This scene really shocked my eyes. In an instant, my heart was going to jump out of my throat. Every pore in my body was full of cold.

Since I came to the hinterland of red cherry blossom, I have seen a lot of things beyond my knowledge, some of which have never been heard before. For example, the veiled woman can summon a poisonous bee and a venomous snake, which is already incredible.

However, compared with the poisons under the cliff, those things are just children's children. Centipedes, scorpions and all kinds of poisonous spiders are full of extremely poisonous and extremely vicious poisons, even if one or two are usually encountered. It's going to be creepy.

At this moment, I saw a lot of them. It was really terrible. Especially, the forest and white bones below were too terrible. Needless to say, they must be human beings killed by these poisons. Such a large number of poisonous insects can really destroy everything.

Involuntarily, my heart trembled violently, and my fear and anxiety increased. If sun Yihan was right and Zhang Huxiao was under the cliff, who are these white bones? My dad, they're dead?

I didn't dare to think about it. The more I thought about it, the more painful my heart was, and my chest was almost suffocating. At this time, my grandfather Bai suddenly said, "these are rare poison. Every poisonous insect can easily kill human beings. Their poison has the effect of blocking the throat with blood.". If you can gather so many poisons here, you can't find a second person in the whole world except black Luocha

When I heard this, my brain couldn't help shaking. If so, this is the masterpiece of black Rosa. No wonder, my father's people will be planted in the hands of black Luocha. It turns out that this woman is more terrible than I imagined. If the poisons below are summoned by black Luocha, then my father is really defeated by these poisonous substances?

My heart shook twice again, I quickly asked the white grandfather: "the white bone below, is my father's person? Grandfather Bai, can my father have an accident? "

White grandfather directly shook his head and said, "I don't know. It's just that so many poisonous insects are concentrated here. It's really incredible that black Luocha has taken great pains to deal with your father!"

Sun Yihan on one side listened to our conversation and said with certainty: "there must be living people below. I can feel the breath of my father. Big brother, let's go down and look for it."

Sun Yihan said it easily, as if thousands of poisonous insects were ordinary ants. She didn't care at all. However, her words have cleared my mind of worry, let me calm a lot. I believe my dad is still alive. Because I believe in sun Yihan.

Up to now, I'm sure that sun Yihan really has the ability of sensing. After all, she brought us here by sensing, and the Poison below is the masterpiece of Hei Luocha, so this place must be the place where my father was trapped.

Since Xiao Fang is sure that his father is still alive, and my father is with her father, and his strength is stronger than sun Xiangru, then he must be alive. He must be like sun Xiangru, down here.

In this way, my hope was ignited in an instant, and I seemed to see the light again. However, the scene in front of me was so shocking that I couldn't wait for a long time. After a pause, I said to sun Yihan: "don't worry. It's dangerous below. I'll think of a way first."

Brothers came to the cliff and looked down. Seeing this strange scene, all the brothers' faces could not help turning pale. Everyone was shocked. Even Qiqi was shocked to see this scene.

When I saw Kiki, I immediately remembered that she had tried to drive away the poisonous snakes of the veiled woman last time. So, I quickly asked Qiqi: "Qiqi, do you have any way?"

In the face of these terrible poisons, my head is numb. I can't think of any way to crack them. I can only hope for Qiqi. However, Qiqi listened to my words and shook her head without hesitation: "no, I don't know about these poisonous insects, I don't know that black Luocha still has this ability!"

I know that Qiqi has done a lot of homework on the blood cherry blossom. She knows what she can understand, but Qiqi certainly can't understand black Luocha. After all, Hei Luocha has been closed for many years, and she seldom shows up. There is hardly anything that needs her to come out of the mountain in person. She has no ability, and she has never revealed it.

It can be said that she is the most mysterious. How can Qiqi easily find out her bottom. Naturally, Kiki had no response. In addition, scorpions, centipedes, spiders are the king of poisonous insects. Ordinary things can't deal with them at all.

Since there is no way to deal with these poisons, how can I find my father? As long as you go down to the bottom of the cliff, you will be swallowed up by these poisons. Then, the end will be the same as those white bones.

But even so, I still didn't give up. I came here all the way to save my father. I couldn't give up.

Therefore, I immediately gathered with my brothers to brainstorm solutions.

It was suggested to burn it.

I think this proposal is good, but Qiqi flatly rejected it. She said solemnly, "No. With fire, we can't get rid of these poisonous insects. On the contrary, we can frighten the snake. Now the reason why these poisonous insects stay in the canyon. It must be because there are people they are dealing with. Their target is the people in the canyon. If we alarm them, draw attention, and wait for them to climb up, we are all in dangerQiqi's point is very reasonable. Indeed, the attention of the poisonous insects under the cliff is not in our place. If we start the fire and let them attack back, we will be in danger of annihilation. I don't want to die without a whole body like the white bones below. These abnormal poisonous insects can even destroy my father's people. What else can't they swallow.

In the end, the proposal was not passed. Then, we kept discussing. Many people expressed their opinions and put forward various suggestions, but they were all rejected. Because, according to grandfather Bai, those poisonous insects are so powerful that they can tear your clothes. Therefore, some people propose to pack themselves tightly, which also doesn't work.

Unless we are dressed like iron man and covered with iron, we can avoid the attack of poisonous insects. However, this proposal is ridiculous. Let alone how much time it will take to make a suit of steel, even if it is done. Then, wearing this thing, the action will become quite inconvenient. If there are enemy hands below, we are covered with iron, and there is no room for us to use force, and we will be slaughtered directly.

After discussing for a long time, we couldn't come up with a feasible way. The army of poisonous insects produced by black Luocha was equivalent to the vast Yellow River, which directly blocked my way, so that I couldn't save my father even if I wanted to. In the end, everyone simply gave up and said there was no way.

Even grandfather Bai can't find a way to solve the crisis of these poisonous insects. Although he is a miracle doctor, he can find a way to detoxify people, but he can't drive away so many serious poisons. Moreover, as Qiqi said before, if you don't have a way to completely kill the poison, the final result is to alarm them and let them eat us back.

Without absolute certainty, we must not disturb the poisons below, nor can we run down and die automatically. That is to say, there is nothing we can do to rescue my father.

Almost everyone was completely discouraged, but I still did not give up. I just didn't believe in fate. When all of them were helpless, I suddenly said in a deep voice: "everyone stay on top, stand by, I'll go down alone!"

Hearing this, the whole audience was shocked, and the scene suddenly fell into a silence, but after a moment, one voice after another sounded. All the voices are against it. Obviously, no one will agree with my proposal. As we all know, this is a moth to a fire. There are thousands of poisonous insects under me. As soon as I go down, I will surely die and I can't die any more. Therefore, all my brothers strongly oppose my going down.

At the time of rising opposition, I accentuated my tone and solemnly said, "don't worry, I'll be OK. Isn't the poison of blood rose helpless to me? I feel that my body is invincible now. I'm not afraid of those poisonous insects

My words were like a tranquilizer, which instantly calmed the brothers. For the brothers present, I was indeed a miracle. I was poisoned by the blood rose, which not only did not become obsolete, but also greatly increased my strength. This reversal has made my brothers still remember vividly. Everyone clearly remembers how I got the needle and how I became stronger. How to turn defeat into victory and kill blood rose. Therefore, my brothers naturally believe what I said, thinking that I may really have an invincible body.

However, the well-informed grandfather Bai didn't agree with me. He stood up and retorted, "Arlo, don't make a fool of yourself. These poisonous insects are extremely poisonous, and their toxicity is countless times stronger than that of blood rose. Plum blossom poison just makes people lose their combat effectiveness. And the toxicity of these poisonous insects, as long as they invade your body, can make people die instantly, and the gods can't save them! "

Grandfather Bai is a leader in the field of traditional Chinese medicine. He has been studying medicine all his life. He must have understood all kinds of poisons very well. He just knew how terrible the poison was. He would have refuted me so harshly.

After listening to grandfather Bai's words, my heart really shook, but I made up my mind that it would not change. My father is down there. In any case, I will not ignore him. I will never give up any chance. Unconsciously, my eyes become more determined. I looked at the white grandfather deeply, said frankly: "grandfather, you have to believe me, I can really drive away the toxicity, I feel, those little insects can't do anything for me, anyway, I will go down to try. Since you believe in Yihan so much. You should know that my father and her father are all down here. We have gone through a lot of hardships to come here now. I don't want to give up like this. I must go in to find them and see how they are doing

My words are very serious, and my tone is full of impassioned meaning.

White grandfather smell speech, can't help but frown, he is very dignified looking at me, asked: "can you have an accident how to do, you don't want to die like this!"

I said firmly, "I'll be OK!"

When I said this, my self-confidence was rising, and the color of determination in my eyes could not help but become stronger. I knew that this was the only way, but there was no way out. Only I go down, there is a trace of chance of immortality, because, my physical quality is really special, I also really defuse the blood rose poison, the toxicity is not fatal, but it is very strong, I can clearly feel that it almost absorbed all my strength, but the gas I sent out from the elixir field, finally swallowed it, the combination of the two let me body The body has changed, and a stronger natural spirit has emerged.If there is a natural gas that seems to be nonexistent, it is like gathering the aura between heaven and earth. It is extremely powerful. With it, I believe that any poison can do nothing for me.

White grandfather felt my self-confidence, also saw my firmness, for a moment, he was silent down, into meditation.

After a long pause, grandfather Bai said, "do you really plan to go down?"

I looked at the white grandfather solemnly and said solemnly, "yes!"

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