This voice came too suddenly, in this moonlight sparse grove, even more treacherous, so that looking at Miao Miao's back, I couldn't help but be shocked.

Miaomiao, who was about to leave in sorrow, stopped suddenly. Her body suddenly trembled. It seemed that she had been captured by the sound.

As the sound dissipated, a tall figure appeared slowly from far to near, and finally stopped in front of Miaomiao. This is a man, not very old, estimated to be in his twenties at most. He is very tall, and his clothes are very different. He has the flavor of Miao man. You don't need to think about it. He is a man with red cherry blossoms.

The moment I saw him, my heart couldn't help stirring up, and my heart beat unconsciously. Because, this person gave me a very different feeling. He was clear-cut, and his face was very handsome. He was a young and handsome young man, but his momentum was so strong that he could be regarded as a top-level master. His momentum was similar to his Age does not match, unexpectedly, the blood Cherry Blossom still has such a young master.

When I was shaking my mind, Miaomiao suddenly opened her mouth. She made an unbelievable voice to the man in front of her: "morphine, how are you here?"

Morphine, the nickname of the blood Cherry Blossom members is really awesome. Last time I met a poppy, this time it was morphine. That poppy is a top expert, I lost in his hands so miserable, but also lost to him, let me recognize myself, and finally practice free boxing.

And this morphine, though much younger than poppy. But judging from his momentum, his strength should be no less than poppy, but he is more crazy than poppy, and much more crazy.

He gave me a contemptuous look at me, and then he said to Miaomiao angrily, "why can't I be here? The organization didn't send you here, just knowing that you still have feelings for Suluo. But you secretly ran out, I guess you have ulterior motives, so I specially follow you to come. This is true. Do you want to rebel when you come here to renew your love with solo and persuade him to run away? "

This morphine is very standard in Chinese. He speaks Mandarin very smoothly. He is very dignified. He seems to have a very high position in the blood cherry blossom. He is such a bossy to Miaomiao.

However, Miaomiao seems not afraid of him, and he answers with a strong voice: "what I do is not up to you. If you are not convinced, you can go to the leader and complain. I'm not afraid!"

At this moment, Miaomiao shows her strong and arrogant, overbearing and unreasonable attitude. She seems to care nothing about anything, not to mention the morphine in front of her.

After listening to Miaomiao's words, morphine didn't get angry. Instead, he grinned slightly and showed a handsome smile. Then he said to Miaomiao in a friendly voice: "no, you don't know what I mean. How can I bear you to be punished? Besides, you have done something for the organization, and it's easy to lead Suluo out of the nest, and I'll catch her, Then I'll ask the organization for your credit! "

With that, he stepped forward and approached me.

Miaomiao saw this and quickly stopped him. He turned to me anxiously and said, "Suluo, run quickly!"

Obviously, the rampant morphine directly regarded me as an ant. He thought that he could crush me in minutes. Similarly, in Miaomiao's eyes, I'm not comparable with morphine, so she urges me to run quickly.

To tell you the truth, when morphine first appeared, I was a little worried. I was worried that there was an ambush around me. However, after listening to the dialogue between morphine and Miaomiao, I immediately knew that he came alone. This guy had a love for Miaomiao, so he came alone. Now, he is in front of me. He can't help but be gallant to Miaomiao. His arrogance seems to be born or deliberately displayed in front of Miaomiao. He just wants to let Miaomiao see clearly that he and I are one by one.

But looking at Miaomiao's reaction, she is obviously not interested in morphine, and even has a sense of rejection. But no matter whether she excluded Miaomiao or not, she took it for granted that my strength was far less than morphine.

If we say that morphine is not such a maniac, Miaomiao doesn't look down on me like this, I may really leave here, but they do, I don't want to go. For morphine, I'm very disgusted. It's the kind of disgust from the bottom of my heart. It's like male animals fighting for female animals. They have strong hostility. In addition, he's a bloody Cherry Blossom man, so light Crazy, I'm even more upset.

Therefore, I not only did not walk, but also said: "why do I want to run!"

My voice is very calm, as if morphine in my eyes, is dust, he came and did not affect me at all.

Miaomiao was stunned at my words. When morphine saw me like this, his face suddenly changed. His anger burst out of his eyes. He opened his eyes and said to me in a scornful tone: "Suluo, you are a kind of bastard. I don't believe it. Now I have to believe it. You really don't have any self-knowledge, No wonder Miaomiao kindly advised you to go back, but you didn't listen. You really didn't hit the south wall and didn't look back. Do you think you could beat me? "

I shrunk my mouth and said casually, "that may be!"Morphine became more angry at my words. He's going to come at me with his legs out.

Miaomiao quickly stopped him and called out to me, "Suluo, don't be silly. You can't beat him. You should leave here quickly!"

After listening to Miaomiao's words, I was still indifferent. It was morphine. Seeing Miaomiao's persistence, his angry face was shaking with anger.

He didn't go any further. Instead, he stares at Miaomiao and asks, "what do you mean, Yang Simiao, what's good about Suluo? It's worth your protecting him like this. Is it worth worrying about him and missing him every day? At first, I thought he had something powerful. Now I can't see anything special about him by looking left and right. Why should he let you protect him like this. Even betraying the organization for his sake? "

The tone of morphine was very strong, with flying anger, but it was also full of infinite jealousy. He was not willing to accept it. Miaomiao liked me but didn't like him.

I also know that Miaomiao said that she liked me, not on the spur of the moment. Since she let Xie Yu block me, it proved that she loved me in a domineering way. Her love was so clear and overbearing. Later, she broke into the wedding ceremony between Ziyi and me, and confessed her love in front of countless people. However, I didn't accept her.

Up to now, she still loves me, love red fruit, even if the morphine questions her, she does not shy away, stubborn she directly to morphine haughty way: "I am cheap, I just like him, it's none of your business!"

Hearing Miaomiao's words, morphine's eyes were almost flaming. He bit his teeth fiercely and hissed: "then I'll catch him back!"

Miaomiao was not willing to be outdone. She said firmly: "I don't allow me. I'm here today. You don't want to move Suluo!"

There's no reason. Miaomiao is such a bully. Her feelings are straightforward. If she wants to protect me, she will defend me. No matter how angry morphine is, it can't affect Miaomiao's hegemony.

This time, morphine was completely intolerable. His momentum suddenly burst out. He looked at Miaomiao from the black with his flaming eyes and angrily said, "I want to do it. Do you think you can stop it? Yang Simiao, I hope you know that Su Luo is the one named by the leader. If I give the leader something today and the leader is angry, can your father Yang Tieqing protect you? Besides, you don't want your father to be embarrassed, do you? "

With a deep threat, morphine drowns Miaomiao's tyranny. Miaomiao's face falls into pain and embarrassment. She finally hesitates.

Just because morphine moved out of Uncle Yang, she would take care of Uncle Yang even if she let go again.

I didn't want Miaomiao to be embarrassed, so I said directly, "Miaomiao, don't worry about me. Don't worry, I'll be OK!"

This sentence, I said very indifferent, it does not seem to be arrogant, I think so Miaomiao should believe me, she should not continue to plead for me, but I did not expect that my words on the contrary infuriated her, she turned around, looked at me with displeasure, and cried, "you fool, are you sick. What are you doing here? Didn't I let you go? Do you really think you're good? As I said, you can't beat him. Do you know that morphine is the genius master of the blood cherry blossom and the strongest person in the young generation. His strength is close to poppy, one of the top ten experts of blood cherry blossom. Can you be his opponent? "

Obviously, Miaomiao already knew that I lost badly in poppy. She deliberately compared morphine with poppy, so as to let me know how much difference between myself and morphine was. She hoped that I would retreat in the face of difficulties. In her eyes, my stubbornness was dull, which was a stupid persistence. If I insisted on this, I would lose my life in vain. Therefore, she would be so impatient.

But originally angry morphine, saw Miaomiao so raise him, his anger was immediately replaced by arrogance, his eyebrows can't help but pick up, showing a frivolous complacency.

Then, he gave me a look of great contempt, and said in a arrogant tone: "sulo, I heard that when you compared with poppy, you were like a clown, and you lost badly. I really don't understand why you are such a jerk. Can you fight me? I'll open your eyes today and let you know how ridiculous you are to fight against us

As soon as the voice fell, the boundless momentum of morphine suddenly rose. His face was still frivolous. His whole body was covered with a vast amount of breath. His steps slowly opened and moved towards me.

Seeing that things are about to get out of hand, Miaomiao starts a cold sweat directly. She quickly shouts to the powerful morphine: "morphine, don't mess around. Don't forget where this is. The people of Suluo are stationed nearby. If you do what you like here and disturb his people, we will not be able to leave at that time."

Because of the threat of morphine before, it was not good to stop him by force. She could not persuade me to escape. In a hurry, she had to move out of my war to frighten morphine.

However, this is useless for morphine, he dares to appear here unscrupulously, it seems that he already knows everything.

After listening to Miaomiao's words, he did not lose momentum. He just stopped quietly, turned his head to look at Miaomiao, and said: "I know, but I also know that there is a distance between here and the fire station, and the general movement can't disturb there. Even if Su Luo is afraid of death and roars for help, his people will need some time to come. I believe it can be brief here In time, take soloThe words of morphine brought out his endless self-confidence. He had already planned everything. When he finished speaking, he turned back and looked down at me with his God like eyes.

But I, also did not wait for him to have the next step action, directly stepped forward two steps, came to him, I calmly looked at morphine extremely scornful eyes, and then, word by word: "you don't worry, I won't call my brother here, I'm enough for you alone!"

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