I want to change! This is the final result that I got. I want to say goodbye to the unbearable past, change my face, and welcome a new future. I will start from the beginning and let those who look down on me look at me differently. This is the first time that I have been so excited in front of my father.

My father looked at me, then nodded his head and said softly, "good!"

With that, a glimmer of relief flashed in his eyes. His performance is not particularly obvious, but I know that this is what he wants. Although he didn't say it, he still hoped that my son would have a promising future and bravely challenge the future.

I promised uncle Yang not to let my father down or uncle Yang down, but I finally broke my promise. But this time, I was more confident and vowed to never let them down. I must rely on my own efforts, step by step to build my own piece of heaven and earth.

After breakfast, my father began to move, soldiers divided into two ways, first entrusted yang to help me to apply for M country passport, and then. My dad drove me away from Taoyuan. Because of the excitement, I didn't have a good night's rest and fell asleep quickly in the car.

When I woke up, I saw my dad sitting in the driver's seat in a daze. He looked straight ahead, and his eyes seemed to contain many stories. I know, must be I overslept, he was waiting for me, so, I quickly said: "Dad, why don't you call me when you arrive?"

My father this just leisurely return to the mind, looking at me gently said: "see you are also very tired, let you sleep more!"

With that, he turned his head and looked ahead.

Dad's love, always so easy to let me move, a small detail, seems to reflect the full love, but I just sleep time. My dad is like a different person now, with a sad face. I can't help but follow his line of sight, to the window, this look, my heart immediately jumped to the throat, excited can not.

Because, here, it is my hometown, is the home where my father and I used to depend on each other. It is a shabby yard and an old brick house. It is still so familiar. For me, this home is full of memories. It has appeared in my dreams too many times.

I didn't expect that the day after my father and I met again, he took me back to my hometown. I asked him excitedly and said, "Dad, what are we doing here?"

My father is still staring at the front, leisurely said: "soon you will go abroad, our father and son get along with the opportunity must be less, before you leave, I am here to accompany you for a few days!"

My father's words moved me to tears. I recalled that many years ago, my father and I lived a simple and happy life here. After many years, we were together again, and only here would we enjoy the time together more. For me, even if I live in the White House, it is not as comfortable as this old house. Only here can we give my family warmth.

So, I nodded to him heavily and said, "well, I know, Dad"

just after the voice dropped, my father took the lead in opening the car door and said to me. "Get out of the car!" he said

After that, we went into the house which had been separated for many years. The location of the house is the old city. At first, there were some people living nearby. But now, the houses are demolished and the neighbors are moving. Some of the houses that have not been demolished are also empty. There are several old people who live alone in the house. This also creates a quiet environment for us.

Walking into the house I haven't entered for more than ten years, I feel very familiar with the smell and the strong feeling of home. It seems that someone has cleaned it regularly. It looks clean and warm. Even the photos on the wall are not dusty!

As soon as my father came into the room, he was in a deep daze at the black-and-white picture of my mother on the wall. I often saw this scene when I was a child. At that time, my father was always in a daze at the photos of my mother alone. Sometimes after drinking a little wine, he would talk to his mother's photos and say a lot of words. It can be seen that his love for my mother is so deep.

Now, seeing my dad like this again, I couldn't help asking, "Dad, what kind of person is mom? Why did she leave? "

To tell you the truth, I don't really have much feelings for my mother, because I have never seen her since I remember. I just often hear people say that she is beautiful. Therefore, many times, I don't want to mention her.

After listening to my words, my father was still staring at my mother's picture. After a long time of concentration, he said affectionately, "your mother, she is a very beautiful and kind-hearted woman."

My heart suddenly, originally, in my father's eyes, my mother is so perfect. The more I want to be, the more curious I am. Looking at my father, I wonder, "Dad, why did my mother leave us?"

Hearing this, my father's body obviously trembled. Instead of paying attention to my question, he chose to be silent. However, it seems that my father's face seems to be very uncomfortable. It seems that my mother is indeed a wound in his heart. It's hard for me to ask him again when I see him like this. I just stand beside him quietly, accompany him, and look at the pictures on the wall!

For the next two days, I almost stayed at home. During this period, I talked to Shen Muchen on the phone. I told him that my father would send me abroad. I didn't know when to come back. Shen Muchen only told me to take care of myself. Shen Muchen didn't say anything about my father's return. He was just happy for me. He said that if I returned home, he must contact him at the first time, otherwise he would not treat me as a brother. I was moved and hung up.As soon as I thought I was leaving, I took a picture of myself to commemorate me now. At least after several years, I would still remember my most miserable appearance. This can be regarded as a kind of memory.

My father said that I was too poor to be strong. My father brought me a lot of training equipment, which were suitable for short-term intensive training. Moreover, my father also taught me fighting skills himself. He said that after practice, self-protection was no problem, but the premise was that I could endure the hardships.

In fact, my weak foundation is also one of the reasons for my inferiority complex. Many times, I want to be a real man with a strong body and strong body. I don't want to be weak. When I don't want to fight with others, I know how to use Yin moves. Even if I have the courage and I am not afraid of death, I will be crushed to death by backhand 。

So, if you want to be strong, physical fitness is very important. Needless to say, I'm as good as my father, but at least I can't be a vulnerable waste. What's more, I have to change my face. I can't appear the shadow of Suluo any more. I want to get rid of the cruel fate before. I want those who have bullied me to pay the price!

For this belief, I made great efforts. In addition to practicing the fighting skills my father taught me, I would listen to my father talk about the truth in life, the essence of being a man, his social experience, and the danger of real people. After listening, I was particularly benefited!

With the goal, there will be infinite motivation. With the perseverance of hard work and the perseverance I want to change, I accepted the edification of my father, and also accepted all kinds of difficult training. Originally, my father still thought that I was weak and could not accept it. However, no matter how hard I was tired, no matter how many times my father destroyed me, I did not flinch back and insisted My dad was also amazed at my performance!

Every day I kept on training with high intensity, which made my body improved a lot. This day lasted for three months. It was a sunny day. I still got up early. I used to run around the old city every day. When I came back, I finished breakfast and waited for my father's next orders.

At the end of breakfast, my dad said to me, "OK, son, today our training subject is rest."

After listening to my father's words, I was very surprised and asked, "Dad, do you still need to practice rest?"

My dad said, "the reason why I want to train you is to lay a foundation for you after you go to m country?"

After listening to my father's words, I was more puzzled and asked, "Dad, what do you mean by this? I went to m country for cosmetic surgery. I can't come back when I'm finished!"

My father did not answer my question, light said: "plastic surgery is on the one hand, on the other hand, you will know after you go!"

After that, my father laughed and didn't say anything more. He still kept a trace of mystery for me. I was also curious about this. Could my life be in danger when I went abroad? I believe my father will not harm me. Forget it, I won't say it when I ask him. I will know when I do!

On this day, our father and son did not stay at home. My father drove me to play all day. It was the first time that my father and I went out to play. We were very happy, really happy!

The next day, uncle Yang came to my home early and brought spare luggage. Uncle Yang drove me and my father to the airport. They watched me get on the plane.

My father and uncle Yang looked at each other, and then looked at me and said, "son, we won't send you off. I've already arranged that there will be someone to meet you when you arrive. You can rest assured that you can go."

Although I am very reluctant to give up my father, but there are some things I must do, I can do nothing in my father's side to eat and die, but I can't, my heart also does not allow me to be like this, the same is alive, why not live like this!

Before leaving, I gave my father and uncle Yang a warm hug. I didn't say anything. All the words were in the embrace. Then I boarded the long-distance plane to greet the beginning of my new life in the future!

One year later, the gate of a university in a city, a province.

Under the gloomy sky, standing a fashionable and handsome young man, his eyes are staring at the big words on the school gate. The young man's face is beautiful, he is still tall and strong. He looks low-key and luxurious with a black windbreaker and classic Martin boots. However, what is built around him is that kind of kuibao that can't be blown down by the strong wind The momentum. And his eyes seem to have experienced a lot of vicissitudes of life in the expression of the wound.

At the beginning of March, the weather was still cool. Many people came in and out of the school, but the young man stood still in the cold wind.

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