My tone is very stable, but my words are extremely arrogant. However, morphine listened to my words, but directly thought that I was nervous. His arrogant eyes immediately became extremely stunned. His whole face was unbelievable expression. He did not understand how I could say such arrogant words. He did not understand, where did I get this frivolous capital Where did it come from? This frivolous courage.

On the other side, Miaomiao is also momentarily dumbfounded when he hears this.

If I tried to be brave in front of her at the beginning and insisted on going to die in the Miao Autonomous Region, she could think that I was not afraid of death and wanted to fight for it even though I knew I would lose.

But now, I can be so bold in front of the powerful morphine. I am obviously stupid. It's about to start a duel between the two, and the strength of me and morphine is so different. How can Miaomiao dare to believe that I can deal with him alone?

She stared at me for a long time, then suddenly roared: "Suluo, what do you want?"

Miaomiao's voice is almost hysterical. She seems to think that I'm crazy. It's hopeless.

The stunned morphine, hearing Miaomiao's roar, could not help but turn his eyes to me. His eyes were full of doubts. He was really curious. He even forgot his anger. He wanted to know which nerve was wrong with me.

Under the gaze of the two of them, I turned my head slightly, looked at the anxious Miaomiao, and said calmly: "this man, knowing that you disobeyed the order of the organization and secretly advised me, it's dangerous for you. I'm afraid that he will disclose today's incident. Even if he doesn't, he will threaten you with this. So, if I kill him for you, I will repay you for your kindness to me Love

My voice is still calm and free, and there is infinite confidence hidden in the calm, as if killing morphine is a small matter for me, and my arrogance is invisible again.

I want to kill morphine, which is not to say that morphine is really a great threat. He is a threat to Miaomiao's safety and the fire of war. He is a bloody Cherry Blossom man and an enemy of Suluo. Moreover, Miaomiao hates this annoying spirit, and I will not let him go.

I will not allow him to pose any threat to Miaomiao in the future. This is also the biggest reason why I just insisted on staying. I couldn't leave the mess for Miaomiao and let her bear it alone. I couldn't tolerate the madness of morphine and Miaomiao's contempt for me.

He was staring at my morphine. After listening to my words, his face suddenly changed. He finally realized that I was not nervous, but wanted to kill him. No matter what I dare to be so bold, he can't stand it. My madness and my ruthlessness have completely crossed his bottom line. At the same time, he squeezed two words out of his teeth: "looking for death!"

Before the words fell, he attacked me with the force of the wind and the clouds. His fist was like a cannon ball, and it was extremely fierce to hit me.

His speed is very fast, his attack is quite fierce, but I have been on guard for a long time, my eyes immediately caught his attack direction, immediately, I put out my hand to protect my chest with a palm, morphine steel fist hit my palm.

The strong impact of me, fierce retrogression, the earth on the ground because of my back body, draw two clear marks, as if by the wheel imprint.

It was such a short confrontation that I had clearly felt the power of morphine. If it was true, this man's strength was quite fierce, and even, in terms of attack, he was more powerful and fierce than poppy. However, no matter how abnormal he is, it can not affect my mentality, even if the other side is the devil, I still feel calm.

Because of a kind of invisible self-confidence, my state of mind is even higher. At any moment, I can keep calm. For the morphine in front of me, I don't pay any attention to it. When I stand still, I just throw morphine a few words: "you can't, continue!"

When I said this, my body was proud, my face was calm, but my eyes were sharp. I didn't show the momentum of mountains and dew, and gradually rose up. The moonlight fell on me through the gap between the leaves. My whole person, as if incarnated into the devil of the night, radiated a different light in front of the women I cared about.

But morphine, after he heard what I said, his anger had exploded to the extreme. He might have thought that I could be defeated by one blow, but instead of being OK, I once again challenged him, and even looked down on him obviously. How could he stand this rampant morphine. It's going to be a crazy tiger. He's angry. He's really angry.

With towering anger, morphine suddenly issued a very fierce drink, and then, his whole person is like a transformer transformation, that originally tall and thin body, now looks very majestic, like a strong man, his momentum, also constantly boiling, soaring.

Just when his momentum was at its peak, the thundering bee suddenly stopped on his left foot, and then the whole person galloped towards me. His running, rolling up countless leaves, flying over, splashing soil, the scene was very spectacular, as if there were demons dancing.

As soon as I got close, morphine attacked me again, more and more ferocious. The decisive battle officially started.With the trend of constant response to changes, I am facing the fierce attack of morphine.

After a fight, I was officially aware of the morphine. It turned out that the most powerful thing he did was not his fist, but his legs. When he attacked me, he used his legs all the time. His legs were not strong, but soft, just like a leather whip, whipping me.

However, his legs seem soft and weak. In fact, his moves are full of murders. They are very terrible. As long as he is hit by his legs, he will immediately feel numb.

Of course, no matter how fierce, fierce and fast he is, I can resist it. Because now I have greatly improved my reaction ability, agility, strength and physical fitness. I have never used my free boxing at all. I just use the defensive power of Tai Chi to resist the attack of morphine.

In this way, morphine has been attacking, and I have been retreating and avoiding. We have formed a trend of attack and defense. After the battle lasted for a few minutes, Miao Miao, who was sluggish on the side, suddenly responded. She must have felt that I was constantly losing money. Therefore, her worried face became more and more anxious. She frowned and kept shouting: "don't fight, don't fight!"

At this moment, Miaomiao's hegemony is no longer there. She becomes very helpless. The more she cares about me, the more anxious she appears. However, Miaomiao's cry is too weak. Immersed in the fight, we have no time to take care of her. And our fighting atmosphere is so powerful that it seems that it can destroy the sky and the earth. Miaomiao wants to stop it, but she has no ability. She can only do something about it.

In fact, Miaomiao didn't know that I didn't take the initiative to attack. I was just observing the movements of morphine. After all, everyone of the blood cherry blossoms has his strong points and strong points, but at the same time, they also have their own weaknesses.

For example, the opium poppy and I fought each other a few days ago, but I didn't grasp his weak points. As a result, I was beaten with no strength to fight back. Now, this morphine is also a terrible person. I must be careful and use the most calm mind to grasp his attack mode and find out his weak points. As a result, I have been running away from it. However, morphine's moves become more and more weird and fierce, and my defense is becoming more and more difficult. However, I can finally stick to it and ensure that I will not be hurt by morphine.

Of course, morphine is not a reckless and mindless person. He will not lose his mind completely because of his anger. Even if he plays fiercely, he also has his unique rhythm. He gradually becomes more and more powerful. However, when I encounter strong defense, I can always resolve morphine's unpredictable attacks.

Maybe, it really has something to do with the practice of Xiaoyao boxing. Anyway, I'm too resourceful now. I can use many moves at the critical moment. I don't feel flustered at all. My mentality is consistent, maintain very stable, anything can not affect me, even if Miaomiao is beside me, I still turn a blind eye, my eyes are only the enemy.

Gradually, morphine's patience was almost exhausted by me, or that he had been exhausted. He began to realize that his assertion just now was fantastic. Now, let alone beat me in a short time, even if he tried his best. Can't make me fall, his face finally hung up, he has no patience to spend with me any more.

Suddenly, he suddenly gave me a powerful bullet and forced me to retreat. Then, he suddenly stopped the attack and angrily said to me, "you are a waste. Besides dodging and defending, what skills do you have? Fighting with you has reduced my identity. I'm too lazy to play with you!"

With that, he turned straight and walked toward Miaomiao, with an attitude of wanting to leave.

I was a little distracted, thinking that he really had self-knowledge and could not pull down his face, so he wanted to leave. But at this time, Miaomiao suddenly changed his face and exclaimed, "Suluo, be careful!"

However, it was late, because the clothes on morphine suddenly shook, and three silver needles suddenly shot out of his buttocks, just like three bullets, shot at me. The speed was as fast as lightning, which was even more unexpected.

I was shocked, my arm reflexive swing, the body can not help but fly away, my whole person seems to turn into a whirlwind, swept the three silver needles.

Because of my action range is too big, the display is too fast, so that my body in the air, directly hit the ground, issued a bang bang.

When Miaomiao, who was so anxious, saw me fall, he ran to me in a panic, helped me and said anxiously, "Suluo, are you ok?"

With that, Miaomiao couldn't help shouting at morphine and swearing, "morphine, you're so mean, you still use concealed weapons!"

Hearing Miaomiao's scolding, morphine was not ashamed, but proud. He attacked me secretly, just as if he had lost thousands of troops in the war. At the moment, he was the victorious general. He stepped forward to me with a proud posture.

He ignored Miaomiao who held me. He just looked down at me with the most scornful eyes, and said with pride: "Su Luo, you have two sons. However, your experience in the river and lake is still too shallow, and you can't withstand a single blow. I might as well tell you that this silver needle is my secret weapon. As long as the skin is punctured by it, the poison on it will invade your internal organs, make you become powerless, and lose the combat effectiveness in an instant. That is to say, now, you are a useless manIn the end, morphine's arrogance rushed to the sky, as if, he once again incarnated into the God who looked down upon the human beings, and I, turned into a mole ant in his eyes, he despised me extremely.

Under his scornful gaze, I slowly broke free of Miaomiao's help and stood up gently from the ground. Then, I put my clenched fist in front of morphine. In front of him and Miaomiao, I spread out my palm.

At once, three poisonous needles appeared on my hand. These three silver needles, with a strange light against the moonlight, stabbed morphine's eyes and made his pupils shrink suddenly.

In the panic of morphine, my palm slowly tilted, and the poison needle fell from my hand and fell to the ground. As soon as the poison needle landed, my arrogant voice floated in the silent forest: "your moves should have been used up. Now, it's my turn to do it!"

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