This woman, from the moment I saw her, I knew she was extraordinary. She was obviously more powerful and insidious than the two veiled women who had died. After she stood up, she directly swept the whole audience with her arrogant eyes. Then, she took off the veil of her face and showed her beautiful face, but her face was as expressionless as ice sculpture.

As soon as the veil fell, she immediately took out a flute from her body and blew it. The sound was like beautiful music, especially with rhythm and emotion. It was beautiful and beautiful.

However, after an instant, I found something wrong. This is not a beautiful music at all, but a complete magic sound, which has great lethality. It can invade people's brain and kill invisible people.

Many of my brothers were in the upper hand, their morale was constantly rising, and their combat effectiveness was full. However, when they heard the magic sound of the flute, their state of mind changed obviously. Their mind was directly disturbed, and then their combat effectiveness was weakened. They were easily killed by bloody cherry blossoms with heavy casualties.

Standing aside, my heart suddenly trembled, and I knew that this must be her skill, the three veiled women. Each has its own strong points. One is to summon poisonous bees and the other is to summon poisonous snakes. This is more abnormal. It directly blows the magic sound to confuse people. This affects the combat effectiveness of all my brothers, but the people on the side of bloody cherry blossom are not affected at all. They take the opportunity to step up their offensive. The brutal killing of my brother.

At the critical moment, Qiqi made a move. She quickly took out an electronic device from her body and pressed it. Immediately, the harsh and sharp voice rang through the sky.

this voice is completely contrary to the beautiful voice of the veil, especially harsh, as if someone is frothing, and the goose bumps are coming out. Obviously, this is the voice specially recorded by Qiqi. It directly covers the magic voice of the veil girl, and even hurts her. Without playing her flute, her expression changes instantly, becoming painful and vicious.

In addition, the blood Cherry Blossom people, they do not have any reaction to the veil girl's magic sound, but can't stand the harsh voice of Qiqi's recording. Their faces are distorted and their mentality is obviously affected.

And my brother, they listen to Qiqi's harsh voice is also uncomfortable, but it's ten thousand times better than listening to the veil girl's magic sound. They absolutely can't stand the magic sound of the veil girl, while they can't bear the voice of Qiqi's record.

So, their fighting spirit, again ignited, they with turbulent blood, continue to fight up.

When the veil stopped playing the flute, Qiqi also turned off her device. Obviously, Qiqi's electronic device was specially designed for the veiled woman. In order to help me, Qiqi is really prepared, the first veiled woman's bee, the second veiled woman's poisonous snake, and this veiled woman's magic sound. Qiqi all found a way to crack it, and prepared corresponding tools in advance. She really worked hard.

However, Qiqi's help to me was so obvious that she immediately attracted the attention of poisonous rose. She was very angry. Qiqi interrupted her plan. Without saying a word, she said angrily to the four giants and the veiled woman: "kill that little girl!"

As soon as the words fell, the poisonous rose directly took the lead and rushed to us. Of course, the target of the poisonous rose was not Qiqi, but directly from me. Her resentment against me was the biggest. The death of blood rose caused great trauma to her. She must try her best to revenge for the blood rose. At this moment, she has been in an extremely violent state, and her momentum is overwhelming and unmatched.

In the face of her unstoppable power, my brother couldn't stop her. Seeing the blood rose coming to me, the white grandfather beside me suddenly moved and flashed directly to the poisonous rose, blocking her steps and fighting with her.

White grandfather's strength to the peak, he several times against blood rose, can complete explosion blood rose. So, at the moment, facing the strong attack of blood rose, white grandfather did not hesitate to top. But when the white grandfather and poison rose hand in hand, I obviously feel that the strength of poison rose is stronger than that of blood rose. I don't know whether it is because she is in a state of Madness at the moment. In any case, her momentum was almost against the weather. She was angry. There was no sign of gentleness. She was domineering and powerful.

To tell you the truth, poison rose has the demeanor of nvxia. If she was not my enemy, I would have admired her a little. As a woman, she can practice such magical martial arts. It is really incredible. At this moment, I can't help but be glad that I killed the blood rose. Otherwise, once they are united together, there will be no one who can defeat them. Now, poison rose alone, the power is boundless, white grandfather can not suppress her for a time.

In the white grandfather and poison rose fight in full swing, the four giants and veiled woman also with a fierce momentum rushed over. Peng Yi, Du Haisheng and others immediately got out and tried to stop them. However, Peng Yi and others are limited in their ability, and finally they only block the steps of the veiled woman and the two giants. There are two giants like two running mountains, frantically broke through the crowd, came to my side.

The target of these two people is Qiqi.

Danger is coming, as Qiqi's imperial master, the fourth uncle of the Xia family, immediately burst out of his momentum, will kill forward. But as soon as he started, I held out my hand and stopped him. I snapped, "you stay and protect the two girls."After that, the natural gas in my body suddenly burst out, with boundless momentum, I like a sharp arrow, suddenly meet the two giants who are flying over.

Inside the bloody cherry blossom, there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers. There are all kinds of monsters. In front of them, the two giants are more than two meters tall and have incomparable momentum. They are like huge monsters, fierce and powerful. Their feet fall on the ground, the ground seems to collapse, they run up, is to make the earth tremble.

Before I got close to them, I felt that I was struck by their awe inspiring momentum. In particular, their bodies were too large to oppress people. If I had been run over by them before, they would have been.

But now it's different. Now, my Xiaoyao boxing has been very skillful, and my natural gas has also been fully used by me. The combination of the two makes me directly incarnate into a transcendent body, even a poisonous rose with adverse strength. It's a dead end to meet me.

Therefore, at the moment, no matter how terrifying the two giants are, my mentality has no influence at all. My confidence is still in my heart, and my momentum is also magnificent. As soon as I make a move, I first restrain the blue giant on the left.

In terms of power, the giant's power is much stronger than that big fat poppy. I feel that they are the real strong men, but now my strength is not weak, or because of the natural gas, my strength has reached the peak. Therefore, in the first confrontation, I took the blue giant back a few steps and made a high judgment.

Originally, the giant in green on the right had broken through my defense line and was about to go straight for his ponytail, but. When he saw that the giant in blue was hurt, he immediately stopped. He was very aware of my strength and knew that one of them could not defeat me. Therefore, he did not attack Qiqi again, but cooperated with the giant in green to attack me.

In this way, I and the two giants fought together, the blue giant and the green giant, each with extraordinary strength, momentum, they are absolutely strong, more importantly, their cooperation ability is also extraordinary, they do not give me free space, two people one in the left and one in the right, with extremely rapid speed, constantly attack me, minutes and seconds No rest.

Despite their huge size, their movements are very fierce and their speed is as fast as lightning. They are really impeccable. Although, they have no superb moves, but they have strong strength, as well as fierce momentum. They are like a combination of elephant and lion. It's useless to fight them and fight with them. They can only fight violence with violence. Fortunately, my strength is not vulgar, natural gas play incisively and vividly, enough to restrain them both.

After a fight, I began to get familiar with the two giants' routines and their abilities. The most obvious feature of them is great strength, the biggest advantage is speed, the most terrifying place is extraordinary momentum, the best move is to stick to the mountain, which can be said to be their killer mace. However, if you are hit by their strong body, you will be dead or disabled.

So, when they use it, I will not be stupid enough to confront them. Every time, I try my best to avoid it. Otherwise, I really don't know if I can carry it.

In other words, if I fight with these two giants, I can't just fight for strength with them, but I need to be flexible. If I react a little bit slower, I will surely be severely damaged by them. Fortunately, I have everything at the moment, and I am more flexible and agile. It's not hard for me to escape the fierce attacks of the two giants. It's just that it's a little difficult for me to get rid of them quickly, because they are really like two mountains that can't be destroyed easily. There is no way, I have to fight while looking for their weaknesses, trying to defeat them.

Although, for a while, I still can't take them down, but my mentality is stable as before. I feel like playing with them, defending against their attacks and looking for their weaknesses.

On the contrary, the giant in blue and the giant in green were more and more angry and angry. They didn't know whether they were eager for meritorious service or wanted to revenge for the poisonous rose. In a word, their offensive became more and more fierce, and they were determined to kill me. Finally, they looked at each other and seemed to have reached some agreement. Then, they both shot at me together and played their best a blow.

Since this is a close attack, I can only use two palms to receive the move. I fight against the joint attack of the two giants by myself. Obviously, I suffer a loss. In a moment, I feel the real power of the two giants. The power is really terrible. When I fight with them, the whole person is immediately like a spring and is thrown away.

My body kept regressing, after more than ten steps. Just steady step. At this time, my hands have been dislocated with the same, become numb and powerless, as if lost the command. My body's natural gas, has been hit chaos, everywhere scurry.

While I was shaking my hands to recover my strength, the giant in blue suddenly swept over me like a whirlwind. His pace was as fast as that of ordinary people. In a blink of an eye, he rushed to me. I was able to sidestep to avoid his attack, but he seized the opportunity to go around behind me and embrace me. His thick arms, like iron chains, completely locked my body and two arms. I couldn't move even if I wanted to.While I was struggling, the giant in blue who hugged me suddenly yelled: "kill him!"

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