The blood of the guard was dyed with cherry blossom, which was branded on the wall. All the people were panicked. For a time, some military morale was unstable. But even then, as a leader, I could not also be depressed. I must play a leading role.

As soon as my voice dropped, I took everyone back. Next, our focus is to make strategic deployment. For this aspect of the matter, white grandfather is not good at, although he has advanced martial arts, but he knows nothing about the art of war.

Although I am the boss, I am still a rookie, and I don't know much about the operational deployment. Therefore, I entrusted this important task to Peng Yi and Shen Muchen, who were mainly responsible for the management.

Shen Muchen knows more about platoon and arrangment than I do. Peng Yi, an experienced veteran, knows more than I do. I can rest assured that he will leave the matter to them.

Just like grandfather Bai said, it's time to test our training results. I'd like to see if the bloody cherry blossom is really as evil as the rumor.

Just because of a bloody cherry blossom, today we have been busy from the early morning. The manor is full of running figures. We all perform our duties and do our own things.

While everyone was busy, grandfather Bai took sun Yihan to play around the manor. It seemed that today's events had no impact on them. However, I didn't have grandfather Bai's leisure, nor was I as innocent as Xiaofang. I felt like a huge stone in my heart.

Even if I convince myself, don't panic, don't be afraid, the big deal is to play a game, but I don't have much confidence from the bottom of my heart, and I always feel very uneasy.

However, because of the white grandfather in, and see him so confident, I will not be too desperate, heart always hold a little hope.

When Uncle Bai and sun Yihan were playing hard, I quietly walked to his side and asked, "grandfather, I have some chance to win for the bloody cherry blossom!"

After listening to my words, the white grandfather's relaxed expression suddenly became serious. Then, he said to me solemnly: "there is no chance of winning."

This let my heart suddenly a sudden, I lenglengleng look at white grandfather, doubt asked: "can't, white grandfather, look at your leisurely appearance, I thought the blood cherry blossom is just bluff!"

White grandfather gave a bitter smile and replied, "what do you think I should do? I can't escape in a moment. Since I can't escape, I'd better have a good time. Anyway, what should come will come!"

After listening to grandfather Bai's words, the tiny hopes in my heart flickered, and my heart became more heavy. At this time, how can I be as happy as my grandfather Bai is.

I frowned slightly and continued, "why do you think I have no chance of winning? This is H Province, yes! The territory of war is the bloody cherry blossom. How can it do to us again

The white grandfather looked at me deeply and said seriously: "this time, the red cherry blossom must be killed. It can be imagined that they have moved the real case, which also shows that it cares about your war. In fact, on the one hand, it issued a must kill order, on the one hand, it is to disturb your army's morale. The second possibility is that it wants you to take the initiative to capture and dissolve the fire. Once the fire is dissolved, they will have no targets to attack, and you will not have a great threat to them. Just catch you at that time.

Of course, I'm very clear about your character. You won't be caught with your bare hands. On the contrary, you will have a big fight with them. If the red cherry blossom knows that you are stubborn, they will not be merciful, and they are bound to fight. This is about their dignity. They are absolutely not allowed to lose, and they have never failed.

If we take the initiative to attack the headquarters of red cherry blossom, fight guerrilla warfare with them, and defeat each of them, we may still have the possibility of winning. But now, all our main forces are in one place and waiting for them to attack in a large scale, there is no hope of victory. I didn't say that in public this morning because I didn't want your brothers to lose confidence and become more panic stricken! "

White grandfather's words, let the light of hope in my heart completely extinguished. I know that grandfather Bai is not long-term ambition, destroy his own prestige, bloody cherry blossom, it is really a perverse and powerful existence, a sleeping dragon for more than ten years, even my father's troops in its hands are almost destroyed, its terror is beyond doubt.

Now that it has given me the order to kill, it will definitely not allow it to fail. Even if the whole army is deployed, it is estimated that it will not hesitate.

I also know that the reason why the bloody Cherry Blossom used the fire of war is mainly for me. Of course, its purpose is to catch me, and then use me to torture my father.

If I can take the initiative to arrest and dissolve the war, they will certainly not do anything, but this is obviously impossible, as grandfather Bai said, I will fight them.

Now I can no longer escape, I believe that my brothers will not shrink back, so even if it is lost, we should also have ambition to lose. However, the white grandfather said that there is no chance of winning, and can not help but let me panic, my confidence was completely submerged, disheartened.

Grandfather Bai seemed to see my mind and tried to persuade me: "Arlo, don't lose heart. In fact, as long as you work hard, maybe you can win. After all, I have not seen the real combat effectiveness of your war, and I do not know the extent to which the bloody cherry blossom has developed. Many things are unknown. My assertion just now is a bit absolute. What's more, you have an advantage, that is, this is your base camp. You are equal to fighting back and forth. You will certainly do your best, and I will try my best to help you! "Being said by grandfather Bai, my gray heart seems to have shot into a ray of light. Yes, nothing is absolute. Even if our strength is not as good as the blood cherry blossom, we are not 100% likely to lose this battle, and there may be a reversal.

Thinking of this, my gloomy eyes suddenly became firm, and then, I solemnly said to the white grandfather: "I know!"

After that, I came to sun Yihan again and said, "Yihan, there may be bad people here at any time. It's very dangerous. I'll let someone take you out, OK?"

Hearing this, sun Yihan shook his head without hesitation: "no, I'm here. I like it here!"

"But this place is so dangerous," I said

Sun Yihan firmly said: "I'm not afraid, big brother, I believe you. If there are bad people, you will certainly fight away!"

For sun Yihan's obstinacy, I really don't know how to resolve it.

One side of the white grandfather saw the situation, timely said: "Suluo, let her stay, I will take good care of her, nothing!"

As soon as Han's grandfather finished, Xiao Fang immediately took his grandfather's hand and said with a smile, "it's better to be a grandfather."

These two, I take them is no way, but shake my head, I said goodbye to them, left here.

In order to nip in the bud, I asked Peng Yi to evacuate all the women and children in the manor who had no fighting power. After all, no matter what, I had to consider the possibility of the manor failing. Once defeated, the whole manor might be slaughtered. I didn't want to hurt these unarmed people. I had to settle them in advance.

Peng Yi understood what I meant and agreed with me directly.

When it comes to the affairs of female dependents, I can't help but ask Peng Yi, "Feifei, haven't you come back yet?"

Peng Yi said helplessly: "no, I don't know where she went. There is no news at all!"

For three months, for three months, Peng Xuefei did not have any news, so she disappeared out of thin air. It is impossible to say that she is not worried about her.

When I was in H Province, I was used to having her, especially in the manor. I would think of her inadvertently. If she really had something wrong, I would feel uneasy all my life. But now I don't have time to think so much. The crisis is imminent. I can only concentrate on the attack that the bloody cherry blossom may launch at any time.

After a pause, I said to Peng Yi, "well, go ahead and do your work."

After giving Peng Yi an account, I asked Shen Muchen to evacuate those patrol guards and guards who were not strong in fighting power in the periphery. These people are also ants in front of the huge bloody cherry blossom. I don't want them to be burial objects.

That is to say, the last remaining soldiers in the manor are the elite soldiers in the war. In addition to the 600 iron soldiers who came back from the training in the dark moon hall, there are hundreds of elite generals selected by Peng Yi from the thousands of people in the war.

When the old and weak women and children and the guards were evacuated completely, there were only thousands of elite guards in our manor. After the deployment of Peng Yi and Shen Muchen, all of them were assigned. Today, the manor is not solid, at least it is a piece of iron bucket.

Of course, even in this way, I have not enough confidence in my heart. In any case, that uneasiness lingers in my heart, because the blood cherry blossom's strong, really to the extreme, suppressed my self-confidence, let me in any case have no much assurance.

However, even if I don't have a lot of confidence, I will not show it. Even if I want to improve my morale, I always keep a high spirited posture.

My brothers, though they know that the bloody cherry blossom is terrible, they have not experienced a battle for a long time. This time is the time to show themselves. Therefore, the brothers are boiling with blood. Everyone sticks to their posts and is waiting for the battle to test the effectiveness of their training.

On the first day, we were full of passion and blood boiling. We were fully prepared to wait for the arrival of the blood cherry blossom. However, the blood Cherry Blossom did not come.

The next day, everyone's passion was wasted a lot of time, the fighting spirit also slowly retreated, replaced by uneasy and uneasy.

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