The person who talks is blood rose, and the one standing on the side of blood rose must be poisonous rose. She has been staring at me with both eyes since I came out. The way she looked at me showed that she had never seen me before, and now she was watching me like a creature.

I don't care too much about the poison Rose's eyes, only focus on the arrogant blood rose. Every time she gives me the impression that she is crazy, crazy to the boundless.

As soon as I heard her saying this, I got angry out of control. Almost without hesitation, I yelled to her, "don't talk so loud. Do you really think you are invincible? If you're my opponent today, I'll tell you if you're my opponent

After listening to my words, Xueqiang sneered twice, and then said, "Suluo, you are really ignorant. Do you think that under our order to kill, is it possible for the fire to survive? I thought you were a smart man. You would voluntarily dismiss your garbage gang and surrender well. I didn't expect that you were so ignorant and organized people to fight against us. You let me down! "

Said, blood rose on the body of pride, suddenly exposed, she really like a proud mother peacock, too arrogant. This time, don't mention me, even my brothers of life and death, can't help but be filled with righteous indignation. Everyone's momentum was stimulated by the blood rose, for a time, our side also showed the strength of soldiers. Morale soared.

I take advantage of this situation, directly to blood rose provocation way: "want to fight, where to come so much nonsense!"

Since I can't avoid the first World War, I don't need to waste my energy and talk with them here. As soon as I finish speaking, my momentum will be displayed suddenly.

The arrogant blood rose listened to my words, but also furious, she took a towering arrogance, two steps forward, to me in a rage: "hum, ignorant child, if the leader didn't specially order me, only catch you, don't kill, I would have given you the fire of war, I would have talked to you here?"

When I heard this, I was shocked. No wonder the bloody cherry blossoms delayed to deal with us today after the massacre order. It turned out that they were not fighting with us in the heart, but because black Luocha didn't want to kill us. However, isn't black Luocha insane? How could she care about killing more people?

My heart is full of strange, my eyes can not help looking at the blood rose, doubt asked: "what do you mean?"

Blood rose arrogantly replied: "my meaning is very simple, the leader does not want to waste time on you and lose troops. She gave you one last chance. As long as you follow me, we will not hurt your soldiers. If you are still stubborn, all your brothers will be buried with you! "

Hearing this, my anger suddenly came up again. For a moment just now, I was stunned. I thought that black Luocha had some kindness. Unexpectedly, she just didn't want to lose her troops. No matter what, this is my territory. Even if they are strong, once they fight, they will win at the expense of others, and may even suffer heavy losses. Therefore, they will be here to bully and lure me, and want me to be captured, so that they can complete the task intact. These people are really good at calculating.

With full of anger, I stare at the blood rose fiercely and firmly threw two words to her: "dream!"

Blood rose listened to my words, very disappointed shook her head, disdainful way: "blood rose, you don't really think your wings are hard, right? If we want to kill you, you could have died hundreds of times. At the beginning, you didn't move you, because of your father. Now, your father is trapped by us. What are you fighting us for? "

Smell speech, I pointed directly at the numerous brothers behind me and said: "by me, I have these brothers!"

I said this again let blood rose sneer out of the voice, she looked at me with more disdain. She said to me in a very disdainful tone: "solo, you are too naive. Do you still want to rely on you? Your father's men have been defeated by us. Where do you come from? And why do you let your people die with you. Do you really think you made them?

You are wrong, no, you can have today's status, it is entirely by your father's Secret manipulation, step by step to help you build up, your war is inseparable from the ghost King's dark box operation, even yourself, is also the ghost King slowly cultivated, in the final analysis, take away your father, you're not bullshit, you're just a puppet! "

Blood rose words, sentence by sentence, such as poison needle, deeply rooted in my heart, stimulating my nerves. Although she said that she meant to satirize me, her words were really reasonable. Without my father's help, I was really nothing. I might still be the bullying coward. My war, even myself, was built by my father slowly.

Now, the war can flourish, but also because my father's name is too loud. I, the son of the ghost king, naturally attracted people's attention. Even Peng Yi, it was because they were defeated by my father that they betrayed me later. So, I've always been growing up in the glory of my father. I'm really a puppet. Without my father, I'm really bullshit.

Moreover, if I put aside my anger, put aside my so-called self-esteem, and think about it calmly, the conditions of blood rose are really attractive. She gave me a choice, so that I can not implicate my brother.I know that once a fight starts, although it can lead to bloody cherry blossoms, our fate may be even worse. Maybe it is the total annihilation. At that time, all my brothers will be buried with me. After all, I really have no chance to win. My brothers choose to follow me, because they trust me, or trust my father. I am not qualified to let them die with me.

However, my ambition, my ambition also warned me that I should not easily be discouraged, that we should not lose our courage without fighting, and that we should not let them achieve their goals without any loss.

At this moment, my heart was tangled to the extreme. My brothers might see that I was beaten. Some senior leaders headed by Peng Yi cheered me up in a low voice. They said that they would not listen to the Witch and said that they followed me because of my ability. It had nothing to do with my father, especially Peng Yi and Mu Nan.

Hearing these voices, I can't help but turn around slowly and look at the big group of brothers behind me. I know that many of them really believe me. In the face of strong enemies, they all share the same hatred. But I know more clearly that even if they have ambition, they are difficult to have confidence. After all, the enemy in front of them is so powerful that they are terrorist organizations. In addition, some frivolous words of Xueqiang will more or less shake our military morale, and even I will lose confidence. I am really afraid that my people will go back to the scene with me.

Not from, I put my eyes on the white grandfather, quietly asked: "white grandfather, you now estimate, we have how many chances of winning!"

Smell speech, white grandfather used his deep eyes to glance at the next bloody cherry blossom, and then asked me: "do you want to listen to the truth or lies?"

I don't think it's true, of course

White grandfather said: "the main force of blood cherry blossoms are out, you have no chance to win!"

Before that, grandfather Bai also said that everything can not be absolute, let me maintain confidence, but at the moment, grandfather white saw the momentum of the blood cherry blossom, directly gave me such a conclusion.

However, after listening to grandfather Bai's words, I strengthened my faith in my heart. I nodded to him and said, "OK, I know!"

Then I turned and faced the blood rose.

At this time, blood rose also impatient, she sent out fierce light eyes, staring at me, and gave me the final warning: "Suluo, my patience has been exhausted, you don't give me grinding Ji, finally give you a chance, obediently put your hands down, otherwise, I want your blood flowing into a river!"

In the face of the threat of blood rose, I did not flinch, but straightened my chest, strode forward a few steps, and then sonorous and forceful way: "blood rose, don't you say I am a waste? Don't you think your blood cherry blossoms are invincible? Well, in order to avoid harming innocent people, let's fight each other. If I lose, I'll follow you and deal with it as you like. But if you want to lose, you will all withdraw from H Province, and you will never be able to set foot here for half a minute, how about? "

My voice is strong and powerful, and I also show a kind of extraordinary momentum. However, what my brothers behind me feel is my spirit of death. They almost call my name at the same time. Obviously, they don't agree with me.

But I turned a deaf ear to their dissuasion. I was determined that no one could change it.

On the other side, the blood Cherry Blossom people, they listened to me. As if they heard a joke, some of them could not help laughing. Obviously, none of them looked up to me. Even the blood rose was amused by me. She couldn't help playing with the smell: "it's up to you?"

For their ridicule, I didn't care, but the war spirit in my heart was stronger, and the blood was more surging. I looked at the blood rose closely and said, "yes, it's up to me. However, I have a principle of not fighting with women. As long as you select a man from your team, no matter who it is, I will accompany you to the end. Dare you?"

My words are full of provocation. In fact, I don't have the principle of bullshit. When I say this, I also want to avoid fighting with the other woman. After all, the woman with red cherry blossom is not a woman, but a devil. I feel that their top masters are women, such as their eldest brother, black Luosha, and blood rose poison rose. They are all unfathomable masters. I think I can't beat them, so I proposed to fight with men.

I thought that this absurd reason, blood rose would not accept, but did not expect, after listening to my words, she did not hesitate to reply: "good, I promise you!"

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