Poison rose, she was in the abyss of despair, no thought, no idea, not even soul. But when she heard my voice, she suddenly regained her consciousness. Then, her eyes were filled with fury, her pale face began to twist, and her whole person was like fighting chicken blood, suddenly came to her spirit.

She got up from the ground with her anger and yelled, "sulo, I'm going to kill you!"

Her voice was hoarse. Her voice seemed to be broken. It seemed that she was very insidious.

Such her, only let me feel sad, even if she tried to get up, the body is still extremely unstable, a tottering appearance.

However, in my brother's eyes, this woman is a master of abnormal level after all, so when they saw the poisonous rose standing up, they rushed to this place and protected me all over.

I waved my hand and motioned them to step back. Then, I took a step forward and stood in front of the poisonous rose closely. Then, I straightened my chest, calmly looked at the poisonous rose and said calmly, "do you think you can kill me?"

My tone sounded calm, but in fact I was full of confidence and deep disdain for poisonous roses. Now the poisonous rose is the end of a strong crossbow. It doesn't pose a threat to me at all. I don't care about her at all. Don't say that she is seriously injured now, standing all shaky, even if she is in the peak state, can't help me. She and I are no longer in the same class.

Angry poison rose, hear me this, direct anger big eyes, gnash teeth, but Leng is dare not attack. Her eyes are going to burst out and her eyes are red and red. However, she can't take me any more. She just stares at me indignantly and feels my momentum of pulling out the clouds. She knows that no matter how she struggles, she is doomed to defeat me. Therefore, she did not ask for trouble to attack me.

She has been staring at me for a long time. After a long time, she nodded her head thoughtfully and did not say anything. Then, she leaned over and walked aside.

My brother blocked her way, and the poisonous rose roared directly, "get out of the way!"

Two words, desolate but not losing hegemony, but my brothers are not afraid of her, still firmly stop her.

I know very well that poison rose can't make any waves on her own. She has come to the end of her tether. She can't play any tricks. I just want to see what she is going to do. So I immediately ordered the brothers who stopped her from going: "all move out of the way."

The brothers had to make a way, but they were still vigilant, staring at the wild lily covetously, for fear that she would make any waves.

The poisonous rose, which was watched by the public, was like nobody else. She didn't care about other people's eyes. She just walked slowly from the road my brother left. Her pace was slow but firm. At the moment, the sky was almost dark, and the curved moon came out of the clouds.

The air was still filled with a strong smell of blood, the ground was covered with corpses and rivers of blood, but this could not affect the pace of poisonous roses. On the ground, many bloody Cherry Blossom bodies, poison rose did not look at, as if these dead people, and she had nothing to do with her, she just walked quietly forward.

Her back looks like an old man in the twilight. Her steps are also faltering. Every step is very difficult. The light moonlight on her body reflects her downfall and sadness.

The huge battlefield became silent. Even my wounded brother stopped moaning and looked at the poisonous rose. At this moment, the poison rose became the focus of attention. The scene was quiet and strange.

Finally, the poisonous rose dragged her hard steps and stopped beside the body of blood rose.

Originally, at the last moment, poison rose thought of her sister blood rose, in her eyes, as if only blood rose forever. Even, the whole army of the bloody Cherry Blossom force was destroyed, which was not as good as the death of blood rose, which made the poisonous rose suffer. Their sister's affection is deep, deep to the extreme.

Before, poisonous rose was furious, mad into a devil and fighting, it seemed to be to avenge blood rose. But in the end, the big revenge can't be revenged, and all the subordinates' lives have been taken. This kind of pain may have destroyed all the belief of blood rose.

After arriving at the body of blood rose, poison rose directly sat down. Then, she took blood rose's hand and murmured to herself. Her voice was very small, and no one could hear her clearly. However, in this treacherous and silent night, her voice seemed very terrible, just like ghosts sobbing, and the people who heard it were creepy.

This poisonous rose looks really frightening. It seems that she has become very abnormal. Originally, it was in the wilderness. Now it is night. The ground is still full of corpses. The atmosphere is terrible enough. The poisonous rose is still talking to herself next to the blood rose whose head is open. This picture can not help becoming more frightening.

Now the poisonous rose is not like normal people at all. Looking at the strange and frightening, the brothers all became very uneasy. At this time, Shen Muchen came to my side and whispered to me: "Arlo, kill her, don't delay time, in case something happens!"I know what Shen Muchen means. His concern is not wrong. The red cherry blossom organization is dark and terrifying. Their means are numerous and despicable. They can do anything. If you delay a moment more, you will be more dangerous. I also know that almost all the blood Cherry Blossom members are dead men. They can't pry out any information from them, and it's useless to catch them. In particular, the poisonous rose can not be used, she has no value, only one death.

After thinking about it, I immediately nodded my head to Shen Muchen. Then, I took the steel knife from a brother's hand, and then walked with a powerful step towards the poisonous rose.

My step is very steady, my eyes are extremely cold, my heart is cold and merciless, even if there is a thick blood under the foot, it can not stir up the ripples in my heart, even if the night wind blows my face with bloody air, it can not change the perseverance of my expression. Poison rose, she must die.

With this determination, I came to the front of the poisonous rose and stood still.

But I haven't made a move yet. Suddenly, the poisonous rose, immersed in the pain, suddenly raised her head and looked at me with cruel eyes.

Her eyes are very fierce, her eyes seem to shoot out green light, looks terrible, suddenly, she opened her mouth again, burst out the extremely loud roar: "solo, you will die in the hands of the leader!"

The sound was like a ghost roaring, frightening and earth shaking.

My heart, suddenly on trembling, my body seems to have been black Luocha infinite anger burning up, very hot.

At the time of my heart trembling, poison rose suddenly raised her other hand, and without hesitation rushed to her head. At this moment, she almost put all her strength into her life. Just once, her head blossomed on the spot, and blood splashed all over me.

This and blood rose keep pace with the hero, poison rose, so with resentment, died on the spot. Her head bloomed, and her body collapsed on the ground, in the same posture as the blood rose, and the same method of death as the blood rose. Even to death, the poison rose was holding the blood rose's hand, which was a pair of real mandarin ducks.

This scene, very sad, but also with a kind of aesthetic sadness, full of poison rose and blood rose, is endless emotion and extreme emotion. This kind of emotion makes people unable to contain will be infected and moved.

In an instant, the scene fell into a dead silence, a faint sadness appeared on everyone's face, no one was happy, no one congratulated, no one opened the voice.

We have won a historic victory in this unprecedented war. The other party's blood rose and poison Rose died miserably, and none of the other blood Cherry Blossom members were spared. This was originally a happy thing. However, the fact is that the dead are dead, the living people are not really happy, all people are immersed in the atmosphere of sadness and depression, unable to extricate themselves.

Moonlight pouring on the ground above the bodies, but also set off the desolation of these bodies, among them, there are many bodies, are our brothers. Although the enemy is all destroyed, we are the final winner, but on our side, there are also heavy casualties. This victory was bought at the cost of blood, and it was the fruit obtained at the expense of hundreds of brothers. It is really too heavy.

What's more, the battle did not end here, but a greater crisis was waiting for us, because the poison Rose's last words deeply penetrated all of us.

At this point, we know that even if we eliminate the main force of bloody cherry blossom this time, it does not mean that we can completely level down the blood cherry blossom. From the tone of poisonous rose, we can see that black Luocha is absolutely sure that it can kill me.

In other words, the red cherry blossom terrorist organization still has our unknown strength, and the road ahead is still full of dangers. We can't relax our vigilance, and we can't be happy to celebrate the victory. We just stand there in silence, heavy on our face.

After a long time, I just raised my head and looked at the moon in the sky, and said deeply, "stop!"

My voice broke the silence of the scene. After a while, all the brothers came back to their senses and took action immediately.

Like last time, we need to deal with the aftermath before we draw in. For the dead brothers, we buried all the dead brothers on the spot, and the seriously injured brothers were given emergency treatment. In our team, there were special medical staff, as well as the miracle doctor such as grandfather Bai. Therefore, we did a good job in saving people. As long as they were not dead, they could basically survive.

According to the preliminary estimation, the number of dead people in our side is about 350, and there are more than 100 wounded. In order to make these wounded brothers get good treatment, we did not continue to March, but found an open space near here and set up camp.

This place is the door of the blood cherry blossom's home, and it is very close to the nest of black Luocha. Therefore, it is dangerous to sleep here.

In order to deal with the crisis of surprise attack at any time, we carefully do a good job in the defense, set up sentries at all points.

When the tent was set up, the defense was well done, and the wounded were settled, all our members were finally relieved, and the haze on their faces was finally dispelled.

In any case, this victory is of extraordinary significance, which means that we are one step closer to the goal of flattening the bloody cherry blossom.Although the words of poisonous rose still linger in my ears, let me realize that there may be abnormal masters in the nest of black Luocha. However, even so, I should not be afraid, after all, we have wiped out the main force of bloody cherry blossom this time, so we have eliminated a terrible team, which does not mean that our strength can not be underestimated?

At least, we should firmly believe that the red cherry blossoms are not gods and demons. They are also flesh and blood, and they can be destroyed.

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