Hear my words, can't help but take back the foot, slightly slant the head, looked to Miaomiao, puzzled way: "how?"

Hearing this, Miaomiao came to the side of morphine and said to me in a hurry: "you can't kill him. Let him go quickly. I'll take him away!"

She also bent down and helped morphine.

After listening to Miaomiao's words, I was very puzzled. Now, seeing her helping morphine, I was even more incredible. My heart began to fly with anger.

But morphine, he didn't care about me. In his eyes, he seemed to be the king of heaven. He knew that I didn't dare to move him. Now, Miaomiao came to help him, and he felt that he took it for granted. His handsome face showed satisfaction again. He was enjoying Miaomiao's help and was struggling to stand up.

However, I didn't give him a chance to get up. Suddenly, I waved my right hand, put my palm on his head, and clamped his Tianmen cover, so that morphine couldn't get up even if he wanted to get up. At the same time, I made a puzzled voice to Miaomiao: "why can't I kill him?"

My tone has become very sharp, there is a kind of inviolable dignity.

Miaomiao seems to have felt my killing intention. She quickly stood up and explained to me: "he is the nephew of the leader of the red cherry blossom. If you kill him, the leader will be furious. At that time, you and your war will be really in danger!"

Miaomiao's tone is very serious, and his expression is more cautious.

I listened to her words, the nerve suddenly a shock, my right hand suddenly accumulated a strong force, my palm can not help but a force.

All of a sudden, a crackling sound pierced the night sky. It was the sound of skull breaking. With the sound, Miaomiao morphine's pupil was enlarged, his eyeball was protruding, and his seven orifices were bleeding.

A second before the proud morphine, because the skull was crushed by me, life suddenly disappeared, and I, standing in place. Slowly take back my hand, when my hand out of the top of morphine, the nephew of black Luocha, directly in front of me and Miaomiao, fell on the ground rigidly.

Seeing this scene, Miaomiao was scared to death. She stared at me with a kind of unbelievable eyes, as if I had become a bloodthirsty demon. She opened her mouth hard and murmured, "you and you."

In Miaomiao's hesitation, I suddenly turned around and stood in the face of her negative hand. My eyes gave out a cold light, and my mouth vomited out a few extremely cold words: "kill him, is the first step, next, I will step down the whole blood cherry blossom!"

Miaomiao, inspired my inner evil spirit, Miaomiao, inspired my ambition and ambition

at this moment, I completely showed the emperor's spirit. My heart was full of pride and ambition. For the blood cherry blossom, I was not afraid at all. On the contrary, I also sprouted the idea of stepping down the blood colored cherry blossom. I want them to stop harming the world, and I want them to do their deeds To pay for it, I want the bloody cherry blossom to be destroyed on my hand.

In front of Miaomiao, I didn't reserve it and directly told me what I thought. However, in Miaomiao's opinion, it was too crazy.

Just now, I killed so mercilessly that Miaomiao was shocked. Now, I talk like crazy again. How dare you say you want to step down the whole blood cherry blossom? How can you not let Miaomiao be shocked. She is dull, and her eyes are full of unbelievable. It seems that I have become completely strange in her eyes.

She ignored the body of morphine lying on the ground, just staring at me. For a long time, Miaomiao reached out and stroked my cheek. Then he asked me, "are you really Suluo?"

Su Luo, in Miaomiao's eyes, may still be that cowardly waste. Even if it is changed, it can't change its essence. She couldn't believe that I would be what I am today. She seems to be really strange to me now, incomparably strange.

And I, still standing still, for Miaomiao's doubts, I just lightly replied: "yes, always have been!"

I'm so sure. Miaomiao is still an incredible face, she once again asked me in doubt: "but why do you become this way, before you, not always hate fighting, hate the lake?"

Smell speech, I can't help but smile, to Miaomiao frankly way: "is this society to force!"

Miao Miao listened to my words, her eyes finally changed, her expression began to become complex, she slowly put her hand down from my face, and then, gently took a breath, she seems to have understood the profound meaning of my words.

To say that, she should be the person who knows my past best. From a very young age, we have lived together. Of course, she knows my nature. She also knows that I don't have much ambition. I don't like to fight and kill. I just hope to live a small life with my beloved woman. But now, I have become a killer without blinking an eye monster, this is a kind of huge transformation, and the reason why I changed so much is because the reality has forced me into this step by step.

Miaomiao must know that the first person who forced me to step on this road was her. If she hadn't obstructed Ziyi and me by all means, I would not have set up a war and would not have decided to mix up. Later, I gradually changed. I struggled on the dangerous road and wandered on the edge of life and death for many times. It was also because I was manipulated as a chess piece. The person behind the game was Uncle Yang.So, in the final analysis, I have nothing to do with their father and daughter.

Miaomiao may be aware of this, so she can't get to the bottom of the problem. After a pause, she said to me in a hoarse voice: "but you didn't think that you would die if you do this. The organization is powerful, which is not what you can expect. Why don't you understand my intention?"

I looked at Miaomiao seriously and said very seriously: "I know that you are well intentioned, I thank you, but I know more that I must step down on the bloody cherry blossom, even if it is death. I will do it without hesitation, Miaomiao. If you are really good for me, don't persuade me again, OK? "

This speech, I said very sincerely, my voice is no longer cold, but full of emotion, but my tone, is still resolute.

Miaomiao felt my sincerity and knew that my will was firm and indelible. She had already understood that no one, no words, could stop my determination. Therefore, she did not persuade me any more, but said weakly, "OK!"

The simple words showed her attitude. She was kind of compromised. But after finishing her speech and taking a breath, she went on: "however, you have made a big fuss today. You killed the nephew of the leader, and the leader always loves him. If he dies at your hands, the leader will not let you go. In the beginning, the organization caught you, that is, the leader wanted to torture your father with you. Now, her nephew is dead. Things may be different! "

I know that up to now, Miaomiao is still concerned about me. She is not sad about the death of morphine. She is just worried about me for fear of crazy revenge. For Miaomiao's love. I am grateful in my heart, and because of this, I have no hostility to her now, and what I say comes from my heart.

I looked at her deeply and sincerely said: "you don't have to worry about me. Even if black Luocha pursues me, I'm not afraid. I just want to know that you are in the blood cherry blossom. Do you know where my father is? How is he? "

Hearing this, Miaomiao directly shook his head and said, "I don't know. If the bloody Cherry Blossom wants to deal with your father and you, I always hold a blocking attitude. Even to my father, I'm constantly persuading him. Therefore, the leader isolated me and refused to let me participate in the affairs. I also ran out secretly this time

It turns out that Miaomiao has been fighting against the bloody cherry blossom for my sake. She has been isolated because of this. This time, she sneaked out to persuade me. She has done her best to pay for me. Although the two of us are in hostile forces, her heart is always toward me. I want to say that I am not moved, that is absolutely false.

To be honest, I really want to sit down and chat with her for so many days and nights. I have a lot of things to say to her. I owe her a lot of explanations. I also want to know her changes over the years. I want to know her world. I want to open my heart to her.

But I can't. Even if I understand Miaomiao's heart, I can't communicate with her. In any case, she's a bloody cherry blossom, and she's uncle Yang's daughter. Our relationship can not go back to the past, and the gap between us can not be crossed. This may be our destiny.

When I was feeling in my heart, suddenly, there were countless searchlights in the woods, accompanied by the shouts of my brothers. Obviously, my brothers have found something wrong and have come.

"My brother is here, you go quickly!" I said to Duoduo

The situation is urgent and the time is pressing. My voice is a bit urgent. However, Miaomiao does not go immediately. She hesitates in the same place. Suddenly, she reaches out her hands and puts them on both sides of my cheek. Then, she stands on tiptoe and kisses me on my mouth. The speed is very fast.

For a moment, I was totally confused, a little at a loss. I want to push but dare not to push away. My body is stiff, but my heart beats faster. It's like being raped. I'm excited and scared. At the same time, I'm intoxicated with an unspeakable pleasure.

As time was too short, the kiss didn't last long. Soon, Miaomiao left my lips. At this time, I reacted like an electric shock. Involuntarily, I stepped back two steps and looked at Miaomiao blankly and asked, "what are you doing?"

Miaomiao forced a kiss on me. She was not shy at all. On the contrary, she showed a natural look. She held out her chest. Ao Jiao's way to me: "you used to force kiss me, this is you owe me, I must come back now, otherwise, you later have an accident, I look for who to go, goodbye!"

Miaomiao's tone is more relaxed, but the meaning of her words is a sense of farewell. After finishing her speech, she turns directly and leaves in a hurry.

Looking at Miaomiao's candid but slightly sad back, my heart, also with a touch of sadness, I understand what Miaomiao's kiss means.

Very early. I was forced by Miaomiao to run away from home. I called for door-to-door service in the hotel. As a result, the man was Miaomiao. At that time, I had too many feelings and needed to break out. I was so frustrated that I could hardly control myself. When I was excited, I suddenly became wild and wanted to invade Miaomiao. Finally, I gave her my first kiss.

Now, Miaomiao gets back the kiss she used to have. She was afraid that she would never see me again. She was afraid that she would leave a lifelong regret, so she would keep this kiss as a memorial, as an eternity.When I was in a trance, Miaomiao had already disappeared in the night. When her back was out of my sight, Miaomiao's voice was extremely domineering in the night sky: "Suluo, no matter what, you must give me a good life, I will not allow you to die, you are my person, forever!"

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