As the saying goes, the kindness of dripping water must be reported by the spring. However, when it comes to repay her, I owe Qiqi more. The last time she saved her life, it was also a kind of kindness. But this was recorded in the heart of Xia family. They did not hesitate to do the opposite with the blood cherry blossom in order to repay me. This kind of grace is really too heavy for me.

I paused and said, "but I owe you the love, and it is also right to save you. Your family doesn't have to offend me with cherry blossom. You should know that they are very terrible. I am afraid to disturb your summer family!"

Qiqi seemed to care about it. She grinned and said easily, "it's OK, sulo, you can rest assured that today's business has been approved by my grandfather. He will deal with it since he dare to offend me with the blood cherry blossom. Blood cherry blossom is very strong, but my grandfather also has his way. It is impossible for blood cherry blossom to easily overthrow my summer home. However, I can't guarantee that they will not deal with you in the dark, so I will let the captain of the code arrange more police forces to patrol around here in case of accident! "

Qiqi is very delicate, and I think about it everywhere. I really don't know what to say. For a while, I didn't speak again, just staring at the dying girl lying in the bed before March, stunned.

I don't know why. This moment, I was a little bit trance. Just before March, Qiqi's life was about to end. She showed me at the last moment. She planned to take this love with her. But now, she has come to me again and easily solved the crisis for me. This kind of transformation seems to come a little different, a little bit of people can not adapt.

And always calm Qiqi, she saw me stare at her, all some embarrassed, that unchanged expression, finally have some moving, pale face can not help but dye red. Because a kiss, our relationship is more delicate, has not been so pure as it was, so, Qiqi must not stand my direct look.

She saw me not speaking for half a day, and said directly, "sulo, if nothing is wrong, I will go first!"

As soon as the voice fell, Qiqi turned and fled to leave the awkward place.

Looking at Qiqi hurriedly leaving the back shadow, I suddenly woke up, and cried out: "don't you come in and sit?"

Qiqi stopped, turned back and looked at me and said, "no, I have to go home and report to my father!"

She said, she grinned, but in the smile, still a little embarrassed.

I know, Qiqi is going back to report to her father about the evening, so I did not retain it, but sincerely revealed two words: "goodbye!"

Qiqi nodded, turned and left, and then she sat in her private car. The car rushed and went, so she came and went.

After Qiqi left, Captain Dian and I said he would strengthen police around, and then he said goodbye.

In an instant, on the road outside the manor, only my brother and I were left, a thrilling noise, and then quietly dispersed.

Although, this crisis, because Qiqi appeared in danger, but my inner trauma is not good, my confidence has been shattered, the root pressure will not bond. So, after Kiki and the armed police left, I still stood in place, not left.

The night wind blows my face, but it can not disperse my boring thoughts. This time, I was really hit. This hit was too deep and too heavy to drown my passion and blood. I felt that I was not qualified for the position of boss for a while. My ability was not enough, and I couldn't afford to pick the beam.

The more I think, the gray my heart, a kind of extremely depressed mood around me, so I can not pull myself.

At this time, Grandpa white quietly came to me, patting my shoulder, and said with great care: "don't lose heart, child!"

Grandpa Bai is a shrewd person. He saw my mind. He knew that I was hit too much to comfort me like this.

But at this moment, Grandpa Bai said anything, I can not hear, I just immersed in my thoughts, I can not think, and also difficult to accept, I have worked so long, thought that they have improved. Thought that can and blood cherry blossom to fight, but the fact is, they send a person, can beat me to the original.

Though that poppy! The strength of the company is that it can rank in the top ten in the organization, but there are many more powerful Cherry Blossom than him. I can't even fight him. How can I fight with those more powerful ones. How can I lead my brother to fight with the cherry blossom?

My eyebrows were wrinkled deeply, and my eyes were panicked and choked, and my body was also a little decadent. My brothers behind me feel my abnormality. They have come up to me to admonish me, don't lose their breath, say that they will kill the blood Butterfly in the morning and evening. Obviously, the brothers are deliberately angry for me. In fact, today's events not only hit me, but also hurt the confidence of the brothers. Their strength has surpassed our cognition and made us lose confidence. The brothers said this, but only self comfort.

I didn't hear the brothers' persuasion, but slowly turned to my side of Grandpa Bai, powerless: "just our strength, how to fight with them?"At this moment, I finally understood why my father insisted that I not wade in the muddy water of bloody cherry blossoms. Even if I went to the dark moon hall for training, my father would not take me, or drag white grandfather to take me to hide. It turns out that the strength of the bloody Cherry Blossom is really beyond my reach. How could the egg touch the stone?

Seeing me like this, grandfather Bai couldn't help patting me on the shoulder again. His voice was sonorous and forceful: "as long as you have the heart, you can level down any difficulties and obstacles. You lose today, not because of your strength, but because of your shallow experience. Do you know what's the biggest difference between you and your dad? It is because you have experienced too little actual combat, even if you are a martial arts genius, even if you practice hard, but you do not have enough actual combat experience. It will make your martial arts have great limitations and can not play the desired effect.

And your father, growing up in setbacks, has been in constant trouble and fighting. He is like a god of war, and he can never stop fighting. His fighting experience is richer than that of an old man like me. Therefore, he has achieved today. I've never dealt with the red cherry blossom poppy, but if it's me and him, I'll hit him in the armpit.

Everyone has his weakness, and poppy is no exception. Don't look at his poor defense in the process of fighting, but no matter how he moves, his armpit will not be left for you. Every time he intentionally or unintentionally, he will protect his armpit. It can be seen that it must be his weakness. If you know this, you may not lose to him. I didn't help you just now. I just want you to learn more from this battle of life and death. Only in this way can you grow up quickly and be on your own

What he said was methodical and painstaking. He had been standing beside him, seemingly indifferent, but in fact he had his own plans. He deliberately did not help me and let me grow up in experience. Moreover, he saw through both me and poppy, and he knew the weakness of poppy. And I know my weaknesses.

Indeed, I have too little experience and experience in actual combat. In particular, I have never met an expert at the level of poppy. Therefore, as soon as I fight, I'm in a weak position. I don't find the weakness of poppy at all, so I blindly hit his body. Finally, I become a clown. I can't beat him. I'm exhausted and lose so pathetically.

Now, when I was touched by grandfather Bai, I suddenly realized that, yes, the defense surface of poppy is not good because other parts of his body don't need to be prepared at all. He just inadvertently protects his armpit. Now think about it, the swing range of his arm when he is fighting is really limited. When he stands to fight for me. The arm is also closed, let me have no chance to hit his armpit, so, he is so unscrupulous.

My brother listened to the words of the white grandfather, but also suddenly, there is a kind of maosai suddenly open feeling, their eyes are emitting some confident light, not as gloomy as before.

Just, I can't be as open-minded as my brothers, although the words of grandfather Bai really let my heart not so heavy, but the blood cherry blossom is really not the general terror, it is still like a huge stone, pressing me hard.

I couldn't help it, so I said to my grandfather, "no matter what, I also personally felt the power of the bloody cherry blossom, which was stronger than I expected. I don't think we can compare with the blood cherry blossom at all. You said you could take me to save my father. At that time, I thought it was feasible. But now I think it's impossible. I don't fear death, but I'm afraid I'll accompany my brothers' lives! "

This is my sincere words, in order to save my father, I die does not matter, but how can I waste the lives of these brothers. At the beginning, I took people to Mangshan Mountain to save people, and was ambushed. The scene of heavy losses is still fresh in my mind. I don't want to repeat the tragedy again. It's right to have hot blood, but at the same time, I should also have some self-knowledge. I know clearly that the bloody cherry blossom is so powerful, and what it means to die blindly with my brother. I am too selfish and irresponsible to do so.

After listening to my despondent words, grandfather Bai's face was deep. He sighed and said in a deep voice: "there must be danger. But it is not without a chance. After all, if we go to the Miao Autonomous Region, we will take the initiative and will not be as passive as we are today. At that time, we can try our best to conceal ourselves, fight guerrilla warfare and defeat the bloody cherry blossoms one by one. Besides, our ultimate task is to rescue your father. As long as you help your father out of the siege, and then combine with your father's remnant troops, then the odds of winning against the bloody cherry blossom will be even greater! "

Uncle Bai finished his words. The fighting spirit of the brothers was even more high. Many brothers could not help saying: "yes, we are not afraid of danger and death. As long as the eldest one word, we are willing to go through fire and water!"

These voices are full of pride and courage, and the spirit spreads rapidly, like waves, violent rolling, wave after wave. All the brothers on the scene feel the blood surging, and no one flinches back. Even if they know the horror of blood, they still dare to go and fight. They don't want to be scared by the bloody cherry blossom in the headquarters, don't want to live a cowardly life, they just want to live a warm life, even if they are afraid to die heroic.

Brother's enthusiasm ignited the vast night. The dreary air outside the manor was instantly broken and became very warm. The loud voice of pride was incessant and resounded in the night sky. The brothers' courage of not being humiliated and their ambition to conquer the world were all revealed and their original blood was recovered

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