In the past days, I just often heard them say that Jiang wutrace was a person I didn't know. It was the first time I met him in the canteen that day, and I didn't know what kind of temperament I was. If I had been afraid of him before, I might have tried my best to fight against him.

But now, as time goes by, my life has undergone earth shaking changes. I have changed my face and returned to school. However, the old trick is repeated. It is the casual contact between Fang Qing and me that leads to Jiang wutrace's unreasonable action on me. I was unprepared, so by the river without a trace of a kick back again and again, I do not consciously prepare to fight.

However, this scene was seen in the eyes of Jiang Wuji, he was more angry, pointed to me and scolded: "how, do you still want to start with me?"

This did not expect, looking at a scholar's breath, he has such a hot temper, his attitude, so arrogant, arrogant people hate, it seems that Chen Haoran is afraid of three people really have two brushes. Especially for a little white face like me. He didn't look at me at all.

Jiang Wuxian saw that I didn't speak. He took a step again and was ready to attack again. At this time, Fang Qing, who was stunned at one side, finally broke out. She glared at Jiang Wuji and said, "Jiang wutrace, you are enough!"

Her words, for Jiang Wuji, are like a sacred edict, and dare not disobey. A decree. He stopped immediately, turned his head to look at Fang Qing and said, "Fang Qing, I see your eyes are red. Who is this guy? What did he say or did to you?"

At the moment, Fang Qing's eyes full of displeasure and anger, as if he was her number one enemy. She said to Jiang Wuji many times, I don't care about my business, don't say I don't know him. Even if I know him, you can't control it, because I have nothing to do with you

When Fang Qing said this, Jiang Wuling's face could not hang, but he was not angry. Instead, he continued to ask: "it has something to do with it. Of course, it has a relationship. You are the woman I like. I don't allow any man to be too close to you!"

Speaking of conscience, in the other side Qing's feelings, I really admire Jiang wutrace, enough infatuation, for Fang Qing, he is willing to do anything, has patience, in the pursuit of Fang Qing, even if constantly rejected, he did not give up, but his infatuation is not wrong, but so insincere is really too disgusting.

I am disgusted, Fang Qing even more disgusted, she blushed and looked at Jiang Wuji and said: "Jiang Wuxian, please don't do this in the future. How can I be my freedom and have no relationship with you? Please pay attention to your speaking attitude. Do you think I want to fall in love, can you really manage it? Do you want to drive away all the boys who appear around me

When she said this, Fang Qing's tone seemed to be a little sad. I suddenly felt that she might think of the original Suluo. At the beginning, because of this, I was forced to leave school by Chen Haoran. Perhaps, today's scene has also brought back Fang Qing's memories. But is it because of this that she has been estranged from Jiang Wuji?

After listening to Fang Qing's words, Jiang Wuji didn't start. Instead, he came to me and said to me arrogantly: "I saw all the actions of your counterpart Qing just now, and I also heard a little bit about the dialogue between you. Let's talk about it. What's the purpose of your approach to Fang Qing?"

Once again, I held back the fury in my heart, and I was too lazy to explain anything. I said in disdain: "I'm sorry, you can misunderstand something. We have nothing between us! I just hit her by accident, and I'm already modest

With that, I took a picture of the river without trace in front of me, and said firmly again, "don't think too much, that girl is not my dish!"

My attitude is very sincere, can't see a flaw, but Jiang Wuji obviously still does not believe me. He continued to look at me with disgusting eyes, then turned to ask Fang Qing and said, "Qing'er, is that really what he said?"

When she has reached the limit of her patience, she has already said that she has no patience

With that, she turned and left. She showed with her actions that she and I had no relationship of half a dime, and everything was Jiang wutrace's vexatious behavior. She was very angry.

Seeing Fang Qing, Jiang Wuxian is already completely angry, so he is no longer suspicious. So he looks at me again and says with disdain: "boy, in fact, I didn't like you that day, but I won't care about all this. But please remember that I'm Jiang Wuxian, a sophomore in finance department. If you feel unconvinced, you can come to me, but if you don't feel convinced, you can come to me If you dare to approach me, be careful that I will kill you

I slightly curled my lips and casually replied, "my name is Ye Zixuan, a new nobody. Of course, I have heard of your name. I can't provoke you now, which does not mean that I can't afford it in the future. I remember your foot!"

In fact, I don't want to say this, but I have to say, because my next road will not be ordinary. The present Ye Zixuan is not better than that of Suluo. He is the birth of a new life. He is better than Suluo in all aspects. He was born again and learned to use force. Therefore, I must let Jiang Wuji know that today I didn't fight back, not because I was weak Yes, I am in forbearance, in this way, even if I have made a name in the future, Jiang wutrace will not suspect me.Hearing me say such words, Jiang wutrace not only did not get angry, on the contrary, he also happily said: "good, I am waiting for the arrival of that day!"

Finish saying, he also turned to leave, hurriedly to catch up with angry Fang Qing.

In such a big playground, I was left alone in an instant. I kept blaming myself for my reckless impulse. If Fang Qing hadn't exported in time, I would have started with Jiang Wuji. It's not sure who is the winner. During the transformation of a year, I have warned myself to be calm every day, but when it comes to that time, I can't calm down, Don't worry, I'll find you soon.

When the mood slowly eased some, I left from the original place, directly back to the bedroom. As soon as I arrived at the dormitory, I saw the embarrassed reasoning that had been beaten. This time, his injury was quite serious, his face was swollen like a pig's head. However, when he saw me, he ignored his own injury and immediately asked me, "brother Xuan, how dare you return to the dormitory? Go out and avoid it first. Ding Yaowu wants to find you trouble!"

Well, I don't have to guess. I must have been beaten by the domineering Ding Yaowu, but I still asked with kindness, "is it Ding Yaowu who is fighting for reason?"

Reasoning quickly lowered his head, leaked out a poor appearance, wronged said: "mm-hmm, brother Xuan, you just came to school, you are not familiar with everything here, you should not offend him, after we in the school life is not easy!"

After listening to the reasoning, my just idle anger flared up in a flash. I didn't expect that Ding Yaowu would bring harm to the innocent. However, I even took the reason out of my anger. What makes me feel warm is that reasoning has been implicated for no reason, and I didn't blame me. Instead, I was worried about my safety for the first time. This friend, I didn't make friends in vain. Even for the sake of this friend, I will let Ding Yaowu get his due end.

Thinking of this, I directly patted the reasonable shoulder, comforted and said: "you don't worry, reason, as your big brother, I will revenge for you. Ding Yaowu is a bully and timid master. If he provokes me, he will not be able to hop for long!"

After listening to the reason, he immediately widened his eyes in horror, and began to persuade him: "brother Xuan, I know you are good at fighting, but you can't beat many people. You may not know that Ding Yaowu knows several people from the last term. They are all famous in the school. He has called people up and invited them to dinner in return. Before he comes back, you should avoid it first Take shelter from the wind, or you'll end up miserable when they come back! "

I know that it's good for me to be reasonable, but ye Zixuan is not su Luo in those days. I will face some things sooner or later. Looking at the reasoning that is full of concern, I smile and say: "don't worry, reason, I'll be OK, and I will let his ignorance pay the price."

After that, I immediately opened my suitcase and took out a long small box. There was a dagger in the box. This seemingly simple dagger was bought by my father at a high price and gave it to me for self-defense. I also cherish it. I never give it up and keep it as a collection.

My every move was reasonable to see in the eyes, he saw I took out the guy, and was scared, he said a little inconceivable: "brother Xuan, why do you still take the guy with you? Don't kill people for me. It's not worth it

I took out the dagger and played with it a few times in my hand. I laughed and said, "don't make a blind guess. How can I kill people? This is for self-defense!"

After listening to my reply, he reasoned and asked, "brother Xuan, since I want to revenge, I think you have already arranged good people for a long time."

I was puzzled and asked, "who will be arranged?"

Reasonable and stunned, he said, "do you want to deal with Ding Yaowu alone, brother Xuan?"

I smile, carelessly to reason said: "ha ha, to him this jump beam clown, I am enough alone!"

Tone, extremely firm. Because I have done a good job of consciousness. From this moment on, my road of revenge will officially start. Ding Yaowu will become my sharpening stone, and my name Ye Zixuan will soon be circulated in the school.

However, at the moment, I fell into the excitement, and seemed to ignore the existence of reasoning. He looked at me dully and said in silence: "brother Xuan, are you stimulated today, or do you not hear my words clearly? Ding Yaowu is ready to deal with you!"

The reasonable words did not interrupt my excitement. I really hope that the scene will come earlier. But when I was still in my fantasy, the dormitories clanged and were kicked away. Then, Ding Yaowu and several other people stormed into the dormitory

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