At the entrance of the school gate, a farce began. Five boys surrounded a small man and kept kicking him. While kicking, he scolded: "who gave you the courage to make you arrogant with me. Tell you not to provoke me. Once again, believe me or not, I will tell you to get out of school like Suluo's trash!"

Among them, the boy who spoke was very arrogant, and the little man was tearful. However, the passers-by turned a blind eye to it. Only a few lively people would stop to have a look here and fill in their fun.

The young man, who had been concentrating on the school gate, suddenly regained his mind when he heard the word Suluo and looked at what was happening on the campus. Such scenes were common in this university. Then, a smile appeared on his mouth.

With this smile, he strides into the campus, passing by those who have nothing to do with him, dragging his suitcase alone, walking leisurely into the University.

Day, or that gloomy day, school, or that garbage University, people, or those indifferent people. Everything has not changed. The only thing that has changed is me. In a year's time, I have completed the transformation. During this period, only I know the hardships. Finally, I still rely on my own perseverance.

After I went abroad, I experienced a large-scale plastic surgery. My face was adjusted a lot, and the scars on my body were removed. However, this made me form a habit of looking at myself in the mirror. When I looked at my beautiful face, I couldn't help laughing.

In addition to the appearance, the voice has also changed. However, the biggest change is the temperament that I have learned from the day after tomorrow. Once the inferiority complex Su Luo has disappeared. Now I am full of masculinity, and the self-confidence emanating from the bottom of my bones can not be stopped. This is an uncontrolled temperament.

Looking back on my stay in M, I felt sad and happy. The happy thing was that I had a change in my appearance. However, after the operation, I entered into the training. The training was made by an overseas Chinese compatriot. The daily training was more severe than that of my father at that time.

Until now, I understand the meaning of my father's smile at me before I leave. In one year, that person trained me for half a year and threw me into the virgin forest for the rest of the time. In his words, I was allowed to live and die on my own. If I was still alive within three months, then I would be graduated.

Now I think it's really terrible. I'm still very lucky. After a year, I stepped into the campus again. The black smoke that once surrounded me has completely dissipated. I feel that the air in the campus has become particularly fresh. This time I come back, I don't do anything else. I just hope I can live a new life.

Walking on the road on campus, I saw some familiar people and strangers. However, people's eyes on me have no special look, and most of the girls' eyes even show a crazy expression. Occasionally, I feel the appreciative eyes cast by some crazy girls, and I will smile with pride. Maybe from now on, my college life will be more wonderful!

With such a pleasant mood, I quietly walked towards the depth of the school. With the memory of a year ago, I fumbled to find the headmaster's office. Then, I dragged the box into the headmaster's office.

The headmaster was an old man. Seeing me come in, he didn't say anything. He continued to taste the hot tea in his hand. When I knocked on the open door, he put down his cup, said and came in.

I went straight to the old man's desk and said nothing. I just handed an envelope to me to make a secret connection to him.

The headmaster was a smart old man with rich experience. He took the envelope and looked at it. Then he looked up and said, "are you ye Zixuan?"

I nodded with a smile and said, "yes!"

Ye Zixuan, this is my new name. My father gave it to me. The implication is very simple, because my mother's surname is ye. At the same time, I hope I can become famous in my study!

I don't know how my father got through this relationship. The old headmaster nodded without even reading the letter in the envelope, indicating that he had accepted me. However, he still looked at me carefully and asked, "young man, I want to know what is the point of this school that attracts you so much that you have to drag your relationship in?"

I did not hesitate, a simple and clear answer: "because it is chaotic, I like this school, such a university life is wonderful!"

After listening to the headmaster, the frown was finally relaxed, and his heart was relieved. Obviously, for a childe like me, he is afraid of accidents, so he will give me a hint in advance. Otherwise, if something happens, he will have to bear it. Now that I am prepared, he will rest assured. So, he immediately made a phone call and said two words. In less than five minutes, a man with golden glasses came into the headmaster's office. The old headmaster wrote a certificate directly, and then gave orders to the visitor. After that, the man took me to go through the admission procedures.

The man wearing gold glasses is the instructor of my freshman class. His name is Zhang Ning. It has something to do with me. He called me polite. He is the representative of a certain kind of real people.After the admission procedures were completed, Mr. Zhang took me to the dormitory. It was a four person dormitory, but only three people lived in it. So he asked me to arrange me here. In the dormitory, Mr. Zhang told me some nonsense, and then left.

As soon as he left, I immediately began to clean up my things. At this time, two people came into the bedroom. One of them was a little boy with eyes stuck in his hand. He also had several books in his hand. He ignored me and went back to his bed directly. The other, a gentle looking little white face, looked at me and said with disdain: "yo Ouch, it seems that a childe has come to our bedroom

I glanced at them. I don't know why. The first feeling of this kind of person is the type of small white face. Seeing them, I feel very uncomfortable. Therefore, I don't want to see them more and continue to pack up my things.

I can't even read it in my mouth

Immediately, another person wearing glasses echoed: "a look is new, this kind of person stays in school for a period of time, know the situation, forget it, let's not talk about him, let's go, let's go to dinner!"

Then they put down what they had in their hands and went out. The bedroom fell into a quiet, I was still busy packing things, after finishing, I found that there was another person into the bedroom.

This man is small and thin, his hair is a little messy, his clothes are wrinkled and a little dirty. I recognized it at a glance. Isn't this guy just the one who was beaten up at the school gate, but now he looks very pathetic. Compared with the two roommates who just left, this guy looks good, a bit like me.

In contrast, this product is much better than me in those years. At that time, I was inferior and introverted, but this boy was much more cheerful than me. As soon as I saw me, he began to shine, as if he had found a way to rely on. He started to report to his family. His name was Jiang Li. He was 1.63 meters tall and weighed 97. He liked to be called by others.

After he finished, he kept asking me questions. Seeing that he was too warm, I was not good at pretending to be cool, so I introduced myself friendly and answered his questions politely.

After a few words, this guy started to call me brother-in-law. He started to call me elder brother directly. Do you want me to call him reasonable later? That's fine.

In fact, I also began to understand him. When he was often bullied, I was still trying to find a way to rely on him, trying to make himself stand up. Unlike Suluo, who was bullied at that time, he finally got out of school.

Because he had my shadow at that time and was better than me, I would not deliberately exclude him. Moreover, I have just returned to school, and I do not understand the current situation of the school. I don't know what happened to those old friends.

I have to make a friend, find out some details, so that I have a number in my heart. So, this little man called reason became my first friend in my new life.

This reasonable young man is not only warm-hearted, but also very generous. When he saw the meal, he took the initiative to say to me: "elder brother, it seems that you have just come to school, and you should not apply for a meal card. Now the canteen must use a meal card. Go, I'll treat you to this meal!"

When he said this, tehaoshuang felt that a meal in the canteen was his greatest hospitality. In the face of his frankness, I agreed directly.

Then, we went out of the dormitory and went to the canteen. All the way, he swaggered and looked very proud. He felt that it was his proudest thing to make friends with me. At the moment, he was quite different from the miserable appearance he had just been beaten at the school gate.

Soon, we came to the canteen. It was the peak time for meals. There were long lines at the windows of the canteen. When I lined up with reasoning, my heart was inevitably touched. How many days did I always queue up to play meals and sit in the corner and eat silently. But now, I changed my identity and changed my appearance. On the first day I came to school, someone made friends with me and invited me to dinner. This is really realistic.

What's more realistic is that Li Li and I lined up for a long time. Finally, when it was our turn to have dinner, a domineering voice came from the distance: "those in front of me, please make room for me, or you will look good!"

As soon as the voice fell, the reasoning in front of me was pushed backward and hit me directly. I almost fell down. My eyes were staring at me in an instant. However, before I had any action, the reason stopped me immediately and whispered in my ear: "brother Xuan, don't be impulsive. We can't afford to offend the people in front of me. It's a famous junior It is said that he failed to express himself with Fang Qing several times. He is a man we can't afford. Even Chen Haoran, one of the singles, has to give him some thin noodles! "

After listening to his words, my heart suddenly trembled, river no trace, Fang Qing, Chen Haoran how familiar with the name, how familiar people. Suddenly, I set off a storm in my heart, but I can't show the difference.

So, I looked up and looked at a group of people who were jumping into the queue in front of me. The group left in a big way after dinner. And the gentleman with glasses, I guess, must be Jiang wutrace, who I had never met before. At the moment of his return, his eyes just matched mine

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