For the blood rose challenge, I did not hesitate, directly accepted down, and my tone is calm and indifferent, it sounds like there is no mood fluctuations. It's as if responding to a challenge is a common thing that doesn't need to be thought through the brain.

However, for my indifference, the other people on the scene are frying the pot. I did not hesitate to respond to the war, all of a sudden caused a great disturbance, whether it is our brothers, or blood Cherry Blossom people, I was deeply shocked.

In the eyes of blood Cherry Blossom people, I am a mean and cunning villain. They must all think that I won the poppy by luck rather than by real ability. I can group annihilate blood Cherry Blossom dozens of masters, relying on the large number of people, but also won't win. Therefore, the blood cherry blossom all people, to me are not convinced, only scorn and resentment.

But it was me who was looked down upon by everyone, and even accepted the challenge of blood rose on the spot. How can we not let them all be surprised.

Of course, after they were shocked, more or ridicule, they thought I was arrogant to blind, even the strength of blood rose can not see. If I dare to fight, I am trying to kill myself.

All kinds of sarcasm, full of bloody cherry blossom, they laugh at my ignorance, feel contempt for my blind arrogance, and my many brothers, are also very puzzled about my response. Just as I took the challenge of poppy at noon, my brothers were also full of worry about me.

Although, in the end, I won the poppy. My brothers knew that my strength was not as simple as they thought, but how could it be? The opponent I am facing now is blood rose, which is not comparable to poppy level. Brothers all know what kind of situation blood rose's strength is.

So, this time, my brothers absolutely thought that I was hot in the head and in high spirits. They could not help but persuade me, but I turned a deaf ear to all the voices, my expression was still calm, my eyes were still firm, I looked straight at the blood rose, standing still.

At this time, rose was completely shocked. Perhaps, she provoked a decisive battle of life and death to me just to suppress my arrogance and hit me in the face. Or, her resentment against me was too deep and her anger was too heavy, so she could not help but put forward a contest to take my life and death. But no matter what, she couldn't believe that I would promise her so readily.

Muddled for a long time, blood rose just slowly open a mouth, stunned to me way: "you, be sure?"

Blood rose's eyes, obviously write four words, unbelievable. She was really surprised how I could take her challenge.

In the face of blood rose's doubt, I did not change my face, the words sonorous back to her: "of course, sure, I su Luo talk, a word nine Ding!"

My eyes are firm as before, and my tone is sonorous and forceful, which represents my determination that I can't shake. This time, all the people on the scene know that I'm not angry for a moment, or even boast my words quickly, but I'm really ready to fight the bloody rose to death.

The white grandfather behind me saw that I was so resolute that he was startled. He quickly stepped forward and pulled me to say: "Arlo, don't make a fool of yourself. You are not the opponent of blood rose. Don't mess around!"

Obviously, grandfather Bai knows my strength and blood rose's strength. He does everything to dissuade me. He must think that I have no chance of winning against her.

I turned my head slightly, looked at the white grandfather, solemnly said: "no matter win or lose, I want to try. If you don't try, how do you know if you've beaten or you can't? "

After hearing this, the white grandfather immediately frowned and worried: "but you should know the gap between you and her. Do you think you are sure to win?"

Before I understand xiaoyaoquan, I will surely lose. After practicing Xiaoyao boxing, I still don't know how much. After all, I haven't really exerted its power. I don't know if I have the chance to win the blood rose which is against the heaven.

After brewing for two seconds, I still shook my head to grandfather Bai and said, "I'm not sure, but grandfather Bai, do you think that with our current overall strength, are you sure we have beaten the enemy in front of us?"

Hearing this, white grandfather directly realized that there was something in my words. He didn't think much about it, so he asked me, "what do you mean?"

I attached my mouth to grandfather Bai's ear and whispered: "you must know that with our comprehensive strength, we can't fight the bloody cherry blossom at all. Moreover, the blood rose and poisonous rose are together now. Once they join hands, there is no match in the world. You said that, even you are not sure to deal with them.

Who else can stop them? What's more, Xueqiang is a smart person. She has always stressed that I am a villain and killed poppies by sneaking attacks. The purpose of her saying this is to get rid of the shadow of the defeat of her team, and on the other hand, to deepen the hatred of the bloody Cherry Blossom people towards me and stimulate their morale and anger.

Under such circumstances, the battle began. We will surely lose. If I can kill her in the duel, it will not only relieve the invincible combination of blood rose poison rose sisters, but also improve our morale and completely suppress the arrogance of the other party. In this way, our chance of success will come! "To this day, of course, I was not the rash and impulsive Suluo, blood rose wants to rely on the provocation to enrage me. Obviously, it is not feasible. The reason why I agreed to the battle with Xueqiang is that it is the only chance for our battle group to win.

Although, I am not sure if I can beat her, but I am very sure that if I retreat, then my whole team will not have any retreat, maybe it will be totally annihilated, this is not the end I want.

And I accept the challenge, if we win the blood rose, we still have the possibility of turning defeat into victory, so, in any case, I can't back down.

In addition, at noon I let blood rose to escape, this matter has been stuck in my heart, like a stem, do not get rid of her. It's hard for me to settle down. This life and death duel is just a reasonable opportunity to kill her, and I must seize it.

After listening to my analysis, grandfather Bai's eyes slowly changed. He seemed to be moved and changed his outlook on me. After pondering for a moment, he said to me, "but the premise is that you can defeat the blood rose. Have you ever thought about how to do if you lose? You're going to have an accident. Aren't your brothers more likely to be wiped out? We can't afford to lose now

Indeed, since it is a decisive battle, we have to bear the consequences of losing. If we say, at the beginning, the bloody cherry blossom just used me to torture my father, and may not kill me. But now, I killed black Luocha's nephew, slaughtered many blood Cherry Blossom masters, and forced Xueqiang to nearly commit suicide. At this moment, Xueqiang would like to cut me to pieces. She would never be merciful to me. If I lose, she would surely kill me.

I don't want to die, but when I die, my brother has no way to live. Without a leader, the general of an army will be destroyed, and the whole army will be basically finished. In the end, maybe all brothers will be buried with me.

Thinking of this, my heart couldn't stop trembling, two voices in my head violently tearing.

After a long pause, I suddenly raised my head, firmly looked at the white grandfather, and said, "grandfather, I have no way back, I can only put all my eggs in one basket. Don't worry, I won't lose! "

As I said this, I had an unprecedented confidence in my eyes. Once people are in adversity, they will stimulate their own potential. All of a sudden, I have absolute self-confidence. Grandfather Bai seems to be infected by my self-confidence. He did not stop me.

But the white grandfather does not stop, other people can not be indifferent, especially Qiqi, she is very worried, also came up to me to persuade me: "solo, you don't have to fight with your own life. If we fight like this, we still have a chance to win

I shook my head and said, "no, it's too risky to fight directly. We can't afford it. We can't afford to fail."

Smell speech, Qiqi also want to say something, but on the other side, poison rose has come to the scene, she suddenly yelled at me: "Suluo, since you are so bold, so afraid of death, I will give you a chance to prove yourself, I hope you don't let me down!"

After I accepted the challenge, Xueqiang was also in her team, whispering with wild poison rose. It is estimated that my calm response also made Xueqiang a little insecure. Therefore, she did not immediately come forward, but discussed with poison rose. Now, I'll talk to them in the middle of the game.

As soon as I heard the voice of blood rose, my fighting spirit was inspired instantly, and an invisible force filled my whole body. Without hesitation, I turned my head, looked at the ponytail, and said to her deeply, "believe me!"

Simple three words, passed the faith in my heart, although Qiqi does not want me to take risks, although worried about my safety, but she is a sensible girl. Instead of stopping me, she nodded to me and said, "come on!"

I smile gently, and then took a step, walked to the two armies against the center of the field, came to the blood rose in front of.

When I went to the stage, my brothers still tried to persuade me, and even tried to hold me, but they were all drunk by me. Obviously, my brothers still thought that I would die by doing so. They don't want to see me die.

Seeing this scene, poison rose couldn't help joking: "Suluo, I can say in advance that this is a life and death duel. In other words, in the process of fighting, there must be one death. In the process of martial arts competition, people from both sides absolutely can't intervene. Can you do it?"

"Of course," I said with a slight smile

After that, I turned my head directly and yelled to my brother: "listen, this is a fair fight between me and blood rose. In the process of martial arts competition, no matter what happens, even if I die, we can't intervene. Remember, this is an order!"

With a command, the sky is covered with air, no matter what. I'm the boss of the war. My brother will follow my instructions even if he doesn't want to.

After the command, I looked back at the blood rose, and said in a frivolous tone: "my brothers will certainly listen to me. They have always followed my orders. I just don't know if your people will abide by the rules. I'm afraid you can't afford to lose and play tricks!"My words were full of sarcasm. Hearing this, blood rose's face twitched. She immediately turned around and gave orders to the bloody Cherry Blossom crowd, ordering them not to be involved in it, or there would be no amnesty.

The tone of blood rose is extremely overbearing, and the instructions are severe and solemn.

Then she turned to me and asked, "are you satisfied?"

I nodded and said calmly, "not bad!"

As soon as I said this, the voice of my voice just fell, and the blood rose in front of me suddenly burst out. The powerful atmosphere brought out a heat wave, which made my face burn. The next second, blood rose took out her weapon, poisonous needle and thin thread.

She held the needle in one hand, and the other hand slipped down the thin thread on the needle. At the same time, her powerful and domineering voice suddenly sounded in the silent air: "then, let's start a competition."

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