When the giant heard this, he rushed to me immediately. Then, his iron fist, which was like Mount Tai, hit my forehead directly. Suddenly, I felt the breath of death. If I ate this punch, my end would be like blood rose, and my head would blossom.

I don't want to die, and I can't either. The breath of death stimulates me, and the natural gas in my body immediately surges out and becomes more and more crazy.

Just when the giant in Green's fist was about to hit me, my potential was fully aroused. Suddenly, I suddenly roared, and at the same time, my body bent 90 degrees. The giant in blue holding me behind me was carried by me fiercely.

Because my body bow down, and the blue giant was held up by me, it happened that his head instead of my head, to meet the green giant's fist. In other words, the green giant's fist is pounding at the head of blue.

The scene changed so fast that the giant in green was unprepared. When he reacted and wanted to take back his fist, it was already late.

In the end, his powerful iron fist still hit the head of the giant in blue. However, as the giant in green converged at the critical moment, so, the head of the giant in blue was not smashed, but at least, he was dizzy and dizzy. He held my arm and became weak.

I seized the opportunity and grabbed the blue giant's back with my backhand. Then, my body rotated in place and threw it violently. Immediately, the giant in blue on my back was completely thrown away by me.

After finishing a giant, my pressure immediately reduced a lot, but I didn't relax. Then, I rushed to the giant in green who almost burst my head. The speed was incomparable.

At this moment, my body condenses the magnificent momentum, as well as the towering anger. My natural gas is rolling and burning. As soon as I get close to the giant in green, I will devour him like a fire.

Now, there is only one giant in green, which is no match for me. Especially, at this moment, my natural spirit has reached the most fierce state, and my free boxing has also exerted the strongest power. I didn't keep a hand at all. I kept fighting against the giant in green.

The giant in green obviously felt my intention to kill, and without any help, he was a little flustered when he fought against me alone. As soon as he started to fight, he lost in his mentality. Under my roar, he could not hold up for less than two minutes, and was directly knocked down by me.

As soon as he fell, I sat on him again. He kept punching him, a breath, I have hit him countless punches. My fist seems to have no strength, but in fact it is very powerful. Just like Yongchun boxing, it has a special effect. So, in a moment, the giant in green was soft and dead. I didn't mention it. I grabbed his head and broke his neck.

For this level of master, only let him completely out of breath, I can be at ease, I will not give him any chance to fight back.

On the other side, the giant in blue had calmed down, and he tried to get up from the ground. But when he found that the giant in green had died in my hand, he was immediately stunned. His anger was burning in his eyes, and his astonishment made him stay at the same place.

Taking advantage of his stupefied second, I roared and moved, suddenly rushed to him, launched the strongest attack on him, the giant in blue felt the killing intention, hurried back to his senses, and fought with me. At this time, the giant in blue was totally vulnerable. The death of the giant in green had an impact on him. He suffered a heavy blow to his head just now. At the moment, his mentality was even more unstable. Therefore, he was defeated in an instant.

But I, did not leave the hand, the victory pursues, unceasingly attacks him, until hits him to die, I only then stops, at this point, the blood color Cherry Blossom two big masters all perished.

Before that, when I was fighting with the two giants, the war and the bloody Cherry Blossom army were also in deep water. The battlefield was in a mess. The air was full of blood and all kinds of voices were mixed in the gray night. With the passage of time, the balance of victory tilts more and more obvious, we have the advantage.

Although the other two giants and the veiled woman in the red cherry blossom camp have the highest strength, we are not weak. Peng Yi, yamakui, five instructors, Mu Nan, Shen Muchen, Du Haisheng, as well as the high-level leaders of various wars, all of them are excellent. Their combined power is irresistible, and their team combat ability is almost amazing.

After three months of training in dark moon hall, they were not wasted in the end. All the brothers became gods of war. They fought with great momentum and achieved more than expected. They even scattered the terrible army of red cherry blossoms. They were no longer young boys. In the war, they were not trampled on. They had grown up and matured.

Peng Yi, wasabi, Mu Nan, Shen Muchen, and Du Haisheng are even more powerful. With the cooperation of several brothers, Du Haisheng even killed a giant in black with his bald head. This scene can be regarded as a classic and awe inspiring scene. It even left a heavy mark in the battle history.

Of course, the duel between white grandfather and poisonous rose is also wonderful. At the beginning, white grandfather and poison rose are not equal to each other. Poison rose, relying on her anger and momentum, exerts extreme power and can also fight against white grandfather.But gradually, poison rose more and more tired, momentum gradually insufficient, mentality is more and more unstable. However, grandfather Bai, a veteran in the world, always keeps calm and calm. His advantages will become more and more obvious as the fighting time increases. In terms of comprehensive strength, he was ultimately better than poison rose. Even if the poison rose played a startling power, he could not win over white grandfather. In the end, he once again knocked down the poisonous rose like a demon king with his mother.

When the poisonous rose fell, I had already killed the giant in blue and the giant in green, and the other two giants also died one after another. Even the veiled girl who could play the magic voice was slaughtered by all my brothers.

The top experts of the blood Cherry Blossom team were almost wiped out, which means that the pillar of the red cherry blossom team collapsed completely. As a result, the rest of the blood Cherry Blossom people had no support at all, so they had no motivation to fight, and no morale, and they were constantly defeated. But our side is pressing forward step by step. All the soldiers who can still stand still maintain the momentum of soaring. They are desperate to massacre the remaining evils of bloody cherry blossom.

The red cherry blossom team was completely defeated. The rest of the people fell down one after another, killing and injuring countless people. The huge green grassland was completely dyed red with blood, and the dark sky was also reflected with blood red. Scene, miserable, sad, this war, the blood Cherry Blossom lost, lose very miserable, lose can't bear to look directly.

In fact, when it comes to the overall combat effectiveness, the blood cherry blossom is definitely better than the others. But in the end, they still lost. From this, I understand a truth. The fighting effectiveness of the two armies is on the one hand, but the more important thing is the morale, fighting spirit and morale. Although the bloody cherry blossoms occupy the favorable time and place, they still lose in the morale. It can be said that at the beginning, the death of blood rose is A lead-in has caused their morale to be low and my side's morale to be high.

As a result, I and blood rose single, the success or failure of this war, really played a decisive role. I won the blood rose, and finally, my army also won the bloody cherry blossom.

Although, in this terrible war, my brothers were killed and wounded more than half, but in any case, we are the main force to wipe out the bloody cherry blossom, which is the most fortunate thing.

With the fall and death of all members of the blood cherry blossom, a gust of wind suddenly blew, with a strong smell of blood, this smell, stabbed into my nose, stimulate my nerves.

After a while, I suddenly woke up. I stood in the wind and scanned the whole battlefield. Then, I stepped forward and walked slowly towards the only person who survived the bloody cherry blossom, that is, the other party's commander-in-chief poison rose.

Poison rose, usually not warm and not fire, broke out like a maniac devil, and she was born with self-confidence. She was one of the few powerful women in the world.

However, such a powerful woman, at the moment, is just like a down and out woman, desolate and bleak. All her troops were destroyed, and none of her sisters or her men survived, leaving her alone.

Although, the white grandfather did not kill the poison rose, but also let her seriously injured, the body trauma and the spirit of the blow, let poison rose completely lost the soul. She was lying on the ground, paralyzed, pale, with no eyes. She had lost her original high spirited posture. It was so miserable.

Of course, no matter how miserable she was, she couldn't draw my pity. I don't sympathize with people who are bloody cherry blossom. In my heart, the blood cherry blossom is the demon cult. All the people who belong to the blood Cherry Blossom must have been brainwashed. I can't influence them. I have to kill them to avoid future trouble.

In this world, if there is blood cherry blossom, there will be no fire. If there is a fire of war, I will never allow the existence of bloody cherry blossom. After all, I will kill them all.

My heart is cold, my steps are slow and firm. I quietly came to the poison Rose's body, looking down at the poisoned rose on the ground, and said calmly, "poisonous rose, you lost!"

At this moment, I officially declared the failure of the bloody cherry blossom to the leader and the only one who survived.

I just want to let poison rose know that their blood cherry blossom is not the sky, nor the myth of invincibility. In this large-scale frontal confrontation, she lost and was totally defeated. I want to let poison rose soberly realize that she should not look down on me and despise me, who is regarded as a mole ant.

After saying this, I felt relaxed, and my inner depression and frustration were swept away

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