Suddenly, hearing Shen Muchen's words, my mind's complex thoughts were swept away, and the whole person suddenly woke up. I immediately sat up and asked him excitedly, "who is missing?"

My voice was obviously hoarse, and my tone was full of anxiety, almost a reflex. I thought it was Qiqi who had just occupied my whole brain.

Seeing that I was so nervous, Shen Muchen quickly explained: "it's our brother. As for who it is, I don't know. I only know that the total number of people now is one less than that of us."

This, let me tense nerves can not help but relax, to be honest, I am really too worried about Qiqi's accident, will be so nervous.

However, the brother of the war has lost one person for no reason, which also makes my heart suddenly burst two times. A bad premonition suddenly strikes me. I frown and ask in a deep voice: "have you found it? In case it is convenient to go?"

Hearing this, Shen Muchen directly shook his head and said in a heavy tone: "it should not be. After our bonfire party was disbanded, I have strictly ordered everyone to return to the team and let everyone go back to their tents. However, we have stipulated that the toilet is not allowed to exceed 100 meters. I just called around, but there was no response. Maybe something really happened!"

If it wasn't something particularly important, Shen Muchen would not ask me for instructions. He could take the initiative to solve the problem himself. But now, Shen Muchen reported these things to me with such dignity. Obviously, he expected the situation to be bad. Of course, it was not just that he lost a person, but he foresaw the coming of the crisis.

His premonition coincides with mine. I am very clear that our team can not be short of one person for no reason. We are similar to the regular army, with strict discipline. Every brother has undergone strict training. They will not leave the post without saying hello, let alone be lost. Therefore, the only possibility is that there will be a crisis.

Perhaps, the comers are not ordinary experts. After all, even if we have a bonfire party, there are people on guard. It can be said that our troops are always on guard.

And the other side can run to the place where we are stationed and capture us quietly. Obviously, their strength is not simple.

Thinking of this, my eyes suddenly a Lin, no longer delay, I immediately ordered Shen Muchen: "notice down, all emergency assembly, and make safety protection preparation. Moreover, let each hall entrance count the people one by one according to the list, and make sure to find out who is missing! "

Shen Muchen took the order and immediately went to do it. I also put on my clothes and quickly got out of the tent. Because of the big noise caused by our emergency gathering, Qiqi sun Yihan and others were startled to run out.

As soon as Kiki saw me, she immediately asked me, "what's the matter?"

I slightly frown, calm voice way: "less person!"

Qiqi is a smart person, a few words, she understood the meaning, no more words.

Two minutes later, our team was assembled. Immediately, the high-level officers began to count their subordinates, and each hall called their members one by one.

Finally, after a close count, we found out the missing one, Zhang San of Qinglong hall.

This Zhang San is an old man in the war. He and Shen Muchen are from a school. He has been with Shen Muchen since a very early time. He has been a very reliable brother. He has been trained by Uncle Yang and dark moon hall. His strength has improved rapidly, and he has finally become a solid member of our regiment.

Such a brother could never have been lost in good faith, let alone defected. Now, I am almost more sure that something has happened to him.

Shen Muchen may also have confirmed this idea, his face can not help but become more dignified, he stood in front of me, quietly asked me: "Arlo, how to do?"

At the moment, after midnight, it's hard to find people. It's a wilderness again, so it's more difficult to find people. Besides, if there is an enemy attacking. That means we are being targeted. The enemy is like a group of wolves, staring at us in the dark, ready to give us a fatal blow. If our personnel disperse and go everywhere to look for Zhang San, then we will be more dangerous, and we will be easily defeated by the secret enemies.

However, knowing clearly that my brother was lost, I would not send anyone to look for it. This would inevitably make other brothers feel cold. I would feel sorry for myself. I could not help but let Zhang San lose.

When I was struggling, all of a sudden, there was a rustling sound in the grass on my left, as if someone was walking around.

Hearing this, my spirit immediately shocked, I suddenly turned my head, looked at the grass and roared: "who, come out!"

As soon as my voice fell, a man came out of the grass immediately. It was Zhang San we were looking for.

As soon as he came out, Shen Muchen and I immediately surrounded him and asked, "where have you been?"

Zhang San stammered: "I'm sorry, maybe I've eaten something bad. I have diarrhea. I'm afraid that the smell will reach everyone. I'll go a long way and finish the operation now."When he said this, Zhang San's voice was obviously feeble, and his face was very pale. He didn't look like a liar. Moreover, Zhang San has always been honest and an old member of the war. No one will think that he is a liar.

After listening to Zhang San's words, the big stone in my heart was also released. It seems that it is a false alarm. No matter what, it will be fine. However, I still symbolically rebuked Zhang Sanxun: "remember to report something later!"

When Zhang San heard what I said, he could not help but lower his head. Other brothers also took the opportunity to complain about Zhang San, saying that he had caused everyone not to sleep well. Of course, everyone complained, but they were not really angry. After all, they were brothers. They would not care about such a small matter. Quan should be a prank.

In the brothers jokingly bury three of the time, I suddenly roared: "all scattered, early rest!"

At my command, the brothers immediately took orders and were ready to disperse.

But at this time, Qiqi on one side suddenly called out, "wait a minute!"

Qiqi's voice is not big, but very abrupt. Everyone listened, can't help but stop to stop the pace, have looked at her, even I, all curiously looked at Qiqi, asked: "what's the matter?"

Qiqi came to me. She looked at Zhang Long deeply. Then, she pointed to Zhang San and said to me seriously: "he has a problem."

Four words, Qiqi said particularly powerful, shocked the whole audience, all people can not help but show a surprised color, eyes are full of inexplicable look.

And I, is more surprised to believe, I know Qiqi, she is young, but very stable, intelligent and intelligent, rigorous and serious, uncertain things, she will not say, more likely to blame others.

However, this time, she pointed to Zhang San directly and said that Zhang San had problems, which was really incredible to me. If someone else, I would choose to believe Qiqi, but Zhang San is an old subordinate of mine. I know him very well. He is very honest and loyal, and he is especially loyal. I doubt that no one will doubt him.

With a very inexplicable color, I stare at Qiqi, seriously asked: "what problem!"

When I asked about this, the crab couldn't help saying, "yes, what's the problem. Zhang San is my brother. I know him best. Don't talk nonsense if you don't have evidence! "

Crab is like this, go its own way, what to say, but no malicious, he just simply believe in brothers.

And Zhang San, originally because of his own disappearance, a face of guilt, now Qiqi so pointed, his eyes suddenly showed a reluctant color, honest he, can not help but for his own excuse, he looked at Qiqi, very unhappy said: "why do you say I have a problem!"

In the face of public questioning, Qiqi is still calm and calm. She stares at Zhang San in her eyes. Then, she says solemnly to everyone: "don't you think it's strange? He disappeared for so long, said a diarrhea, you believe that he is clearly lying. Through his actions and his manner, I am sure that he was poisoned by poisonous insects.

In the blood cherry blossom, there is a master who uses the poison. However, if anyone is poisoned by her poison, the mind of the person is basically controlled by her. This is the common move of the bloody cherry blossom. They are equivalent to placing puppets in the enemy. At that time, they can use the puppets to do whatever they want. In many cases, the blood cherry blossom is like this, without losing one soldier Die, destroy a team of others

Qiqi's words, said orderly, logical, sharp, very persuasive.

Yes, when she came to me today, she told me that she had checked a lot of information about blood cherry blossoms and had a deep understanding of them.

And Qiqi is Xia's family. If she wants to check the bloody cherry blossom, she can't see any top secret information. She can swear to me that she knows more about the red cherry blossom than I do, and that she can help me is definitely not empty talk.

What's more, bloody cherry blossom, a vicious organization, is good at using Yin moves in secret. They follow the principle of minimizing their own losses and destroying the enemy to the maximum extent.

The first time I saw the method of bloody cherry blossom was that Wu Tianhao rebelled against Ren housekeeper in Pengjia manor. Housekeeper Ren sets off a storm inside the Haibang behind his back, which almost makes Peng Yi and Peng Qing fight each other. If Peng Yi was not smart enough to see through the housekeeper Ren, the inner part of the Haibang would really break up. At that time, the bloody Cherry Blossom behind her would directly watch the snipe and clam fighting, and they would take advantage of the profits. In other words, what they thought was to bring down the sea Gang without losing a soldier or a general.

Later, the Sheng family and the Hai Gang united to fight with me in the Mangshan mountains. The bloody cherry blossoms were also playing tricks behind them. They did not lose a single soldier, but in the end, they caused heavy losses to me, the Hai Gang and the Sheng family.

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