With the rapid shooting of the plum blossom needle in my arm, the momentum of my whole person has gradually begun to change. In particular, what I blurted out may not be two words, which shows a profound meaning. At this moment, I seem to be so extraordinary.

For a moment, the whole audience was shocked, and there was an extremely incredible color in everyone's eyes.

The blood rose in front of me, her face suddenly changed, and she was shocked and pale: "no way. You have been poisoned by my needle. You can't untie it. How can you still have strength?"

Said, blood rose also used her startled eyes to see the needle in my arm.

I followed the blood rose's line of sight, also slightly glimpsed my hand, found that the area has not swollen, basically recovered the original, visible, the poison on the needle was indeed dissolved by me.

I slowly took back my hand, and cast my eyes on the blood rose full of consternation, and said, "in this world, there is nothing impossible!"

Indeed, there is nothing impossible in me, there will always be miracles, because my physical quality is different from ordinary people, especially after the treatment of grandfather Bai, my body has become strange.

I remember that in the past, grandfather Bai always said that I was gifted, said that I had excellent qualifications and extraordinary physique. I also obviously felt that I had the physique that ordinary people didn't have, and even the qualifications that ordinary people didn't have. I can never forget a lot of martial arts skills. I learned the moves very quickly. I can say that I'm really a genius.

Today, if anyone is poisoned by the blood rose, he will lose all his internal power, lose all his strength, and his nerves will be disordered, and he will become a waste man to be slaughtered.

However, I have created a miracle, because there is anger in my body, which is a powerful force related to my constitution.

From the beginning of my role, the fury in my body was hidden. Once my emotions are greatly stimulated, my whole body will burst out, and I will be uncontrollably furious. My body will produce a kind of terrifying power. It looks like a madman, totally out of his mind, but very powerful.

The day Ziyi committed suicide, I killed a lot of people. On the day of Su Xuejing's death, I slaughtered the whole elite of the five halls in a rage. All this was because there was a rage in me.

At that time, I couldn't control my fury, so I had to be stimulated to break out, and then I lost my mind.

Until the last day I was locked up with Peng Xuefei in the dungeon, I used Taiji to put the fury pressure in the elixir field. Since then, I can use the fury at will at any time. I don't need to be stimulated by emotion, and I don't need to be on the edge of life and death. That is to say, under normal circumstances, I can burst out the rage. It's just. After the outbreak, I still look a bit irrational, I will become like a wild animal, fierce and violent.

Later, in order to cover up this phenomenon, in order to make me like a normal person after using the fury Qi, I continued to understand it. Finally, I learned to integrate the violent Qi into the cell and transform it into internal force.

In this way, when I use fury, I don't look like a beast. in other words. Fury has become a special strength of mine. I can use it whenever I want, and there is no sign of losing my mind after using it.

But now, I have learned Xiaoyao boxing, my constitution has changed again, and my essence now is completely in the moves and the mind. I don't require high strength. Therefore, I can hardly use my fury.

Only this time I was poisoned, all the strength in my body was evacuated, the only remaining fury in the elixir field was still intact, so I thought of using this unique power.

I forced the violent gas out of the elixir field, and then collided with the poisonous gas. My violent gas and the poisonous gas exerted on me by the blood rose seemed to be the natural adversary. As soon as they met, they were just like Mars hitting the earth, crashing into each other and having a fierce fight.

Obviously, the poison gas wants to completely swallow the violent gas, and the violent gas also wants to clear the poison gas. The fight is almost inseparable, from the blood, all the way to the cell, the fight is earth shaking.

There was a moment when my body seemed to be torn apart, and I thought that I might be tortured to death. But in the end, the miracle happened quietly. After a big fight between the violent gas and the poisonous gas, they suddenly combined and became one.

The fury gas drowned the poison gas, and the poison gas swallowed the fury gas. They all disappeared. Instead, an invisible force pervaded my whole body and penetrated into every cell of my body, which made my cells mutate. The muscle tissue of my body also changed. Even the blood seemed to boil.

I suddenly seem to be reborn and become a brand-new self. My constitution is changing, and my strength has also changed unprecedentedly.

It's so powerful that it seems to destroy everything. It's so powerful that it seems to destroy everything.

But it is not a simple force, nor is it an internal force. It seems to be a kind of natural gas. It is vast and powerful, but it can be used for me at will, and can be hidden by me quietly without any trace.Usually, I must be like a normal person, but as long as I burst out this natural gas in my body, then I will immediately have the momentum of destroying the withered and decaying, and the whole person will be extraordinary.

In other words, the poisonous needle of blood rose not only didn't make me a waste man, but also became a catalyst for my body variation. It helped me refine the violent gas in my elixir field, and turned it into a more powerful natural gas. My martial arts attainments have reached a higher level.

Of course, at this moment, I didn't reflect the natural spirit of devastation. I still maintained a profound attitude, but my tone naturally exuded the flavor of self-confidence.

After listening to my words, the people present were more and more convinced that I really neutralized the poison of blood rose, which was impossible in others' eyes, but it happened to me. This time, the whole audience looked at me as a monster, and all of them were almost dumbfounded.

In particular, blood rose, she must be very confident of her own poison, she should be very sure that anyone who has been poisoned by her will become a useless person.

But at the moment, I stand in front of her safe and sound, which makes her how to believe. She looked at me stupidly and kept whispering: "impossible, impossible!"

Perhaps, in the eyes of blood rose, I should have been a dead man. She didn't believe that I had room to turn over. She didn't believe that her poison would be dissolved. It was like hitting her face heavily. Of course, she can't stand the conceit. She can't accept this fact until now.

I looked at the blood rose that unbelievable face lightly, language belt provocative way: "you come to try, know!"

With that, I could not help but grin at the corners of my mouth, revealing a confident smile, and my eyes were full of irony.

Blood rose touched my eyes, more and more stimulated, she suddenly opened her eyes, gritted her teeth and yelled at me: "solo, how can you resolve my special poison, how do you do it?"

I snorted and said in a deep tone: "you don't need to know. You just need to know. It's doomed that you can't win the contest by despicable tricks!"

Once again, I hit the blood rose's face without trace. In my words, it was full of sarcasm.

Blood rose heard, her eyes almost burst out, she was very subdued, oppressed by her own poison was dissolved, but do not know the reason, she was very angry, angry at my sarcasm to her, angry at me, the cockroach that can't fight to death, began to be rampant again.

In her big eyes, she began to burn, her momentum suddenly soared. She looked at me fiercely, hissed and roared, "even if you defuse the poison, today, you will die!"

Said, blood rose directly into a whirlwind of anger, crazy swept to me.

This moment of blood rose, almost accumulated all the anger and infinite momentum, my tenacity, let her gas almost explode, she did not know why I can defuse her poison, she only knew that she must get rid of me as soon as possible, she did not allow me to be rampant again, let me not allow me to damage her dignity, so she directly broke out the strongest power, like a desperate rush To me.

The atmosphere of the scene, because the blood rose's attack was ignited instantly, became warm and tense. Those who were shocked by me, all came back to their senses, and their eyes flashed with excitement.

The people on the other side of the red cherry blossom saw that I had detoxified. They were shocked and gnashed their teeth. They also wished that I, a mole ant, would be killed quickly. So, to see blood rose with fire, they were naturally excited, eyes also showed a faint desire, eager for blood rose quickly put me out.

And my brothers, they were very anxious, afraid that I would die under the blood rose, but suddenly, I was better, I was not troubled by the poison gas, which shocked them and excited them to the extreme. They finally saw the hope.

However, in the blink of an eye, blood rose suddenly so fierce attack, brothers can not help but nervous up. They were almost breathing, watching the match.

All brothers, all tightly clenched fists, excited for me, nervous for me, and some brothers could not help shouting: "boss, come on!"

I did not care about the atmosphere of the scene, did not care about anyone, just stood still, waiting for the storm of poisonous rose.

The brothers saw me standing still, the cold sweat in a hurry came out, and the heart was in the throat.

Watching the blood rose's fatal strike hit me, I was standing still. My body seemed to turn into a mirage and dodged the fatal attack of blood rose.

She was surprised that my speed was so fast and unwilling that I could avoid such a terrible blow from her. Angry, she, with infinite momentum, once again launched an attack on me.

I am not in a hurry, steady heavy and deal with her up. Now, my state of mind has risen to a certain level, I become more self-forgetful, and become indifferent to blood rose. The more crazy she is, the more calm I am.I quietly used the natural Qi in my body to combine this power with the moves of xiaoyaoquan. Both of them were created by myself. They are natural and complement each other. My whole person has become impeccable.

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