From the beginning to the end, I was as stable as Mount Tai, with no waves and no waves in my mood, no surprise or anger in my face, and my mind was as calm as water. Despite the storm of morphine, I was calm as before.

However, at this moment, my anger was diffused, and my intention to kill was not hidden. The morphine was really insidious and insidious. He was worthy of being a member of the bloody cherry blossom. He followed the organization's consistent style of work. He was dark, vicious and not moral. How could I stay with such a person. Almost as soon as my voice dropped, my people moved.

My palm, again clenched into a fist, slammed into morphine.

This blow, with thousands of potential, pierced the cold air, as if flashing sparks, speed is extremely fast, the momentum is quite fierce.

However, morphine was always in shock for a long time. It seems that he still can't believe that his secret weapon did not hurt me, but I could receive it with my bare hands.

You know, it's thousands of times more difficult to avoid his concealed weapons. I can use a flesh and blood arm to catch the poisonous needle that he quickly stabbed. This is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to do. It's really earth shaking. So, the arrogant morphine froze, the real one.

However, he is worthy of being the top expert of blood cherry blossom. At the moment of my hand to him, he still reacted suddenly. However, when he responded, my fist had already hit his chest with my anger.

A dull Bang exploded in the silent night sky. For a moment, morphine was like a lightning strike. His body was suddenly bounced away, and the whole person kept flying back. His disordered feet proved that he suffered a lot of trauma.

When he finally stood still, my body moved again and ran directly towards morphine. My step contained the potential of heaven and earth. Every step had its own rules, which people could not understand. Almost in the blink of an eye, I flashed in front of morphine.

Before the morphine had time to respond to the moment, I again to him, the move is unpredictable, both gentle and powerful.

At this moment, I have already eliminated my inferior martial arts. In my mind, there is only one kind of martial arts. This is the xiaoyaoquan which I have meditated on for three days. This is the first time I have used it to others.

Morphine, naturally became my first companion training object. The biggest characteristic of Xiaoyao boxing is its flexibility and variety. More importantly, it is integrated with me. No matter what the situation is, I can use it like a fish in water. Therefore, in order to control the action of morphine to a great extent, I almost hit it close to him.

Because I know in my heart that morphine's greatest strength comes from his legs, and as long as I'm close to him and I don't give him enough space, his leg skills, no matter how powerful, can't come out.

In addition, my legs are also flexible and powerful. Because of the effect of Xiaoyao boxing, my leg technique has become very exquisite, and I can easily use it so that I can control the lower plate of morphine with the method of legs and not give him a chance to attack.

At the same time, my arm is also non-stop movement, my two hands swing, the speed is not very fast, the strength is not much strong, but it has the momentum of four or two thousand jin, and, when used, it has a kind of fierce and domineering ruthless force, and the power is extraordinary.

At first, morphine was able to stop in a hurry when he was in a panic. But slowly, as time went on, the essence of my xiaoyaoquan was gradually inspired by him. My two arms played the effect of thousand hand Guanyin. No matter how strong and fast he was, he could not defend himself. He began to be unprepared and powerless.

And the more I play, the more flexible I am. Every part of me is very flexible. Every part can play a great role. The biggest role of Xiaoyao boxing is to make full use of my body resources without wasting any energy. I seem to be able to play with great power without any effort.

In this way, I kept attacking morphine with a calm attitude. The fight scene immediately showed a one-sided trend. Under my powerful attack, morphine was defeated and retreated. It can be said that there is no chance of resistance, but can only keep regressing. His strong body also gradually softened, his mouth began to bleed, his eyes even appeared panic. Obviously, he's a little bit overwhelmed. And I don't want to play with him anymore.

Originally, morphine was what I used to practice, and it was the first combat object of my Xiaoyao boxing. Now, my application of Xiaoyao boxing has been perfect, and the power of it has also satisfied me and achieved the desired effect. So, I don't need to waste any more time with him.

Just as morphine's body retreated to a big tree pole, my soft palm suddenly hit him on the chest.

This seemingly powerless palm implies infinite power. This is all the strength I have accumulated in the process of hitting morphine. It is like a balloon. The more inflated, the more inflated, and at the last minute, it exploded.

As soon as I hit the morphine chest, there was a loud, dull noise in the quiet woods, and the noise spread in the dark. Of course, the sound was not made by morphine, but by the big tree behind him. My move was like fighting an ox across the mountain. I took my palm and didn't step back. I still stood soft.However, the big tree behind him was the same as the one that was struck by thunder. The trunk of the tree was cracked, and the branches on the top were shaking fiercely. All the leaves fell off.

All over the sky leaves with the wind, slowly falling to the ground, I stand under the tree, eyes like a torch, the body proud, standing still.

Morphine, on the other hand, has lost his previous arrogance and arrogance. His soul seems to have been knocked out of his body, and his eyeballs in his pupils almost burst out. Like the fallen leaves, he has reached the ground. With the leaves falling to the ground, morphine's body also relies on the trunk, slowly paralyzed down, and finally, sat on the ground.

That extremely frivolous morphine, at this moment, directly became a cripple, so decadent, so powerless, this change is so huge, but suddenly, it seems that everything has changed.

At the scene, the only audience, Yang Simiao, witnessed all this with her own eyes. This incredible scene has shocked her soul, and her whole person has been numb.

In Miaomiao's opinion, my strength is no match with morphine. It's just a matter of the earth and the sky. As a result, I have persisted in morphine for so long. This has broken Miaomiao's idea and is an incredible miracle.

However, when I was secretly attacked by morphine, Miaomiao's heart fell to the bottom. She must think that I must die.

However, I stood up safely and caught the morphine needle with my bare hands. It was just a miracle among the miracles, which made Miaomiao completely shocked.

In the end, I showed amazing force, defeated morphine and had no strength to fight back, which made Miaomiao's soul out of the body. Almost since I used xiaoyaoquan, Miaomiao has been in a daze. She didn't say a word. She just widened her eyes and looked at me blindly. Even if I knocked down morphine, Miaomiao was still in shock.

How can she believe that I, once such a cowardly trash, has grown up to this point, and how can she imagine that my existence, which was beaten into dog excrement by poppies, can abuse morphine. This is just a few days, my strength had a startling reversal, who will not believe.

Of course, morphine Ben is also frightened, can't be frightened again, this boy is just like the cockroach who can't fight to death. Even if he is abused by me, his bones are scattered. He hasn't fainted. He sits on the ground limply. After slowing down, he raises his decadent head, looks at me stupidly, and asks, "what kind of boxing are you doing?"

This sentence, morphine said is so hard, finish words, blood seeped out of his mouth.

I stood in front of him, looking down on him, and said to him in an arrogant and awe inspiring voice: "fight dog fist, only hit you, this arrogant mad dog!"

Morphine, who was seriously injured, had already tried his best. Now he was very anxious when he heard me saying this. He wanted to speak again, but he could not speak. He coughed constantly.

After coughing for a long time, he finally gasped. Then, he looked at me fiercely, and said with reluctance: "what if you win the battle? We organize experts like clouds. You are not qualified to be the enemy of us. I advise you to release me as soon as possible, otherwise, you will be in danger immediately! "

Blood Cherry Blossom people seem to be born with a kind of arrogance. No matter whether they succeed or fail, they can't get rid of their pride. Blood rose is like this, morphine is still like this. At the beginning, blood rose was defeated by white grandfather, but she was still so arrogant and threatened us when she left.

Now, this morphine was defeated in my hands, but still dare to be so arrogant. For such a person, I really don't want to waste more words with him, and directly made a voice of great majesty to him: "bloody cherry blossom, if you want to deal with me, just come. But before that, I'll take your life first! "

There is no doubt about my tone. My eyes are fierce and fierce, and I have a murderous spirit. As soon as the voice dropped, I didn't give morphine a chance to open his mouth. If I raised my leg directly, I would take his dog's life.

But at this time, Miaomiao suddenly recovered from the shock, and she exclaimed, "no, Suluo!"

Said, she also ran over in a hurry, a face of tension looking at me.

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