practiced extraordinary martial arts. However, his management ability is not very good, and his temperament is a little violent, and it is not suitable for the whole hall mouth.

Therefore, he voluntarily resigned from the position of the leader of Qinglong hall. I arranged for duhaisheng to take over the seat, that is, from now on, duhaisheng is the leader of Qinglong hall, and crab is the deputy leader.

In addition, the hall leader of white tiger hall is still Dongzhiming, and the deputy leader or Huang Mao. These two people are also extraordinary characters after training in dark moon hall. They are qualified and capable of managing the white tiger hall.

Zhuque hall, currently small in scale, is only the leader of the hall, without the deputy head, the seat of the hall leader, or Huang cancan.

But Xuanwu hall, the leader is still Bai Qiuyan, but now there is a deputy hall leader, namely Xinxing Lu Ping. At the University of H Province, Lu Ping's force is my most important. Later, he and Chen Xiao, for me to manage beacon fire, also has been well managed, can be said, he is in the beacon of great prestige. Today, I appointed him as the deputy head of Xuanwu hall, and he can help to combine beacon fire with Xuanwu hall.

As for Peng Yi and the top of his gang, I did not directly appoint them, but announced the opening of a new entrance, called dark moon hall.

As the name implies, the dark moon hall is named after the hidden entrance of the original Haigang. However, this hall is not the entrance of the hall in the year of the day. It is different from the other four portals. This is a hall mouth specially established for special tasks. The hall leader is certainly served by Pengyi. The members in it are basically those of other sea gangs.

I do not want to disperse Pengyi's Hong Gang. After all, I am deeply aware that in the hearts of the gang of the sea, Peng Yi's position cannot be shaken, and they should be obedient to Peng Yi.

In particular, the people left by the gang of Haigang are either the relatives of Pengyi or the Peng family. For these people, Pengyi must be more prestige than me. I set up a hall mouth for them, which is equivalent to changing their heads for a while, but the boss is still Pengyi himself.

However, I also added a deputy hall leader to the dark moon hall, that is, Mu Nan. It also inserts a mu Nan into the entrance of the hall, which is to prevent the dark moon hall from changing from the sea Gang, and completely divorced from my control.

Of course, besides the people I appointed, there are many powerful generals in the war. However, these are all the positions below. It is the appointment of the hall Lords. I don't need to worry about it.

It is worth mentioning that the sunflower is very powerful, but he is not interested in the status of power. He is also lazy to deal with other people too much. In the war, he is equivalent to my bodyguard, and only listen to my dispatch.

As for my father's comrades, the five instructors, they are not members of the war, but to save my father, they will also participate in it without hesitation.As soon as the matter of post arrangement was completed, we immediately discussed various details about the internal affairs of the meeting. Until the war had been sorted out in a certain order, we formally entered into the theme of the meeting, that is, how to deal with bloody cherry blossoms.

This is the most important but also the most difficult thing. As the specific location of the bloody cherry blossom and their specific situation are not fully understood, so our combat strategy is not particularly perfect. We have roughly worked out a similar plan, and then we ended this meeting.

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