Even when they gave a death order to the war last time, they didn't directly fight with us. Instead, they threatened me and let me take the initiative to arrest him. At that time, blood rose also said that black Luosha, the leader of the bloody cherry blossom, hoped that he would not lose his troops and take me away again.

The variety of this species is enough to show that no matter what purpose the red cherry blossom wants to achieve, it is based on the minimum loss. Therefore, Qiqi's words just now are reasonable. Even if they despise the war, they will worry about their losses if they know that I am going to attack their headquarters. Therefore, they want to kill us in the middle of the way. In this way, they can avoid losing their strength.

Involuntarily, I began to believe Qiqi's words. Many other brothers present also believed Qiqi.

Seeing that everyone had fallen to Qiqi's side, Zhang San finally no longer had a plan in mind. He seemed to become a little flustered, and directly called to Qiqi, "don't talk nonsense. I'm sleepy and I'm going to sleep!"

With that, he stepped forward and wanted to leave.

In any case, Zhang San is my brother. Even if I doubt him, it is not good to target him. If the fact is not what Qiqi said, there will be no trust between the brothers. Therefore, even if I believe in Qiqi again, it is not good to directly fight Zhang San.

But when I hesitated, grandfather Bai suddenly moved. He jumped to Zhang San's side with lightning speed and grasped his wrist.

After a moment, the white grandfather will say: "he was really under the poison!"

White grandfather's words, thoroughly verified Qiqi's statement. I immediately ordered: "arrest Zhang San!"

My voice dropped, and several brothers immediately subdued Zhang San.

When Zhang Sany was caught, the whole person became a little violent. When he was pale, he could not help but blush. He yelled at his throat to let him go.

If there is no evidence, I won't treat him like this, but grandfather Bai's medical skills are the most vivid evidence. Since grandfather Bai found out that he was poisoned by poisonous insects, it is absolutely not wrong. Therefore, I don't need to be merciful. When Zhang San struggled and yelled, I reached out quickly and groped for his body. From his pocket, I found two small bottles of things. As for what was in it, I didn't know. I gave the bottle to grandfather Bai directly.

White grandfather Ning eyebrow looked at, and then put under the nose smell, and then, he said in a deep voice: "it's poison, it seems that the red cherry blossom has been on us, want to kill us all!"

Sure enough, this is what the bloody Cherry Blossom did. They turned Zhang San into a puppet, and then let him use the opportunity to secretly poison us. In this way, no matter how strong our troops are, we will be completely destroyed. Red cherry blossoms, they just hope to destroy us completely without cost of troops. Fortunately, the keen Qiqi knew through their tricks, otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable.

All the brothers in the field, seeing this scene, knew it all. They can't help but be angry for the blood cherry blossom's insidious, at the same time, they also admire Qiqi's intelligence, can't help but praise her.

And I, just standing in the same place quietly for a long time, I asked the white grandfather with a heavy face: "white grandfather, Zhang San's poison, can you solve it?"

White grandfather did not hesitate, directly said: "yes, let someone bring him to my tent!"

After that, grandfather Bai took the lead in getting into his tent, and I quickly sent someone to send Zhang San.

After uncle Bai left, the brothers were still a little frightened and asked me, "boss, what should we do now?"

For this accident, I was a bit at a loss. As Qiqi said, I don't know anything about the bloody cherry blossoms. I've heard rumors about this, but I haven't seen it at all. Suddenly, I've met my own poison. I really don't know how to deal with the next crisis. Unconsciously, I turned my eyes to Kiki.

At this time, she was still calm and calm. She caught my eyes and immediately understood what I meant. Then, she took the initiative to say, "don't worry. Since the bloody Cherry Blossom people are engaged in such dark means and want to poison us, it proves that they are not many people to fight us head-on. However, we can't make sure that they use this dark trick again. Therefore, we should be on guard with all our strength, and at least two people should work together. We should not separate. Even if we go to the toilet at night, we should call on our companions. We should not act alone. As soon as there is something wrong with our companions, we should immediately report back to them. In this way, we can not give the opportunity to poison the bloody cherry blossom! ”

at this moment, Qiqi lost her morbid state, and her whole body was filled with dazzling brilliance. She seemed to be incarnated as a female military commander, wise and steady, and filled with rage. It's really helpful to take her with me. I also have no nonsense, direct order, ask brothers to do according to Qiqi said.

Naturally, the brothers realized the seriousness of the matter and immediately carried out it. I didn't go away. Just quietly waiting outside the white grandfather's tent, I look very serious, heart full of worry.

Qiqi saw my worry and took the initiative to persuade me and said, "Suluo, it's OK. Although the poison is powerful, the old doctor's medical skill is so excellent, it can certainly be cured!"I shook my head slightly and sighed: "I'm not worried about the poor medical skills of grandfather Bai. I think the bloody cherry blossom is too terrible. We haven't gone half the way now. The bloody Cherry Blossom can't help but take the initiative. Today, if it wasn't for you, the consequences still don't know. I can't imagine how I should deal with it when I'm in Miao territory!"

This is the most real voice in my heart. Before that, I also knew the horror of bloody cherry blossom, but I didn't expect that they would kill the half way, or use such a vicious way. They are so unexpected, I really can't guess what they think, and I don't know if they will walk into their nest, like my father, into their deep traps.

Qiqi is always calmer than me. She knows herself and the enemy, so that she can be invincible. I may be too ignorant of the blood cherry blossom, so I am full of fear of the unknown. But Qiqi said that she knew the blood Cherry Blossom better than me, which certainly increased her confidence, and she felt that the other party was not so afraid.

After listening to my words, she could not help becoming more firm and said to me sonorously: "it doesn't matter. As long as we pay more attention, we may not be able to deal with them if we can't find a breakthrough. Anyway, I will try my best to help you! "

I turned my head and looked at Qiqi, the bright moonlight, sprinkled on her body, let her thin body reflect a layer of white light, her face is smooth and white, with the moonlight, it seems more moving, I look at her, can't help but say: "thank you!"

Qiqi smile, but did not speak, she just slightly raised her head and looked at the bright moon in the sky.

As time passed by, suddenly, sun Yihan came out of the tent of grandfather Bai and said to me, "big brother, grandfather told you to go in!"

I quickly into the white grandfather's tent, found that Zhang San has been quiet down, but look a little tired, he is still a little confused, do not know what happened.

White grandfather saw me come in, immediately explained: "Gu Du has been forced out, people do not have a big problem, you take him back to rest!"

For Gu Du, grandfather Bai didn't explain too much, and I didn't ask much. After all, I didn't understand either. I just sincerely thank Mr. Bai. With his old man on this trip, he not only added a top expert, but also a unique doctor. In this way, we would not be helpless in the face of bloody cherry blossom. As long as it was poison, I believe it would be difficult to defeat him.

After saying goodbye to grandfather Bai, I helped Zhang San out. Qiqi outside the tent saw this and asked about the situation. I told Ku Qiqi that the people were all right. Then, I summoned the high-level fire fighting team to ask Zhang San to explain what happened in front of the brothers.

Zhang San immediately said to us, "I just went to the tuba, but I was knocked out. After that, I couldn't remember clearly."

In the war, Zhang San can be regarded as a master. His brothers of this level can be taken away without any reason. This makes the brothers take this seriously. Needless to say, they know that they should be more cautious and never be careless.

And Zhang San, when we talked about his being poisoned, the whole person was scared. He kept apologizing to us, saying that he didn't know anything. I didn't blame him too much, just let him rest well and be more careful in the future.

After Zhang San was arranged properly, it was more than 1:00 in the morning. I directly ordered all the brothers to arrange personnel reasonably, watch on shifts, have a good rest, and patrol should be cautious and cautious. The brothers told me to do it immediately. I also went back to my small tent and went to sleep again.

After Zhang San's incident, my nerves were sensitive and I didn't sleep well. As soon as I closed my eyes, I felt that I was being watched. I felt like I was sleeping in a tiger's nest. I was very worried. Always nervously aware that there seems to be someone around.

For an hour, I got up several times in a row and looked at the situation around me, but I found that I was worried too much.

At about three o'clock in the morning, I finally got into sleep. Suddenly, my tent was shaking.

I was suddenly awakened by the slightest movement. It seemed that someone had thrown something at my tent. Now I was totally sleepless. I immediately got up and went out of the tent.

When I went outside, I asked my patrol brother, "is there anything wrong?"

The patrol brother shook his head and said, "no!"

But just as soon as the brother's voice dropped, the tall patrolman beside him suddenly called out, "who is it?"

I followed his eyes, looked to the grove on the right, and asked, "what's going on?"

The tall patrolman accused the grove and said cautiously, "boss, I just saw a figure over there. I don't know if it's my eyesight, or I'll take someone to have a look!"

I quickly waved my hand and said: "no, you continue to patrol. As long as there is no enemy coming, don't take the initiative to leave our safety zone!"

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