Miaomiao left like this, but what she said to me, lingering in my ears for a long time, deeply shocked my heart, let me feel thousands of emotions.

Since childhood, she has been domineering, publicity, rebellious, and goes her own way. No one can restrain her. Finally, she also flies out of her nest like a bird escaping from the cage and runs away from home stubbornly.

I don't know what she experienced, I only know that her feelings for me have changed. She once hated me so much, but now she likes me so much.

She showed all her feelings to me. When she hated me, she liked it. She never covered up anything. She was always so straightforward and overbearing. She said that I would always be her person. Maybe, she really recognized me in her whole life.

But I couldn't give her anything. I didn't even say goodbye. I just stood in the same place and let my emotions overflow. After a long time, I came back to my mind, lowered my head and looked at the cold corpse on the ground.

Then, I took a long breath, with a complex mind, toward the place to stay.

Before I got out of the grove, I ran into my brother in the fire. They came a large group of people, led by Shen Muchen and Peng Yi, who were sweeping and searching the grove. As soon as they saw me, they immediately met me with anxiety.

When they came near, I couldn't help but ask, "Why are you here?"

Shen Muchen quickly replied: "the patrol brother said that he saw the shadow in this small forest. After that, you ran alone to explore, and there was no news for a long time. Then he heard something strange in the woods, and he reported it to me. I'm afraid you have something wrong. I'll bring someone to search right away. Arlo, are you all right? "

Say, Shen Muchen still nervous up and down to look at me.

I had no choice but to shrivel my mouth. Then, with a relaxed face, I replied: "nothing. I just ran into a wild dog and was killed by me."

I didn't mention the killing of morphine to my brothers, because I didn't want to make you worry. After all, what I killed was not an ordinary person, but the nephew of heiluocha. This means that we have to bear major risks next. I don't want to let the brothers fall into panic because of this, and I don't want to let our team lose heart because of this. So, finish this sentence After that, I patted my hand at will and said freely: "OK,

nothing, go back

At my command, the brothers did not say much, and immediately returned to the station.

Back at the camp, I found that all the other brothers had come out of the tent. They seemed to be shocked by my incident, so that they were sleepless now, and the whole camp was in a state of anxiety.

When I saw this scene, I could not help feeling guilty. In order to reassure everyone, I made an excuse, explained my situation, and said some words of encouragement, so that everyone would not worry and go to have a rest.

Under my careful persuasion, the farce was finally ended. The brothers believed my words, and they all went back to their tents and went to sleep.

However, smart Qiqi seems to see my anomaly, she looked at me suspiciously for a long time, but finally did not say anything, directly back to the tent to rest.

And I also went back to my small tent. Originally, this night, because of Zhang San's being poisoned, I was restless and could not sleep soundly. Now, with Miaomiao and morphine, my heart is in a mess. I always have something in my mind that keeps me awake all night. I haven't slept much all night.

At seven o'clock in the morning, the morning sun has been slowly floating from the mountain side, the earth has been awakened to life, the sun has faintly sprinkled on our tent, brothers have got up from sleep. Although I did not have a good rest, but the day dawned, my spirit also followed the glow, facing the sunrise, I also got up.

After an hour of consolidation, we assembled at 7:59 a.m. and were ready to go.

Standing in the light of the sun, I looked at the whole team and said forcefully to all the brothers: "brothers, I think we all know what happened last night. Although our conspiracy has been discovered, it does not mean that our crisis has been lifted. In other words, we are in crisis all the time Therefore, we must play up the spirit of 12 points, be prepared for everything, keep vigilant at any time, meet the challenges, OK, my words are over, get on the bus

With the fall of my voice, all the brothers were shocked. Their faces were engraved with resolute color, and their hearts were full of fighting spirit. Under the leadership of their respective leaders, they boarded their cars orderly.

After all the personnel got on the train, the vast motorcade continued to march toward the Miao Autonomous Region in the order of yesterday.

On the way, Qiqi saw that I was silent and depressed. Finally, she broke the silence and asked me softly, "what happened last night?"

After a little consideration, I decided to tell Qiqi the truth. There was no unnecessary nonsense. I only used a simple summary: "I killed the nephew of black Rosa. Maybe I will face her anger next!"In the car, in addition to Qi Qi and I, Shen Muchen is the driver, and the second uncle of Xia family sitting in the co pilot, so I don't care.

Shen Muchen, who has been focusing on driving, can't help but pause for a moment when he hears this, but he doesn't open his mouth to say anything. As for the second uncle of the Xia family, he said nothing.

Qiqi, for this matter, seems not to care too much, she was silent for two seconds, then, calmly back to me and said: "it's nothing. Anyway, you and black Luocha have already forged a deep feud. It doesn't matter if you want to kill a dead man, more hatred and less hatred. In short, no matter when, we should be ready to face all kinds of difficulties! "

Even if the sky is going to fall, we should keep calm and try to deal with it.

I understand Kiki's meaning and admire her calm attitude. Involuntarily, I nodded to her to show understanding.

Qiqi saw me nod, but did not give up on my inquiry, she is still very serious looking at me, continue to ask me: "however, I think you are not just this one thing, are you still have something on your mind?"

Sure enough, Qiqi has a keen mind, and her observation is thorough, just like a golden eye. She can't escape anything. I didn't hide it. I told her the story of Miaomiao word by word.

Since I saw Miaomiao last night, my heart has been heavy. I feel that I can't really put her down, and I don't know how to face her when I meet her in the future. It's like a knot that can't be untied, and it always entangles my heart.

Now, with Qiqi confided, I was more relaxed, like the pressure in the heart of the stone, slowly poured out, the whole person gradually lightened the burden.

Qiqi, as a listener, listened to me carefully about Miaomiao.

For Miaomiao, Qiqi is impressed. When Ziyi and I held the wedding ceremony, Miaomiao appeared midway. Qiqi was also at the wedding site. She witnessed the process of Miaomiao's wedding. She also understood the complicated relationship between Miaomiao and Ziyi, and more clearly the overbearing and direct character of Miaomiao. So when I told her about last night, she understood everything immediately.

Then, Qiqi began to persuade me from an objective standpoint. She did not have any prejudice against Miaomiao, nor did she eat Miaomiao's vinegar. In emotional matters, Qiqi has always been unknown. She put love in her heart and treated me as a friend on the surface. Therefore, when it comes to my entanglement with other women, she will not show anything, but will only persuade me very kindly, Take care of my worries.

Qiqi is intelligent and intelligent. She also has her ability to deal with people. She also knows how to analyze other people's thoughts. After her enlightenment, my mood is much better and my mind is stable.

However, worries can be put away temporarily, but crises can not be easily removed. No matter how good my mentality is, I must always bear in mind one thing, that is, every moment and every moment, I may encounter danger. I must always keep in mind the unexpected crisis.

On this day, my team and I were all ready. Along the way, we kept observing, vigilant, and always ready for the attack of bloody cherry blossoms.

However, the style of the bloody cherry blossom is unpredictable. We started from dawn until dark, but we didn't encounter any accident on the way. Moreover, we didn't find any potential crisis, just as if nothing happened last night. This makes me a bit strange. However, I know that the eve of a storm is generally quiet. Today's calm, then, the next waiting for me, is absolutely bloody Cherry Blossom towering anger.

With this layer of thinking, I became more vigilant, in the evening, I dare not take the risk of driving the night, afraid of being ambushed by the bloody cherry blossom. At about six o'clock, I ordered my brothers to set up camp in the suburbs and take protective measures.

So far, our team has been driving for 20 hours on the way. If we follow the normal speed, we may have arrived at the destination. However, our team is looking forward and backward, guarding against the left and right, and afraid that the cars behind will fall behind. Therefore, the overall speed is very slow. Up to now, we have only driven two-thirds of the distance. Even so, I am also Don't worry. For me, safety is the first. It doesn't matter whether you arrive early or late.

In order to prevent the red cherry blossom's attack, I did the most strict defense tonight. I set up the strongest warning line and set up sentries at several commanding points, which were almost airtight. I did not want to fly in easily.

It's a pity that what we have done is useless, because the night is still calm and the storm has not come.

This time, I have to think that the bloody cherry blossom is not planning to snipe us on the road. Since it has begun to attach importance to me, it will definitely try to find ways to make us look good, and the best way to eliminate us is to wait for us to enter the tiger's mouth. They can set traps that no one can break in their own nests, and there is no need to take risks to deal with us in the middle of the way.Having figured out this point, I'm not so nervous any more. However, I haven't relaxed my vigilance, and I'm still cautious. At 8:00 a.m. the next day, we set out again and set foot on the journey to Miao Autonomous Region

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