At the moment of seeing the poison needle, my heart suddenly trembled. My body was directly stiff, and my mind seemed to have thunder. A violent emotion pounded me hard. My anger burns me in a flash.

Blood rose, she is too mean, she should come to Yin. The poisonous needle inserted in my hand at the moment is not the single needle that blood rose is using at all, but a very small needle. If you don't look at it carefully, you can hardly notice that it is so light and thin that it can be ignored.

If it wasn't for the blood rose to remind me, I didn't know that I had inserted a fine needle in my arm, and I didn't know when it was inserted. From the beginning to the end, I didn't have any feeling. My attention was always on the embroidery needle held by blood rose, because I knew that the embroidery needle in blood rose's hand was highly toxic, as long as it punctured the skin Skin. So I was very careful from the beginning of the fight and tried my best not to get stabbed by her.

However, where do I think to, blood rose in addition to the hands of the embroidery needle, there are other poisonous needles, she this is to cheat, too insidious, too shameless.

My heart trembled more and more, my eyes became more and more red, but my body began to be weak. At this time, the proud voice of blood rose pierced the air and came: "Hey, Suluo, you are really good. You can persist in my hands for such a long time. In the younger generation, you are the first person, but. It's a pity that your experience is still too shallow. I don't have the heart to guard against it. I tell you, you've been poisoned by my poison needle. Once it stabs into your skin, the toxicity will immediately penetrate into your blood, absorb all your internal forces, disturb your nerves, and make you lose your combat effectiveness. In other words, you're a cripple now

At this moment, the blood rose is so crazy, she took her insidious as capital, here proud, arrogant.

My anger, completely excited by her, I biting my teeth and yelling at her: "you are shameless!"

With that, I rushed to her in desperation. However, as soon as I moved, I felt dizzy in my brain. The weakness of my body became very obvious. The whole person was tottering and almost didn't fall to the ground.

Blood rose saw this, immediately said to me: "Suluo, I advise you still don't move, the more you move, the faster the toxicity will be distributed, I'm afraid I won't have to kill you at that time, you will directly die of poison gas attack!"

Hearing the words of blood rose, I immediately became stiff. I didn't dare to move. I didn't have the strength to move any more. However, my anger was still burning violently, but I couldn't vent my anger. The whole person became more and more subdued and powerless.

Slowly, I again looked at my right hand was stabbed by the needle, found that this piece of skin, has shown black, it is obvious that the toxicity has begun to attack.

See this, my heart also followed the explosion, is really collapsed, too many emotions tear me, let me too uncomfortable, I finally rely on their own strength, resist the attack of blood rose, can fight with her a draw. My Xiaoyao boxing is more and more skilled. I believe that as long as I keep fighting, I can definitely defeat her. But who could have thought that the blood rose would have a Yin move, and I was totally ignorant and unconscious. Now the toxicity attack, but I can't do anything about it. How can I bear this taste.

At this time, my brothers were also furious, scolding blood rose for being mean and shameless. Even some people rushed forward with indignation. Even grandfather Bai, seeing that the poison in me was not trivial, could not help but rush forward and wanted to check my situation.

Blood rose see the situation is not right, quickly sarcastic sentence to me: "Su Luo, your people want to violate the rules, is what you said before is fart?"

I know that once my brother gets involved, it indicates that we have violated the rules, and we will become the party that breaks the promise. In this way, we are justified in killing the bloody cherry blossom. I can't let this happen. Therefore, before the white grandfather and others are close to me, I suddenly drink a sentence: "don't move!"

Immediately, everyone stopped.

After brewing my emotions, I went on to say, "all of you, please step back. This is a life and death war. If no one dies, it means that the contest is not over. We are not allowed to get involved in it."

When I heard this, some brothers immediately backed back, and some people were unwilling to say, "but boss, she plotted against me!"

I frowned and said, "no, but, please step back!"

My tone is beyond doubt, all brothers have retreated back, even white grandfather, helplessly shook his head, all returned to the original place.

In fact, the original intention of my promise was to destroy the blood rose. Even if I didn't win her, I would lose in the end. I don't want to be an unreasonable party. What's more, if I'm not dead, it means I haven't lost. I don't believe that I have survived all the difficulties and hardships along the way. I will die on this fine needle in the end. I can't accept this cruel fact, and I'm not willing to accept it.

In my mind ups and downs, blood rose gently opened the pace, walked to me.

Perhaps, for blood rose, now I am no different from the dead. She doesn't care about me at all, and is not afraid of what threat I will cause to her. She stands in front of me without any scruples, and her tone is rampant: "yes, it's quite bloody. Your spirit of fearing death really makes me admire. I really look at you a little bit, if you are not ours enemy. I might be able to make friends with you.However, it can't be done now. You are too terrible. I can't let you continue to grow up, otherwise I can't surrender. The main thing is, you are too presumptuous, not to kill you, not enough to recover my dignity.

Originally, the leader meant to take you there and torture your father slowly. Now, I have to take your body back to show Su Qiyao! "

At this moment, blood rose directly sentenced me to death, she has determined that this contest, she will win, I will die.

The more crazy she is, the more unwilling I am. Even if she is dead, I don't want to die like this. My fist slowly pinches up.

Blood rose see me like this, can't help but smile, she glanced at my fist, very disdainful said: "how, all this, you still want to resist?"

The tone, full of contempt for me, as well as deep irony.

I didn't pay attention to her, but looked at my poisoned part. At the moment, the front arm of my right hand had begun to swell, and the toxicity was running through my body. I tried to explode, but it was difficult to burst out. My strength seemed to be swallowed up by invisible things.

I really can't believe that I will be defeated by a fine needle. Just such a small thing can make you lose all your abilities in an instant. No matter how powerful the master is, it can't resist the erosion of the toxicity. No wonder the bloody cherry blossoms can spread all over the world. Their poison is really fierce. Can destroy everything.

In the face of this poison, I am so powerless. I want to break out, but I can't break out. I want to kill blood rose, but I can't resist. I can't do anything. Maybe, just like blood rose said, poisoned can only wait for death.

However, I don't want to die. I can't die either. The safety of so many brothers is in my hands. My father is waiting for me to rescue her. Ziyi is waiting for me to marry her. I have a lot of things to do. I really don't want to die like this.

I can't help but wave through one familiar face after another in my mind. In front of my eyes, the skin of my right arm, which was punctured by poison, suddenly showed a tooth mark because of swelling and congestion, just like the devil opened his bloody mouth.

This picture crisscross with the memory in my mind. One of the faces in my mind suddenly stops. This is Peng Xuefei's face.

I clearly remember that this tooth mark on my right arm was bitten by Xia Xiaoxiao. At the beginning, Du Haisheng caught her in front of me. It was the first time that she saw Suluo's face. She didn't know that I was from the south of the Yangtze River. She only regarded me as an enemy and a devil. She bit me fiercely with hatred. The tooth marks left are still there.

Blood rose's plum blossom needle, unbiased, just fell in the middle of the tooth mark. Involuntarily, I began to think about Peng Xuefei's everything, and the scenes we had together. A lot of things became clear at the moment, especially when Peng Xuefei and I lived together in the dungeon, we were deeply impressed.

In such a difficult time, I was not defeated by the cruel reality. I survived by eating insects or something. I even opened the door of the dungeon and escaped from the heaven on my own.

At that time, it was impossible for me to open the dungeon door on my head, but I did. Now, because of the poison on the needle, my internal power has been drained. I became completely powerless, that is to say, I had enough anger, but I couldn't burst out.

However, I can clearly feel that the anger in my elixir field is ready to move again, which is the only force I can use. It is not infected by the poison gas, it is my last hope.

At the thought of it, I took action without delay for half a minute.

Like last time in the dungeon, I need to use this spirit to achieve my purpose. However, this time I didn't use the essence of Taiji to trigger it. Instead, I closed my eyes and immersed myself in the essence of xiaoyaoquan. At the moment, xiaoyaoquan has integrated with me. It seems to be able to control every cell of me, including the Dantian in my body. I try to use the mystery of Xiaoyao Quan to stimulate the oppressive anger in Dantian.

On the surface. I look the same, like a dying man waiting to die.

But in fact, earth shaking changes are taking place in my body. With my secret operation, the Qi in my elixir field is released. It suddenly breaks through the elixir field, rushes out, and interweaves with the poisonous gas in my body. These two forces are like two beasts in the Colosseum. Once they collide, they fight fiercely together. The fight is earth shaking.

Of course, all of this, outside people do not know, even standing in front of me blood rose, can not feel my abnormal. I have been closed eyes, the surface is silent, but actually the undercurrent surging, and later, because of the two forces in my body collide too fiercely. It caused my face to twitch.

The blood rose saw my face rise and fall violently, and suddenly said to me, "look at you, solo. You are not willing to die. It's a pity that it's useless. You have made an unforgivable mistake. You must die. To blame, you are too young and vigorous. Rest in peace

The last three words, blood rose is almost squeezed out of the teeth, the voice is extremely cold, I know, blood rose is going to kill, I also obviously feel that the breath of death will cover me deeply.My brothers, who were in such a hurry, saw that blood rose was about to start, and they were even more anxious in cold sweat. They did not dare to disobey my instructions, so they could only hiss: "blood rose, you wicked woman, what is your ability to win by plotting? You can't kill our boss!"

"Yes, blood rose, you won too disgraceful, quickly let our boss go!"

"If you want to kill our boss, we will die with you!"

Brothers' voices were almost broken, but blood rose turned a deaf ear. No matter who said anything, she couldn't stop her killing intention to me, because I had clearly felt that the blood rose moved, when a stream of heat came. I suddenly opened my eyes.

Immediately, I saw, blood rose holding her embroidery needle, toward my forehead stabbed, as if death would swallow me completely.

Suddenly, I was like a conditioned reflex, a little bit of the right foot, sharp retreat, to avoid the attack of blood rose.

Blood rose saw me at the critical moment, she even dodged, her face changed color, became very unhappy, she red eyes staring at me, angry said: "even not die, Suluo, I was poisoned, do you think you still have room for resistance, there is hope to live?"

Blood rose voice a fall, I suddenly stretched out my injured right hand, suddenly a force, immediately, inserted in my front arm of the poisonous needle. Because of the great force on my arm, it shot straight out of my body.

Then, I slowly raised my head, staring at the blood rose, the tone of sharp said: "who lost who won is not sure!"

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