Miaomiao, she was not good to me when she was a child, but it was also her true love. It was a kind of expression after she was robbed of Uncle Yang's father's love by me. Later, the wedding of Ziyi and I was destroyed. It was actually my own problem. It was my feelings for Miaomiao that wavered. Just let Ziyi disappointed, the last thing that the corpse sank to the bottom of the river, it's even more no wonder Miao Miao, she didn't know I was su Luo at that time.

She didn't really hurt me. She obstructed me and Ziyi because her lover's way was too overbearing. She liked me, so she didn't allow me to be with other women. But in addition, all she did was to help me. She asked Xie Yu to come out to save me for many times. The last time in Wutang, she also personally came forward to save me regardless of everything. She helped me so much But I don't trust her. No wonder Miaomiao is cold hearted.

However, no matter whether uncle Yang and Miaomiao have hurt me, they are all blood Cherry Blossom people after all. Bloody cherry blossom is a demon organization, specializing in dark and vicious things. I and bloody cherry blossom will never be separated. Therefore, Miaomiao and I can only be in opposition. Even if Miaomiao and I have an extraordinary past, even if she has helped me many times, she can not change her The fact that she is part of the blood cherry blossom, I can't really open my heart to her.

When I stood still, Miaomiao suddenly moved. She came to me and said, "Suluo, do you have no feelings for me now?"

Miaomiao's voice was sincere and full of sadness. After listening to it, I suddenly regained my consciousness and looked at her.

Seeing her coming towards me, I almost reflexively drank a sentence: "stop, you don't come here!"

I drink this, full of sternness, my expression is also very serious.

Miaomiao heard the speech and immediately stopped. She looked at me with sadness on her face and asked, "are you afraid of me?"

I shook my head and said, "I'm not afraid of you, I just don't want to hurt you, but I don't want you to hurt me. You haven't told me, are you under the Gu poison?"

In fact, I had a few words with Miaomiao before. I was about to believe her. I believe she would never do anything harmful to me. But just because she is a bloody cherry blossom, I have to guard against it. Although she has not done anything harmful to me before, she can't do it in the future.

Because the bloody cherry blossom is really terrible. They have too many sinister tricks. Maybe Miaomiao has been brainwashed by them. Maybe today, Miaomiao is a bait to lure me.

Therefore, I must be wary of Miaomiao. I won't let her have the opportunity to hurt me and the fire of war. However, I don't want to hurt her. Even if I know she is a bloody cherry blossom, I can't do it. In any case, she is a person who grew up with me since childhood. We two have extraordinary feelings. She is a nightmare of my childhood, but also a woman I care about In my heart for a long time.

She is my benefactor. She helps me so much that I can't hurt her. Our relationship is no longer simple, now, between her and me, there is a deep gully, we can not get closer.

Miaomiao saw me like this, more and more sad, her eyes have been red, but she did not get angry, just gritted her teeth and asked, "if I did it, do you still want to do it to me?"

If Miaomiao is really brainwashed and really uses Yin moves to deal with me, what should I do?

I may not hurt her, but I can't let her do anything wrong. I looked at her very seriously and said solemnly, "I will arrest you!"

Hearing this, the sadness in Miaomiao's eyes burst directly. She was completely desperate. She shook her head in despair and said in pain, "sulo, you let me down too much."

When she said this, Miaomiao's voice was a little hoarse. In her voice, there were obviously grievances, pain and deepest disappointment.

I feel bad when I see her like this. From the beginning, I don't want to doubt her. However, every word I say to her is distrust of her. I hurt her again and again, making her so desperate and painful. I'm not blind. I'm not heartless. Of course, I can feel Miaomiao's pain. I don't think she's going to poison her at all We are now hostile relations, I can only treat her so cruelly, even if I don't doubt her, I should be on guard against her.

After all, I still suppressed the mood in my heart and continued to indifferently say to her: "Miaomiao, you specially lead me here in the middle of the night, won't you say that?"

Once again feel my indifference, Miaomiao is injured, she did not immediately return to my words, just gently turned around, back to me.

She is trying to control her sad mood, but through her shaking shoulder, I can feel her endless sadness. However, Miaomiao has always been very strong and overbearing. She won't cry in front of me. She just wants to relieve her sadness quietly.

After a long time, she said softly: "last time in H Province, you acted as a cold thirteen. I didn't recognize you, and almost killed you. I've been holding on to this for a long time. I didn't have a chance to apologize. Now, I want to say, I'm sorry! "

Suddenly, I heard the words of H Province, my heart couldn't help shaking twice. I hurt her like this, but she still apologized to me for the past. How can I feel.I looked at her back and said sincerely, "it's OK. I didn't blame you. Besides, you didn't save me after you were born."

After listening to my words, Miaomiao suddenly turned around, looked at me, and said very seriously: "yes, that's because I don't want you to die. Even if you are hostile to me now, I don't want you to die. So I came here specially today to persuade you not to deal with bloody cherry blossoms. If you go there, you will die. Go back to H Province immediately!"

It turns out that this is the purpose of Miaomiao. She doesn't want to see me die, so she comes to persuade me. Even if I did that to her just now, she still wants to persuade me.

I accepted her wish, but I couldn't listen to her. I directly rejected her and said, "thank you for your kindness. I've got it, but I'm sure I'll get the trip to Miao Jiang, and no one can stop it!"

Hearing this, Miaomiao couldn't help sneering. Then, she tried to persuade me again: "Suluo, do you want to stop being stubborn? I advise you for your own good. Do you really think you can fight against the bloody cherry blossom with the fire of war? How much do you know about blood and cherry blossom? I can tell you responsibly that if you go to the Miao territory and violate the dignity of the bloody cherry blossom, you and your brother will die without doubt. While the bloody cherry blossom has not sent heavy troops to deal with you, go back quickly! "

Miaomiao's words are very straightforward, but they are also very sincere. Of course, I can feel that she is really good for me. However, I still didn't accept it, and continued: "when I go to Miao, I'm ready to die. But even if it's death, I will try my best. Isn't the bloody Cherry Blossom fond of dark actions? Then let it come. Tonight we can see through Xia Gu's plot, and later we can see through its other plots and traps. "

My words were loud and expressed my will and determination. Miaomiao listened and snorted with disdain, and then solemnly said to me, "this time, the bloody cherry blossom just sent a team of pioneers to destroy you with the least cost. You have seen through the poisonous insects this time, can you make peace with each other in the future? I tell you, this will make you more dangerous. Next, the bloody cherry blossom will definitely pay more attention to you. As long as the bloody Cherry Blossom wants to deal with, no matter what kind of organization and gang, there will be no good end. At that time, I'm afraid you will be wiped out on the way. You'd better listen to me and hurry back! "

When I heard this, my heart would inevitably burst. Miaomiao was right. Maybe at the beginning, the bloody Cherry Blossom didn't pay attention to my enemy, and thought that we only needed to make a puppet to kill us. But now that we have seen through their poison, we will inevitably attract their attention. That is to say, from this moment on, we have to face nothing Even on the road, we have to face all kinds of difficulties and obstacles. This trip to the Miao Autonomous Region is really more difficult than learning from the Western Heaven.

But no matter how difficult it is, even if it is a life of death. I will not shrink back. This time, I am absolutely desperate. No matter what, I will fight them to the end. Therefore, Miaomiao's painstaking persuasion not only did not dissuade me, but also increased my determination and fighting spirit. I straightened up my chest and said to Miaomiao frankly: "you don't have to say any more, even if it's death, I will not shrink back. You should also know that my father is trapped in the Miao Autonomous Region. I'm going to save him. I'm going to root out the bloody cherry blossom! "

Miaomiao saw that I was stubborn, and there was a spark in her eyes. She was angry and her mood was out of control. She called to me directly and excitedly: "since you know that even your father is trapped, how can you deal with the bloody cherry blossom? Why do you want to die? Are you a fool? "

This cry, called out Miaomiao extreme helplessness and anger, but also aroused my unwillingness and fighting spirit. My blood was rolling and my emotions were stirring. I couldn't help but say back to her: "yes, I'm a fool. I want to die, even if I die, it's better than weak retreat. Even if I die, it's better than people look down on. I don't want to be a coward, can't I ?”

My words are obviously emotional. I hate Miaomiao's contempt for me. The more she despises me, the more I will not shrink back. The more she treats me as a coward, I will become a man who is not afraid of death.

To tell you the truth, no matter how many girls I met later, I did not have the deep memory that Miaomiao brought to me. For so many years, I was always a loser who was despised by others. The root cause of all this was Miaomiao, who caused my inferiority complex. In Miaomiao's eyes, I was always a coward. Although she changed her view of me, but Once left me a deep memory, is forever indelible, I this retort words, also can't help but blurt out.

Miaomiao listened and seemed to be touched. Her anger was solidified, her sadness was still, and her face was even more stupefied.

After a long silence, Miaomiao made a sad voice to me: "Su Luo, are you going to go to the Miao Autonomous Region stubbornly, even if I come to beg you to leave, can't you?"

I stare at Miaomiao with bright eyes and say in a deep voice, "no way!"

Two words, loud and clear, once again expressed my unswerving determination.

Finally, Miaomiao is completely powerless, her eyes have become dim, she did not persuade me, just whispered: "good luck to you!"

After that, she turned directly and left decisively.

I didn't detain her. I just stared at her sad back and watched her leave. But Miaomiao had just taken two steps. Suddenly, a strange voice pierced the night sky and suddenly penetrated into my eardrum: "Yang Simiao, you traitor!"

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