Brothers are so impassioned, passionate, however, I do the boss, but this is a prosperous atmosphere. No matter how high the fighting spirit of brothers is and how warm the atmosphere is, I am still lonely and depressed alone.

My passion seems to have sunk into the sea. Nothing can stir up the ripples in my heart. When my brothers are in high spirits, I just said a light sentence: "it's all gone!"

After that, I lowered my head, dragged my tired body, and walked slowly towards the manor with heavy steps.

When she came to the interior of the manor and entered the garden, she ran into sun Yihan, who met me. When she saw that I was down and down, she immediately said, "big brother, are you ok?"

I still lowered my head and raised my eyes slightly. Looking at Sun Yihan, I said with a smile: "it's OK. The bad guys have gone. You can play here with peace of mind."

I walked on, slowly but firmly, almost ignoring everything. I went straight back to my room, locked myself in my room, and refused to meet anyone.

Like mud, I didn't take a bath and didn't bandage my wound. I just sat alone, deeply in a daze.

Although grandfather Bai's previous persuasion has shaken my heart and made me understand that I would be defeated only if I didn't find the weakness of poppy, but it can't change the fact that I failed. No matter what the reason is, I'm not as good at it.

Poppy, he's really tough, he beat me. There's no suspense about winning, that's the truth.

I can't accept this fact, but I have to admit it. I have to doubt my own strength. Maybe, as the blood rose said, I am a waste, a puppet, a puppet living under my father's wings. Take my father away, I really am nothing. What can I do to save my dad. What to take to achieve my goal.

Even if my brothers trust me, even if my brothers are willing to work for me, I can't believe myself. After all, the reason why they follow me and fear life and death is more because of their blood and passion than because of my personal ability. A lot of people joined the war, they all came to my father's name. The person they really admire is my father. And how many people admire me, respect me, and take pride in me?

Originally, as the leader of the war, I should have the demeanor of a leader and have absolute ability. I should make my brothers absolutely convinced that I have a future and a different future with me, so that our fighting spirit and blood will not meet a strong enemy like today, and the morale of the army will be lax and fear will arise.

My father, he not only leads the army, his own individual combat ability, also is almost nobody can match, he has always been an insurmountable myth, so, my father's name is easy to attract people. However, compared with my father, I am so weak, I can't even beat a poppy, in the eyes of others, I am a waste.

It's true that I can take my brothers to the Miao Autonomous Region, but the end is absolutely tragic. If I do not do well, the whole army will be destroyed. I am not worthy of dying, but the lives of brothers are also lives. I am not qualified to let my brothers bury me.

This is a battle without any assurance. The solid fortress I blindly formed collapsed long ago. I realized the reality. I knew that no matter how much my brothers trusted me, no matter how brave and heroic they were, no matter how fearless they were of life and death, they were useless.

If I want the flames of war to grow up completely, be looked up to and supported by my brothers, I must play a leading and exemplary role. I don't want my brothers to be proud of me, but don't be ashamed of me. I don't think that in the war, because of my personal fall, my brothers lose their support, so they lose their morale and lose their lives.

In the final analysis, I only hope that I, the boss of the war, the commander-in-chief of my brothers and the leader of the team, can be strong enough not to be trampled by others at will. Only when I am strong, the war will not be looked down upon by others, and I will not be said to be the waste of my father forever. I can create a different world by myself.

This picture is so lively, the fire in the picture, but if you want to be stronger, it's easy to say it, but it's really too difficult to realize it. I'm not without talent. I'm not not not diligent. Even, in order to practice martial arts, I put aside everything and concentrate on the training of the devil in the dark hall. But what's the use of this? In the end, it's still vulnerable.

Maybe, this is life, but I don't want to admit my life like this. My self-confidence collapses, but I'm too unwilling. I don't understand why I can't reach the summit. I feel that I have a strong understanding ability, in a short time.

I learned all kinds of martial arts moves. No matter who taught me Kung Fu, I could never forget it. I realized it in an instant. Then I practiced it. Finally, I learned it.

Up to now, I have mastered many martial arts moves, and I have achieved the state of selflessness. It's hard for the outside world to affect my mentality. I can only fight against the enemy. But why can't I reach the level of my father? I can't be like him. I can't be expected.

Don't mention my father. Even grandfather Bai, it may be beyond my reach in my whole life. If martial arts must depend on the accumulation of years, I really don't have time to practice, but it's impossible for me to reach the sky step by step. So at this moment, my brain is in a mess, and the whole person is a little confused.This time, after being abused by opium poppy, I hurt not my body, but my heart, but my brain. At the moment, my brain is like a knot, which can't be solved. I feel stuck by something. If I don't dredge it, I will feel uncomfortable, uncomfortable and have no mind to do other things.

For two days in a row, I always stayed in my room, thinking about a seemingly unimaginable problem. Why did I fail so miserably? Why, my own hard training strength, can not play the full effect? Why can't I be stronger? Why I have learned all kinds of moves, but I'm not the best. No other reason than shallow experience?

If there are other reasons, what is it? I seem to be involved in this problem, just like being entangled in a spider web. I can't get rid of it. I feel like I'm crazy for martial arts.

In these two days, many people came to me, but I was immersed in my own world, no one saw, locked myself in my room. At the beginning, the brothers didn't realize the seriousness of the matter. Later, they became nervous when they saw that I didn't go out. Even grandfather Bai couldn't help it. He tried to persuade me to be more open-minded outside my room, saying that he would spare no effort to help me and live with me, so as not to lose heart.

Grandfather Bai said a lot, but I didn't hear a word.

Then, Shen Muchen came, he said, he has been optimistic about me, so many years, my change is the biggest, enough to be worthy of his study, told me to believe in myself, cheer up, but I still did not listen.

Du Haisheng is here. He said that I should take out my anger and not be decadent, otherwise I would be sorry for his trust and follow. I still didn't listen.

Peng Yi finally came and said that it was just the beginning now, so don't give yourself too early a conclusion. He said that he would not mistake me, I would certainly change, and the rise was only a matter of time.

Peng Yi's encouragement is very useful for me. But it doesn't work for me today. I'm still not listening at all.

It's no use trying to persuade me. My room door, like my brain, has been locked because I don't want to see anyone. I'm just preoccupied with the problems that plague me.

Two days later in the night, my messy brain, suddenly began to clear, those around my silk, slowly straightened out. After two days of deep thinking, I suddenly realized that where I lost, I just lost in a word.

In fact, my strength is not poor, and I have many ways of martial arts. But the more moves I use, the more messy I look. When I fight, I almost remember what moves are easy to use, and I have no routines or rules. I just follow my will, and I will suffer.

Like grandfather Bai, he doesn't have much martial arts. He is just a Taiji, but he can use it to perfection. He can still beat the bloody rose. Therefore, if you practice a hundred kinds of martial arts, you'd better concentrate on a unique skill.

It's just that it's very difficult to find a martial arts suitable for him. Grandfather Bai can practice Tai Chi because he is suitable for him. Just standing there, he has the demeanor of a Tai Chi Master. Tai Chi and he seem to be integrated into one, so he can achieve himself.

And poppy, he relied on his strong body, practiced the golden bell cover, also became an expert. Even Du Haisheng knows that with his hard bald head and iron head skill, everyone has his own advantages. It depends on how you make use of it. If you make good use of it, you can achieve extraordinary results.

After constant brewing and analysis, I have learned a certain essence of martial arts, that is, everyone's unique skills are combined with the personality of this person. Maybe, only in this way can your martial arts be integrated with you.

Grandfather Bai sees through the world and only seeks peace and self-cultivation can he implement the essence of Tai Chi. His mentality and his personality determine that no one can surpass him in Tai Chi.

Blood rose, she is a vicious woman. She is the most vicious woman. Her martial arts are just like her. Even her embroidery needles are full of poison. I'm afraid, she is the only one who can make this insidious Kungfu as pure as fire.

Han Yimo, her claw skill is domineering and cold, similar to her personality.

Sun Xiangru's fists are strong and powerful, but they are thick and heavy. They are similar to his own personality.

Perhaps, the real masters, combined with their own conditions, to learn their own strongest unique skills.

And I use a word to describe it as miscellaneous. I don't have my own kungfu. I've learned a little bit of Kung Fu. In the end, it's messy to use, but I'm bound.

In the past, when I was crazy, I exerted the power of wild animals. Although the moves were simple, they still had great lethality. Now I have changed. No matter when I am in a state of benevolence and righteousness, my personality will not change. This shows that all the martial arts I have learned are not suitable for me.

In fact, I know that in martial arts, no matter what kind of heart and mind you have, as long as you show your unique skills, you can have great power. You don't have to be crazy. You have to be vicious. Tai Chi, like grandfather Bai, can still destroy the dead. Therefore, my heart of benevolence is right. The key is to find a martial arts suitable for my personality.When I think of this, I can't help but think of the martial arts I have practiced, or the martial arts that I have seen others play. All the moves flash through my mind. Each school has its own strengths.

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