Sun Yihan's sudden words, just like a fireworks burst in the dark night, too unexpected, and too gorgeous, let my heart suddenly tremble.

You know, the most troublesome thing for me now is to find the location of the headquarters of the bloody cherry blossom. Today I am going to take someone to find it. In fact, there is no hope at all. It is totally equivalent to groping in the dark, which is more difficult than looking for a needle in a haystack.

But all of a sudden, sun Yihan said that she sensed her father's position. It was just a timely help. I was very excited.

Compared with the position of blood cherry blossom, I think my father's position is more important. After all, even if we go to the nest of black Luocha, we may not find my father.

The most important task of my trip to Miao is, of course, to save my father. As long as I help my father out of his predicament, and then combine with my father's strength to deal with the black Luocha, the odds are much better. So, finding my Dad first is more important than anything.

Although sun Yihan mentioned to me before leaving, she had telepathy to her father. Within a certain range, she could sense her father's position.

However, at that time, I didn't take it seriously at all, because I didn't believe in this kind of ethereal things. I didn't feel reliable. I promised to bring her here, but the greater reason was that I saw grandfather Bai's face. However, now, sun Yihan told me this matter seriously, my heart was shaken directly. I could not help but say to sun Yihan excitedly, "what you said is true?"

Hearing this, sun Yihan nodded to me with certainty. Then, she suddenly pointed to my right side and said solemnly, "well, it's true. This morning, grandfather Bai was practicing Tai Chi over there. I went to play with him. As soon as I got there, my heart suddenly jumped. I'm sure that I feel like my father's position!"

When she said this, sun Yihan's expression was very serious. Her eyes were clear and her voice was sincere. I also knew that she was a simple girl and would not lie. After sun Yihan finished speaking, grandfather Bai slowly came over from my right side.

When grandfather Bai came to me, I immediately asked him, "what do you think, grandfather?"

White grandfather looked at Xiaofang, then, looked at me, if thinking: "it should be true, this is our last chance, you look like a headless fly, it is not the way, try it!"

When I heard this, I was more excited and excited than ever before.

To tell you the truth, sun Yihan really gave me great hope, let my dark heart light up, I can't help but want to believe her, but, this is not trivial, I can't be too excited and hasty, I must be careful, grandfather Bai's answer is to give me a reassurance, but I have to deal with it carefully.

Next, I focused on discussing with sun Yihan. Sun Yihan repeated with me many times, saying that it would never be wrong. She was very sure that her telepathy was very accurate. She was 100% sure that her father was still alive, and that he was not far away. If they were too far apart, she would not be able to sense her father's existence.

Under sun Yihan's repeated reiterations, I almost completely believe sun Yihan's words, but even so, I can't guarantee her feeling is right. To determine whether this matter is accurate or not, it is OK to send someone to take sun Yihan for confirmation. However, I am worried that sun Yihan may not return.

After all, the place where my father was trapped must be extremely dangerous. Otherwise, my father would have escaped long ago. If sun Yihan's feeling was accurate, she would be in danger if she went there.

I can't let Sun Yihan take too much risks. What's more, if she doesn't come back, we won't be able to find my father's position. So, in the end, we decided that the whole army would go out, led by sun Yihan, and we would march towards her position.

Of course, this is also the last way. We are equal to fighting. If we really find my father's position, it is naturally the best. We take this opportunity to attack directly. If we don't find it, we will waste some energy and resources. Anyway, in my heart, I still believe that sun Yihan can lead us to find it.

After the decision, we immediately prepared, because the car can not drive into the path, we can only march on foot. At nine o'clock in the morning, we are ready. With our equipment and dry food, our whole team will start in an orderly manner.

Grandfather Bai and sun Yihan were at the forefront to protect her. Our team of more than 600 people followed closely in accordance with the order.

Sun Yihan is our direction sign. We follow her wherever she goes. As for the specific location we are going to, sun Yihan is not sure. She just keeps her eyes closed and senses the direction all the way. As sun Yihan's crutch, grandfather Bai leads sun Yihan along the way.

This scene, said to be a bit funny, we such a large team, relying on a little girl traction, aimless walking.

Brothers, I don't think it's good to go on for a long time.In particular, the so-called induction, which has no basis at all, is even more ridiculous to our brothers.

so, for a long time, the brothers couldn't help but Tucao make complaints about their own.

Don't talk about brothers, even I'm more and more upset. In the early days, I didn't believe in telepathy at all. Today I heard sun Yihan promise me that, and I tried to believe it. The main thing is that I was too eager to find my father, and there was no other way to find them. We couldn't even find the headquarters of red cherry blossom. Therefore, I had to believe in sun Yihan.

However, after walking for such a long time, I have no clue. My heart is naturally uneasy. I am also afraid that sun Yihan will take the wrong road and let so many of us go for a blind trip.

At the scene, only grandfather Bai insisted on believing Xiaofang's ability, and I, although I was wavering, didn't want to disobey grandfather Bai, and I didn't want to give up halfway. I could only encourage my brother and ask everyone not to be discouraged, and told everyone to be vigilant at any time to prevent unexpected surprise attack and prepare for battle.

In this way, we followed sun Yihan and walked for two hours. After two hours, our road became more and more remote. More and more barren, feel, we have come to no man's land, very desolate kind.

At this time, an intelligence brother suddenly ran up to me and reported to me: "boss, I came to this place yesterday when I was searching. There is a dead end ahead and I can't walk!"

This intelligence brother was a member of the Pathfinder yesterday. As soon as he opened his mouth, the brothers immediately stopped. At this moment, almost all the personnel decided that it was impossible for sun Yihan to lead us to our destination. My heart was also tightly clenched. I said to sun Yihan at the front: "little sister, don't go, this is the dead end ahead!"

When sun Yihan heard my voice, he immediately stopped and looked back at me. He said firmly: "no, my feeling is clearer now. My father is in front of me."

Sun Yihan firmly believes in his own feelings, but it does not mean that the brothers believe that everyone does not want to play with a little girl. More and more brothers complain and say they don't want to leave. Especially some of the wounded feel that walking here is suffering and they don't want to go on.

I understand the feelings of my brothers. I don't believe sun Yihan any more. However, sun Yihan is so resolute. If I turn back in vain at this time, it will not only hurt her enthusiasm, but also cut off my own way and waste the two hours of hard work. However, if we continue to go on like this, the brothers will complain more and waste more energy.

For a time, I don't know how to choose, heart entangled.

Sun Yihan saw my dilemma and knew that some people were against it. After a pause, she said to me again: "big brother, you can believe me once. I really feel my father. It's in front of me. It's not far away!"

I can hear that sun Yihan's tone is a little anxious. She is very confident in her own telepathy, but she is worried because of our hesitation. However, no matter how confident she was, her brothers still couldn't believe her. After all, the place did not seem to have a way out and there was no sign of people.

At this time, the white grandfather opened his mouth, he said to me very solemnly: "Arlo, come here, go on walking, I believe in Yihan this child!"

In the eyes of all people, grandfather Bai is regarded as a respected elder. He has said so, and it is not good for others to say anything more. In fact, it's the same truth. I'd rather believe it or not. I've come here. No matter what, I have to go on. If I can find my dad in front of me, it's the best. If there is no way to go, it can at least let Xiao Fang die.

So, I didn't say any more, and directly ordered: "go on

Hearing my order, the brothers immediately took action, and all the members followed sun Yihan forward again.

It took about ten minutes, and sure enough. As the intelligence brother said just now, this is a dead end, because there is a cliff in front of us. If we go forward, we will jump down the cliff directly.

Can not help, the brothers all stopped, did not continue to move forward, can not continue to move, everyone's face. We can't help but look gloomy. We can see that everyone's mood is not high. However, everyone is not too disappointed, because they have no hope and can't talk about much disappointment. They just walk in vain for such a long time, which inevitably leads to some tiredness and disillusionment.

My heart also can't help but fall to the bottom of the valley, feeling a gray, but Sun Yihan still did not give up, she is still very sure of her feelings, has been moving forward, as if there is an invisible thing pulling her, even if the front is a cliff. She did not fear, and kept approaching the cliff.

Until she went to the edge of the cliff, white grandfather just in time to hold sun Yihan.

Sun Yihan stopped immediately. Then, she pointed to the bottom of the cliff and solemnly said to us, "my father is down there!"

Her voice is beyond doubt, standing beside her white grandfather smell speech, immediately follow sun a finger direction to look down.

This look, white grandfather's face suddenly fusion, and then, he directly turned back to me and called: "Arlo, you come and see!"As soon as I heard the words of grandfather Bai, my gray heart suddenly became bright, and hope came along. Without hesitation, I immediately ran forward.

When I came to the edge of the cliff, I found that the cliff was not high, only more than ten meters. There was a small Canyon under the cliff. However, when I looked down, my heart suddenly jumped up, and an invisible fear devoured me. As far as I can see, that is, the canyon under the cliff is full of poisonous animals such as snakes, spiders, centipedes and so on.

What's more, on the dense poisonous insects, there are a lot of dense white bones, which are shocking and frightening

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