If you encounter a strong one, you will be strong. I almost have the highest level of martial arts. No matter how dangerous, domineering, and fierce the blood rose moves are, they can't hurt me at all. I seem to have a thick protective cover on my body. Let it sweep thousands of troops, but I'm safe and sound. At the moment, I really have the demeanor of a great master.

Blood rose itself is an acute son, want is to beat me, but, a few rounds down, I fight more and more stable, blood rose is more and more crazy.

She showed all her demonic side. She showed her family skills. In the dark air, there were even sparks. Unfortunately, she still didn't hurt me.

This time, the wild blood rose, finally felt something wrong. In itself, I can defuse her poison, which is a miracle.

Now, instead of being bothered by the toxin, I'm stronger. The whole person was like a completely new person, which shocked Xueqiang even more. She was obviously aware of my abnormality. Suddenly, she stopped her hand, the whole person all dodged, and then said to me in surprise: "what's the matter, your strength seems to become stronger?"

Blood rose words, asked the voice of the whole audience.

This time, I was obviously relaxed, and I even changed my personality and became unfathomable. The people present were really puzzled. After I was poisoned, I was not only safe, but also became more serious. Therefore, when blood rose finished this sentence, other people could not help but rustle, and everyone was amazed at my change. They all thought it was incredible.

In the face of people's doubts, I was still indifferent, only to the blood rose simple response: "that must thank you for your poison needle!"

My answer is the same as not. The same thing is that people can't understand. But no matter what, my strength is really stronger, this is an indisputable fact, blood rose has a profound experience, she used all her skills, can do nothing for me. She must know that she can't win me, so even if blood rose wants to tear me, she doesn't have blind impulse. Pause for a few seconds, blood rose suddenly glared at me, proud and slow way: "Suluo, you are indeed a monster, I really despise you, I really don't know how many secrets you hide, I admit, I can't kill you, the contest is over like this, I don't want to waste time with you!"

The tone of blood rose is so arrogant and overbearing that it seems that the contest is completely decided by her, and she can only kill me. Once she can't kill me, she will cancel the game unilaterally. She really regards herself as the queen.

Of course, I would not like her wish. As soon as she was about to turn around, I suddenly gave out a sharp drink: "no, this is a life and death duel. As long as there is no dead person, the contest will not end!"

My tone of voice is also very tough, my self-confidence, is born spontaneously. All my brothers were infected by me, and they accused Xueqiang of being crafty, playing tricks and not following the rules. They said that when she was afraid, she would shrink back, she had no courage and didn't speak of faith.

The voice of scorn and ridicule bombarded the blood rose in turn, so that the proud blood rose was hit. Suddenly, the surging momentum of blood rose broke out violently and covered the earth.

Immediately, blood rose sharp throat roared at me: "Suluo, you don't want to be too arrogant, I can't kill you, but you think you can kill me with your strength?"

At this time, blood rose is still so arrogant, she does have the capital of madness, her stormy weather broke out, my brothers were immediately suppressed, they seem to think, although my force has increased to a certain extent, but to defeat blood rose, or even kill her, it is still quite difficult.

The brothers didn't want me to take risks. At this moment, they didn't have absolute confidence in me. Therefore, they didn't speak any more.

The people on the other side of the blood cherry blossom, of course, saw my change. They knew that Xueqiang's proposal to cancel the contest proved that Xueqiang was not sure that she would win me. Therefore, they did not dare to take the risk of fighting with Xueqiang, and they were all silent.

The scene of more than 2000 people suddenly became extremely silent. All the people in the audience were holding their breath and staring at me and blood rose.

Under the gaze of the whole audience, a sharp light suddenly flashed in my eyes. At the same time, the natural gas that destroyed the withered and decayed in my body suddenly burst out, and then became more and more prosperous, stronger and boundless. The momentum of my whole person has reached unprecedented strength, as if heaven and earth are integrated with me.

With this incomparable vastness of the air, my body suddenly moved towards the blood rose, and suddenly in the air, I burst the two words as loud as the sky: "I can!"

My momentum of soaring into the sky, simply let the wind and cloud change color, the earth and mountains shake. Just in such a moment, I suddenly like a changed person, an extremely majestic atmosphere around me, let me seem to be all at once indomitable. At this moment, I look so Kuiba, so magnificent, like a generation of holy king.

When the word "I can" came out of the sky, my steps had already taken. I walked towards the blood rose step by step with the stormy momentum.

My step is steady and powerful, and the earth seems to tremble for me with every step. My whole body of light, as if to light up the whole sky.People in the field obviously felt my change. In their eyes, I was a miracle of the body, I can automatically resolve the poison, can be poisoned with blood rose fight a draw, all of which make everyone wonder.

At the moment, I even broke out without warning such a terrible momentum, and even said that I can kill blood rose, which is really beyond everyone's imagination. The whole scene is still as silent as death. Everyone is staring at me with astonished eyes.

And blood rose, she is more stupid, she is closest to me, can feel my incomparable momentum most profoundly, this momentum is really against the sky, so that has always been proud of blood rose can not help but show a look of horror.

Blood rose, she is to dream also can't imagine, I unexpectedly still have so powerful side. Just now, her blood rose used her housekeeping skills and tried her best to hurt me. This has made the blood rose lose its strength.

Now, I unreservedly released all the natural gas in my body, which made the blood rose breathless. Under my magnificent momentum, she looked very small. Her own momentum was completely submerged by me. Her face turned pale in an instant, and she faltered and said: "you"

after saying a word, blood rose Leng couldn't say anything Go, obviously, blood rose already startled disorderly measure of measure, her heart gave birth to panic. Originally, the blood rose also has the fear time, she is strong, she is proud, but in the face of absolute strength, she will also be afraid, will panic.

When the blood rose falters, I have come to her.

Looking at the panicked blood rose, I can't help but smile. Then, I opened my lips and uttered a very sharp voice: "you will die without doubt!"

Voice fell, I instantly move, blood rose played the most simple rough palm, palm with wind, momentum infinite.

Now I have become a complete tough guy, I no longer yield, no longer defend, but show my strongest power, very sharp toward the blood rose, merciless.

Blood rose see, immediately from the state of panic wake up. No matter what, she is a top expert, and her reaction ability is natural and super strong. At the moment of awakening, her body roared and moved, avoiding my overwhelming palm. Then, she launched a hasty attack on me.

So the two of us started the summit match. This time, poison rose appeared to be flustered from the beginning, and her momentum was also suppressed by me. Naturally, her mentality was seriously affected. Her whole person was unstable and her moves became a little messy. Attack and dodge, are very hasty.

And I, with the blood rose formed a sharp contrast, she is chaotic, I am stable, she is weak, I am strong, strong to the power is boundless. My momentum destroys the sky and the earth, and my body strength seems to be endless. The more I fight, the more fierce I am. My Xiaoyao Quan is also changeable. When it is soft, it is softer than Taiji. However, when it is violent, it can be earth shaking, just like a thousand horses galloping.

Gradually, the blood rose is almost a little powerless, her eyes more panic, her actions more and more in a hurry, my hands can play the effect of thousands of changes. Let the blood rose can not prevent, my momentum is more and more prosperous, the blood rose pressure breathing is not smooth. She was very hard, and after a short time, she almost couldn't resist. The more she played, the more disordered her movements were completely out of order, and I suppressed her everywhere. No matter how she jumps, she can't escape from my Wuzhishan.

Now she, like a clown, was played by me, forced to be anxious, blood rose directly her weapon embroidery needle, as a dart, suddenly shot at me.

Her needle is very fast, but my eyes are sharper. I can easily catch her embroidery needle coming directly. Then, I pat her embroidery needle in the palm of my hand just as I pat a mosquito. Immediately, I pull hard, so, blood rose's single door weapon, even needle and thread, were pulled over by me.

The blood rose, which has lost its weapon, is like a bee whose bee needle has been pulled out. It can be said that there is no deterrent at all.

What's more, a person's weapon is equivalent to a person's face. If blood rose is robbed of weapons, it is tantamount to losing face completely, which is even more humiliating than killing her.

So, when I put the needle and thread to one side, the blood rose, who had lost her face, immediately became angry. She yelled at me with red eyes: "sulo, I'll fight with you!"

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