After listening to the blood rose's question, Qiqi also did not grind Ji, said frankly: "very simple, protect the safety of Suluo and the fire, and also, I hope you blood cherry blossoms, where to go back, do not make trouble in H Province!"

Hearing Qiqi's words, blood rose just suppressed the anger, and was shocked out, her face couldn't help twitching twice, her eyes were extremely oppressive and vicious light, she glared at Qiqi fiercely, angrily drank: "Miss Xia, I think you should understand our organization, I give you face, I hope you don't advance. In recent years, we have never had a bad time with your Xia family. You Xia family has always been only active on the white surface and seldom involved in the underground world. Are you breaking the rules today? "

Qiqi slightly shriveled her mouth and whispered: "no, I'm just doing what I should do. Your bloody cherry blossoms are powerful. If you make a bloody scene in other places, I can't control it. However, in the province of H, I can't tolerate your mischief. This is not a place where you can behave wildly."

This moment's Qiqi, very dignified and powerful, arrogant blood rose, Qi Qi so pressure, gas almost did not vomit blood, eyes are issued blood red light.

I have never seen blood rose eat so shriveled, even last night in the face of white grandfather, she was not so humiliated, she is really angry today, if not for so many around the covetous armed police staring, blood rose really will Qiqi to cut, she hate to stare at Qiqi, then, she slightly tilted her head to a man in white behind her and said: "call Xia Zhonghai !”

The man in white took orders and immediately made a phone call.

Xia Zhonghai is obviously Qiqi's father. The people with red cherry blossoms are indeed well connected, and they all know the day in H Province. However, this is no use, because the man in white after dialing the number, his face is dim, and then, he to the blood rose weak way: "can't get through!"

After hearing this, blood rose's face changed greatly.

At this time, Qiqi opened her mouth again. She said to the blood rose calmly: "don't fight. I do this with my father's permission."

After listening to the blood rose, the blood light in her eyes was even worse. Her fists were clenched and creaked. The essence of her witch was completely exposed in this instant. She yelled at Qiqi with unbridled anger: "for a Suluo, you Xia family openly fight against our bloody cherry blossom, are you not afraid to be implicated?"

Many people know that the blood cherry blossom is powerful, especially those who have some power. They know that the blood Cherry Blossom can not be provoked.

At the beginning, the Sheng family was also a big family, but they were all played by the blood cherry blossom. The Xia family and the Sheng family were side by side. If the blood Cherry Blossom really wanted to deal with the Xia family, the Xia family would not be able to carry it, after all, the blood cherry blossom is a black-and-white take all organization.

However, Qiqi doesn't care, her expression is still Gujing bubo, her eyes are still clear, she is very calm to blood rose way: "not afraid, I know your blood Cherry Blossom Hand eye, but I don't believe that you can be lawless, if you want to deal with our Xia family, what kind of evil moves, even if you want to come here, we will accompany you to the end.

But before that, I want you to lead your men out of H Province, immediately, immediately. Otherwise, I will arrest all of you on the ground of gathering people to make trouble and handle affairs according to law! "

Qiqi's body is not imposing, but her words have such a deterrent effect. She and blood rose are really two different women, blood rose momentum, all the time emit a queen's breath, and Qiqi is weak and sickly, look past is weak. Blood rose is domineering and powerful, and her voice can change the color of the wind and cloud. Qiqi talks in a soft voice. Even if a word is long, she can't help coughing. However, after a confrontation, Qiqi has the upper hand everywhere, crushing the blood rose to death and annihilating her rampant momentum.

At this time, the blood rose, eyes have been red, red as if to eat people, her eyes full of oppression, shame, more endless anger, her appearance is particularly terrible.

After holding back for a long time, Xueqiang opened her mouth again and made an extremely gloomy voice: "Miss Xia, you dare to be so arrogant. I'm afraid it's because there are police present. Indeed, I dare not take any action on you now. But have you ever thought that the police won't be around you forever. At that time, I'm afraid you don't even know how you died! "

The threat, the absolute threat, the blood rose this woman, as expected is lawless, extremely frivolous. She even dare in front of the armed police, such a threat to Qiqi.

But there is no denying that this is a big truth. No one can match the bloody Cherry Blossom playing Yin. If they want to assassinate Qiqi, isn't it easy? Even if she now clearly threatened Qiqi, it would be difficult to find their heads when Qiqi really had an accident. They must be able to make the assassination seamless and impenetrable.

However, even so, Qiqi's calm look still did not change, her eyes did not have a look of fear, even, she also took a step, toward the blood rose walked in the past.

Code captain wants to follow, but Qiqi stopped him, she like a heroine, alone, to the enemy camp.Her thin body, standing in front of the blood rose, her eyes through the turbid air, looking directly at the blood rose.

Then, she opened her lips and said, "you don't have to threaten me. I'm not afraid to die. In fact, I don't have many days to live, so you can't threaten me. However, I can tell you clearly that once I die in an accident, all the people in H Province will suffer. If you don't believe it, try it now

Qiqi and blood rose a contest, Qiqi everywhere suppression, blood rose step by step was excited, excited her infinite anger. It can be said that as soon as Qiqi appeared, Xueqiang was already in a rage. Later, she was pressed again and again by Qiqi, and her witch's side was completely exposed, just like a volcano about to erupt, with a frightening smell all over her body, which made people dare not to approach.

However, the weak Qiqi, in the face of such a blood rose, is always calm, not afraid, no panic. Even, she dare to go to the blood rose in front of the body, go to the crater to confront with blood rose, which needs to be how much courage and courage. Even if I was in front of the blood rose, I certainly had no ability to resist. If she wanted to kill me, it was a matter of minutes, not to mention the sick seedling Qiqi. But Kiki has the courage. She is thin and weak, but her spirit is towering.

I can't believe it. I can't believe it. Even Qiqi was shocked by her life and death. She's totally out of her way to keep me safe.

However, she did not understand the blood rose, even if her words are very reasonable and very deterrent, but it can not threaten blood rose.

In other words, the hot tempered and arrogant blood rose can't stand the threat. Even if she knows that killing Qiqi will have serious consequences, she can't control so much. Today, her bottom line has been completely crossed by Qiqi, and she can't bear it any more. She is so angry that she broke out directly. She did not hesitate to wave her hand, with invincible momentum, a palm to Qiqi, mouth still roared: "you"

however, her hand has not hit Qiqi, was caught, dare to stop blood rose and can stop her in time, there is only one person, that is blood Rose twin sister, poison rose.

At the most critical moment, the silent poison rose suddenly seized the blood rose's hand, which had accumulated thousands of momentum, and said in a cold voice: "rose, forget it, go back!"

this is as like as two peas. The first time they speak, they are the same as the blood rose. But her character and blood rose is diametrically opposite, blood rose is hot, she is calm and calm, poisonous rose is arrogant, she is introverted. The voice of her voice is also without any emotional fluctuation, which sounds very calm. However, I can still feel that there is a killing opportunity hidden behind the calm. She doesn't want to kill Qiqi, but she takes the overall situation more seriously than blood rose. That's why I'm going back home.

After listening to the poison Rose's words, the blood rose immediately recovered a little sober. Gradually, she calmed down a little, but her anger was still in her heart, and her eyes still glowed with fire. She took back her hand, looked angrily at Qiqi, then looked at me, and then said, "you will regret it!"

With a wave of her hand, she ordered the withdrawal.

Naturally, the armed police will not stop the bloody cherry blossoms from leaving. After all, the purpose of Qiqi's appearance today is obviously to drive away the red cherry blossoms. Now that the goal has been achieved, Qiqi doesn't need to embarrass them any more. Of course, those armed police will not mess around. Immediately, many armed police soldiers will consciously get out of the way.

Blood Cherry Blossom people, in this way, in front of the whole audience, quickly evacuated here. They come strange, but go is clean, soon, the red cherry blossom army, disappeared in the public's sight.

When they had gone completely, Kiki turned around, moved her feet, and came to me.

At the moment, it was completely dark, but there was a bright area all around. The street lamps were turned on one after another at the moment of nightfall. The whole road was illuminated by the road lights.

And Qiqi's pale face, in the light of the background, a touch of different colors, beautiful. She quietly walked up to me and said with a smile, "OK, it's OK."

Her voice was relaxed, and her expression had not been changed by wind and rain. It was as if the confrontation with gunpowder just now was a small matter. She could be calm in the face of such a huge thing as the bloody cherry blossom.

Qiqi, a sick and weak woman, has such courage. I am a big man, and I am ashamed of myself.

After a long time, I gently opened my mouth and said sincerely, "thank you!"

Qiqi said indifferently: "don't thank you, you saved my life, my family are very grateful to you, in other places my summer family may not be able to help you, but in H Province, we Tang family will guarantee your safety!"

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