To tell you the truth, I'm still very happy. These people came uninvited, which also saved me a lot of time to find them. In addition to Ding Yaowu himself, there were seven people in total. Each of them was a big man with a strong back and a strong back. He had great momentum. He didn't even bring weapons with him. However, even so, he was a coward It was a cold sweat. However, this boy is still loyal. He has not run away. He has been standing beside me, which means to live and die with me.

Ding Yaowu relied on someone to help him. He was very confident and didn't pay attention to me at all. He walked quickly to me and said to me arrogantly, "Oh, you're a man. If you don't run, I'll spare you a little and break a leg."

As soon as Ding Yaowu's voice dropped, he didn't give me a chance to speak. He immediately cut in and said, "brother Wu, everything is a misunderstanding. Brother Xuan is a new comer. He doesn't understand the rules. You can let him go. I'll give you all my pocket money in the future, OK?"

At the moment, reasoning, like the original solo, timid, afraid of trouble, just for peace. However, Ding Yaowu did not give him face at all, pointing to reason and scolding: "when is it your turn to interrupt when I speak? I'm warning you, better get out of here. Be careful I'll beat you together

After listening to Ding Yaowu's words, his legs trembled and his cold sweat became more fierce. However, he still didn't go. He always stood by my side, with a look of death in his eyes. For the reasonable behavior, I feel the same, he is eager to have friends, even if injured, he is reluctant to give up this hard won friendship. It's just that he's luckier than me. I always meet some ruthless people, and reasonable, he meets me.

I firmly looked at him and said boldly, "be reasonable. I'll take what you said just now. I'll take care of the matter today. You can't help anything. Go to one side first!"

After listening to my words, reasoning became more and more determined to die side by side with me. He gritted his teeth and stood still. Seeing that the reason had not been given face, Ding Yaowu was immediately upset. He glared and cursed, "NMB!" I had to clean up and rationalize. However, before he was able to reason, I moved, and my fist hit him in the face with lightning force, which was quite strong. I didn't want to make it too big for them, so as to avoid a bad ending.

Ding Yaowu, who was still rampant one second ago, was beaten by me in a circle in the same place. After stopping, his mouth was full of blood. The other few people had only come to help Ding Yaowu strengthen his power. After all, seven bullied one. In their concept, they hardly needed to do anything about it. But they did not expect that I would take the initiative to attack, and one hit was so fierce.

Suddenly, a big black man in the back reacted. He took the lead to attack me. However, my reaction was faster than him. When they entered the door, I found out the enemy's situation secretly and was ready.

So, after knocking down Ding Yaowu, I didn't hesitate, and I attacked them with my fist. I kicked the black man to the ground with one foot. The black skin was painful and I sat on the ground and howled. It can be seen that my explosive force is so fast. I can't allow him to rest. I kicked him a few feet suddenly, and then the big man didn't get up.

The few people who were about to act were shocked again by my actions. Then, I rushed into the crowd and tangled with them. Because of the narrow dormitory, my movement was limited. When I was concentrating on fighting with the other five people, Ding Yaowu ran up to me, scolded me, and punched me in front of me. I was hurt, but Instead of dodging, after eating a punch, the whole person suddenly jumped up and kicked him in the chest, which was quite handsome.

Ding Yaowu's fist made my handsome face swell, which made me completely angry. I transferred Jiang Wuji's anger to him. Ding Yaowu, who was originally a magnificent man, was kicked back and forth by me. When he retreated, I suddenly rushed to him and waved several fists to his head and stomach. Each blow was exhausted and the blow was one Next, Ding Yaowu fell to the ground in an instant.

My blood was boiling in my body, as if it was just a warm-up. At the end of the warm-up, I felt that I had endless strength. Therefore, after thoroughly overthrowing Ding Yaowu, I rushed towards the remaining five people again with a thunderbolt. In fact, the combat effectiveness of these seemingly strong men was negative. Judging from my momentum, I lost the ability to fight back at all.

Just a few minutes. Five people fell to the ground. One of them was still unconvinced and tried to get up, but my anger broke out all over my body. I was determined to use these people to call my name. Therefore, I could not be soft hearted. I had to kill chickens and watch monkeys. So, before the tall man stood firm, my fist hit him hard in the face and kept beating him I didn't stop until he couldn't move.

Unconsciously, my body was covered with blood. The scene of beating a tall man with great momentum was deeply looked into by Ding Yaowu. His eyes were full of panic. I walked up to him and said faintly, "get up, it's just arrogant. How can it be changed now?"

Ding Yaowu looked at me for a long time without saying a word. I was too lazy to pay attention to him, so he turned around leisurely, and then sorted out his clothes, patted the startled reasoning and said, "I'm a little bit hungry. I'm going to have dinner together. Brother, please!"Reasoning is still immersed in consternation at the moment, eyes full of worship color, mouth unconsciously said: "brother Xuan, cattle B!"

I did not wait for him to wake up from the consternation, directly put my arms around his shoulder, leaped over the debris lying on the ground, and walked out of the bedroom with pride.

At this time, outside the dormitory, there were some dumb eyed spectators standing outside. They might have intended to see how I was abused, but they saw that I was still safe and sound with one enemy. How could they not be stupid? I ignored them and directly left the dormitory building with reasoning.

He kept flattering me all the way until he got to the school gate. However, he began to report his worries for me just after reporting his happiness. He was afraid that Ding Yaowu would come back to revenge again and that I would be expelled from the school. I knew that reasoning was really good for me, but I didn't care about all these things, just told him not to worry.

Then, in order to celebrate the victory of the first battle, I went to a high-end restaurant outside the school with reason, and had a luxurious dinner. This product has already regarded me as an idol. He toasted me constantly on the wine table, flattered me, and said beautiful words. His eloquence was good, and I felt comfortable. Moreover, this boy still has my shadow in those days. He has made up his mind to mix with me. He can't stand being bullied. Now that I'm an idol in front of him, he must be in the back. He's going to live and die with me.

I didn't get tangled up. I accepted the reasoning brother directly. This was my first brother after returning as ye Zixuan. However, I didn't feel complacent. I knew very well that today's war implied the rise of my power. Although the first battle was successful, the road ahead was still difficult. If I wanted to make a call in the school where the son of a bitch was in power, I would We must walk step by step, but I believe that before long, Chen Haoran, Jiang Wuji, Han Boyang, who have humiliated me, will get the price they deserve.

After dinner, it was very late. When I got back to school, I directly lay down in bed and carefully planned my revenge road. This time, I constantly warned myself not to be impulsive in case of anything, and to keep a calm heart all the time.

The next day, my name, ye Zixuan, had already resounded in the circle of freshmen. Many people were telling me how I managed to defeat everyone in a moment with my own strength, and one of them was seriously injured.

Some people can't help but guess that I have the potential to become a freshman, and even think that I am the second Chen Haoran, but this is only the feeling of some people. After all, I am a new student who has just transferred to school, and there is no foundation in the school. Therefore, I want to become the eldest one by myself, which is also a difficult thing.

In fact, I also know that it's difficult to ascend the sky one step at a time. In those years, Chen Haoran became a freshman in three months. He not only had backstage, but also had strength, because he came with him, and there were a group of muscle men. I was just alone. I couldn't look down on his legend.

And now the freshman, already to the next semester, the whole grade is still in chaos, almost every class has a nominal boss, but the whole freshman, there is no convincing boss, because no one is against whom, no one has the ability to lead the freshman.

But if I want to dominate my freshman year, it is not enough to rely on violence alone. I also need to use stratagem, brave and resourceful people, so that I can rise rapidly in troubled times. I believe that it will not be long before I can be proud of all the heroes.

This day is the first day of my popularity as a freshman. Every corner is talking about my glorious deeds. Just on the first day, I behaved very calm, as if nothing had happened, but reasoning was different. He was just like a changed person. His self-confidence was slowly rising. He felt that it was his greatest glory to be able to follow me.

Even when I was having dinner with him, his food was more delicious than usual. However, in the middle of the meal, the rational action suddenly stopped,. Scared to look at my back, in my turn to see what happened, reasoning suddenly stood up, close to my ear, whispered: "brother Xuan, junior fox spirit seems to come to us, don't disturb her, otherwise we will die very miserable!"

Say, reason is about to pull me to leave, but look at his expression, I am more and more curious, can not help looking back, this look does not matter, my heart immediately agitated up, my eyes can not help shooting out cold light.

The familiar figure in front of me is Huang cancan, who is picking up my clothes on the playground and holding me as a dog. I can't forget her insult to me in my life. I haven't seen her for a long time. She has changed a lot and become more coquettish. Even if it is far away, this smell can be clearly smelled.

As soon as she came over, she sat down next to me without any hesitation. Then she glared at the reasoning opposite me and said, "you can disappear!"

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