The number of their team is quite large. Compared with my people, they are definitely better than mine. The visual impact they give me is too strong and strong, so that when I see them, my heart thump twice. I know, the storm finally came.

At present, this army with the momentum of the sky, don't think, it must be my enemy, bloody cherry blossom.

However, I didn't expect to send so many people this time, which is not their style at all. For a long time, the principle followed by the bloody cherry blossom is to give the enemy a devastating attack at the minimum cost. They have always been mean and insidious, and always use Yin moves.

But now, they even appear a large group of people, which is incredible.

In order to deal with me, they have subverted their own principles and completely set aside. In the face of the bloody cherry blossom's crazy revenge and the terrifying terror brigade, I have to say that I'm not flustered. It's absolutely false. My confidence, which I've managed to firm up before, can't help but swing. I just feel that there is a huge shadow pressing on me, which makes me heavy Suffocation.

However, my side Qiqi but indifferent, she did not have any expression change, just very calm said a sentence: "get out of the car!"

Her voice is calm and steady, slightly soothing my heart panic, I understand, things have come to this step, even if want to escape is impossible, no matter what, I can only move forward, face calmly, even if the opponent is very strong, I can not lose confidence first, this battle, I can not lose momentum.

After thinking about it, I couldn't help but become resolute. All kinds of emotions in my heart were suppressed by me. Then, I opened the door and got out of the car.

When I got out of the car, the other people in my team got off the car one after another. After that, we formed a formation at the same place, adjusted the team, and after that, I led my team and walked towards the vast crowd of people.

In front of the earth, is a flat green grassland, the grass under the feet, extremely tenacious vitality, even now it is autumn, they are still tenacious growth. Our feet on the grass, issued a hissing sound, the distance from the red sun sprinkled on our faces, reflecting our strong and heroic.

We all know that next, we are going to have a real life and death war with the bloody cherry blossom. What we are going to is the battlefield. The battlefield is the place where blood and passion are poured out. Whether we live or die, we will become the most heroic soldiers. This is the place that determines our destiny and shows our spirit. If we step out, we are equal to It's a big deal.

At this moment, full of our body and heart, is the most fearless spirit, is the invincible momentum, we with the most firm step, on the tenacious vitality of the green grass, slowly close to each other.

When I came to the blood cherry blossom, I could see the faces of all the other people completely. The blood rose and poison rose were obviously at the front.

Poison rose is the same as before, the same dress, the same temperament, and blood rose completely changed a posture, her dress changed, her loose hair is now coiled up, her clothes are also changed into a set of blue silk clothes, with blood rose's clothes matching, looks elegant.

Behind them stood four men. These four people are very special, because they are all very tall, each of them has more than two meters, muscle is also quite developed, momentum is more frightening, not the ordinary people.

The rest of the three veiled women stood behind the four giants. Around this veiled woman, there are all kinds of masters of blood cherry blossom.

At noon, although we exterminated dozens of blood Cherry Blossom masters, but that was only a small part. The biggest feature of the whole blood cherry blossom is that there are so many experts that there are almost countless. Although some people are not in the top of the list, there are still many people at the same level as Poppy. What they advocate is military force, and they are organizations that no one dares to fight against. Therefore, those masters have no serious opponents at all. They have to practice martial arts constantly to surpass themselves. The higher the force, the higher the position in the blood cherry blossom will follow. It is because of this, the blood Cherry Blossom talent will be desperate to practice martial arts, internal will emerge numerous masters.

Of course, blood rose, poison rose, four giants, three veiled women, and opium poppy, morphine and others must be considered top experts. Now, poppy and two veiled women have died miserably. The other side's top experts are also weakened by our side, and dozens of other masters have been eliminated by us.

However, what's terrible is that the bloody cherry blossoms can gather so many experts at the moment. Dozens of them died and more came. It's really endless.

In particular, it may have something to do with the blood cherry blossom's injury on our hands before. These bloody Cherry Blossom people are just like angry tigers. They are all staring at us with fierce eyes. I can't see her expression clearly, but through her eyes, I can also feel her endless anger. There is a burning fire in her eyes, and she exudes a strong murderous spirit all over her body.I can see that this woman is a little more powerful than the two who died. While scanning these fierce enemies, I slowed down until I stopped.

All the brothers behind me also stopped and stood on their own. The difference in momentum was clearly reflected. Even though my brothers and I are brave again, we are still a little weaker than the enemy in front of us.

Feeling, they are not like people, like the devil to ask for their lives. Even my grandfather Bai, seeing such a huge team, couldn't help feeling: "this time, it is estimated that they are the main force. It seems that they are basically all here!"

As soon as I heard this, I forced to suppress the uneasy mood and out of control. Last time, blood rose only brought more than 400 elites to Pengjia manor. Grandfather Bai estimated that we had no chance of winning. This time, they sent more than 1000 people to encircle us. Do we have any chance of winning? It seems that we are really in danger.

At the time when my heart was disturbed, the blood rose on the opposite side suddenly opened her mouth and said to me leisurely, "Suluo, you are here at last!"

Blood rose always speak softly, don't know, thought we were old friends, but I can clearly hear out the provocation in her words. She just wanted to tell me that she was waiting for a rabbit here. Now, my damned rabbit has finally hit me, and she is about to harvest me.

I felt their terror and knew that we had no chance of winning. However, I could not show weakness. Especially in front of my brothers, I had to show confidence and courage. Even if I felt uneasy in my heart, I could not show it. In any case, I must keep my momentum and keep my King's demeanor.

After a meal, I would face the blood rose, and said frankly: "yes, I'm here. I'm sorry to have kept you waiting for a long time."

My words are not warm, like a light greeting with blood rose, not weak at all.

Blood rose heard, can't help but pull the corner of her mouth, revealed a trace of not obvious smile, and then she has the strength to me: "it is really the ignorant fearless, I appreciate your childishness. Sulo, to tell you the truth, our organization did set up multiple barriers for you on the road. However, after listening to your arrogant words, I decided to remove the barrier. I just want to let you know that even if it is a fair and aboveboard contest, our blood Cherry Blossom can easily crush you. Today, I will let you see with your own eyes how strong our organization is! "

Finally, the blood rose also showed her overbearing and frivolous. At last, her whole body momentum burst out, as if in an instant, she became the God of heaven. She stood in the sky, looking down on us mortals. Even, in her eyes, we are not as good as ordinary people, is the most humble mole ants. To deal with us, she disdains to use Yin moves. She directly leads a large army to fight a tough battle with us. She just wants to let me know clearly that they can trample on our group of ants.

With the fall of blood rose's voice, the large group of people and horses behind her all made a roar, just like the call of wild animals. In the voice, completely showed their confidence, as well as our contempt.

In fact, before in the mountain, I deliberately stimulated the blood rose, the purpose is to force the dark blood Butterfly to show the prototype, face to face with me. After all, I really don't want them to always play tricks, a series of traps, always let me defend, I want to do a fair and aboveboard.

But now, the bloody Cherry Blossom came to Ming Dynasty with me and brought their main force. I think it's not right. Because their main force is really strong, and my strength is not enough to compete with them.

Unconsciously, my brow slightly frowned. However, the blood rose, which was awe inspiring to kill, caught me this trace of expression change, and immediately yelled to me: "how, now do you know that you are afraid? How great do you think you are when you win by a fluke, relying on a large number of people? You say that we are mean all day long, but you are even more mean and shameless. I want poppy to compete with you in martial arts. But you, unexpectedly, use Yin moves to attack him, and finally return the assassin. You are shameless. Now, I want you to pay for the blood debt! "

These words, blood rose almost roared, roared out her crazy resentment against me, especially the four words blood debt and blood compensation, blood rose said gnashing teeth, angry, her eyes are more fierce, her murderous spirit also broke out completely.

I tried to stabilize my mind and stood upright in the same place, looking straight at the blood rose. Justice said: "how mean I am, you set an ambush first, and finally we saw through it, and then we besieged me. Since you know that you can't defeat our army, you put forward a martial arts contest, and if you lose, you can leave it to me. As a result, I won, and naturally I won. The contest is life and death. Why can't I kill poppies? What's wrong with killing you if I win? "

What I said was to argue with reason. However, blood rose was more angry when she heard this. Obviously, I slaughtered her people. This is a pain in poison Rose's heart. I also said it rightfully. How can she stand it. Angry, she directly walked out of the team and growled at me: "you mean person, if you don't use the sneak attack tactics, can you win the poppy? Do you really think you're good? If you really have the talent, you will compete with me in a life and death contest. The outcome can only be determined by life and death. Dare you? "Blood rose's words, is full of arrogance and anger, disobedience and unwillingness. What she dislikes most is that I won in a bad way. In her eyes, I was a sneaky and slippery person. I was lucky to win the poppy by means of despicable tricks, so she was very upset with me, and her hatred for me turned over directly.

Now, she puts forward the life and death contest, which is to crush my momentum and kill me with her own hands to relieve her hatred.

When her voice dropped, I suddenly opened my feet and walked forward two steps. Facing the arrogant blood rose, I said calmly and forcefully: "OK, no problem, I'll compare with you!"

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