Peng Yi's tone is full of helplessness, disappointment and emotion.

With the fall of Peng Yi's voice, Du Haisheng, a bald head, also stood up. In a rude tone, he said to me bluntly: "boss, you let me down like this. I think I'm wrong with you!"

Du Haisheng's words are as straightforward as his personality. Obviously, he looked down on me.

Immediately, Mu Nan stood up again. He directly faced me and said to me, "boss, don't let the brothers down. You are the boss and everyone's belief. As long as you don't fall down, the brothers will never fall first. No matter what difficulties and hardships, we are willing to accompany you to carry and rush together. We are not afraid of death!"

Mu Nan tone, also full of helplessness, his words, sounds to me to persuade, but obviously, he did not have much confidence in me.

Even Bai Qiuyan, who has always been reticent, could not help but stand up and say to me this time: "Suluo, where are you who never said goodbye. What about taking me to the mountains and rivers? "

At the end of the day, Bai Qiuyan's attitude was a little anxious. He was also worried. He felt that this scene became similar to the criticism meeting in the old society. I, the condemned criminal of all ages, all brothers came forward, and you said everything and criticized me.

Finally, even the crab came out and said to me in a sharp voice, "sulo, I look down on you!"

When I said this, the puffer fish's eyes were full of disappointment. In three days, I was disappointed by the whole world. But I don't feel aggrieved. I know that my brothers have misunderstood me. They think that I have been self indulgent for three days. In fact, I am reflecting, thinking about the reasons for my failure and looking for the loopholes in my own strength.

Now, I've figured it out, understood it, and even created my own martial arts. I'm not the original me. I've risen to a higher level in my soul.

Although misunderstood, I am not angry at all, on the contrary. I am also very pleased, because I know that my brothers are for my good. They are disappointed in me and criticize me. In fact, they still have a glimmer of hope for me. Otherwise, they don't need to say these words.

After all, they still want to arouse the last belief that I may exist, to wake me up and to cheer me up, just because they are not willing to give up. They still yearn to be able to gallop on the battlefield. They don't want my hard built war to fall down. They don't want to admit defeat. Even in the face of the powerful bloody cherry blossom, they still don't want to recognize it Life.

I understand every brother, and I am very satisfied with their performance. At the critical moment, they did not give up, still insisted on their faith, and even did not hesitate to criticize me. This is the iron and blood soldier in the war. I appreciate their courage.

After they criticized me one by one, after being silent for three days, I suddenly showed a profound smile. With this smile, I opened my hoarse voice and uttered a bold and forthright voice that was extremely out of proportion to the atmosphere of the scene: "prepare well tonight, and leave miaojiang tomorrow morning!"

I was locked in the room for three days without opening my mouth, which directly surprised all the people. All the brothers present were stunned by me. Who would have thought that I, who was too willing to be persuaded by God, could suddenly say such a sentence.

If I say this in my ordinary time, my brothers will be excited and eager to try. But when I say it at this time, my brothers don't believe me at all. So, even if I give an order, no one obeys. Even, they are frozen, standing still, eyes full of incredible.

Scene, once again fell into absolute silence, time and pause for a while, finally, or Shen Muchen first broke the silence, he did not understand! Look at me and don't believe me: "Arlo, is that true?"

I slightly shrunk the mouth, not false thought cableway: "do you see my appearance, like a joke?"

The voice falls, my face can not help but become resolute and serious, the whole person exudes extraordinary breath. My eyes are full of perseverance.

Now, the brothers are really stupid, believe me is not, do not believe me is not, a do not know how to do the appearance.

Even the white grandfather, is a bit incredible, he gently walked to me, touched my forehead, asked: "child, are you ok?"

Perhaps, in everyone's eyes, I am sick, but also sick, they all think that I am suffocating in the room these days, will suddenly change like this.

I'm a little speechless. Although I don't want to explain too much, in order to convince them, I can only try to explain. First, I cast a firm look at my grandfather Bai, and then I swept the other brothers with a solemn and serious tone: "don't worry, I'm ok, I'm not crazy, I'm not stupid. I just think about things these days. I want to be alone. Now I have figured it out. I know that even if the road ahead is more difficult, we should be brave to break through.

Red cherry blossoms, they are human beings, not gods. As long as we are united, I believe there will be a chance to destroy them. My father's business can't be delayed. We must solve his dilemma as soon as possible. What's more, even if we don't take the initiative to attack, the bloody cherry blossom will not let us go. Therefore, it's better to hit the sun than choose a day. Let's start tomorrow! "My voice was serious and serious, my voice was steady and powerful, and my words were more orderly. It was not like crazy at all. All the brothers present began to believe my words. When they realized that I was really uplifted, their faces suddenly filled with the most excited smile, those disappointment and anxiety disappeared, and only joy and surprise appeared in their eyes. Obviously, they were happy for me to get out of the shadow.

Taking advantage of the enthusiasm of the brothers, I ordered again: "go back and prepare well."

At once, the brothers crowded in and out of my room suddenly scattered. In a short time, there were only two people left in the room, I and white grandfather.

Grandfather Bai looked at the empty door, then turned his eyes to me and asked in a deep voice, "is it a bit too anxious to start tomorrow morning? Are you ready?"

I nodded to the white grandfather and said, "well, well done, anyway, sooner or later we will fight with them. We can start early, or we can help my father out of the encirclement as soon as possible."

Hearing this, grandfather Bai was still a little uneasy and continued to say to me, "but, it's a big deal to go to Miao territory. Don't you arrange it well? What's more, if so many people set out together, it will inevitably attract the attention of red cherry blossom. It's not good to fall into their trap at that time! "

Grandfather Bai's concern is not unreasonable. I have thought about this problem, but it still can't change my determination. I firmly looked at him and seriously replied, "I've considered this problem, but I think it's worse to disperse. Since the blood cherry has noticed me, even if we are scattered, we can't escape the surveillance of bloody cherry blossom's paws.

On the contrary, if we disperse, we will disperse our forces. So, this time, I'm going to set out in a big way and drive directly. Through the events of the past few days, I think the bloody Cherry Blossom despises the fire between us and me. Even if they want to deal with us, they will not send more troops.

At that time, we will take them by surprise. Of course, there must be danger, but I think that as long as we fight bravely, we will surely be able to overcome all difficulties and obstacles! "

At the end of the day, I showed my mature spirit completely. My whole momentum changed completely. This made my grandfather look at me with a new look. He seemed to be a little unable to believe his own eyes. He looked at me stupidly, and his eyes were full of gratification. Even, he looked at me, nodded his head, a very agree with my state.

I saw that grandfather Bai had nothing to say, so he said to him alone: "that white grandfather, if there is nothing wrong, I will go to be busy first!"

White grandfather didn't say anything more, just pursed his mouth and nodded his head. And I went straight out of the room and told someone to prepare dinner for me.

For me now, the most urgent and most needed thing is to take a bath and eat.

These three days, I didn't live like a person. I was totally immersed in my own world. I forgot to eat and tidy myself up. Now, when I came back to my senses, I could clearly feel that I was itching and my body was full of sweat and blood. Hunger and thirst also devoured me completely.

So, before I had a meal, I rushed into the bathroom, took a bath, and then changed my clothes. After finishing, I immediately went to the restaurant and ate the hot food that the chef had just prepared and gobbled down.

After I was full of food, I did not stop for half a minute, and I immediately threw myself into the preparation of leaving for Miao.

This time, the place we want to conquer is outside the province, and it is a remote place of ethnic minorities. It is at least 2000 kilometers away from us. It can be said that it is a long-distance journey. If we drive, we have to drive all day and night. Therefore, vehicles and driving routes, as well as our camping tents and dry food, should be fully prepared.

Of course, the most important thing is to select troops. The soldiers we train in the dark moon hall will certainly go out for battle. As for the others, we have also gone through layers of screening, and selected another 400 officers and men to form a team of 1000.

Although this force is certainly insufficient to fight against the powerful red cherry blossom, it is also the strongest and most elite force we can choose. In any case, it is the only way to put all our eggs in one basket.

My brother is already familiar with the preparation before the war. He is quick and safe to operate. At 10 o'clock in the evening, everything will be ready and everything will be ready until tomorrow morning.

After that, I asked the other brothers to rest first and keep their energy up. And I had a short meeting with the top of the fire, and after the meeting, we went straight to bed.

As I didn't sleep for a few days, as soon as I got to bed this time, I fell asleep. No matter what pressure I had, it would not affect my sleep at all. I had a deep sleep.

The next morning, I got up at nine o'clock. After that, I simply washed and had breakfast. At about 9:30, I walked out of my bedroom and came to the manor.

The garden space of the manor was already overcrowded, and the brothers had assembled at the appointed time.

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