Chinese martial arts are really broad and profound, but they are always changing. When all kinds of martial arts flash through my mind, I seem to find a knack from it. I feel that no matter what martial arts moves are, they are not invariable. They are not rules. You don't need to abide by them completely.

Otherwise, if you use some moves with great effort, you will suffer a loss if you still use them. It feels like you should do what you want to do, how to use your best power, and you don't need to follow its routine. If you want to give full play to your own strength, you should let the moves follow you, not you.

Thinking of this point, my eyes were bright, my brain was released, and my soul seemed to be sublimated. Unconsciously, my body stood up from the sofa. Then, I gently closed my eyes and threw away all my thoughts. My hands and feet began to dance. In accordance with the direction of my heart, I displayed the most suitable moves for myself.

After I was locked in the room, sure enough, the emperor paid off the people who had the heart. My madness finally came to an end. In the evening of this day, I created a set of boxing techniques that were the most convenient for me. This is a set of boxing that belongs to my own. There is no other advantage. The only advantage is that it is created by me. It is very easy to use. It has a feeling of unity of human and martial arts.

I don't know how powerful it is because I don't have a partner to practice with, but I'm confident that it has infinite power. This set of boxing change unpredictably into the essence of all the styles I have learned, and combine all my martial arts with their own characteristics, changing rapidly and changing.

On the surface, it looks like Taijiquan. In fact, it has hidden dangers. It will change with the mentality of the martial arts practitioners. When it is soft, it will be docile, when angry, it will roar.

In a word, it is full of mystery, changeable and unpredictable, so people can't find any omissions and flaws. For this set of boxing techniques derived from the strengths of 100 martial arts schools, I gave it a name, free and easy boxing.

After the name was given, I once again played the whole set of boxing techniques according to my final move, and then I stood still. I feel that although my boxing is based on the strengths of a hundred schools, the most important thing is to absorb the essence of Tai Chi. This also allows me to relax my whole body and mind, relieve my mood, cultivate my sentiment, and all my troubles disappear after playing this set of boxing.

Suddenly, I felt that I had the demeanor of a generation of experts. In three days, I seemed to be completely transformed, and the whole person was completely new.

Sure enough, everyone has his own unique skills. At the beginning, I just didn't excavate my strengths. My kung fu was too complex and general, which led to my inability to give full play to my own strength.

Obviously, Taiji Kung Fu is not my strong point. Although I can memorize all the moves of Taiji, and I can do all the tricks, and the time of practicing it is not short, I just can't practice it to the peak. I can never catch up with the pace of grandfather Bai. This is because there are many places I'm not used to, or I can't accept, my sex Ge and Taijiquan can not be completely integrated.

The boxing technique I created by myself is totally different. It can be fast or slow, strong or weak, hard or soft, fierce or gentle. It is a set of extremely flexible boxing techniques.

This boxing technique seems to be combined with my soul and integrated with me. Therefore, when I use it, I feel extraordinary and refined instantly, and my soul can be sublimated.

After standing still for a while, I suddenly opened my eyes, which found that the huge bedroom, has been made by me in a mess, extremely messy, and through the scattered pieces of the mirror on the ground, I saw myself in the mirror like a madman, I, changed.

Just after three days, I seem to have passed several centuries, I have become completely unlike me, my body finally emerged the taste of maturity, this is not in line with my age maturity, my eyes seem to have magic, as if after infinite years of waste, can see everything, unfathomable.

What's more, I found that some white hair appeared on the temples of my forehead. It grew there, which was so dazzling. I didn't expect that after three days of hard thinking, I didn't break down myself, but I was worried about gray hair.

This moment, I can't help but think of my white hair dad, my father is not particularly old, but already white hair, and white as thoroughly.

It can be seen that on the surface, my father is sonorous and free and easy, as if he has looked down on everything in the world, but in fact, his brain has been running, constantly running, and he is always thinking about things. Especially in his heart, there are too many unknown things in his heart. Maybe his biggest and deepest worry is about my mother. This is the person he cares about most. He just doesn't want to mention it to others, and he will bear it quietly.

Think of this, my heart can't help pain, this moment, I more firmly believe, in any case. I must step down the bloody cherry blossom and rescue my father.

My faith, rapid expansion, my heart suddenly become very firm and incomparable, and my eyes suddenly released the essence of light, eyes sharp, I gently step forward, step on the ground mirror debris, so that I can not see their own image.

Nowadays, I don't care about the appearance. For me, appearance is nothingness. Faith is the solid existence. I only live for faith.Because of this firm belief, my confidence has been renewed. I know that I have untied the knot in my mind and created a set of unique boxing techniques of my own. I am no longer the original me. I won't be decadent, entangled and self abased.

From now on, I will become a real king. At least, in the war, I am the unique king. I will let all the brothers below see my light, my confidence, my extraordinary ability and even be proud of me.

However, during the three days of my closure, my brothers were not proud of me. They only worried about me.

For three days, I locked myself in my room, not eating or drinking, ignoring anyone, and making such a big noise in the room by soldiers banging and banging. How could this not worry my brothers? They even thought I was crazy, completely crazy. More and more brothers gathered at the door of my room, knocking on my door nervously, shouting at me, persuading me, persuading me not to mess around and persuading me to be calm.

But no matter who persuades me, no matter how many people knock on the door, I never give anyone a response. I have lost communication with my brothers for three days, and I seem to be off track with the world. This makes the brothers more and more worried about me, because of me, the whole manor is boiling and boiling.

For the brothers, the boss is crazy, this kind of attack is more than the bloody Cherry Blossom invasion? More terrifying. After all, I am the pillar of the war, the pillars have collapsed, brothers who will not have the will to struggle, they have lost the spiritual support, lost the pillar ah.

The atmosphere of the manor became disordered and tense, and the anxiety of everyone filled the air, making the whole day of the manor dark and suffocating.

I am alone, it is affecting thousands of people's hearts, but these three days the outside world so changeable, immersed in my room, but I do not know, even if my room door is about to be broken. I am also ignorant. My mind has shielded the things outside the room. Whether I am thinking about things or practicing martial arts, I have not taken into account the activities outside the room. Until I have learned something, I have gradually strengthened my faith, my brain has been completely untied, and my mental state has gradually recovered. Only then have I slowly returned to real life and my ears have listened To the banging on the door and the anxious cries of the brothers.

It was not until this moment that I realized what kind of state my brother was outside. Therefore, I had no further delay and was going to open the door.

But my steps have not opened, suddenly, clang, the door of the room, has been forced to open.

At once, a large group of anxious high-level soldiers swarmed into my room. Maybe they were too worried about my safety, so they just kicked into the door.

Rushing inside, when they saw the moment when I was in a mess, all their steps stopped suddenly in an instant, their bodies suddenly stopped, and their eyes were even more crazy.

At this moment, all the brothers. They have formed a rich expression group. Their faces are full of heartache, disappointment, heartache, speechlessness, worry and various expressions.

Time, as if still in this moment, noisy rush in brothers, in an instant all with the point of general, motionless, no one spoke, no one made any movement, all hold their breath, staring at me, especially the white hair on my temples, which is more shocking.

It can be said that this image of me has shocked my brothers so much that no one would have thought of it. In just three days, I became like this. It was terrible.

Finally, it was grandfather Bai, the elder, who broke the silence. He was the first one to step forward and come to me.

He opened his mouth to me, but he didn't say anything. After pondering for two times, he still did not speak. He just shook his head in disappointment, and then stood aside.

Obviously, even grandfather Bai was disappointed with me. He didn't know how to open his mouth to me, a self indulgent person. Perhaps, he already felt that I was totally hopeless, and there was nothing to say.

After grandfather Bai left, Shen Muchen came up again. His eyes are full of distressed color, he sighed and sincerely said to me: "Arlo, why do you practice yourself like this?"

After Shen Muchen finished speaking, Peng Yi came out again. He frowned slightly and said to me with great heart: "Suluo, you shouldn't be like this. Victory or defeat is a common business of soldiers. Such a small setback will defeat you. How can you conquer the world in the future? What is your ambition? What about your ambition? "

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