After a few steps, he ran in front of me, listened to it, and said to me excitedly, "brother Xuan, thank you so much for helping me out. I really didn't expect you to be so powerful. It's really hidden."

Said, but also to my thumbs up, I patted his shoulder, whispered: "reasonable, and I you do not polite, because we are brothers!"

Hearing what I said, he was more excited and couldn't stand it. He said with a little cry: "brother Xuan, I really don't know what to say. In a word, in the future, if you need my help, I'll never say goodbye!"

I looked at the serious appearance of reasoning, and said with a smile: "you go back to wait for me, I have something else to do!"

After listening to my words, he turned and left. But just a few meters away, he turned back to me and said, "brother Xuan, there is one more thing I want to tell you. Ding Yaowu is a narrow-minded man and will not give up. I'm afraid..."

Without waiting for the reason to finish, I interrupted his words and said carelessly, "you don't have to worry about it. I will solve it myself!"

When I heard me say this, I left without reasoning, but I walked in the direction of the teaching building. Instead of going to the class, I went to the roof of the top floor.

In this year's time, the campus has changed a lot, but the roof that makes me relaxed and happy is still the same. For the first time, I was forced to jump from a building here, and the second time, I was trampled into a dog by a little sister here. Today, it's my third time on this rooftop. This time, I got into trouble, but I was safe here to watch the scenery. I felt that the farce just now was just floating clouds. But I also know that because of this floating cloud, my sky is going to change color.

Standing on the edge of the roof, I unconsciously felt out the cigarette in my pocket, lit one and smoked it. Looking down at the whole campus and looking at those tiny people under the building, the past events flashed clearly in my mind. Looking back on the past and looking forward to the future, I suddenly burst into a torrent in my heart. Standing here, I secretly swear that I Must let the school people tremble for me!

Unconsciously, a cigarette has been finished. I hold the cigarette end and flick it into the air. The cigarette end falls on the floor of the teaching building with a perfect arc in the air. Along with the cigarette end landing, my inner cry: "Laozi, once the waste is back, I will give back everything you have done to me!"

With that, I turned away from the rooftop, lowered my head and thought about some things, and walked out of the door of the teaching building. I ran into a person. My body reflexively grabbed her who was about to fall down, and held her in my arms. At this time, I looked at this person, this person, and she was not the Fang Qing that I thought about every day and night!

I didn't expect that she and I met in this situation. After a year, I recognized her at a glance when I saw her again. At the moment, Fang Qing was still the original appearance, only her height became higher!

I just had love, love left me, Fang Qing gave me the deepest love, but also hurt me the most. I will never forget how desperate my heart was that evening when she said you were unworthy. Despair to me again fell into the abyss of inferiority, I naive thought that our love can withstand the storm, but ultimately failed to the reality. After that night, I no longer believe in love, love, and even feel that Fang Qing's love for me is not love. It's just an impulse. Who will really like a waste that is nothing.

But when that day in the canteen to listen to the words of reasoning, and opened my dust laden heart door, Fang Qing for the pursuit of river no trace has always been indifferent, at that time, I still have a fantasy, maybe Fang Qing's heart still can't let me go, has been quietly waiting for my return.

I quickly released Fang Qing and said to her that she was sorry, so she had to leave. But when I was going to leave, Fang Qing said, "Suluo!"

I know that she is calling me, but once Suluo has died. Now my name is Ye Zixuan. Besides, I have not revealed any flaws in my disguise. How could she recognize me? After I came back, only my father and uncle Yang knew my identity. Even Shen Muchen did not complain. It was not that I didn't believe in Shen Muchen, but I had my own plan.

I did not pay attention to her, but directly left, but Fang Qing's appearance seems unwilling, and again said: "Suluo!"

Hearing the name again, my heart was touched. I calmly turned around and faced Fang Qing standing behind me. Then I pretended to be surprised and looked around. Then in a puzzled tone, I asked her, "classmate, who are you talking to?"

But when Fang Qing saw my face, the expectation in her eyes suddenly turned into disappointment. She looked at me with disappointment and then replied powerlessly, "I'm sorry, I recognized the wrong person!"

At this moment, my heart appeared ripples, do not know whether they should be happy, or should be lost.

Fortunately, Fang Qing still remembers me, but what's lost is that I can't recognize her. If she can continue to ask me a few words, maybe I really may fall, turn around, maybe I can ask her, at the beginning said those words, is there any hardship, or say all this is true, really mind my life experience!However, these are just my assumptions, after all, she still did not recognize me, after all, there is no such thing as telepathy in this world, perhaps, I have another illusion, and once again self amorous, but why do I still have a trace of unwilling?

Thinking of this, I continued to be in front of her, keeping calm and light, pretending to be careless and saying, "Oh, by the way, I seem to hear that there was a rubbish in the school before, also called Suluo. You should not be calling him?"

Then, I pretended to be joking and said, "beauty, I know I'm very handsome, but your way of chatting up is too old-fashioned, how can I look like that trash!"

What I said was so careless, but in fact my heart was so serious. I cared about Fang Qing's feelings for me. I care if she still miss me today.

But this seemingly casual joke made Fang Qing's mood suddenly excited after listening to it, and her eyes were red. She yelled at me without scruple: "he is not a waste, and only you who bully him are rubbish!"

Fang Qing's out of control mood set off a wave in my heart. It turns out that in her heart, she still cares about the waste who did not care for her, the waste who did not hesitate to block the knife for her, and the waste who waited for her unremittingly for her. However, since you are so here, why do you still say such unfeeling words?

I can't think of it, I really can't think of it. I suppressed my inner feelings and continued to hold a indifferent attitude. I said, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scold him, I just heard it!"

Hearing this, Fang Qing's mood gradually calmed down. She also realized her gaffe, so she whispered, "it's OK!"

As time goes by, looking at Fang Qing in front of her, she is no longer the innocent Fang Qing. She has changed and become dejected. The whole person seems to have lost her luster and pined a lot. But why did she become like this?

It's not that I'm sentimental. Is it because I get out of school that she becomes so sad? Is it because she doesn't transfer school and stay in this school to wait for me?

No, it's impossible. If she really cares about me, she can contact me after I leave school. If she still loves me, she can go to my hometown to find me. If she thinks she can't contact me, she can go to Shen Muchen. She didn't contact me once, let alone me, during my dusty time in Uncle Yang's house.

I shouldn't have fantasies about her, but I have to care. I want to know why she sees me calling out Suluo's name. Why is she so gloomy? So, I pretended to be gossipy with a playful tone and asked, "Hello, classmate, I see your reaction. It seems that I care about that solo. Who are you?"

Finish this sentence, my heart has been excited to jump out, my ears have been erect, waiting for her answer. However, after waiting for a long time, she didn't hear Fang Qing's answer. She just didn't hear me.

I also lost patience, was about to leave that moment, Fang Qing suddenly said: "he is my favorite person!"

All of a sudden, my heart excited completely can't stop, I really did not expect, in her mouth I can hear such words, does she have been refusing river no trace is to wait for my return?

Although I heard the reply that satisfied me, I still couldn't confess everything to her. I tried to suppress the excitement in my heart and pretended to be indifferent and said: "so it is, but I heard that he was very miserable. After being abandoned by a loved one, he was forced out of school again!"

After listening to my words, Fang Qing's body obviously trembled, lowered his head and whispered, "I hurt him!"

Her voice, even with a bit of choking, but, my heart, but from the excitement to the loss, from her words, I suddenly feel that her love for me only sympathy and guilt.

I really don't want to ask again, this will only make me more sad, I think the love, just my love, that once experienced love, is really just a sad joke. The corner of my mouth, can not help but float out a trace of bitter smile.

Since Fang Qing abandoned me at the beginning, I can't hope for her any more. Now I have changed my face and ushered in a new life. I can't be immersed in the past and can't extricate myself.

So I looked at Fang Qing in front of me again and said, "goodbye!"

After that, she left in the opposite direction, and I happened to wipe her shoulder with Fang Qing. Suddenly, a person came out of the teaching building in front of me and said, "Fang Qing, I bought you dinner. Let's eat together!"

This man, no one else, is the one who has been pursuing Fang Qing so hard. When he appeared, he saw me passing by Fang Qing. For a moment, he was stunned. He glanced at Fang Qing's dejected eyes and then glared at the handsome me. In front of the open teaching building, Fang Qing and I are lonely and widowed. We can't help but form a very easily misunderstood landscape.

I don't know why, after Jiang Wuxian saw me, he ran towards me without saying a word. At the moment when I saw Jiang Wuxian, I was a bit stunned. He had already rushed to me and said to me, "is it you who made Fang Qing sad?"After that, he didn't give me the chance to explain, so he gave me a kick

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