In order to boost our morale, we held another bonfire party at 9:00 p.m. of course, this bonfire party was not just for playing, but mainly for summing up combat experience.

Through this contest, our combat effectiveness has been obviously brought into play, and we have also found the shortcomings of the bloody cherry blossom. We know that the bloody cherry blossom is not as terrible as we think. At the meeting, the soldiers expressed their own views and expressed their own happiness.

After summing up our combat experience, we began to praise those who performed well in the war. The most unforgettable thing about this contest with bloody cherry blossom is Qiqi, the female military teacher.

This unknown female Zhuge has saved us from danger several times. It can be said that without Qiqi, our war will be completely destroyed. We are now able to win, in large part, because Kiki solved the crisis for us, she has played a crucial role here. Therefore, the brothers were not stingy, praised the ponytail in succession, and even joked that let me give the ponytail a title, the scene was very lively.

Of course, in addition to Kiki, the most shining character is of course me. I, the boss of the war, has surprised everyone again and again. In particular, I can kill the blood rose with my own strength. It's just a myth that brothers admire. If I didn't show my miraculous strength repeatedly, we would not have won the final victory.

Therefore, I also played the most important role in this war. As the commander-in-chief, I promoted the momentum of the brothers and won the respect of the brothers. Almost this time, I achieved the real throne and gave out the absolute light of the king.

Of course, in addition to Kiki and I, there are many brothers in the battlefield is also very brave, play extremely well. At this party, we praised each of our outstanding brothers one by one. As for the reward for merit, we can't do it for the time being. We will make detailed arrangements when we have won the final victory and come back victoriously.

In fact, I can feel that this time, the bloody cherry blossom was defeated, and the momentum of the brothers was completely sent out. Everyone became different and had the potential of big brother. No matter whether the road ahead is still steep or not, at least the victory now makes the brothers' self-confidence expand and their morale greatly increase.

What's more, the brothers are more and more eager to wipe out the bloody cherry blossoms. Therefore, even if there is a lot of crisis ahead, the brothers are also full of expectations. You know, the bloody cherry blossom is now the first organization in China. After killing the bloody cherry blossom, we will directly stand at the top of the domestic underground world. What kind of honor is this? Who does not yearn for it?

Therefore, this evening party everyone heartily released their passion, launched their own aspirations, revealed hope and expectation, everyone's enthusiasm, accompanied by the campfire, lit the whole night, let the moment as bright as the day.

And I, on the surface, keep talking with my brothers to inspire them. However, I can't really release myself. The black Luocha is not dead. My father hasn't rescued me. I can't take off the burden. I know that the bloody cherry blossom is a big pit, unfathomable. Even if I keep reminding myself, I don't need to be afraid Courage, but in the end, my heart is still heavy, because the burden is really too heavy.

The party lasted until the early hours of the morning. After midnight, I let my brothers go back to the tent to rest. Then, I wandered alone in the dark.

At the time of my ups and downs, Qiqi came to me and whispered, "Congratulations!"

Qiqi's tone, very sincere, I heard, but a burst of embarrassment, I turned back, looked at her, sincerely said: "I should thank you, can win the blood cherry blossom, thanks to you. What's more, there's nothing to be congratulated about, because Hei Luocha will certainly not give up. Our crisis is even greater now! "

After saying this, I can't help but gather the color of worry in my eyes. It's the worry of many brothers. I can still remember the bloody scene today. More than 300 brothers have died. I really don't want to see more brothers fall down. I just hope to get rid of the bloody cherry blossoms as soon as possible and make the world peaceful.

But Qiqi listened to my words, but suddenly shook her head and said: "I'm not saying this, I'm congratulating you on your strength improvement, I didn't mistake you, your unique side finally came out!"

Finish saying, Qiqi's face also appeared on the gratifying smile.

Hearing this, I suddenly remembered that Qiqi's father had told me that Qiqi firmly believed that my future was extraordinary and that my future was limitless. At that time, I still felt that Qiqi looked up to me. Now, after experiencing my own changes and feeling Kiki's ability to predict, I have to start to believe that my future may really be as Qiqi expected.

Thinking like this, my self-confidence soared suddenly, and my courage was displayed at the same time. Qiqi didn't need to persuade me. Just this simple sentence cleared my haze and opened my mouth. The burden in my heart seems to be lighter, and I don't feel so heavy.I finally changed a state, and Qiqi relaxed chat, we two sat in the moonlight, there is a word without a word, like a couple of lovers.

The night is very quiet, our voice is very light, the atmosphere is very comfortable, at this moment, I give up all the worries, forget the bloody scene, just simply enjoy the quiet night. It wasn't until two o'clock in the morning that we went back to our tent and went to bed.

This night, no accident happened, the night was calm.

The next day, I got up early and went outside the tent and found the sun was hanging in the sky. It was a sunny day. The weather was very good. However, we still didn't go on the road. First, some of my brothers who were seriously injured needed more time to recuperate. Secondly, and most importantly, we have arrived at the designated position of grandfather Bai, In other words, we don't know where to go next.

Now, we are in the mountains and wilderness. There are many roads around, so we can't drive in. Moreover, those roads are very complicated. It's really difficult for us to find the nest of red cherry blossoms. Therefore, I first sent intelligence personnel to explore the location of the red cherry blossom's nest, while the others stayed at the station to have a rest.

However, after a day's groping, the platoon did not find any clues about the headquarters of the bloody cherry blossom. We felt that we were in a wilderness, surrounded by no people, not like the existence of a stockade. I'm in trouble. In fact, part of the reason why I was stationed at the same place was that I was waiting for the black Luocha to come to me, so as to save us the trouble of looking for the past. But I don't know why, there has been no movement in heiluocha. It seems that the destruction of blood rose, poisonous rose and blood Butterfly has nothing to do with her. I don't feel her anger at all. Many brothers can't help but think that black Luocha seems afraid and dare not act rashly.

However, I am very clear, black Luocha, she is not an oil-saving lamp, there is no movement, is the most terrible, if she really like poisonous rose blood rose to come to the door, I will not be afraid of her, afraid of this kind of calm before the storm. I think that if the black Luocha does not act, it must be a stratagem to kill me in one fell swoop. Perhaps do not know when, the sky will fall a bomb, blow us to pieces.

I don't like such tranquility, and I'm afraid that the plot of black Luocha is too terrible. I can't wait for her plot to come here passively. I must take the initiative to attack as soon as possible. So, the more silent I was, the more eager I was to send someone to find out the location of the bloody Cherry Blossom nest. Even in the evening, I constantly sent intelligence personnel out to investigate, but in the end, nothing was found.

This area is really a maze. It can't be turned out. Many intelligence personnel have been looking for it all day and night, but they haven't even met a single person. This is the barren suburb in the wilderness. Where are the bloody cherry blossoms planted in that stockade?

I really have nothing to do. Even Qiqi, the female military division, has no way to figure out a way to find out the position. After all, she has never been here. Even though she has a high IQ, she can't judge the location of the red cherry blossom's nest. As for grandfather Bai, he is very sure. It's not far from the headquarters of the bloody cherry blossom. As for where they are, grandfather Bai Frankly speaking, I can't remember, because there is no direction to get to the red cherry blossom headquarters from here. Don't say it for so many years. Even if it's the next day after you leave the headquarters of red cherry blossom, you can't find it.

The Miao village, where the headquarters of the bloody cherry blossom is located, is just like a paradise. If there is no one to lead the way, I'm afraid we can't go there.

Watching his army arrive at the enemy's door and defeat the main force of bloody cherry blossom, but in the end, he is dizzy by the location of the headquarters of bloody cherry blossom. It's really helpless and anxious.

I didn't sleep all night. The next day, I couldn't help but take someone to search. Even if I dug three feet, I would find the nest of red cherry blossom.

Almost can't wait. Early in the morning, I selected some smart and flexible brothers and planned to take them to find them together. However, just before the departure, sun Yihan, who was almost forgotten by me, suddenly found me.

This time, sun Yihan's face was more serious than ever. When she saw me, she immediately said to me in a very positive tone: "big brother, I have already felt my father's position!"

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