The breath of death annihilated me. I almost reflexively wanted to resist, to struggle and to make the final resistance. However, my whole body was weak and could not struggle at all. I could only suffocate and wait for death.

My brothers saw that I was in danger. They were so anxious that they could not bear it any more. Although they did not dare to move at my command, they could not watch me die in front of them.

If we say that the moment before, facing the bloody cherry blossom, the brothers still have the sense of fear, then at this moment, all of us are unwilling and humiliated, watching my life gradually disappear, all brothers can't be indifferent, and each brother's eyes are red.

Shen Muchen in particular, he usually more rational, listen to my words, this time, he is really can not hold back.

At present, I am under the control of others and my life is in danger. Shen Muchen, as the second figure in the war, naturally becomes the most authoritative existence. When the resentment and morale of the brothers are soaring wildly, Shen Muchen suddenly waves his hand and orders in a loud voice: "all of you, help the boss!"

All the officers and men of the war obeyed the orders and took immediate action. They almost rushed forward with great momentum.

Seeing that the war was about to break out, the situation was about to go out of control. Suddenly, a gunshot shot burst out of the dark air, and the sound broke through the sky and penetrated into everyone's ears.

At the same time, a bullet penetrated the turbid air and hit the right arm of poppy pinching my neck very precisely. Although the poppy practiced the golden bell jar, his body could not be as hard as the bullet. His thick arm was still pierced by the bullet, and blood flowed out suddenly.

Suddenly, poppy eat pain, can not help but release me, my body, immediately collapsed on the ground, I began to use the remaining strength, efforts to breathe.

The scene, because of this sudden situation, seems to be static, and everyone is suddenly shocked.

My brothers, who want to fight to death, all stopped and looked at this incredible scene in surprise.

And the people with bloody cherry blossom are even more stunned. Where did they expect that there will be ambush and even shooting, their expressions are all astonished.

In addition, inexplicably shot by the gun poppy, he was extremely stunned for a moment, then, his face suddenly twisted up, the whole person was crazy, he covered his bleeding wound with his hand, and hissed and growled: "who?"

A word, deafening, earth shaking.

With the fall of his voice, suddenly, a large group of people rushed out of the trees on both sides of the road. They quickly and orderly gathered towards us.

These people, all dressed in armed police uniform, carrying guns, armed, when a large number of armed police rushed out, the end of our road, and suddenly sounded the alarm bell, a moment, many armed cars, galloping toward our side, the form of covering the sky.

Soon, the car stopped on the road behind the red cherry blossom army. Then, a large number of armed police jumped out of the car. In the blink of an eye, the incomparable blood cherry blossom was surrounded by the armed police.

However, the bloody cherry blossom is not an ordinary organization. Even in the face of armed police, they do not show any panic. On the contrary, they are still a little confused and angry.

In particular, blood rose, her eyes burst out a very fierce fire, with towering anger, she looked at the armed police, yelled: "who gives you the right, dare to shoot my bloody Cherry Blossom people?"

Blood rose this overbearing and rampant voice just dissipated, a weak and indifferent female voice followed: "I gave it!"

Listen to this voice, obviously Qiqi's, her voice has her unique style, which can be derived from her cultivation and her fragile body.

In any case, no matter when, no matter what kind of person she is facing, Qiqi's words are soft and weak, as if, even if the end of the world, she can be calm.

That special voice, as soon as I heard it, was from Qiqi. More importantly, her character, her voice, and the rampant and domineering blood rose formed a sharp contrast, so, with the voice of a woman, in such a chaotic situation, it is also easy to separate.

And the arrogant blood rose, she was already angry. Now, as soon as she finished speaking, there was a sudden voice against her mouth. It was like someone slapped her in public, making the hot blood rose more angry. She immediately turned back and looked at her back angrily.

Blood rose in the eyes of the place, parking several armed cars, and many armed cars behind, and a relatively eye-catching private car.

It is next to the private car, standing a thin and weak girl with a snow-white face. She is like a little red among the green trees. The large group of armed police forces set off her, which makes her very unique and becomes a beautiful scenery.

Almost at the same moment, the eyes of the whole audience turned to her. Obviously, we all know that the girl who just openly contradicted the blood rose was her.

By all people's attention, Qiqi calm as before, she was calm and free, gently took a step, slowly toward my side came over.Although the ponytail's body is always thin and thin, her face is always pale, and she looks weak. But at the moment, she has an infinite aura. She is like the center of the universe, and all the planets revolve around her. Wherever she goes, it is the focus.

As she slowly approached, the armed police around the road consciously gave her a way, even the blood Cherry Blossom people, also feel the difference between Qiqi, involuntarily make way for her.

In this way, Qiqi stepped on a silent step, unimpeded to come to me, from head to tail, there was no other person in her clear eyes, only me, the only thing she cared about was me. Even the blood rose, this woman, was ignored by Qiqi.

As soon as I was in front of me, Qiqi bent down directly and helped me up slowly, and said with heartache, "Suluo, are you ok?"

Kiki almost broke my body, but I was on the verge of death. However, Qiqi's appearance made me wake up in an instant, let me once again full of fighting spirit, let my paralyzed body seem to produce a trace of strength.

Qiqi or that Xia Yuqi, always in the most critical moment, timely appear for me, she is really like an angel, born to save me, her kindness to me is too heavy, it is because of this, I would kneel down for her to beg for grandfather Bai, regardless of everything to protect her life.

However, what I didn't expect was that after three months, Qiqi appeared again, which was just like the God of heaven, and also brought a group of heavenly soldiers and generals, which made me suddenly find hope when I was in danger.

My gray heart lit up a light. I know that the armed police brought by Qiqi are just warriors. At this moment, they gave me enough security to make me more practical. Therefore, I directly shook my head at Qiqi, saying that I was OK.

Qiqi saw that I could still stand, also showed a happy smile, she was obviously relieved a lot.

On the other side, she was so ignored by Qiqi. She saw that Qiqi was deeply in love with me. Her anger was even greater. She was so angry that she had red eyes. "That's enough!" he yelled at us

The voice, like the sound of terror, shocked my heart.

However, Qiqi is just like nobody. Really, at this moment, everything in the world can't make her moved or scared. She is always so calm. She just gently took back the hand that helped me. Seeing that I could stand alone without the support, she nodded to me. Then, she turned to look at the blood rose in a rage.

At this time, Qiqi's face is still calm, but compared with Qiqi's calmness, the blood rose is a group of fire, she fiercely stares at Qiqi, grits her teeth and says: "Miss Xia, do you know what you are doing?"

No wonder, the blood rose gas into that, all forbearance dare not attack, originally, she recognized Qiqi. However, even if she knew Kiki's identity, she didn't care. Her voice was still sharp and fierce.

Qiqi, in the face of blood rose's anger, just said faintly: "I know, some people have no idea, want to break into private houses, even want to commit murder, my people did not kill him. It's already good! "

Qiqi is soft and weak, but her voice is full of dignity. In the face of strong enemies, she has such a mentality, which is really worthy of my admiration.

The poppy standing on the side of the wounded, listened to Qiqi's words, and immediately became angry. Immediately, poppy evolved into a male lion, jumped at Kiki, momentum frightening.

Qiqi side of an armed police see, immediately pulled out the pistol waist, to the poppy, cold drink: "don't move!"

The gun is a deterrent. No matter how powerful the poppy is, no matter how tough his body is, he does not dare to compete with bullets. Under the aim of the muzzle, his momentum suddenly converges and his steps stop consciously. I dare not move again.

To tell you the truth, the armed police are really quick and sharp. At first glance, they are well-trained veterans. From before Qiqi appeared, until the ponytail came to me, the armed police were all following Qiqi, inseparable, just like a bodyguard. I can see that he should be the leader of this army.

Sure enough, after the armed police threatened the poppy with a gun, a man came out of the red cherry blossom team. He seemed to know the armed police officer. As soon as he came out, he yelled at the man: "Captain code, what do you mean?"

On hearing this, the armed police, who was called the code leader, did not take back the gun in his hand, but replied solemnly: "it's not interesting. I just received orders from my superiors. Everything here is under the command of Miss Xia, and we should protect her safety."

In a word, let that bloody Cherry Blossom man speechless.

At this time, the arrogant blood rose also forcibly suppressed her towering anger. She knew that even if her people were more powerful, they were powerless in the face of armed police. Therefore, she was useless to be angry and had to bear it. First, she ordered a sentence to the poppy: "step down!"

Poppy accepted the order, immediately angrily retreated to the red cherry blossom team.

Then, the blood rose again aimed at Qiqi, unwilling to say: "Miss Xia, give a happy word, you come here today, what do you mean?"

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