Blood rose voice just fell, I obviously feel the murderous attack, a moment, I opened my eyes, blood rose is a super master, but such a random move, with the overwhelming power. I did not dare to neglect, hastily shot, the grid blocked her powerful foot.

However, because of the impact force is too big, I can not help but regress. It was a few steps back before I stood up.

The decisive battle, officially started!

This is the life and death duel between me and blood rose, and it is also related to the success or failure of this world war. The green grassland in the suburbs is our battlefield. The more than 2000 soldiers in the field are our audience. As the commanders of the two armies, we are the first to fight in this battlefield and fight to the death. This undoubtedly affects the hearts of countless people. It can be said that this is a crucial war to determine the fate of countless people. Who can not care?

My brothers, in particular, were deeply sweating for me. They almost held their breath and looked at the match. I didn't care about other people's emotions, and didn't think too much. I just focused on blood rose and was absorbed in it. Even if this fight started, I was beaten back by blood rose. I didn't feel flustered, just a little playful "Go on!" he said to the blood rose

Blood rose see me still calm, her anger can not help but more. However, although blood rose is short tempered, she is not stupid. She saw me kill the poppy with her own eyes. This time, I dare to fight her head-on. And, just now she kicked me a foot, the power is amazing, but I easily block down, and unhurt.

This kind of variety shows that I have a certain strength, even unfathomable, which makes blood rose pay more attention to my small role. Her sharp eyes shot at me, and then, slowly opened her mouth and said, "I didn't expect that the little ants have grown up. The son of the ghost king is really different. Let me kill you in the cradle today!"

After all, the momentum of blood rose exploded again. Almost with the fall of her voice, her body suddenly swept towards me. This time, her momentum was more powerful. Her body seemed to be a fireball, which directly exploded the air and rolled to me madly.

Have to say, blood rose is really strong, feel can win her really not many people, she also really has arrogant capital. And arrogant she, also really attaches importance to me, this is the first time since self-knowledge of blood rose, heard her praise me, once looked down on me, now praise me, but, praise my words, also take away the ironic meaning, visible, my change really let her care. So, she didn't want me to continue to grow, she would take advantage of this time to kill me.

Before her people came to me, her embroidery needle had already shot at me. The speed was faster than the bullet, and the power was even more terrifying.

Fortunately, my observation ability and agility have been improved by several grades, and my mentality is even more stable to the extreme. No matter how fast her embroidery needle is, I still clearly catch its attack direction. Immediately, my body jumps up and makes a back somersault to avoid the attack of the embroidery needle.

But then, blood rose embroidery needle and another direction of attack, I once again to avoid, she attacked again, almost from her hand, she did not stop half a minute, constantly attack me, every time is to my vital point, the speed is extremely fast.

After a few rounds, I was in a passive state. It was not that I wanted to delay time, let alone deliberately, but that I couldn't find a chance to fight back. The move of blood rose was too coherent and poisonous, so I had to concentrate on avoiding it. Otherwise, once her poisonous needle pierced my skin, I would go back to the West directly.

At the beginning, I thought that I had seen blood rose and white grandfather duel before, and had seen it twice, so I had a certain understanding of blood rose's moves, but at the moment, I found that her moves had no routine, very casual and very flexible, and I couldn't find the rules at all.

What's more, I thought blood rose was severely damaged by grandfather Bai at noon, and her current skills would certainly have an impact. However, I underestimated her after all. She seemed not only unaffected, but also more powerful.

In other words, her strength has been suppressed by grandfather Han during the confrontation with grandfather Bai, but if she fights with me, she can freely release her strongest power and show herself.

Her strength is completely beyond my expectation. Let my heart concussion, but I have no time to distract, all the time I have to guard against the attack of blood rose, she kept attacking, I kept hiding, constantly retreating, until there was no retreat, I finally did not retreat, but my feet slightly squatted, put down a strong horse step, in situ confrontation.

All the internal forces in my body were aroused. This force is wandering in my body like a hidden dragon. My whole body seems to be filled with endless power.

Yes, at this moment, I used my own Kung Fu, Xiaoyao Quan. Last time I fought with morphine, I used Xiaoyao fist for the first time, which was equivalent to practicing with him. However, at that time, my power was not fully exerted. It's easy to beat morphine, there's no way to fight back.

And this time, my enemy is blood rose, she is too strong, I can not reserve, a hand, I used the essence of Xiaoyao boxing.On the surface, xiaoyaoquan and Taiji are very similar. In fact, it is more domineering and more flexible than Taiji. I am immersed in the soul of xiaoyaoquan. I feel that the whole world is centered on me, and the earth revolves around me. I really forget myself.

When Xueqiang saw me pricking my legs and swinging my fist, she couldn't help but pause. Her eyes flashed with doubt. Then, her eyes were cold and she disdained to call me: "it's Taiji again. Hum, do you also regard yourself as the master of Taiji? Hehe, look for death

The voice fell, blood rose again suddenly rushed to me, perhaps because blood rose several times was defeated by white grandfather's Tai Chi. Therefore, she is disgusted with Taiji. She doesn't know Taiji, let alone my xiaoyaoquan. At present, I use Xiaoyao Quan, but she thinks I do Tai Chi. Therefore, her anger is more vigorous and her momentum is more powerful.

I didn't care what she said, only when she attacked me, I also hit her with fierce momentum. We really started a fight.

I thoroughly gave full play to the power of xiaoyaoquan. None of the people on the scene saw me perform xiaoyaoquan. At the moment, I suddenly used it. Many people couldn't help thinking that I was playing Tai Chi just like blood rose. However, some people think that my move is strange and strange. I can give others a different feeling and make people more vulnerable. The biggest advantage of Xiaoyao boxing is that there is no rule to say, how to fight well, how to be unscrupulous, do not need to follow the fixed routine, as long as you play your own strongest strength.

Although, in the face of blood rose's fierce offensive, I am still in the defensive state, but I can now defend as an attack, to a certain extent, I can restrain the blood rose's attack, and even from time to time to be able to force her back, in other words, I am not without the strength to fight back, also do not have to retreat, I can maintain an invincible posture, and blood rose to play a draw That she can't hurt me.

This scene was caught in the eyes of all the people present. In the eyes of everyone, they couldn't help but show surprise. They all felt that it was incredible. My brother, in particular, was shocked. Some of them couldn't help crying out: "how powerful is Taijiquan of the eldest brother!"

Hearing this, grandfather Bai, as a master of Taiji, immediately opened his mouth and uttered an old and excited voice: "no, this is not Taijiquan!"

Almost all my brothers have seen grandfather Bai's Tai Chi. It can be seen that grandfather Bai's Tai Chi has reached an extraordinary level. No one is more familiar with Tai Chi than he is. If he says that I am not, naturally it is not.

With the fall of grandfather Bai's voice, many of my brothers began to exclaim: "it's really not like Taiji. It's more powerful than Taiji."

"Yes, it seems that the moves are more fierce."

"What kind of martial arts is it? It looks amazing!"

"Yes, I didn't expect that. It's incredible that there are such extensive and profound martial arts in this world! "

"No wonder the eldest brother dares to single out the blood rose. It turns out that the eldest brother has practiced the peerless magic skill, ha ha!"

"Yes, yes, the boss is so powerful, boss, come on!"

The momentum of our side, because I played the free boxing, suddenly improved, the brothers became extremely excited, for a time, the morale was high.

And the blood Cherry Blossom side. They were all stunned and looked unbelievable. Even the blood rose against me seems to be trapped in the mire and unable to extricate herself. She wants to get rid of herself, but she is always entangled by me and lacks skills in separation.

Xiaoyao boxing, with an invisible winding force, can trap people, blood rose fell into my vortex, it is difficult to get away, she can not find my flaws, can not break me.

Blood rose is impatient and arrogant. She originally wanted to knock me down and end the battle as soon as possible. She didn't want to waste time with me at all. But now, after a fight, the time has passed for a long time, but I'm still intact. How can the proud blood rose bear it? Her anger can't help becoming more and more prosperous, as if to burn herself.

In particular, my brothers' morale soared, and they constantly praised me and praised me. Xueqiang was even more angry. She heard my brother's flattering voice, just like Sun Wukong heard the Tang Monk chanting a mantra. She suddenly went crazy and cried out.

With this howl, the whole blood rose, like a fierce ghost, came to ask for my life. Her momentum greatly increased to the strongest, and her murderous spirit also reached the extreme.

Everyone has their own unique skills, blood rose is no exception, she also has her own ability to press the bottom of the box, but she needs to use her embroidery needle and cotton thread to press the bottom of the box.

At this moment, her people seem to blend with the needle and thread. Her needle is poisonous, and people seem to be poisonous. It's terrible to be furious. I can't help but feel the pressure and the limitation of xiaoyaoquan.

After all, my Xiaoyao boxing is not very proficient, and it is difficult to give full play to its essence. Even if Xiaoyao Quan is created by me, the actual combat frequency is too few.

The last time I had a fight with morphine, I didn't fully show the power of Zhongyi fist. Moreover, in the face of different enemies, the effect of xiaoyaoquan would be different. Therefore, I really have some difficulty in dealing with the furious blood rose.But no matter how, I did not mess up my mind, I still maintained the state, as far as possible to the war blood rose, my heart has a firm belief, always supporting me. I know very well that this life and death duel is not about my personal life, but about the lives of all the soldiers and soldiers in the war. I can never let so many brothers bury me. Therefore, I can't fail. I have to win, and I have to kill blood rose.

This belief, gave me strength, let me fight hard all the time, I played my own limit, also played the biggest power that xiaoyaoquan can exert.

It can be said that this match is really a rare match between masters. It is really shocking. The whole green space is turned into mud rolling because of our trampling, and the air becomes hot and suffocating because of our fight. The crowd was watching with bated breath.

But I didn't pay attention to everything around me. I was only immersed in fighting. I had only one word in my mind, war.

We played from the sunset to the dark sky, played for such a long time, but still did not distinguish the winner or loser, even, no one was injured.

This time, many people have to think that blood rose and I are not equal in strength. If we continue to fight like this, it will be difficult to determine the outcome. Finally, it will be a draw.

However, even so, the onlookers were still very excited, because our match was really wonderful and thrilling, which made people feel nervous unconsciously.

However, when the two of us were upset and the mood of the whole audience was upset, the blood rose suddenly stopped, took out her body, and said to me haughtily, "you lost!"

Hearing these three words, I immediately from the selfless state of mind, and then, I put my eyes on the blood rose, a face inexplicably asked: "why?"

Blood rose gently pulled the corner of her mouth, revealed a mysterious smile, and then, she lifted her chin, looked at my right arm, disdained: "look at your right hand!"

Smell speech, I suddenly raise a hand to see, just discover, in my right hand forearm, insert a silver needle.

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