No matter what the reason is, I can't let my brothers act rashly. If they break away from the army and are attacked again, it's not good. Therefore, I didn't ask people to look for them.

However, I was not sleepy at all. I directly devoted myself to the patrol work, especially in the grove that the tall patrolman pointed to just now. My eyes kept sweeping the place like a detector.

After my repeated observation, finally, I found that there was a person hiding in the woods. Even, I had the feeling that the other party was waving to me. If the situation did not allow me, I could not help but impulse to pass.

But now is the critical period, I can't easily be fooled by bloody cherry blossoms, and I can't risk myself alone.

However, after I watched the figure carefully, I felt the smell of familiarity. The familiarity made my heart thump. Involuntarily, I had a desire to go and find out.

I hesitated for a while. Finally, I still stepped forward and walked towards the woods ahead. The patrolling brothers wanted to follow me. I stopped them and asked them to continue patrolling. I told them that if I had something to do, I would send out a signal by shouting.

After that, I continued to walk towards the woods alone. In fact, after practicing the new moves, I was very confident in my own strength. I was very sure that there were not many masters in the blood Cherry Blossom who could beat me.

So, I don't need to be followed. But in order to prevent the bloody Cherry Blossom people from making any negative moves, I was very cautious all the way. The whole person is keeping a high alert and walking quietly.

Moonlight through the leaves, vaguely sprinkled in the woods, I borrow this trace of moonlight, step by step, carefully forward.

At this moment, everything was quiet. There was no sound of insects or birds. In the whole forest, it seemed that only I stepped on the leaves of the trees, and the wind was very strange. After I walked a little way in the woods, I found that the figure had already disappeared. I dare not go any further. I stood up and roared: "who is it Come out when you have seed

My voice just fell, suddenly, behind a big tree, a black shadow darted out, and rushed forward.

Close look, I feel more and more this figure, very familiar, so I immediately followed up, and called: "stop!"

After a long journey, the shadow really stopped and turned its back to me.

This shadow is not tall and powerful, but it is full of mystery and treacherous.

I was afraid that she was a bait. I didn't dare to go up to get her. I just cautiously approached her and walked to a certain distance behind her. I stopped, then, I rushed to her back, issued three majestic words: "who are you?"

When I heard my voice, the other side did not respond, but her figure turned gently. When she was facing me, I could see her face through the moonlight.

All of a sudden, my heart suddenly twitched twice. My body was petrified in an instant. My eyes were filled with surprise. I was stunned. Because she was no other than Miaomiao, who grew up with me since childhood.

In this dark and ghostly early morning night, in the dangerous wilderness, I dare to walk into this small forest alone, the main reason is that I feel the familiar smell of the dark shadow, which draws my heart, and makes me can't help following up

I have prepared that the shadow is an acquaintance, but when I see it, I am still completely shocked, really To see Miaomiao again is like living apart.

It felt like, she was someone I knew in my previous life, and then I saw her in this life, which surprised me, but at the same time, I was also very complicated.

Miaomiao, she ostracized me from childhood, hated me, always scolded me, against me, I was very cautious and tired under her oppression. My childhood wish is that she does not hate me, I hope she can accept me.

Later, I went through that. She finally changed her attitude towards me. She even offered me a pen. But this hard won change was completely broken because Uncle Yang found her secret. She misunderstood me and ran away with hate.

As soon as she left, it was many years. When she met again, she told me that she liked me. Because of this inexplicable love, Ziyi's wedding was destroyed, and Miaomiao left with hatred again.

In H Province, I played the role of thirteen, assassinating the vice president of the brotherhood. As a result, by chance, I met Miaomiao and was stabbed in the back by her. As a result, I was thrown into the bottom of the river and nearly died.

See her for the last time. It was in Wutang headquarters. Ziyi committed suicide at that time. I was crazy. Miaomiao suddenly brought someone to save me. At that time, I knew that she was a bloody cherry blossom.

For me, it has always been mysterious, especially since she left home, her changes are so great that I can't understand her. But no matter what, I don't hate her, more because she has helped me many times. I am grateful to her, and I have some other feelings that I can't explain.However, when I know that uncle Yang has been behind my father, when I know that uncle Yang is also a bloody cherry blossom, my feelings for Miaomiao have completely changed.

I can't believe Miaomiao any more. Even vaguely, I still think she's terrible. I think she's with Uncle Yang. She's been using me behind my back to help Uncle Yang. After all, she is uncle Yang's own daughter, father and daughter belong to the same blood cherry blossom, so how can I trust her?

Now, at first sight of her, my mood is inevitably complicated. I can't help but feel hostility in my heart, which is very painful and painful.

In this way, I stayed in place, staring at Miaomiao stupidly. My heart stirred and my emotions surged.

After a long time, I began to say: "is the poison you gave my brother?"

This is a fact that I don't want to accept, but I have to think that Miaomiao is the person with blood cherry blossom, and uncle Yang is the senior leader of blood cherry blossom. Today, Zhang San was poisoned by poisonous drugs. The bloody Cherry Blossom man did it. Miaomiao happened to appear here again. I can't take this as a coincidence. I can only think that she is the mastermind.

Miaomiao's face suddenly changed when she heard me say this. A trace of sadness and deep disappointment flashed in her eyes. She looked at me discontentedly and asked, "Suluo, am I such a sinister person in your mind?"

Miaomiao's words, let my heart emotion stir more and more fierce, a sour and astringent full of my nose, heart faint pain.

Once upon a time, uncle Yang was the most trustworthy person in my heart. He was my adoptive father and my close relative. I never doubted him and trusted him so much. But in the end, he is the insidious villain who controls everything behind his back. This fact is so terrible and heartbreaking.

I also know that Miaomiao's character is straightforward. She always shows her emotions on her face. She hates me, scolds me, and loves me. She is not such a mean and insidious person. She can't do villain activities. However, with the precedent of Uncle Yang, I really can't believe my judgment. Even if I don't think Miaomiao is that kind of person, I can't believe her.

Unconsciously, I raised my eyes again and looked up and down. She was still the same one. She was young, beautiful and cold. She was covered in black and could not stop her woman's charm. She had an excellent appearance and a different temperament. She was domineering and fierce. But at this moment, her fierce face, more than a trace of sadness and anger.

I can feel that she is really hurt because of my doubt, but in any case, I will not trust her easily, I dare not take any risk. If I have wrongly believed in people, harmed my whole war and destroyed my plan, then I would not have died.

Gradually, I suppressed the emotional agitation in my heart and froze the softness in my heart. My eyes showed an extremely cold color. I looked at Miaomiao coldly and said in a sharp voice: "you, and your father, are blood Cherry Blossom people, are my enemies of Suluo!"

In my voice, there is no half emotion, as if Miaomiao is a person who has nothing to do with me.

Miaomiao, after hearing this, suddenly laughed. She was very sad and desperate. After laughing for a long time, she said to me, "enemy? Ha ha, what an enemy. Sulo, I'm wrong about you. I didn't expect you to be such a person. I am the person of blood color cherry blossom again how, all the time, have I harmed you? My father is a cherry blossom colored man, so what? Isn't he treating you as his own son all the time? He treats you better than me. How can you say such a thing? Even if my father and your father have a festival, it is also the gratitude and resentment of their previous generation. Why do you hate us? "

Miaomiao said these words with anger. She blamed me for not believing her and being too ruthless. She was very disappointed with my performance.

After listening to Miaomiao's words, the whole person was in a daze. My head was a little painful and my heart was a little disordered. My previous thinking pattern seemed to be broken.

Ever since I knew that uncle Yang was the one who framed my father, I have only the deepest hatred for him. I hate him for being superficial and behind his back, for using me all the time, and for being cruel to my father. What I hate most is being cheated by trusted people. Once I had a deep feeling for uncle Yang, then I hated him. I have already formed the thinking pattern of hating uncle Yang.

But now that Duoduo said this, I suddenly felt a little shaken. I began to feel that I hated him too arbitrarily. If I thought about it carefully, everything uncle Yang did was really aimed at my father. He hated my father for special reasons.

But Uncle Yang has always been very good to me. As Miaomiao said, he treats me better than his own daughter, and he never hurt me. Yes, he lied to me, but my father also cheated me. Why can I forgive my father, but always resent uncle Yang?

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