As we get closer and closer to our destination, we are all more and more nervous, more excited and more serious. The atmosphere of the whole convoy has become unusual. We are just like the army arriving at the battlefield, both tense and excited.

Near noon, our motorcade drove to the territory of Miao. However, as a place where ethnic minorities gather, the traffic is not very convenient, the roads are not smooth, and there are not many roads. If we want to get to the destination, we have to go through a lot of rugged mountain roads, and the road conditions are very bad. However, no matter what difficulties and obstacles, we can not stop our pace of progress, even if the mountain road is rugged, we still forge ahead and keep on going.

However, the weather is unpredictable. At one o'clock in the afternoon, our motorcade drove into a muddy road in the mountains and woods, and suddenly stopped. Because there was a construction team in front of our team, the muddy roads there were pitted and disordered, and could not be opened to traffic at all.

On the peripheral highland of the construction, there is also a striking sign, which reads eight words: "construction ahead, vehicles detour!"

These eight big characters make me dizzy. If only I have a car, it doesn't matter if I go back. But now, we are a long dragon. How difficult it would be if we went back the same way. What's more, it takes no time to go back. What's more, to get to the destination, in addition to the slightly spacious mud road in front of us, the other is a small and rugged one Road, it's too hard for our team to cross that path.

For a while, I was a bit at a loss. I couldn't help turning my head and looking at Kiki beside me, I wanted to ask her opinion.

However, I did not ask the exit, has been staring at the front of the construction team Qiqi, suddenly frown, deep voice said: "there are traps!"

Qiqi's sudden words, let my heart suddenly tremble for a while, my whole head is buzzing up.

I've been on the alert almost all the time since I killed morphine. I thought that any sign of danger could not escape my keen attention. But now we pass through the mountain forest mud road, I did not feel abnormal, the construction ahead seems to have no special problems, but why does Qiqi say there are traps?

Can not help, I asked the ponytail: "what trap?"

Qiqi was still looking at the construction team with her eyes shining. She did not move her eyes, but only slightly wriggled her lips. She said slowly, "have you noticed that those construction workers are not skilled in shoveling soil, and their eyes are still flickering. They are non professionals. It is illogical for such a group of people to construct on this road. I think it must be a trap! "

After listening to Qiqi's words, I immediately turned to the front construction team. Qiqi reminded me, I feel that the front shovel digging personnel, really do not look like professionals. What's more, it's a bit of a coincidence that such a group of people, whether early or late, are impartial, are working on the only road leading to our destination at this time.

All of a sudden, my nerves were tense, and a sense of oppression filled me. I felt that the other party was the bandit who let us leave to buy road wealth. The mountain forest must be full of bloody Cherry Blossom robbers, the crisis, right in front of us.

I will be in the heart of the faint panic suppression, quickly asked Qiqi: "how to do?"

After hearing this, Qiqi moved her eyes away from the construction team in front of her. She turned to me and said in a steady tone: "don't worry too much. It should be ok now. The reason why they set up the fault is obviously that they want us to take a detour. That is to say, that path is the trap full of crisis. They must have set up many barriers there and dug a hole. When we jump in, we can only do it if we don't set ourselves up! "

Even if LanChi meets the storm, she will always be calm and calm.

In my impression, Kiki had no stage fright at all. No matter what occasion, she is so calm and calm, that is, in the face of the rampant and rebellious blood rose, Qiqi is not weak. The sick girl was in poor health, but she had a superb mentality. Her mind was even more intelligent. Her observation was so keen and her reasoning power was so strong.

Just now, I also saw the work of those construction workers in front of me, but I didn't observe their problems carefully. Later, I still raised their problems. I just thought that the trap was ahead, and I didn't infer that the trap waiting for us was actually on another path. Maybe, at this time, only Qiqi could analyze calmly Everything, no matter how dangerous, could not affect her judgment.

This kind of Qiqi makes me admire, at the same time, it also makes me feel down-to-earth. Sitting beside her, I will naturally have a strong sense of security. To tell you the truth, if it wasn't for Kiki, I would have been cheated by bloody cherry blossoms this time.

Last time Zhang San was poisoned, I didn't find Zhang San's abnormality. I trusted him unconditionally. If Qi Qi didn't find out the problem in time, our team would have suffered. And this time, if there was no Kiki's warning, I would have foolishly taken my brother into the trap. This bloody cherry blossom is really dark enough. They always engage in such despicable activities. They still don't want to fight with us openly and openly, and they secretly set up big pits to wait for us to jump.Dogs can never change to eat excrement, bloody cherry blossom, they just want to use the minimum cost, shovel everything, achieve the goal.

Fortunately, smart Qiqi is the killer of the bloody cherry blossom. Every time she can see through their tricks, let me out of danger. Therefore, I couldn't help but depend on Qiqi. I almost regarded her as a military instructor. I wanted to seek her answer if I had any questions. So, after a silence for a while, I asked Qiqi again: "we can't walk on the path, so where should we go?"

Qiqi turned her eyes to the construction team in front of her. In her eyes, she suddenly burst out a sharp cold light. Then, she opened her lips and said in a cold voice, "kill the people in front, fill up the road, and continue to walk this road!"

Qi Qi's tone, unusual serious, expression is also very cold, calm and calm, she seems to be the first time to become so serious.

After listening to her words, I was shocked. She was right. Since the path could not be taken, there was only the road in front of me. Killing people to fill the pit was a good way. I didn't have much hesitation, so I immediately ordered Shen Muchen to do as Qiqi said.

Shen Muchen hears the speech. Take out the mobile phone directly, dial the phone, let the brothers quickly solve the front construction personnel.

As soon as the phone call ended, a large group of people came down from our motorcade. They attacked the construction team with great speed.

Those fake construction workers in front of them are obviously the pawns of bloody cherry blossom. They immediately stop their work at hand and want to run when they see the situation is not good. But at this time, my wolf like brothers have already rushed to the past and hit people without saying a word.

After a while, the other side was beaten to rout, one by one fell to the ground, became a corpse, but the leader of the other side sent out a signal after he fell.

I saw the situation, the heart suddenly a tight, busy asked Qiqi way: "they sent out the signal. Are you all right? "

Qiqi gently curled her mouth and calmly said, "no matter whether they put out signals or not, we should be careful. The people with red cherry blossom are not stupid. They should have expected that we would not be cheated. Therefore, they must have made preparations. There must be ambushes on this road. Be careful

Sure enough, Qiqi is smart and limitless. She seems to be able to see through everything. All plots can't escape her eyes. She can analyze everything in place. With Qiqi, a female Zhuge, my confidence is really doubled. It seems that all difficulties and dangers are not enough to fear. Especially, when I know the other party's plot, I don't need to panic. It's the same sentence that if you know yourself and the enemy, you can win a hundred battles.

After the brothers removed the fake construction team, I immediately ordered the brothers to fill in those pits. The brothers had to order them to act immediately.

After a quarter of an hour, the dirt road has been restored to the extent that it can be opened to traffic. Without half a delay, we set out on the journey again.

This time, we tried our best to speed up the speed, so as to get rid of the bloody Cherry Blossom brigade which was ambushed on another path. Of course, Qiqi also said that there might be ambush on the road ahead. Therefore, I have asked Shen Muchen to inform all the members to be vigilant and ready for battle at any time.

In this way, our motorcade went fast for half an hour, all the way was fine, but after half an hour, something happened.

Our motorcade stopped again because, in front of our road, a big tree was falling across the road, blocking our way forward.

Don't think about it. It must be the masterpiece of the bloody cherry blossom. However, they didn't play any tricks this time. It's a direct way to stop us.

At the moment of seeing the tree, all of us were on guard, and I was more cautious. When my first car stopped, I immediately looked around. It turned out that the four weeks were quiet and normal, and there was no sign of ambush at all.

But I did not relax, but more cautious up, I can feel out, calm behind, is the most terrible.

In order to prevent accidents, I didn't let my brothers get off the bus for the time being, but stopped for a while. Then, I said to the ponytail: "you stay in the car, I'll go down and have a look."

Qiqi looked at me very seriously, concern way: "you should be careful!"

I nodded and got out of the car.

After getting out of the car, I jumped over to the top of my car and stood on the roof. I looked around, and then, I opened my voice and made a very sonorous voice: "come out quickly, don't be furtive any more, are you bloody cherry blossoms so shady?"

My voice earth shaking, continuous, in the mountains and forests continue to reverberate.

Just as my aftersound had just dissipated, a burst of laughter broke out in the sky above the mountain forest, which was very sharp. This is a woman's laughter. It's just like a thousand year old demon coming out to attract people's soul. It's very dangerous.

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