As like as two peas, the blood rose and poison rose are exactly the same. No matter how long they are, their figure or dress, they are almost half different. But at this moment, the two of them are not the same.

Blood rose, she experienced a battle, now has been in a mess to the extreme, dishevelled hair, clothes messy, emotional collapse, the whole crazy woman. Rose's face is red, even if it's red, even if it's red.

The poisonous rose, however, is in sharp contrast to the blood rose. She is calm and calm than the blood rose, and she has few words. At this moment, she seems to be more domineering than the blood rose. She put on her battle dress, a suit made of silk, which was soft and powerful, and showed the heroism of the bleeding rose, just like the nine day Xuannu.

I remember grandfather Bai said that the special weapon of poisonous rose is two silk strips. However, the cloth is made of special features. It has strong tenacity, can compete with swords, and is flexible and changeable. Her cloth, combined with the blood rose needle and thread, has infinite power, can crush everything, invincible.

At this moment, it is the first time for me to see poison rose take out her weapon. I have to say that her weapon is very special. She uses two pieces of silk like cloth, which are fluttering in the wind. It is very beautiful, just like Nezha's huntian silk, which has special functions.

The appearance of the poisonous rose in such a powerful manner was beyond all our expectations. No one expected that the poisonous rose would suddenly appear and come so quietly that it was unexpected.

For a moment, I was a little stunned, completely did not respond to come over, this sudden change, let me very inexplicable, very unhappy. In particular, I am very clear that the blood rose's resentment against me has been deep to the bone. Now that she is free, I must bear her endless anger. With her temperament, she will fight with me and we will certainly lose a lot.

What's more terrible is that the poisonous rose appears. Once she and blood rose unite, the skill is not as simple as doubling. At that time, I'm afraid even grandfather Bai can't stop them.

In addition, poison rose can not be a person to come, she must have brought her subordinates to rescue blood rose, now the situation has changed, my brothers and I have been in crisis.

Thinking of this, I didn't have time to think about it. I yelled, "be ready for battle!"

Immediately, my brothers wake up one after another, and in an instant, they all stand in order, line up, and quickly prepare for the battle.

But we were nervous and ready to go, but the blood rose side, it seems that there is no tendency to attack. She just slightly lowered her eyes and looked down at the bodies of bloody Cherry Blossom people on the ground.

In the face of these dead bodies, poison rose looked very calm, her eyes did not change, she did not see any sentimental state.

She glanced at all the bodies calmly. Then, she turned her eyes to the blood rose and explored the situation of the blood rose. At this time, poison Rose's eyes suddenly changed, it seems that her heart only care about blood rose, only blood rose is worth her moving.

With a slight anger, the poisonous rose swept her sharp eyes to all of us, and said in a cold voice, "you thousands of men, besieging a woman, what skill is it?"

The sound of poisonous rose is very beautiful, just like the sound of flowing spring, long and graceful, clear and sweet. But obviously, there was anger and disdain in her tone, and she was contemptuous of our bullying behavior.

If the other party is ordinary people, we are numerous, bullying a woman, it is not appropriate, but she is blood rose, is the red cherry blossom black Luocha's right arm, she is not a woman, even if take her a thousand cuts are not too much, I also have nothing to be ashamed of, so, in the face of the accusation of poisonous rose, I not only have no guilt, but also straightened my chest "Don't pretend here," he said. Don't you know how mean your bloody cherry blossoms are? It is the blood rose, she set traps around us, also want us to be destroyed, but her ability is limited, she planted. She lost. She died. Of course. All this is what she asked for

After listening to my words, poison Rose's anger in her eyes became more prosperous. She looked down at me and said in a condescending way: "it's really a hairy boy who hasn't entered the world deeply. Don't you know that you should leave a line for yourself as a person. Do you really want to kill all of them like this?"

The nature of poisonous rose is actually contrary to that of blood rose. Blood rose is hot and hot, while poisonous rose is not warm or hot. When she talks, she is not impatient, arrogant and impetuous. However, she has a unique magic power. She can point out the gist with a plain tone and poke your heart. Of course, no matter how much the threat in her words is, I am not afraid. I still hold my head high and answer solemnly: "I may be merciful to others, but I will not leave any room for you bloody Cherry Blossom people!"

As I said that, my eyes could not help becoming sharp and incomparable, and the faint intention of killing burst out from my eyes. Anyway, the battle was inevitable, and I didn't need to be polite to her. In my eyes, the bloody cherry blossom was my eternal enemy, and there was no room for maneuver. I could fight them to death whenever and wherever.After my voice dropped, the poisonous rose suddenly burst out laughing. The laughter was unbridled, and the spring turned into a torrent. After laughing, poison rose said to me: "Suluo, Suluo, you are really much different from your father. You are always a child who doesn't know the height of heaven and earth. You are not a child like you. I don't know who gave you the courage to take the initiative to come to the Miao Autonomous Region and challenge our bloody cherry blossoms. Don't you think you have won a game by cheating more and less You think you can fly? "

Compared with the arrogant blood rose, poison rose is indeed quite modest. However, in her bones, she still has the same sense of superiority as the blood rose. She doesn't pay attention to me at all. Maybe, the blood Cherry Blossom people have this innate pride, and they are superior to others. Look down on others, in their eyes, they are gods, others are mortals and ants.

Although, I already know their arrogance, but repeatedly despised, I am not happy. I didn't want to rub my lips with her. Suddenly, I raised my knife in my hand, pointed at the poisonous rose, and yelled: "don't be so damn nonsense. I know that your bloody Cherry Blossom family has a great cause and influence all over the country. I have to say that you have some ability, but it can't be seen. If you really have the ability, don't sneak to Yin, have the seed to do with us openly. Don't you want to arrest me? I'm standing here today. What can you do with me? If you have the ability, I will not be afraid

A word, I said candid, bold and heroic. There was no sign of timidity in the tone. There was just uprightness and arrogance, as well as contempt for the bloody cherry blossom. My purpose was to provoke the other party, because I really didn't want to play Yin with the bloody cherry blossom. In this way, we would certainly suffer losses. It would be better to have a formal fight with them.

However, I did not irritate the poisonous rose, but the blood rose beside her.

Br > Rose's face suddenly turned red because of her angry cough, and her face was red with blood.

Poison rose see, quickly hold the blood rose, and then, she attached to the blood rose ear, whispered.

I don't know what poisonous rose said to blood rose. Anyway, after listening to her words, blood rose gradually eased her mood and didn't continue to be violent. She just stared at me with a pair of vicious eyes, as if to eat me.

And poison rose, after whispering with blood rose, immediately turned her eyes on me, and said in a gloomy tone: "good, very good, solo, I hope that your strength will be worthy of your wild talk at that time."

As soon as the voice fell, the poisonous rose suddenly moved. Standing on the stump of the tree, she put her arms around the blood rose and jumped down. However, she did not jump to my side, but to the other side of the stump, and then quickly into the woods.

Before all of us expected, the two sisters, blood rose and poisonous rose, disappeared from our eyes in an instant. With the disappearance of their two figures, blood rose's extremely unwilling roar came out of the air: "Wu Lai, wait for me!"

This voice, I woke up in an instant, I suddenly, poison rose, she did not bring a helper to come, she is alone to save blood rose, at the moment, she has no strength to compete with us, so, she will take blood rose to run away in a hurry. No wonder, how I provoked her, she did not burst out, did not attack me, the original, she is not able to endure, but must endure.

My heart shook at the thought. Although, I don't care about the threat and revenge of the bloody cherry blossom, I know a truth. Let the tiger return to the mountain, and there will be endless troubles. In any case, I can't let them two run away.

Without hesitation, I directly put my machete on the ground, and then. With a wave of his arm, he cried out in a loud voice: "brothers, chase!"

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