Time is a terrible thing. It can really destroy everything. The courage and self-confidence we have to hold up can not withstand the devastation of time. Waiting will make the time long. Waiting for a day is like waiting for a century. The long time makes everyone lose patience. The sense of fear stealthily attacks everyone's heart.

The taste of waiting is really terrible, especially waiting for the attack of a tiger, which may be swallowed up at any time. Who can not be nervous? No matter how hard we try, the horror in our hearts can't be eliminated, and everyone is suffering.

I am also the same. The more I wait, the more anxious I am. The more I wait, the more I panic. However, as the leader of the team and the pillar of my brothers, I can't take the lead to show fear.

So, I continued to pretend to be full of pride, and kept encouraging morale, so that my brothers could fight against the bloody cherry blossom in the best condition, but on this day, the bloody Cherry Blossom still did not come.

On the third day, our passion was completely cooled. Let alone other brothers, even I, the eldest, were a little unable to carry. These two days, we were on guard day and night, always on guard. Our nerves were tense at any time, and we didn't sleep well at all. Our spirit was a little bit worn out. Now we are exhausted.

The bloody cherry blossom, it's that bullshit must kill order, is really extraordinary, they did not start to move, they have destroyed our fighting spirit. Their psychological warfare is really smart. We can't be sure which day, when and when he will come, so that we can't be sure when he will come. Every minute, every second, I will be in a tense defense, and our spirit and will will will be completely consumed. We are already at the starting line.

Three days, there is only this last day, this day, there is no sunshine, the sky is gray, the earth is like a cold atmosphere, the haze of fear, shrouded in the whole manor. We had a thorough experience of the terrible eve of the storm. In the grinding ordeal, we forced to support and wait for another day. Until the evening, we still did not see the shadow of bloody cherry blossom.

Finally, people's hearts collapsed, and some people began to lose their breath. Many people questioned the statement of grandfather Bai and felt that the so-called order of killing was illusory. Some people think that the red cherry blossom on the wall is sensational, but not so terrible. Some even thought it was just a prank.

At this point, many people do not believe that the blood cherry blossom will really come, to tell the truth, my heart is also a little shaken. But I believe in grandfather Bai more, I think, white grandfather can not be alarmist.

So, I took out the spirit of the boss, advised everyone to calm down, and then, I quietly found on the white grandfather.

Three days later, grandfather Bai is still playing with Xiao Fang in the garden like nobody else. These two treasures are just as heartless as heartless. They are in sharp contrast to the heavy atmosphere of our manor and become a different landscape.

I came to grandfather Bai, and I opened the door directly to see the mountain and said, "grandfather white, why haven't the bloody Cherry Blossom come yet? What you said is a must kill order, and there is still a three-day deadline. Is it reliable?"

My voice just fell, suddenly, one side of sun Yihan excitedly called a sentence: "Wow, a lot of Cherry Blossom falling!"

Smell speech, I immediately looked up, found that under the hazy sky, there are many cherry blossoms, these flowers, like a demon, are flying to the gate in groups.

This scene is too strange, as if magic, my heart shaking uncontrollably two times, just at this time, Shen Muchen suddenly rushed over, nervously called out: "bloody Cherry Blossom people, come!"

The fresh cherry blossoms suddenly fluttered all over the sky. It was like a strange sign that made me uneasy. The appearance of Shen Muchen completely confirmed my uneasiness. The bloody Cherry Blossom man finally came.

They didn't come early or late, but they came when our hearts were shaken. A moment ago, the brothers thought that grandfather Bai was not right, and that the bloody Cherry Blossom would not really come. But at this moment, they really came. They came so suddenly, even so strangely.

It seems that the living cherry blossom is strange, which brings me shock and uneasiness. The suffering and waiting of these three days make me tired physically and mentally. Now, all of a sudden, knowing that the bloody cherry blossoms are really coming, I am all withered. I have no fighting spirit and ambition to wait carefully before. Even the cautious tension is gone. There is only fear and powerlessness.

At this moment, I don't know what to do, the soul seems to be not attached to the body. Or one side of the white grandfather, a deep voice: "go out and have a look!"

I suddenly regained consciousness and nodded. Then I looked at Sun Yihan and said seriously, "Xiao Fang, you'd better stay here. Don't run around, you know?"

Hearing my words, sun Yihan surprisingly did not refute. Perhaps, she also realized the seriousness of the matter, so she didn't have to be willful any more. She directly and obediently agreed to me and said to me, "big brother, I believe you must beat the bad guys away!"

I grinned slightly and gave a hard smile. Then, I asked some brothers to take care of sun Yihan.

Then, I left with grandfather Bai and Shen Muchen.

When I came to the gate of the manor, I found that most of the elite of the war had gathered here and were ready for battle. At this moment, although their order was still in good order, their looks revealed surprise and faint gloom. Their eyes were all fixed on the iron gate.My eyes also looked out through the gate. For a moment, my eyes were filled with a group of people. They were like soldiers who attacked the city. They occupied the road outside our door. At a glance, they were at least 400 people.

LED as like as two peas in two faces, who looked alike in their clothes. I saw an illusion in their twinkling. It's like putting a mirror between them. One of them is an image. There is no difference between them. Needless to say. They must be the legendary blood rose and poison rose, but at the moment, I don't know which is the last blood rose to deal with me.

Behind them stood all kinds of strange people, the most striking of which were the three behind them.

These three are also women. However, they are different from the two blood roses. Their costumes have a peculiar ancient style, similar to those of ancient princesses in the western regions. They are very beautiful. Most importantly, they seem to exude a refreshing fragrance, which attracts many cherry blossoms.

At this point, I finally understood why there were cherry blossoms flying all over the sky just now. It turns out that the source of that strange landscape comes from these three women. It is their special fragrance that attracts these cherry blossoms. They have special skills. There is a kind of East and West called Gu in Miao Autonomous Region, which can control all things in the world. I think the cherry blossom flying all over the sky is also related to Gu.

Their mystery represents their extraordinary. I can feel the infinite magic hidden in their soft bodies. Obviously, these three women are also first-class masters.

Behind the three of them, there were more than 400 people standing in orderly order. All of them were dressed in strange clothes. Some of them were unique clothes of ethnic minorities. Some of them were in black robes and others were in red clothes. In any case, at a glance, there were no normal people, but I could almost conclude that each of them was an expert. The sky above them seems to be slightly changed by their momentum, which gives us a little pressure.

But fortunately, they showed up in the light this time, and they didn't engage in secret moves. For a long time, I have set the bloody cherry blossom as a sinister and vicious organization, specializing in sneaking tricks. Therefore, in the past three days, I have really done all kinds of precautions, and I have always been vigilant. I have arranged secret sentries everywhere, because I am afraid that the bloody Cherry Blossom will give me Yin.

I didn't expect that they even appeared in my headquarters openly. It seems that the bloody Cherry Blossom people really don't pay attention to the fire of war. They think they have absolute strength and can sweep the fire. Therefore, they feel that there is no need to think about any secret tactics.

It's OK. If they don't come to Yin, my fear will also be reduced. Although they have many masters, but after all, it's a confrontation. I don't need to be too afraid. Anyway, I have to maintain the appearance of a leader. I can't let my brothers lose in momentum first. Then, I'll take the lead and lead the brothers in a good state Against the enemy.

This war was inevitable, and I could not shrink. So I went straight to the gate and ordered, "open the door!"

The guard took orders and immediately opened the door. As soon as the door opened, I walked out of the manor in a bold manner. Grandfather Bai, wasabi, Peng Yi and others followed me out.

Behind us, there are countless elites of war. Our numbers are full of bloody cherry blossoms. But it is undeniable that our overall momentum is not high. After three days of suffering, our brothers have consumed a lot of energy and their morale is not as high as at the beginning. Even in the face of the enemy at the moment, everyone forced calm, it is difficult to burst out full of blood momentum.

The people with red cherry blossoms obviously saw the depression of our side. Originally, they looked down on us. This time, they despised me and the fire of war.

As soon as we came out, the other side immediately said, "sulo, you are a bit stubborn. Originally, I am going to arrest you. But if you want to know yourself and follow me, you don't have to worry about your war!"

The person who said this is the blood rose. Although, from the appearance, I can't tell which is the one, but when I listen to the ethereal voice and this extremely arrogant words, I immediately know that it is from the mouth of blood rose, because her voice and tone have already penetrated into my heart, deeply engraved in my memory.

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