The first reaction is blood rose, her feet suddenly opened, but her state is still a bit confused, as if the soul has not returned to the body. She could not believe that I, the ignorant child in her mouth, could kill the blood rose. She could not believe that her threat to me did not stop my killing. She was even more unable to accept that her twin sister died like this, still dead so ugly.

At the moment, the poisonous rose is really like a walking corpse. She drags the sluggish pace and walks toward the blood rose. In the evening, the figure of the poisonous rose becomes depressed. She loses her steady state, loses her pride in her bones, and becomes a gloomy woman without soul.

It seems that after a long time, the blood rose finally came to the blood rose side, she slowly squatted down the body, looking at the blood rose on the ground, eyes dull.

At this time, the blood rose's body was already stiff, and her head was even more miserable. However, the poisonous rose didn't care at all. She also took the blood rose's hand and shook it twice. She kept mumbling in her mouth: "rose, rose, wake up, don't sleep, get up quickly!"

All the people at the scene can see that bleeding rose has died and can't die any more, but poisonous rose can't accept the cruel reality. She still doesn't believe that her sister will die, and she is still calling blood rose up.

For such a poisonous rose, no one dares to get close to it. Even if it is a bloody cherry blossom, no one dares to persuade her. She can only let the poisonous rose shake the arm of blood rose.

However, after shaking for a long time and calling for a long time, the blood rose did not make any movement, which made the poison rose despair. She finally did not shake again. She finally understood that her sister was dead and completely dead.

Suddenly, the poison Rose's eyes turned red. Tears surged down from her red eyes, dripping on the body of blood rose. At this moment, there was no one in poison Rose's eyes except blood rose.

She seems to have forgotten everything, only immersed in the flood of sadness, she shed tears, looking at the body of blood rose, crying and saying: "rose, we didn't say good, live together forever, live together and die together? Why do you want to die early? If you die, what should I do? You know, I will not live without you

The voice of poisonous rose, full of sadness, is the most extreme kind of sadness. I feel that poison rose and blood rose have gone beyond the general sisterhood. They are both sisters and lovers. They are deeply attached to each other. If one person leaves another person, it is just like a fish leaving the water, and life will wither directly. Therefore, the death of blood rose. What brings poisonous rose is unimaginable pain.

The dark night, reflecting a layer of gloomy light, sprinkled on the poisonous rose and blood rose, the twin sisters separated from life and death. Under the background of blood rose's miserable and desolate cry, it formed a very sad picture.

Everyone in the field, seeing such a sad and melancholy picture, could not help but be infected with a touch of sadness. Even my brother on my side. I can't bear it any more because the relationship between blood rose and poison rose is so touching.

My heart is bound to have some feelings, but, I do not regret, blood rose is in my must kill list, only kill her, can completely suppress the blood cherry blossom's morale, only kill her, can solve my heart hate, can revenge for the snake's wife, in any case, blood rose must die.

Although, I am full of benevolence and righteousness. But I understand more deeply that kindness to the enemy is cruelty to oneself. Kindness also needs to be divided into targets, such as blood cherry blossom, which is to use killing to subdue them.

Now, I have learned to kill decisively, no longer entangled in hesitation, for the enemy, not to be indecisive. In the face of this sad picture, I did not put in, just with calm eyes, cold looking.

The poisonous rose in the picture, under the attention of the whole audience, has been crying all the time. After a long time, she finally stopped crying and did not say any more words. She just gently put down the poisonous Rose's hand.

Seeing this scene, we all think that poison rose is out of the shadow of sadness, and gradually restored calm, but suddenly, poison rose is clenching her fists, looking up to the sky, and sending out a sharp scream like a ghost.

Her screams were shrill and terrifying. Through the whole wilderness, continuous.

The dark sky was shaken open by the angry roar of poisonous roses, and the insects and birds in the surrounding woods were even more frightened, as if the end of the day was coming.

Poison rose that beautiful face, with the constant scream, become more and more distorted, more and more terrifying, looks extremely sinister.

For a long time, the image of poison rose has always been gentle and elegant, calm and indifferent, just like a well-informed and reasonable lady. She is quite different from the blood rose. She is gentle and calm in both speaking and acting style, and can maintain the posture of light cloud and light wind anytime and anywhere.

But now, she has changed, completely changed, the death of blood rose, let her lose all the original stability, she showed her violent side, the side of terror, just like the white bone spirit showed the real body.

This gentle woman is more violent and stronger than the blood rose. She is really like the reincarnation of a fierce ghost. I don't know how long it took for the poisonous Rose's terrible scream to dissipate. But then, in the dark air, the poisonous Rose's angry roaring voice: "solo, I want you to pay for your blood debt!"After that, the poisonous Rose Rose stood up. Immediately, all the momentum between heaven and earth seemed to be absorbed by the poisonous rose. Her clothes were flying constantly. Her momentum reached the peak, and she seemed to have put a magic path into it.

Bang, the powerful poison rose, suddenly waved his arm, and said: "kill me, do not leave alive!"

The angry command of poisonous rose directly blew away the haze over the heads of bloody cherry blossoms. Let them show the violent side one after another. After a while, they rushed to us like the tide, yelling at us, shaking the sky and shaking the earth.

In the face of the terrorist attack of the enemy army, we not only did not panic, but burned the most boiling blood. It can be said that from the death of blood rose. My brothers realized that war was imminent.

When the poisonous rose screamed hysterically, we knew that the battle situation was about to ignite, and all the members of the war were immediately ready to fight and ready to go.

Seeing the bloody Cherry Blossom army roaring and rushing, I, as the commander-in-chief of the war, was the first to burst into the sky and roar: "go up!"

A word, the same stone.

The fire of war and the battle of bloody cherry blossoms broke out.

The fire of war is a new force. Its purpose is loyalty and righteousness. Its members have been adhering to this unchangeable purpose. All of them have loyalty and benevolence, which can be regarded as a model of decency.

The blood cherry blossom, built more than ten years ago, has been in a dark corner. It has been growing and growing with sinister and despicable means. It is a cancer of the black forces. They are good at using drugs and like to engage in secret activities. It's not only harmful to people, but also a representative of villains.

However, such extreme war and bloody Cherry Blossom have one thing in common, that is, the members of both sides have absolute loyalty and the spirit of fearing death, just like a dead man.

Everyone has his own belief in his heart. At this moment, we are fighting and breaking out for our faith. The forces on both sides are like beasts, rushing towards each other crazily. In the huge battlefield, we keep shouting and killing, and the cry is shocking.

In a moment, the two forces, like a tsunami, collided with each other and produced a wave that soared into the sky. The war of the world broke out completely!

Both sides do not want to kill each other, the battle situation is a little bit fierce.

Although the total number of blood cherry blossom is not much more than my side, it is undeniable that their overall strength is much stronger than ours.

However, the death of blood rose has more or less affected the blood cherry. They inevitably have a psychological shadow. My adverse change also makes people feel depressed. Therefore, their momentum is anger at most, but not high.

On the contrary, the fire of the war was burning with the most crazy passion and blood. We traveled thousands of miles to the Miao Autonomous Region to fight against the bloody cherry blossom. Along the way, we broke several of their plot traps. At noon, I slaughtered dozens of bloody Cherry Blossom masters. Just now, I killed the blood rose with my own hands. All these things greatly boosted the morale of the brothers, doubled their confidence and exploded their courage.

In particular, the target of our fight now is the main force of the bloody cherry blossom. That is to say, as long as the war is won, we will win the bloody cherry blossom. At that time, it will be very difficult for us to attack the red cherry blossom headquarters to deal with their remaining evils.

Therefore, the brothers are very active in this war, and I and blood rose first contest, ended in my victory, this is to give the brothers the strongest stimulant. Therefore, at this moment, the morale of all of us directly reached the peak. Every brother took out 200% momentum and fought hard.

The battle situation became more and more fierce, and the blood began to dye the Yellow night red, and the howling was heard everywhere.

Almost everyone on both sides has been involved in this fierce battle. On our side, only I, grandfather Bai, the fourth uncle of Xia family, Qiqi and sun Yihan, who can't do martial arts, didn't do it.

On the other side of the bloody cherry blossom, the poisonous rose, the four giants, and the veiled woman did not do anything about it, while the others went out.

To be honest, I have experienced countless battles, fierce battles, bloody battles, brutal battles, and all kinds of battles. But this time, it shocked me more than ever before. This time, not only were there a large number of people, but more importantly, there were so many masters. There were no weak people on both sides to make up for the number. Almost all of them were powerful soldiers. Everyone was so extraordinary, and the momentum displayed by everyone was unprecedented.

The most exciting thing for me is the team fighting ability of brothers in war. At noon, I fought with dozens of bloody Cherry Blossom masters. The number of opponents was too small. Many of my brothers couldn't really exert their abilities. But now, the number of opponents is so large that all my brothers on my side almost display their team fighting offensive incisively and vividly, and the effect of fighting is absolutely devastating.

In the face of the cruelty and ferocity of the bloody cherry blossom, my brothers firmly stood in an invincible position, and even got the upper hand. However, at this time, the only veiled woman suddenly stood up

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