This time, we had a long and long journey to Miao, so we drove at least four wheels with hundreds of carts. In order not to let the cars behind us fall behind and avoid traffic accidents, our overall driving speed was not fast.

My heart is also the same as the speed, keep steady, from the beginning of getting on, I entered the absolute quiet state, until our motorcade drove away from H Province, I did not speak a word.

And Shen Muchen and Xia family fourth uncle did not speak, the atmosphere in the car can not help but a bit dull, a little embarrassed.

Out of H Province, on the highway, the car slightly accelerated, my heart also slightly bumped up, I want to find a topic to break this boring, but I don't know what to say.

I can't help but look at Qiqi and find that she is also a little embarrassed. Her expression is not as natural as it was at the beginning, and her figure is a little stiff. She is on pins and needles, starting from getting on the bus. She didn't say a word. She was silent.

After a long time, I finally took the initiative to speak, broke the silence, and said to Qiqi, "thank you!"

Hearing my voice, Qiqi suddenly turned her head and looked at me. She said, "thank me for what?"

I pursed my lips and said sincerely, "thank you for coming to help me!"

In fact, I know that Qiqi is not unreasonable. She insists on following me, not blindly. She must know that she can give me a hand and then follow me. I believe in her ability, also believe that she is helpful to me, more believe in her sincerity, in any case, for her, I am grateful.

But Kiki took it for granted. She didn't seem to care at all. She just gave me a reply by smiling at me. Then, she turned her head and looked out of the window, looking at the fleeting scenery outside the window, dazed.

Through her side face, I seem to see her deep heart. She is not a God but a human being. No matter whether her trip is helpful or not, it will not change the fact that I will encounter great danger in Miao. Since Qiqi has investigated the blood cherry blossom, she should know more about the horror of blood Butterfly. It is like a sea of fire. Once we go in, we will be in danger. It is very likely that this time, we are all gone.

But for weak females. My male animal will naturally sprout the desire to protect each other. Almost involuntarily, I said solemnly to Qiqi: "Qiqi, I will protect your safety!"

Qiqi listened to me and turned her head back to face me. She pulled the corner of her mouth and showed a wry smile. She said to me, "I don't worry about myself at all. It's not terrible for me to die. I just don't like to wait for death. I would rather die in someone else's hands than wait for death day by day. So, I don't care about my safety at all, I'm just worried about you

Worried about me, Qiqi said what she said in her heart, which moved me, but made me feel a little embarrassed. Fortunately, Shen Muchen in front of me was focused on driving, while the fourth uncle was keeping his eyes closed and no one cared about us. I also simply when they do not exist, directly open my heart to Qiqi, deep way: "I am worth your doing this?"

Qiqi listened, but did not hesitate to reply: "worth it!"

At this moment, Qiqi is really not like the one who hid everything in her heart before. It seems that her character has changed a little and become bolder and more straightforward when she came back from the ghost gate last time.

Especially in her feelings towards me, she was no longer obscure and showed such obvious expression, which may also be related to that kiss. That day, at the last moment of her life, she had confessed to me affectionately and offered my first kiss to me. From then on, her feelings were no longer secret, and it would be hypocritical to conceal them.

It took me a long time to make a sound again, and the tone of my voice was coagulated: "but I'm not worth your love. I already have a girlfriend!"

Qiqi looked at me affectionately and said: "my destiny is doomed to be a flash in the pan, life is short in me, I am not qualified to have love, I will not think of falling in love. But you are the only boy who makes my heart beat. So I want to protect you with my life. I don't want you to fall in love with me. I just need to leave a mark in your heart. When I die, you can think of me once in a while, which is enough! "

This words, Qiqi said so deep, deep to the bone, listening to me is a burst of heartache. All the hard iron stones in my heart have been melted by Qiqi at this moment. In my mind, I can't help but think of all kinds of experiences with Qiqi. The clearest picture is that in the ward of the hospital, I deeply kiss her, and the feeling of that time also makes me infatuated.

Think of that scene. My hidden feelings in the bottom of my heart seem to have been inspired, or perhaps, I just want to give Qiqi a short peace, to give her simple happiness. I suddenly put out my hand and put my arm around Kiki, and let her head rest on my generous shoulder.

At once, Qiqi, who was still in a bit of a tumbling and weak state, suddenly changed her look, and her eyes were in a trance. The blush slowly dyed on her pale cheek, which made Qiqi, who had always been plain and clean, added a touch of beauty to her face. She became extremely beautiful and perfect.And I, hugging Kiki, is like embracing the whole world, Qiqi is the chicken soup of my heart. She is really like the goddess of Tianshan Mountain. As long as I touch her, I can put everything down and devote myself to it. The feeling is so wonderful that people can't forget to leave.

If I was a little worried about the bloody cherry blossom at the previous moment, at this moment, I completely left these troubles behind, just immersed in the wonderful feeling, and felt infinitely quiet, free and steady in my heart.

Qiqi and I, in this way, formed a beautiful picture, slender and strong me, lightly holding the thin and weak Qiqi, the picture was fixed. The car was silent again, but in the silent atmosphere, there was no embarrassment. There was only warmth and ambiguity. At this time, silence was better than sound!

The long dragon team, following my silent car, is running on the road together. Time goes by with the speed of the car.

In order to save time, but also to reduce unnecessary trouble. We didn't stop at any rest station for a rest. We kept running all the way. In order to prevent fatigue driving, our brothers would change drivers in shifts. A dry meal was prepared for everyone.

Unconscious, the time has come to four o'clock in the afternoon, during this period, I almost sit in the car without moving, Qiqi is almost the same, and the only difference with the previous picture is that Qiqi from leaning on my shoulder, slowly bent down, lying on her side, sleeping on my leg with her face.

My brothers and I have been trained by the devil, so we can easily carry this journey. however.

Qiqi is different, she is a girl, or a weak girl, once not rest well, will affect the condition. So, I asked directly to the ponytail: "Qiqi, are you tired, do you need to get out of the car to rest?"

Smell speech, Qiqi can't help but lift eyes, looking at me, soft voice way: "not tired, if can, I would like to lie quietly all my life!"

I smile awkwardly, did not say anything, just unconsciously stretched out a hand, stroking Qiqi's hair.

Time, once again rapid passage, a blink of an eye came to nine o'clock in the evening. After a day's driving, the brothers were really tired, and it was not safe to drive all night. Therefore, we did not continue to drive, but found an open mountain area and set up camp.

The number of us is not generally large. Ordinary roadside hotels simply do not have enough rooms for us to live in. Moreover, it is not safe to stay in hotels. The most convenient and most suitable for us is camping. For us, camping is a kind of luxury. No one will have any opinion. Sun Yihan, a child, may be the first time to try to live in a tent in the wild. She feels very fresh and excited. Qiqi, like Miss Qianjin, has never experienced this kind of wild life. She is also very happy.

After setting up the tent and doing the defense work well, we didn't rush to sleep. This group of people took the opportunity to hold a bonfire party, and we were about to experience the battle of life and death. This is one of the few nights that we can relax together. We all cherish it very much.

Most of all, we camped in one place this night, which created a special atmosphere.

In this atmosphere, we can not help but want to have some other fun, I did not stop the brothers, acquiesce in their full play, even. I put myself into it, relaxed my mind and lived my real self.

We sat around, eating and drinking, while performing programs, just like the gala party, lively and cheerful atmosphere. Even the ponytail, which had never liked to be lively, took part in it and sang a song.

Qiqi's voice is very clean, just like her personality, pure, fresh, and her grasp of the tone is also very accurate, and her whole person has been integrated into this song, which is simply the integration of human and music, singing more flavor and more affectionate than the original singing.

Kiki, she's from this song. Singing too deep feelings, interpretation of a tragic life, her fate, such as fireworks, but more sad than fireworks. Fireworks can also bloom short-term beauty, but she has always lived in a sick world, her most painful thing is to wait for death. However, she is waiting for death every day, and the time of death is so close.

She once said that she looked on everything, not afraid of death, but relieved after death, but I know that she said so more to let me have no burden, she is not really indifferent to death, even if Qiqi's attitude is good, she does not want to let her young life disappear. She certainly hopes to live a healthy life and have a healthy life like ordinary people A healthy life.

However, her wish is so luxurious and hard to realize. There is always a fear of death in her heart, as well as the suffering of waiting for death. Tonight, she sang out the most real voice in her heart through songs. When I heard her voice, I couldn't help feeling very sad for her.

This bonfire party is full of sadness and joy. Moved and excited, all people are in a state of selflessness, only immersed in this complex mood, lively atmosphere. Play until 12 o'clock in the morning, everyone is not enough to disperse, each back to their respective tents.After arranging Qiqi and sun Yihan into the best tent, I went back to my small tent to have a rest.

This day, everything seems to be going well, all the way without any break. However, the appearance of Qiqi has aroused the ripples in my heart and aroused my infinite emotion. For this girl, I really have an indescribable feeling. Especially after today's events, I feel that Qiqi is really imprinted in my mind and can not be forgotten.

However, Qiqi is also a tragic figure. When I think of her, I can't help but think of her illness, her death, so that my heart, faint pain.

All of a sudden, I had a strong desire in my heart, that is, this time I went to Miao Jiang, I not only wanted to save my father, but also to get the Millennium toad.

When I was in the mood, suddenly, Shen Muchen rushed into my tent. As soon as he saw me, he said anxiously, "Arlo, I've just asked someone to count the number of people, and found that one person is missing!"

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