In a word, the stone broke the sky, and brought out my endless momentum. As soon as the voice fell, I took the lead and took the lead to take the lead. I was going to rush into the woods to pursue.

But I just ran, my side of the white grandfather suddenly reached out to stop me, solemnly said to me: "poor bandits do not chase!"

Four words, the white grandfather said extremely rigorous, his expression, is also unusual solemn, although, the white grandfather does not know how to lead the army, but he has lived such a big age, social experience is very rich, is an absolute old lake, so, he asked me not to chase after blood rose, they must have his reason, perhaps, grandfather white thought that chasing in would be dangerous, he did not I hope we'll risk it.

In fact, I also know that blood rose did not attack, but chose to escape. It may also be a trick to lure the enemy. Maybe she is leading me into the game and into the ambush she set up.

But even if there is such a possibility, I'm not willing to watch the flesh of my mouth run. If I don't get rid of this cancer of blood rose, I feel uneasy.

Involuntarily, I turned my eyes to Qiqi and wanted to hear her meaning. For me, Qiqi is my military adviser, and I can't help consulting her on many matters.

Qiqi listened to my words and could not help thinking about it. Then, she shook her head to me and said, "don't chase me. Even if she doesn't ambush, after all, we are not familiar with this place. Once we enter the woods, we are in a great disadvantage."

Indeed, Qiqi's point is reasonable. If they set a trap, we will send sheep into the tiger's mouth. Even if they don't set traps, we are in a very unfavorable situation and passive. After all, we are totally unfamiliar with this area. If they run away or are defeated by the red cherry blossom people, it will be too much to lose.

I can't take the risk, even if I want to get rid of the blood rose, I must bear with it first. When the enemy is dark and I am bright, I am not too impulsive. Therefore, I directly restrained the intention of killing and said in a cold voice, "stop

Next, we dealt with the matter quickly. We don't care about the bodies on the ground, but our own dead brothers are well buried here. As for the injured brother, white grandfather gave them a simple treatment.

This time, although we had injuries, they were not serious. The number of casualties was relatively small. We won the first battle with bloody cherry blossom with the slightest loss. Such a victory was of great significance. It directly inspired the aspirations of brothers and enhanced everyone's confidence. For the next road, everyone was full of expectations, and they thought Towards such a trend, the bloody cherry blossom will be flattened.

The victory of the group war gave the brothers self-confidence, and the victory of the single fight between me and poppy gave them encouragement. In everyone's mind, I was the pillar. Originally, they thought that my pillar was not strong. But now, I killed the poppy with absolute advantage, and directly stabilized the morale of the army. All my brothers saw that the pillar they relied on was a lever.

For this reason, all the brothers couldn't help praising me. Even the crabs took the initiative to run up to me and apologized to me: "Arlo, I'm really sorry. A few days ago you were defeated by poppy and locked yourself in your room without eating or drinking. I thought you were depressed. So I didn't shut the door and said the wrong thing. I didn't expect that you were looking for the reason why you failed. Today's contest, you played too beautiful, too damned

Crab is frank and frank. He praises me sincerely and apologizes sincerely.

The other brothers couldn't help but echo the crab's words, saying that they misunderstood me, and said that I really impressed them. I also knew that my depression in those days made my brothers feel at ease and had an idea for me. At that time, I didn't explain anything, so it was just like a fish bone, stuck in the hearts of brothers all the time.

Today, I still do not use words to explain, directly with action to prove myself, through the poppy incident, my brothers are deeply clear, I closed in the room for a few days, not let me sink, but let me suddenly realize, let me have the strength to defeat poppy.

For me, beating poppy is nothing to be proud of, but for my brothers, it's a miracle. Their praise of me is just like a flowing river.

I am not complacent because of the praise of my brothers, only because of their fighting spirit and confidence, really. I promised that the contest was the right choice. I'm very satisfied with the status of my brothers.

About half an hour later, everything was done. We moved away from the big trees in the road and set foot on the journey again. On the way, the brothers are still immersed in the joy of victory, everyone with the fight like chicken blood, passion surging.

However, I am more worried than my brothers. The last words of blood rose still linger in my ears. I am very clear that I will face greater challenges next. This vicious woman will try her best to eat my bones and swallow my blood, and the black Luocha of blood cherry blossom will certainly not let me off easily. Their anger will surely burn Original.

The more I think about it, the more uneasy my heart is. I directly ask Shen Muchen to inform the brothers below. I will be more alert to prevent sneak attacks.But all the way down, it was calm. The crisis never came, and there was no sign of anything unusual. Our motorcade went very smoothly on the muddy road in the mountains and forests, and there was no obstacle. Gradually, our large troops were getting closer and closer to the headquarters.

Our walking route is set according to the designated location given by grandfather Bai. Although he does not know the specific location of the headquarters of bloody cherry blossom, he knows the approximate location.

The reason why he knew the location was that he had been to the headquarters and the Miao village. As for why he had been there, he didn't say.

It's just that even if you've been to the headquarters, it doesn't mean you can understand the road. Because the road to where you go is complicated, like a maze. It's very difficult for non local people to find a specific location. It's good for grandfather Bai to remember the general location. The place he assigned to us is not more than 10 kilometers away from the headquarters To the door of the bloody cherry blossom.

The place designated by grandfather Bai is at the end of the mountain road. As long as we cross the forest, we can get there. Seeing that our troops are getting closer and closer to the red cherry blossom's nest, and there is no movement from the other party, my heart is more and more insecure.

I couldn't help it. I looked at Qiqi beside me and asked in a low voice: "Qiqi, two hours later, why haven't you seen the enemy attack and revenge? Is it blood rose who is scared? Back to their headquarters? "

I don't believe this because I know that hiding is not the style of blood rose.

Sure enough, Qiqi listened to my words, but also flatly rejected: "no, blood rose temperament you also know, she is impossible to admit defeat, besides, she brought ambush you, the whole army was destroyed, conceited she also has no face to go back to the headquarters!"

Smell speech, I can't help but frown, puzzled asked: "since this, why so long, they have not come to revenge?"

Qiqi said thoughtfully: "blood rose suffered internal injury, she needs to recover, which must delay some time. In addition, it was poison rose who came to rescue blood rose just now. Her timely appearance to save people is enough to show that poison rose was also nearby at that time. Before that, the people of poisonous rose deliberately set up a barrier and hoped that we could go around the path, The path is the trap set by the bloody cherry blossom. I also said at that time that they probably made preparations. On the one hand, blood rose led people to block the road.

On the other hand, it should be poison rose with heavy soldiers ambush in the path. However, their plan was seen through by us. Poison rose must have guessed that blood rose has risks, so she specially rushed over. Her subordinates were not as fast as she was, so they didn't arrive in time. Blood rose can only rescue people first and dare not attack. In addition, I think it is also the most important. At this time, blood Cherry Blossom began to really attach importance to us and dare not underestimate us any more. If there is no absolute certainty.

People with red cherry blossom will not appear, because they can't allow failure to appear again. Now, if what I expected is right, they should be gathering people to prepare for everything. Wait, people with red cherry blossom will surely appear! "

One thing after another, Qiqi's analysis is clear and methodical. I was shocked to hear that Qiqi analyzed things so thoroughly. It seems that Qiqi has the ability to predict things like God. Everything seems to be in her grasp. Her logical ability is too strong.

When she said this, I immediately fell into a daze. Yes, the reason why blood rose appeared in time in that place just now was that she was not far away from the scene. She could never have come from the red cherry blossom nest. It's very likely that she got the signal from the side of the path. Now that they haven't shown up for so long, they certainly are not running away. They should be preparing. They are vowing to annihilate us completely.

The storm is not to arrive, but not to, the red cherry blossom army, sooner or later will come.

Suddenly, I felt more gloomy in my heart. Suddenly, I felt that the situation was more serious than I expected. As Qiqi said, the blood Cherry Blossom would definitely not allow failure again, and they would deal with me twice.

Soldiers are about to press the border, the crisis is coming, my whole person, seems to be covered by dark clouds, there is a feeling that the sky is about to collapse.

Qiqi saw my worry and quickly comforted me and said, "Arlo, you don't have to worry. In fact, it's better. We can't avoid a hard fight against the bloody cherry blossom. Just now, we slaughtered many of their masters, which reduced their strength and raised our morale. Under such circumstances, would it be better for us to fight a life and death war with bloody cherry blossom? "

Once again, Qiqi persuades me with a relaxed tone, so that I can keep my momentum and keep my confidence. What she said is really right. We come here to fight against the bloody cherry blossom. It's just that we have suppressed their masters and raised our morale. Isn't this the best prerequisite? What am I worried about? Even if the bloody Cherry Blossom comes with infinite anger and absolute assurance, what we should deal with is still to deal with it. In any case, we can't lose our confidence without fighting.

The storm is coming, let it come more violent. I just need to take out the fighting spirit, be ready, and fight with all my strength. In this way, the haze all over my body can not help but dissipate. My spirit is suddenly full, and a firm force is full of my whole body. I once again order all my brothers to cheer up, ignite blood and be ready to fight at any time.However, the road ahead was still smooth, and there was no situation. Our motorcade had been advancing at a very stable speed. At about 5:00 p.m., the sun fell to the horizon, and our team finally came to the end of this winding mountain forest mud road.

However, as soon as I got out of the mud road, my car stopped suddenly. Because, in front of us, in the mountains and forests, there are a large group of people standing

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